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The FLOT Line Show

Rick Hughes Ministries

Welcome to The FLOT Line, with your host, Rick Hughes. For the next 30 minutes, you will be inspired, motivated, and educated, but never manipulated. FLOT is an acronym for Forward Line of Troops. The show teaches principles from the Bible and focuses on God’s 10 unique problem-solving devices. If you choose to learn and apply them, they will act as a main line of resistance in your soul, a FLOT line, preventing the outside sources of adversity from becoming the inside pressure of stress in ...
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show series
You can only have an impact on the devil’s world if you choose to renovate your thinking and grow to spiritual maturity. “Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me. My yoke is easy and My burden is light” (Matt 11:28-29). This is how you will be made rich spiritually because you will develop a treasure in your soul—the treasure of the Word of God. You’…
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When we don’t discipline ourselves, we wind up assassinating our spiritual lives. You must be able to control your sin nature and stay filled with the Holy Spirit. What makes you a good Christian is following the protocol plan of God. “Christ in you the hope of glory” (Col 1:27). How do you TRASH your spiritual life and become a castaway believer? …
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Self-examination based on Scripture is critical for every Christian. “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer” (Psalm 19:14). Success starts with what you think in your soul. Remember, God hears your words and knows what you are thinking. “Let no unwholesome word proceed …
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If you want to be the person God can use, you must realize your position in Christ and not be distracted. You need to recognize when you sin, use the problem-solving device of rebound, and recover your spiritual momentum. This is key to living the Christian life. “Be filled with the Holy Spirit” (Eph 5:18). This is a mandate from God. Realize the i…
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You must never blend or bend in your faith. Defend the truth of God’s Word. “Retain the standard of sound doctrine that you have received from me in the faith and the love which are in Christ Jesus. Guard by means of the Holy Spirit who dwells in you the treasure which has been entrusted to you” (2 Tim 1:13-14). The quickest way to get disqualified…
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The supernatural blessings and privileges you have as a member of the royal family of God do not guarantee supernatural success. You must decide to run the race, to follow the rules, to stay on course and to complete the mission. You must learn to control your volition to stay filled with Holy Spirit and not get distracted by the lures of the world…
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To reach spiritual maturity you must have the self-discipline to learn God’s Word on a consistent, daily basis. This requires using your volition to prioritize God’s Word in your life and to say no to the lures of the world. You must also have self-control. This is learned from the Word of God. “In your knowledge, self-control, and in your self-con…
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God leaves you here on this earth “To press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Phil 3:14). God has given you the resources to ensure you win the race. If you are going to get the winner's crown you must have self-control, self-discipline and self-restraint. Self-control: using your volition to keep your sinfu…
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A castaway believer doesn’t have the interest nor takes the time to learn God’s plan for their life so God has to set them aside and find someone else that will do the job. “Grow in the grace and knowledge of your Lord and Savior” is a mandate from God (2 Pet 3:18). God wants you to run strong and finish the race. “Do you not know that those who ru…
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Are you hungry for in-depth teaching of God’s Word, or are you satisfied with mere spiritual appetizers? “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied” (Matt 5:6). This capacity righteousness is developed only by staying filled with the Holy Spirit and sustaining spiritual momentum through daily study. If y…
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God’s plan is clear. “He is not willing that any should perish” (2 Pet 3:9). He doesn’t want anyone to reject Jesus Christ as Savior and spend eternity in the Lake of Fire. God’s plan is for you to grow to spiritual maturity and re-present Christ in your life. To do this you need to learn under the ministry of a well-qualified pastor. "If you love …
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Your objective is to be Christlike, to think with the mind of Christ. “It is no longer I but Christ in me” (Gal 2:20). Daily you face three enemies that will try to keep you from achieving your objective: the world, the flesh (your sin nature), and the deceptions of the devil. These enemies will attempt to keep you from growing to spiritual maturit…
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Why do people suffer? Often because of our own bad decisions. That’s why it’s so important to think with a divine viewpoint acquired by learning and applying the Word of God. As man, Jesus suffered as we do, and He handled it the same way we do. By staying filled with the Holy Spirit and using the faith-rest drill. Jesus was the Christian prototype…
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Suffering is an opportunity for blessing. All suffering-for-blessing is designed by God for you to advance to spiritual maturity and glorify Him. Respond to suffering by applying the Word of God to your circumstances and you will put muscle on your spiritual life. God will never give you more testing than you can handle. “No testing has overtaken y…
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Information you hear and understand is knowledge. Information you hear, understand and apply is full knowledge. Your objective is to learn and store God's Word in your soul so you can use it daily. The Christian life is supernatural and is to be lived under the filling of the Holy Spirit empowered by God’s Word. You live it in your mind. “Thou will…
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What you think is critically important. God holds you responsible for what you think and the decisions you make. “As a man thinks in his heart, so he is” (Prov 23:7). Momentum in the Christian life is hearing and keeping God’s Word. Your power comes from the filling of the Holy Spirit and the living Word of God. As goes your thoughts, so goes your …
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Do you have the faith to stand alone and trust God to handle the details of your circumstances? “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for; the conviction of things not seen” (Heb 11:1). Do you believe God when He tells you something, as recorded in the Bible? “For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind” (2 Ti…
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There are three phases to God’s plan for your life. Phase one is salvation. Phase two is time on earth. Phase three is eternity. Once you’ve accepted Christ as your Savior, you know your ultimate destiny is to spend eternity in heaven with God. How will you know your destiny in phase two? By studying the Word of God under the teaching of a qualifie…
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Occupation with Christ is one of the greatest problem-solving devices. “To put on the Lord Jesus Christ” (Rom 13:14). It is focusing your thoughts on Him “Put your eyes on Him the author and finisher of our faith” (Heb 12:2). Jesus came into this world as the undiminished deity and true humanity in one body, the God-Man. As man, Jesus Christ faced …
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Sharing the happiness of God is an amazing problem-solving device. It is a state of your soul. Capacity for happiness can be enjoyed in living and dying. “Happy is the person who keeps the laws of divine establishment” (Prov 29:18). How do you get this happiness? Acquire the mind of Christ. Be consistent in your spiritual life. Being happy is a man…
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You can have fantastic happiness, security, and tranquility. Jesus told His disciples and us, “I have told you these things that My happiness may be in you and your happiness might be fulfilled” (John 15:11). The Word of God teaches us how to have true happiness. Happiness is a state of mind. “Happiness belongs to those who hear My Father’s Word an…
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To glorify God to the maximum you need to love Him. Personal love for God motivates you to obey Him. “If you love Me, you will obey Me” (1 John 5:3). Personal love for people is not commanded in the Bible. Impersonal love for others is a mandate from God. “Now that you have purified your souls by your obedience to the Truth, have a genuine love for…
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Personal love for God motivates you to use a divine viewpoint, to think with the mind of Christ. “If you love Me, you will obey Me” (1 John 5:3). Personal love for God is your motivation to use impersonal love with others. So when you love God, you are reciprocating God’s love for you. “We love Him because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19). How do y…
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Who will control your thinking and, therefore, your life? Will it be God the Holy Spirit or your sin nature? This is the moment-by-moment, decision-by-decision dilemma every believer faces. “Therefore, do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its lusts” (Rom 6:12). The mentality of your soul is the battlefield where you must be tac…
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Personal love for God is your greatest motivation. ”You shall love the Lord your God with all of your heart, with all of your soul and with all of your mind. This is the first mandate.” (Matt 22:37). The only way to love God is to know Him and to understand Him. When God’s Word is taught, the rain comes and nourishes and your spiritual life grows. …
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When you have a sense of destiny you don’t have to worry because you know Jesus Christ controls history and He guarantees you an eternal destiny through Him. Success in your spiritual life, and understanding your destiny in time depends on your attitude to learning and applying the Word of God. You have three enemies: the world, the flesh, and the …
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Grace is God providing all of our needs. Grace is neither earned nor deserved. The enemy of grace is legalism, spirituality by works. God’s unique grace provisions start with saving grace (Eph 2:8-9). Living grace “grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Pet 3:18) is staying filled with the Holy Spirit and learning God’s…
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Jesus Christ knew and used Scripture when He lived on this earth as the God-Man. He used doctrinal orientation as a problem-solving device. “Study [the Bible] to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth” (2 Tim 2:15). The Holy Spirit is the author of truth, He leads us into truth.…
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Know and use God's 10 problem-solving devices and you can stop adversity before it becomes stress in your life. The FLOT Line won’t protect you if you have unconfessed sin in your life. Problem-solving device #1 rebound needs to be in place for the others to work. They are all tied together. The Christian life can only be lived by faith, that’s the…
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True happiness is a supernatural resource only available to the believer in Jesus Christ. The filling of the Holy Spirit combined with the Word of God acquired and converted to wisdom in your soul produces joy. “Happiness belongs to those who hear My Father’s Word and keep it” (Luke 11:28). Contentment is being happy with what God gives you. The th…
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Do you know how to worship God? To worship God, you must have a living human spirit from being born again; be indwelled, filled, and empowered by God the Holy Spirit; and learn and apply God’s Word daily. “God is a spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” (John 4:24) ⁠ Click for Full Transcript:⁠ https://rhem.pub/worship…
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Forgiveness is a mandate from God. “Be kind and tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God has forgiven you” (Eph 4:32). There’s never a time when you shouldn’t forgive someone for something they do to you. People are often the greatest test in life. That’s why you need to master the problem-solving device of Impersonal Love. You forgive oth…
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Salvation—the guarantee of eternal life in heaven—is faith alone in Christ alone. It is you putting your faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross for your salvation—and nothing else. You will be in the Book of Life when you do this. If you don’t, your name is blotted out and you will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire. Yes, hell is r…
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Hell is a real place. And there is a worse place than Hell. Unbelievers are brought out of Hell to the Great White Throne of Judgment and once they are found lacking, they are then cast into the Lake of Fire. Those who reject accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior will spend everlasting life in the Lake of Fire in everlasting suffering and punishme…
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You must guard your soul with the Word of God. “Guard your soul with all diligence because out of it are the issues of life” (Prov 4:23). You guard your soul by learning and applying God’s Word. You’re in a spiritual war. If you allow God the Holy Spirit to control your life then you can be in tune with God’s will, plan, and purpose for your life. …
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You can destroy yourself by what you think. If you don’t think right, you won’t do what is right. “As a man thinks in his heart so he is” (Prov 23:7). Change the way you think to a divine viewpoint by staying filled with the Holy Spirit and studying under the ministry of a well-qualified pastor as he teaches you the Word of God. You are in full-tim…
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If you allow the world, your sin nature, or Satan to control your life you will end up with a sick soul. You make choices. When you use your volition to decide to allow the lures of the world or any of the other enemies to capture your thoughts then your sin nature takes control. You have a simple, wonderful, grace provision called rebound and you …
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Your conscience stores norms and standards you use to recognize right from wrong. Learning God’s Word is how you change your thinking from a human viewpoint to a divine viewpoint. You live by what’s in your conscience. “For as he thinks within himself, so he is” (Prov 23:7). Does your conscience honor God? “For our proud confidence is this: the tes…
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The Holy Spirit takes the Word of God we learn and uses it to lead in representing the lifestyle of Christ to others. If “we will walk in the Spirit” (Gal 5:16). You need to be filled and empowered by the Holy Spirit to acquire the mind of Christ. As you begin to think like Christ thought you will develop discernment. An enemy of the soul is a lack…
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Emotions cannot produce muscle in your soul. The Bible very clearly teaches that when we allow emotions to control our thoughts, we are allowing the sin nature to control our souls. Satan wants you to rely on your emotions because they’ll take you away from God’s plan. If you think, you’re going to be thinking about God’s plan. “Stop becoming non-t…
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“Let every soul be in subjection to the governing authorities” (Rom 13:1-2). This includes tyrannical and unjust authorities. God has allowed the authority and you are to be subject to it. God puts us under the authority and we are to obey it. God will judge abusive authority. God demands you leave judgment to Him (Deut 32:35, Matt 7:1-2). Arroganc…
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Your soul has four enemies: sin, arrogance, evil and emotion. With sin, you have three enemies: the world, the devil and the flesh. The world will distract you from advancing spiritually. The world is a distractor. Satan is a deceiver. Your flesh, the sin nature, is a destroyer. “If we walk in the Spirit [stay filled with the Holy Spirit] we won’t …
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Developing a FLOT Line in your soul by learning and using the 10 problem-solving devices will keep stress out of your soul. The thoughts that fill your soul are what make the difference. “So that you may be blameless and pure children of God even though you live in the middle of a crooked and perverse society among whom you shall shine as lights in…
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Your soul is the invisible, immortal you and without it there is no life. Your soul has a conscience, self-consciousness, volition and mentality. When you come to God-consciousness if you think “Yes, I want to know God” God will ensure you hear the gospel in your own language. If you want to know, He will reveal it. Grace and the truth of God’s Wor…
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God instructs us to be learners because learning is how you grow to spiritual maturity. “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed accurately handling the Word of Truth” (2 Tim 2:15). If you’re going to live God’s excellent plan for your life, you must learn His Word from a well-qualified pastor wh…
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The real you is invisible—it is your soul. The real you is your soul - your thinking. “As a man thinks in his soul so he is” (Ps 23:7). A man and woman can copulate and produce biological life, but only God can give soul life. “The Lord is the One who stretches out the heavens and the One who lays the foundation of the earth, and who forms the soul…
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The conventional Christian is a casual Christian—they have salvation but are ignorant of God’s plan for their life. They substitute morality and sweetness. But morality isn’t spirituality and maturity is not being sweet. The Christian life must be learned to be executed. It’s not a feeling. It’s about faith and fact. Christianity is an in-depth stu…
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People can stress you out. This is a key area of testing for us. Learn how to deal with W.O.J.s (weird obnoxious jerks) and those who want to manipulate and control you. To pass people testing you must have humility; understand the mechanics of God’s will, plan and purpose for your life; and develop divine viewpoint thinking. “Let this mind be in y…
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Being impulsive is a lack of humility. Impulsiveness can destroy you. “A person’s arrogance will bring him low, but a lifestyle of wisdom will attain honor” (Prov 23:29). You must understand God’s Word if you’re going to speak about Him. Think before you speak. If you’re impulsive you give Satan an advantage. Don’t run ahead of God. “A fool express…
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The filling of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God empowers you to live the Christian life. The world’s problems can’t be solved apart from the Word of God and the laws of divine establishment. Human solutions are no solutions. “A person’s arrogance will bring him low but a lifestyle of wisdom will attain honor” (Prov 23:29). Humility is the founda…
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