show episodes
"A Rifleman never stops learning, a Rifleman never stops teaching. A Rifleman continuously seeks ways to to protect the freedoms and liberties the Founding Fathers left us, to improve himself, his home, his family, his community, his state and his nation, everyday of his life. A Rifleman adapts, a Rifleman overcomes and a Rifleman persists. This is not just some fancy gilded rhetoric we throw around like popcorn and pennies. This is the code we live by here. There is nothing wrong, no matter ...
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show series
About twice a year we will do a show where we go over the skills and techniques required to make the shot. Tonight will be one of those shows. A refresher on using your sling during shooting. The shooting positions used by Riflemen, including steadu hold factors in the positions and how body geometry affects the shooter's position. "Natural Point o…
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Hye Guys, Doingt the show on thursdays was strated because I had to keep the weekends open and wanted to do the show during the week in case there were events coming for the weekend that I needed to promote when I was at appleseed. But with my new schedule, I need to change dates agaion and will start doing the show at 7:30PM on Saturday nights. I …
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I want to talk about several of the battles that occurred in the month of May, during The American Revolutionary War. The Battle of Cedars, Megs Raid and The Battle of Waxhaws. These battles were part of the eight long years of The Ameican Revolutionary War. Only one, Meg's Raid was actually a successful battle given Patriot sucess status. The Ceda…
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We will cover a variety of subjects tonight. I want to talk about training in inclement weather, with gear on, wearing protective eye wear and gloves. All of the protective gear you need to wear can make a big difference in how you perform, and can men the difference between making it to the end of gh event or not. Catching a secondary projectile i…
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There has been a lot of discussion of late concerning what would happen if we had any type of an event which would cause local, state or federal government to go on high alert or actually shut down all, or portions, of our city, state or naation. We have seen a rash of "training" events lately and will undoubtedly see a lot more of them. The govern…
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Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed December 14th, 2010 in Arizona's Peck Canyon by Mexican bandits carrying weapons illegally provided to them through Operation Fast and Furious. Kent Terry, Agent Brian Terry's brother, will be our guest to discuss the events surrounding the murder of Agent Terry and the situation which unfolded after the m…
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In the lead up tp the events of April 19th, 1775, there were a series of events which primed the pump of the American COlonists and allowed them to become very prepared for that first day of conflict. These events were known as "The Powder Alarms". Tonight we will discuss how they affected the colonists and how we are experiencing the same deadly "…
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The American Revolutionary War did not start off out of the blue. It had been percolating for over 40 years, and can trace back it's roots almost 100 years. It began with the people's belief that they had the ability to govern them selves, and the governments belief that the people were there to submit to governmental rule. We find ourselves more a…
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People are always asking me about what type firearms, or what forms of martial arts, are the best bet for self defense, but the most important and versatile tool you can use to defend yourself and your loved ones is already in your posession, it is attached right above your shoulders. You win 100% of the gunfights/fist fights/robberies/carjackings/…
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"What a beautiful day!, we should go to the range and do some shooting" And you should, but since the chances you will experience some form of inclement weather during rough situations, you should also try to make sure you understand how you and your firearm and additional gear funtion in rain, snow, ice heat etc. What you do, what your gear does w…
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Tonight we have Alabama Entreprenuer Danny Cook on the show to discuss building a home made methane digester, using commonly available materials and supplies, how it is built, what it does and how to collect and store the fuel as well as different by products created by this process. Mr. Cook is an extemely sharp inventor/entreprenuer and he will b…
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One of the secrets to a great garden is what you feed it. You control the garden's diet and what you get out of it is directly related to what you put into it. Composting is going to be a key ingredient to feeding your garden, keeping the soil alive and healthy, and making sure you are reusing the stuff that is coing out of the home rather than add…
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It is that time of year. Time to get the sprng garden plots ready for the coming year. Picking out what you want to grow, what you want to eat in the coming year, how much of it, where it will be planted. While it is still cold over muchh of the nation, nothing is stopping you from preparing soil, selecting seeds, and getting the stuff ready for th…
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We had a great "Ghosts of Goliad" Fundamentals of Rifle course this last weekend with the Central Texas Militia. They did a great job and we hope to work with them again in the future. They are doing their best to insure they have thew rifle skills to defend their selves and their loved ones, and the State of Texas and The Constitution of The Unite…
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BattleRoad ran a III%er/Grid Down Radio course last weekend and it was a great class with tons of info and hands on work with ensuring you are able to initiate and maintain communictions with the outside world in the event of a "grid down" scenario. We will talk a bit about the class and also the about the importance of intelligence gathering, the …
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Thanksgiving is the time of the year when the harvests have been brought in, the year is drawing to a close for outside work, people would be putting away foods to take them through the winter, and folks would gather together and celebrate another year. Duing these gatherings, folks would discuss the things that had happened to them during the year…
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Sparks31 has been on the shsow previously to speak about the skills and techniques needed to initiate and maintain communications with the outside world, using your own equipment, FRS, CB and Ham Radios, during a "grid down" situation. He returns tonight to continue that discussion and to talk about what he will be teaching at the upcoming BattleRo…
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Mark Vanderboegh is the driving force behind the "Sipsey Street Irregulars", the blog you can find at, the Patriot who originated the term III%er, and alleged leader of a merry band of Three Percenters, Second amendment activist, arms smuggler and citizen journalist who helped break the story of the Fast & …
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There is a lot of excitement after the elections yesterday. But this has happened before with Republicans taking control of the house and senate, and then.....nothing. They sat around and toasted each other on their success and said it was too hard to get anything done. We need to start tomorrow, repairing the damage done by ALL of the previous adm…
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Join us Thursday night, 7:00PM CST for a few hours with our guest Becky Akers. Becky Akers is an Author, historian, columnist and an American Patriot. She has been writing about the American situation and speaking to the American people for many years in an attempt to inform them of the dangers of encroaching governmental controls. Taking on the TS…
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Join us tonight to discuss the second part of 'Making The Shot', including inches, minutes and clicks, how they pertain to your rifle, how to understand what your targets are trying to tell you, and information for distance shooting. We will have some prepping reminders, a bit of Texas history and an after action for the Ghosts of Goliad class this…
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We have covered the information for making the shot a few times on the show, but I like to do it at least once a year as a introduction to new folks and as a refresher for the folks who have heard it or been to a fundamentals course. Tonight we are going to cover safety rules, why you need a sling, the different steps required to make the shot, zer…
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Having the ability to provide immediate first aid to yourself or others is an important aspect of individual and group self reliance. And the only way to really do this is to have some of the things you will need to provide that first aid on your person, in your vehicle, in your home or camp when the need arises. But what do you really need? if you…
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Tonight we will talk about the upcoming Zombie Biathlon scheduled for October 11th, 2014, a 4.5 mile looping course with 8 stations for rifle and pistol with obstacles between stations. Designed to test folks stamina, shooting skills and gear. And, The "Ghosts of Goliad" fundamentals of rifle course coming in September 27/28, 2014. A rock solid fun…
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It is time for another assault on the Constitution. With Harry Reid pushing SJR19 back in May he has begun another effort to limit Political Freedom of Speech. Before the American War for Independence, colonists in America faced a very dangerous situation when speaking their minds about politictians. You could be arrested, beaten, imprisoned and ev…
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I get asked all the time about what firearms people should procure for end of the world situations. First off, as you know, I consider "the end of the world scenarios" to be the last type scenario you should be preparing for, but it just so happens that most of the weapons I would suggest for the end of the world will also work in all of the most c…
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I want to finish up last week's discussion on starting fires and purchasing and storing bulk dry foods and medicines. I also want to go over the lessons learned from the last 11 days of the Precision Rifle and Stalking and Camouflage courses. We had a great week and half here at BattleRoadUSA and I want to share some of the information I learned wi…
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A quick overview of water purification and storage and some talk about buying medicine and dry foods in bulk and storing them now. We will also discuss firestarting methods, and learning to develop and use the skills now, before you ever have to use them in real life situations. We will have a short AAR for the Precision Rifle Course and a notice o…
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BattleRoad will run our 5 Day Precision Rifle Course this coming week and tonight we will discuss what it takes to make the shot at distance with BattleRoadUSA Precision Rifle Instructor/Shooter John Hawes. John has been shooting for over 20 years, and shooting professionally for the last 12 years. A graduate of 5 Sniper Schools, SSgt Hawes was emp…
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We are bombarded every day with news of rebels in Syria that must be "dealt with", rebels that we kind fo actually armed. Ukranians rebelling and Russia supposedly needing to be "dealt with", China "misbehaving" and needing to be "dealt with". Why? Why is our government pushing so hard in the direction of war? Historical cycles have shown us time a…
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We have a tendency to wait until the last minute to do anything. And we can usually pull it off at the last minute for most things. However, there are some cases where this just won't work, and being prepared to feed and defend yourself and your loved ones is ne of those cases. Don't wait until the last minute to begin your preps. Tonight we talk a…
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Tonight will be our second part in a series of discussions with Sparks31 on "Grid Down" communications. BattleRoad will be hosting a class with Sparks31 in December and we are sponsoring these discussions to help prepare for the course and to disseminate as much information as possible on how to set up and maintain a communications operation and to…
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Tonight we will discuss the current immigration problems facing America. What is happening along the borders of America and what we might face down the road from unchecked illegal immigration. Mexico just signed a special agreement with several of the Central American countries giving them a special pass if they are heading towards America, fast tr…
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Sparks31 is an experienced instructor in communications for use in home and in the field. He is an expert in the equipment and procedures which can be used in all situations, but has become most well known for the teaching about the skills, techniques and gear needed in a grid down or cessation of services event. He will be teaching at the BattleRo…
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Logic tells us that if something can not go on forever, then it will end. The way we are running the nation today can not go on forever, so it must end. What will happen when it ends? How will it end? What are you doing to prepare for the possible rough times ahead? Also the role of media in the problems we face today. WHy you only get som of the i…
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A lot of folks say we are at the end of an era. That we have run the nation, the world, the earth, into the dirt and into the last chapter of our current, modern history. There is talk of our own nation freezing up financially, of banks and Wall Street ruining us, of our nation degenerating into a civil war. Desperation, War, Chaos. We have alwasy …
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Join me tonight to discuss the importance of running a good dry fire game on a regular basis. I have talked about this before, but I want to make sure I am reminding folks that the best way to keep your skills sharp is to make sure you are running a good dry fire game. If you are listening live, you can call in at 347-308-8790 and follow the call s…
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On September 1st, 1774, General Thomas Gage, Royal Governor of The Massachusetts Bay Colonies, responded to the protests of the Massachusetts Bay Colonists, who were upset by years of opression and the implementation of "The Intolerable Acts", by staging a raid to remove the gunpowder stored in a powder storage magazine. Gage had been sent a note f…
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So many folks think that being prepared means you have to be prepared for anything and everything, all at once, or not at all. It is that all or nothing thing that kills most folks plans who are thinking about starting their preps. If you can do that great, but I like to think of it like being stranded out in the middle of nowhere, in a rental car …
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U.S. Army Col. Harry G. Riley, retired, who runs the Patriots for America website, and founder of the "Operation American Spring" event is my guest tonight. Colonel Riley has been in the news lately for the creation of an event, modeled on the 33 million Egyptians who stood up to their government and removed the Muslim Brotherhood officials from of…
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Tom Stalcup, Producer of the Epix Documentary "TWA Flight 800" and Hannk Hughes Lead NTSB Investigator for the TWA Flight 800 crash, will be my guest tonight. TWA Flight 800 exploded in midair and crashed into the sea off the coast of Long Island, July 17, 1996 killing all of the crew and passengers. It was one of the deadliest airline crashes in A…
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Jim Neighbors was not satisfied with the way mainstream media was covering stories and wanted a way to get information directly out to Americans, right in front of their faces in a way that would make it hard for them to ignore. As plainly written as possible. But how to do that? Well, it seems that millions of people drive under overpasses on thei…
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Hey Guys, a problem has come up with using the Appleseed Project message system to send out show reminders. While the show is the sole property of myself and is in no way affiliated with The Appleseed Project, we have been using their mail system to send out show reminders. Since we can no longer use that system, I have started up a mail chimp acco…
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