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And away we go! Buckle in for the first chapter in the Budokon Guru Killer Experience. We're still in London but we're getting all the way over to Whitefish, Montana via Portland, Oregon. We meander through a tough Livestream I did with Yasmin Ibrahim (this Shig doesn't cry...she did this time though!) which was the catalyst for this entire thing e…
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And Here. We. Go. Finally, we're diving into my Budokon Montana Guru Killer Experience. Condensing 30-days of consecutive opportunities to "practice living as the best version of myself" amidst a 20-plus strong tribe on The Shayne's ranch in Whitefish, Montana USA. Join me as I recall various experiences, discuss ideas and slice in some live audio …
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Oh Hello 2022...Life as per usual has been kicking my butt. But(t) I've been kicking it back! Get your ears hooked into this completely raw, somewhat unedited but entirely entertaining life update in all things Shiggi. It includes tasty morsels like levelling up in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, living the good life in Montana and what's next for this glorio…
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Happiness, it's the goal. Or so we're lead to believe. It's easy to live a life where you do your work, have a bit of fun and then you die (maybe you have a kid or two on the way) but what happens when you ask yourself what happiness means to you? When you've reached that "goal" what happens when you ask, "Now what?" - this is my story of exactly t…
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The gremlins well and truly got stuck in with this one! Still - from the live stream (every Tuesday on my Facbook page/profile and YouTube channel at 10am UK time) we meander through the world of experiencing and living through "the suck". It's another brief flurry of martial arts hijinx then we settle into the March Metamorphosis challenge I got s…
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When Knowledge equals Death. A bit drastic? Yes. But I learned about PodFade recently and expanded those thoughts to many other times in my life where being overwhelmed in one fashion or another meant stopping that activity. Are your hobbies turning into jobs and dying too? There are some ways to manage this, in this episode.…
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Like a wounded donkey, the show will go on! This episode has been sitting on my hard drive waiting to see the light of day for about 3 weeks. And today (a random Friday) it finally lives. Lockdown 3 in the UK is ravaging on. Whilst work is great, my static state isn't. So episode 31 is a lyrical lamentation over mental wellness. I'm still experimen…
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Episode 30 brought to you by mostly going through the motions of processing my father's recent passing which brought up a lot of curious thoughts around my being adopted by him and what that actually now means. It's a touch more solemn than usual, but them's the breaks. This was streamed/recorded live on my youtube channel:…
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Good morrow! Fair's been a while. A few months in fact, since the last episode. Life in the land of Shiggi got tough and I decided I needed to take some time away from basically everything and look after myself for a bit. That all worked out great as you discover in this super short 15min episode. The biggest takeaway is a short summ…
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Once again, I thought I didn't have much to say - and once again the day before I found I was thinking about a multitude of things. This was helped by taking over Ex TeamGB climbing member Louis Parkinson's Instagram page for a day. I shared 4 long posts covering thoughts about rock climbing (whilst Black) which you can find as a collected article …
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I think I just about had nothing to say this morning, but dragging my butt to online Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu class spurred this episode's content into existence! So, settle in and let's discuss why Mel Robbins' 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 method is absolute gold. How the importance of the previous "100 Sessions" comes into the spotlight in the depths of a pandemic. …
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It's a Wednesday! And my brain...poor thing, needs a gym or something! Anyway, it's been a curious old week including conversations with old school friends which ended up in a self-schooling around Anti-Racism and really looking at what you do to be happy...not having happiness, genuinely BEING happy... Mine definitely includes a bit of Jamiroquai…
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Happy Solstice! Once again, this episode came up out of the blue, orange, yellow, red, green, purple...well, it's certainly rainbow-powered. Carrying on in the fashion of wanting to at least help one person understand a little bit more about themselves or some aspect of the world (and maybe feel a little bit less crazy) - this episode surfs the sur…
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Hark, another 2 weeks have gone by. And you know what? That's OK. I took a week off of social media (sorta) and it lay the way to many insights, ideas and planned action going forwards. "Implicit bias" was the phrase of the week and it spurred on some fun moments to recall from my university days and issues I had with my mother. Whilst we can't ful…
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I didn't want to record today's podcast....but in a lighter er, light...who knows what's going to rock up in the next 7 or so days? The killing of yet another black man in the US by way of a brutal blood choke under a crooked police officer's knee has sparked global outrage, in the midst of a pandemic. To be quiet now would be foolish, so I share s…
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Has it been 2 weeks? Really? I guess the subject of time is fitting. Come jump into a quick episode that gives you a snap of what's going on in my head, why it's been two weeks and a timely email from the past sent to the future via the wonderful world of If you want to see a bit of my podcast live or just reach out and have a natt…
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Well, well, well. Would you look at that? It's a Wednesday AND happens to fall on the 1 year anniversary of my mother killing herself. So I'm shooting from the hip and just reviewing what I went through, feelings and thoughts as time went on and maybe even how I'm trying to accept my new reality and start walking forwards in my own wake. It's a chu…
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Holy potato, folks! It's an episode out on a Wednesday at 6pm UK time! I joke, I have no concept of time right now...but what I do have is a concept of existence of some kind. Still on lockdown in the UK. The industries that I thrive in won't be seeing the end of this any time soon so I've allowed full on introversion and questions to do their than…
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Episode (c) 19. What a time to be alive....I think we're all going to have COVID-19 fatigue soon, what with every single conversation hovering or swimming in the hot topic of the pandemic currently sweeping our little planet. I've been in self-isolation for 10 days and I'm not coping so well, if you listen to this podcast you can hear the cogs in m…
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On our fourth episode, I decide to see who has been really paying attention to me all these years... David is invited into the studio to face off against Shigg in a Jeopardy-style game, to see who can answer the most questions about my life for a cash reward. Also, a short montage of what Shigg and I have been up to during the past couple of weeks,…
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2020 has been a little bit rough, eh? Well...thankfully earlier this week I got a little bit of fire back in my heart thanks to Stephen Fry (he doesn't know, but thank you for being you!) and we're carrying on with the lovely whimsical off-the-cuff style podcasts I started with. Dive in to hear why this happened, how things are going to move going …
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On our third episode, we welcome into the studio the friend that introduced me to Shigg- as we dive in on the many stories that are told to us from Devon, a.k.a. Dismizz. He provides insight on his sexual endeavors, and gives advice on how a woman's mind works, as well as how to approach them. Also, we get an update on Shigg's "hangout" with his ne…
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On our second episode, Shigg will be telling us about a new girl that he met on Tinder and what he has planned for the two of them. Also, we will be discussing the upcoming NBA All-Star selections, as well as who we thought got snubbed! (with first guest, David) Finally, I will be revealing who my picks are to win the upcoming Oscars a.ka. Academy …
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Ew. We're back. I took a break because I felt like it. This is me gently easing myself back into this gloriously hot bath of podcasting about ridiculous things. I may sound like I've eaten a frog. I promise it's not permanent. It's short and sweet this week, back into the full swing of things next week! There are 4 books to go for Season 2....let m…
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A repeat author?! Why, yes. Alain De Botton - The Architecture of Happiness (The Secret Art of Furnishing Your Life) had to feature as it helped shape a pivotal point in my 20's just after getting out of the drain-hole of clinical depression and being inspired to look at the world of Architecture. Of course, there is a story or two intermingled wit…
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Episode 5 of the book season. Today's got a bit emotional! Unintentionally but when you're talking about a book you read to understand your dad and how life must have been for him in a concentration camp, it's going to happen. Understandably the episode is shorter, but you definitely need to have a listen to see why. If you want to see a bit of my …
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A beautiful segue from the last episode, where we looked at Seth Godin writing about the Lizard Brain. One of his sources comes in the form of Steven Pressfield's The War of Art. The accessibility and simplicity of this book covering what he calls The Resistance, should be read by everyone. Period. ....I'd end my description there, but there's a to…
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Oh Snap! It's a sexy segue into another book episode. This time it involves anti-squatting, Evian water deliveries, working for the government and why all of that mess in my life boils down to the very existence of Seth Godin's Linchpin. I got a bit carried away with the stories (why else are we here, though?!) and pull out the one bit of the book …
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Straight into Season 2 Episode 2 (or episode 12 of this whole damn thing, because we're going for that full 100-episodes before I can stop!) and this book fundamentally changed my life course. A touch dramatic? Maybe - but it's the truth... Tim Ferriss' The 4-Hour Workweek is probably a book many of you have read, maybe even some of you are a bit o…
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It's a new season! (or episode 11, if you're that way inclined). For the next 10 episodes, I shallow dive (we'll be here for months if I went in deep, lol) into 10 books off my shelf that helped shape, inspire and create the Shiggi you hear and know today. We start off with what I lovingly term a "brief introduction to Philosophy for dummies" - mos…
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Confirmation bias be damned! But wait, you're wrong, and I'm right - right? Wrong. Thinking, folks. It's fun, it's free and it can be challenging as it can be liberating at times. And yet we're living in perilous times where our very own social bubbles may well be making this ever-popular philosophical pastime a thing of myth and censored legends. …
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9 episodes, yo! So, last episode it was all about Fantastic Pets and where to find them (and Icarus). This episode's all about The importance of finding Good Hooman Beans. Community if you will! I dive into my little quirky adventures of using social media to change my circle of hoomans, as well as an amazing heartwarming surprise experience I coul…
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Pets! Whether you're a pet lover, not quite a fan or can't stand them....folks around the world have them for one reason or another. In this episode I give you an insight as to why I have my beloved wrinkly hairless Sphynx cat who looks more like a fuzzy ball bag...has the name Captain Peanut or Scrotey McScrote (to name but a few) and is my Thunde…
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When you're living multiple lives, you gotta have a happy place! The problem is I want to live in mine forever instead of just at the weekend. This episode has more stories than I originally anticipated, including pulling a complete blank for a moment. I invite you to think about *YOUR* happy place and maybe sharing it with others because it can ma…
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Oh me oh my, it's Episode 6 and we're getting stuck in with the F-Word. But what is the F-word? Well it's not four letters, that's for sure. I may well have had to wear an itsy-bitsy-teeny-weeny pink bikini and stripper heels but you'll just have to listen to the episode to figure out what gives. Today's episode is a bit special because my home int…
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We're a long way from 56k Modems, screaming matches down the hall to tell your sibling to GET OF THE PHONE OH MY GOD and slap bang in the middle of a huge pivotal change in evolution speeds: Man versus technology. And we're the ones getting pulled everywhere. Come and have a think about the good, the bad and the plain terrifying nature of social me…
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It all started in November 2017....after a near nervous breakdown and fleeing the country for 2 weeks to go climb the rocks of the Dolomites and marvel at the Architecture of Paris, your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Shig set her sights on Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. She committed herself to 100 sessions. She's wondering why she's still writing in third p…
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Back once again, this is not the greatest podcast in the world - no: this is just a tribute. It's happening, it's episode 3! My name's Shiggi (yes, really) and this podcast is all about life, things, and whimsical ideas. A one-take delivery of a topic that's on my mind that usually has one of my life stories shoved in there as well as take home tho…
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Shiggi (that's me) is a creature with many stories. Join me as I run you through a whistle-stop tour of how I became to be, with the odd life tip to ponder for yourself. If you want to see a bit of my podcast live, come say hi on Facebook: You can find this podcast elsewhere: Getting Shiggi With... Podcast Available at: 1…
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Not one to start lightly, 2019 has been one hell of a year and in a bid to finally get this podcast going, I've started with a topic that's been on the top of my mind since May - My mother's suicide. There is nothing sugar coated here. I'd be doing you and my self a disservice if it was presented in any other way. Whilst talking about my own situat…
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Sorry 4 The Wait!! The Big 3 are BACK!! We talked Demi Lovato, having a house full of children, and even discussed sexual kinks involving Taco Bell hot sauce!! Be sure to follow our hosts @jakefaircloth1 @blackbrewfoo @itsacebreh!JUST LAUGH. IT'S ALL GONNA BE OKAY #SundaySchoolPodFollow us on ALL social media platforms!Facebook:…
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Outside of being Devone's older brother, Roshown McLeod is a former professional basketball player who was selected by the Atlanta Hawks in the 1st round (20th overall) of the 1998 NBA Draft. A 6'8" small forward from Duke University, McLeod played in four NBA seasons from 1998 to 2002. He played for the Atlanta Hawks, Philadelphia 76ers and Boston…
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Plants were smoked. Drinks were drank. Here's what happens when Sunday School & The Wisemen link up!!Be sure to follow our hosts @jakefaircloth1 @blackbrewfoo @itsacebreh!JUST LAUGH. IT'S ALL GONNA BE OKAY #SundaySchoolPodFollow us on ALL social media platforms!Facebook:…
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