show episodes

BlåSkjerm Brødrene

BlåSkjerm Brødrene

Den offisielle podkast siden til de gretne gamle gubbene i "BlåSkjerm Brødrene" (BluesScreen Brothers), sett på scener rundt omkring i verden på diverse IT- konferanser. Brødrene er Olav Tvedt (@OlavTwitt), Alexander Solaat Rødland [@AlexSolaat], Pål-Erik Winther (@PeWinther) og Marius Solbakken (@mariussmellum). Dukker også opp forskjellige gjester av varierende kvalitet ;-) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Hva er det egentig som skjer i verden, og hvorfor er det sånn? I Utenrikshospitalet forsøker vi å diagnostisere verden én episode av gangen. Podkasten ledes av Ane Teksum Isbrekken, Marie Furhovden eller Therese Leine, og sammen med gode kollegaer ved Norsk utenrikspolitisk institutt (NUPI), setter vi ulike hendelser og temaer under lupen. Har du ris eller ros, eller kanskje tips til tema vi burde se nærmere på? Send oss en epost til [email protected] da vel! Vi høres! Hosted on Acast. See acast. ...
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Pål er fornøyd med at Alexander har fått seg en personlig assistent så han vet hva han skal gjøre neste uke, men hva med i dag? Olav er fornøyd med at den personlige assistenten hans er en tyv som stjeler script fra andre og ligger de rett in i Visual Studio code. Men hva bruker vi egentlig KI til og hvilke utfordringer møte man på? Hosted on Acast…
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In this episode of the mnemonic security podcast, Robby is joined by Emil Vaagland, Security Manager at, Norway’s leading online marketplace. They discuss the unique security challenges of a cloud-first, developer-heavy organisation, covering everything from vulnerability management and secure coding, to fraud detection and access control. …
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Pål, Alexander og Olav er usikker på hva som skal bli dagens tema, og de kjører derfor en spørring mot DeepSeek. Ikke overraskende dukker Deepseek opp som et hett tema. Det har vært den store snakkisen i det siste, spesielt fra den finansielle siden. Men alt for lite fokus på BlåSkjerm Brødrenes side, det må vi rette på Pål har tapt flere ti talls …
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In this episode of the mnemonic security podcast, Robby is joined by Dustin Childs, Head of Threat Awareness at Trend Micro’s Zero Day Initiative (ZDI). Dustin explains the ZDI’s role in purchasing and analysing vulnerabilities to provide early protection for customers and how zero days – previously unknown vulnerabilities – become "n-days" once di…
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In this episode of the mnemonic security podcast, Robby is joined by Eirik Nordbø and Marius Kotlarz from Equinor, as well as Haakon Staff from mnemonic. Together, they discuss the world of Capture the Flag (CTF) competitions, exploring their origins, structure, and benefits. CTFs, as they explain, are “hacking” contests featuring challenges such a…
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Hvordan var det å være kvinne i diplomatiet før i tiden? Og hvordan er det å være «diplomatfrue»? I denne episoden av Utenrikshospitalet får vi et unikt innblikk i kvinnenes rolle i utenrikstjenesten. Du møter Liv Mørch Finborud, Norges fjerde kvinnelige ambassadør, som forteller om hvordan hierarkier, kjønnsroller og fordommer preget arbeidshverda…
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To kick off 2025, Robby chats with Duncan Ogilvie, a renowned expert in Reverse Engineering (RE), the creator of x64dbg (a popular open-source x64/x32 debugger for Windows), and the mind behind 100+ other cool projects. Their conversation covers the evolving field of RE, discussing common challenges, practical techniques, and how professionals navi…
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Global secure access, forkortet til GSA, er dagens tema. Et av de nyeste tilskuddene i Microsoft Entra, med sterke fokus på sikker tilgang til applikasjoner og sikker kommunikasjon for brukerne Marius, Alexander og Olav, ser på bruksområder, begrensninger og tar en kjapp tur innom lisenser. Hosted on Acast. See for more informatio…
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Politisk drama har preget Frankrike i mange måneder, og fransk politikk er mer usikker enn vi har sett på mange tiår. Det kan kaste Europa ut i en ny skjebnetid. I denne episoden skal du få lære mer om fransk utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitikk, landsfader Charles de Gaulle, hvordan Frankrike har håndtert Russlands krig mot Ukraina – og hvorfor franskm…
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In this episode of the mnemonic security podcast, Robby is joined by Tony Fergusson, CISO EMEA at Zscaler. They start with a market update on Zero Trust and discuss the challenges relating to adoption that he has observed (ever heard of the Popcorn Theory?). Fergusson then introduces the concept of risk hunting – a proactive strategy to identify an…
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Det er fullt fokus på Jul og få tanker på teknologi når brødrene treffes for siste gang i studioet for i år. Pål sniker seg under mistelteinen, Alexander ser frem til litt tennis og kruspersille i julen og Olav er så forvirret (som vanlig) at han tror at Nissesvingen på TVNorge går på NRK. Ellers går diskusjonene rundt Julemusikk, TV kalendre og an…
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Det var ikke alle de mange AI sesjonen som fanget Pål, Alexander og Olav sin oppmerksomhet under Ignite, men den store hardware nyheten "Windows 365 Link" Brødrene snakker om hva vi vet så langt, hva vi ikke vet og hva vi ønsker skal komme i versjon 2 og oppover. PetterTech har en god video hvis du ønsker å se og høre mer : Windows 365 Link | What …
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In this episode of the mnemonic security podcast, Robby is joined by Scott Piper from Wiz and Håkon Sørum from O3 Cyber to talk cloud security. They cover the evolution of cloud security products since Amazon's release of S3 and EC2 in 2006 and how the market has matured into the CNAPP we know today. They chime in on most of the buzzwords associate…
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Når broder Marius blir med er det fort for at man havner inn i identiets sporet. Det gjør vi også denne gangen. Alexander insisterer på at hvis vi lærer oss Finsk kan vi lage mye bedre passord, eller var det brukernavn? Og hvilken versjon av Olav er det som er med i dag? Brukernavn, passwordless, passkeys i Azure Authenticator appen og mye annet bl…
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In this episode, Robby is joined by Maximilian Heinemeyer, Chief Product Officer at Darktrace. The conversation focuses on Max's perspective on detection engineering and the use of machine learning. He shares his opinion on the limitations of traditional, signature/behaviour-based detection methods and the challenges organisations face when buildin…
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Latskap er ofte et godt grunnlag for innovasjon, men også kilden til at vi har tillatt aktører å "spionerer" på oss i lang tid. Informasjonen som blir samlet hjelper oss i mange sammenhenger, men gjør den nå mer skade enn nytte? Hvordan vil transkribering av møter kunne påvirke oppfatningen av både oss og meningene med det vi sa under møte. Kan KI …
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Har det vært en lang ferie, eller er det bare Olav og Pål som har slitt med å komme seg ut av skyggen? Ingen vet med sikkerhet, men det som er sikkert er at Alexander, Pål og Olav nå har våknet opp av sommer dvalen og er klar til å snakke om skygge IT, Microsoft Defender for cloud apps og andre tilfeldig ting som bare dukker opp i de ofte uforståel…
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In this new episode of the mnemonic security podcast, Robby Peralta is joined by Leonid Rozenberg, a cybersecurity expert and dark web researcher at Hudson Rock, to discuss infostealers. Rozenberg provides a brief history of infostealers, which began with Zeus in 2007, a malware initially designed to steal only banking information. Today, infosteal…
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Joe Slowik, ATT&CK CTI Lead at MITRE, joins the latest episode of the mnemonic security podcast to share his insights on the complexities of securing critical infrastructure. With a background in cyber threat intelligence, incident response, and detection engineering, Joe discusses with Robby the challenge of defining and prioritising what's truly …
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KraftCERT trusselvurdering 2024 | In Norwegian only In this episode, Robby is joined by Espen Endal and Bjørn Tore Hellesøy from KraftCERT/InfraCERT - the Norwegian CERT for the energy and petroleum sectors. The trio discuss the Threat Assessment report recently published by KraftCERT/InfraCERT, and the unique challenges the Norwegian energy sector…
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In this episode, Robby speaks with Jens Christian Vedersø, Head of Cyber Risk Management at Vestas, one of the world’s largest wind turbine manufacturers. Jens is a former Navy and intelligence officer and recovering regulator. Before managing cyber risk in the renewable energy sector, Jens helped develop energy sector legislation and cyber prepare…
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In this episode of the mnemonic security podcast, Robby is joined by Matt Cooke from Proofpoint. They discuss the evolving landscape of email security, emphasising the need for a multi-layered approach beyond traditional prevention methods, as well as the importance of pre-delivery, post-delivery, and click-time protection to combat phishing and bu…
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In this special, celebratory 100th episode of the mnemonic security podcast, Robby speaks with author and industry legend - Jon DiMaggio. Jon is the Chief Security Strategist at Analyst1 and has over 15 years of experience hunting, researching, and writing about advanced cyber threats. As a specialist in enterprise ransomware attacks and nation-sta…
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In this week's episode, Robby talks with his friend Keven Hendricks, a law enforcement veteran with extensive experience in dark web and cryptocurrency investigations. They explore topics like dark web forums, cryptocurrency's role in illegal activities, and the difficulties law enforcement encounters when monitoring these areas, especially with pr…
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Many are familiar with cybersecurity penetration testing – ethical hacking to uncover digital weaknesses. But what about the real-world threats to your company's physical security? How confident are you in your locks, cameras, and physical security measures to protect your sensitive data or equipment? In this episode, Robby speaks with Brian Harris…
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Have you ever worked alongside a machine learning engineer? Or wondered how their world will overlap with ours in the "AI" era? In this episode of the podcast, Robby is joined by seasoned expert Kyle Gallatin from Handshake to enlighten us on his perspective on how collaboration between security professionals and ML practitioners should look in the…
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NUPI har undersøkt hva den norske befolkningen mener om norsk utenrikspolitikk. Hva tenker vi om sikkerhetstrusselen mot Norge? Synes folk at vi bør bidra med støtte til Ukraina? Er vi redde, eller føler vi oss trygge? Er det forskjeller på hva unge og eldre mener? Og hva med hvor i landet man bor? Undersøkelsen tar tempen på befolkningens syn på e…
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De lager vodka, har satt i gang en ølkrig med Frankrike, driver gruver, og lar en langhåret hipstertype i dress drive propagandamaskineriet. Men kjernevirksomheten er å tilby en slags sveitsergardetjeneste til lokale kuppregimer. Hva i all verden er det egentlig Wagner-gruppen driver med i Afrika? Hvordan ble det plass til dem? Er det fare for at R…
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Operationalising threat intelligence is back on topic for the mnemonic security podcast! Making a return to the podcast is Joe Slowik from MITRE Corporation, where he is the CTI Lead for MITRE ATT&CK and also Principal Engineer for Critical Infrastructure Threat Intelligence. Also joining is Jeff Schiemann, an industry veteran and CISO at one of th…
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When we talk about securing an organisation’s assets, we most often mean its data, devices, servers, or accounts, but are we doing enough to secure the group of people leading the company? Or the ones doing high risk work on behalf of the organisation? To discuss the importance of securing high-risk individuals, like journalists, politicians and ex…
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De fleste av oss har vokst opp med tanken om at verden blir bedre og bedre, det blir mindre fattigdom og krig og demokratiet sprer seg. Men nå er alt som er kjent for oss, i ferd med å endre seg. Maktbalansen er i ferd med å endre seg, den åpne økonomien er truet, og autokrati er tilbake på moten. Den liberale verdensorden er under press. Vi lever …
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For this episode, Robby is once again joined by Eoin Wickens, Technical Research Director at HiddenLayer, an organisation doing security for Machine learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). It is not too long ago since Eoin last visited the podcast, (only 7 months,) but lots has happened in the world of AI since. During the episode, he talks…
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Nei, det er ikke bare deg, Alex prøver å snike inn temaer som ligger utenfor IT- bransjen. Denne gangen rakk det til introen før Olav fikk podcasten tilbake til kjent spor. I denne episoden får vi bli kjent med en av de ferskeste til å motta Microsoft sin prestisjetunge community- tittel - Simon Skotheimsvik - som deler noen av sine erfaringer (og …
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I denne påskespesialen av en episode er vi så heldig at vi får prate med en mangeårig lytter av blåskjermbrødrene når Tim Peter Edstrøm hos Fortytwo kommer inn i vårt omreisende podcaststudio. Lite visste Pål Erik at vi skulle snakke om ting utenfor teknologiens sfære, noe som Alexander har fått høre etter innspillingen: neste gang blir jeg med! Ti…
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Data Brokers and Data Removal Services What does the process of removing your online presence look like? And how would you handle the data brokers that have collected your personal information with just a few clicks of the mouse to sell to other companies? To answer this, we’re joined by an expert in this field; Darius Belijevas, Head of Incogni, a…
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The brothers drag a niece into this episode as they drive to Building 122 on the Microsoft campus and knock on a random door. By surprise, no other than Briand Sanderson opens up. Following down memory lane gets interesting as we get closer to Briand's past of memory optimization and chemistry. We get to know our new niece Sanna Tomren by more than…
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Hvor mange skyer må en geek mestre, før vi kan kalle ham en ITpro? Noe i den duren kunne gjerne Bob Dylan har laget en låt om, men fra et faglig perspektiv er brødrene skjønt enig: multisky er bedre enn ingen sky. Pål og Olav gjør Alexander oppmerksom på at det bare var en spøk at denne episoden blir sendt direkte, og langt viktigere spørsmål enn h…
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In this English special, we are fortunate enough chat with two of the authors of the of THE guidebook to Windows 365, MVP Morten Pedholdt and Microsoft product leader Sandeep Patnaik. Learn how they managed to co- author and create this masterpiece while still tangling the NDA issues, and how is it to co-write a book with somebody you never met? Oh…
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For this episode, Robby is joined by Levi Gundert, Chief Security Officer at the cybersecurity company Recorded Future and author of the book The Risk Business – what leaders need to know about intelligence and risk-based security. Levi shares from his decades of experience in the threat and risk space – and Robby picks his brain about a broad set …
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Det hender fra tid til annen at vi får noen nye kule enheter som får oss til å bli litt ekstra giret. Hvem av brødrene som lar seg trigge mest skal vi la forbli usagt, men det kan virke som at Olav tenner med på noen snasne ZIP- disker enn flett nytt metall. Har hungeren etter å oppgradere til det siste nye forsvunnet, eller er det en annen forklar…
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Ethical social engineering Even the best pentesters out there can be fooled by a social engineering attempt under the right circumstances. But how do we treat the ones that have been tested and failed? Ragnhild «Bridget» Sageng, Senior Security Advisor at Norwegian Customs, has several years of experience from the IT and cybersecurity industry, and…
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How will AI impact the next generation of people working with computer science? This question is probably relevant for anyone making their way through school now, in all fields of study. Without looking for a definite answer, but to help him navigate this question, Robby has invited two people with quite different backgrounds: Richard Stiennon, aut…
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Brødrene Olav og Alexander har fått storfint besøkt av Tony Bardalen som begynner å bli en stuevarm fetter. Hva vil det si når produkter kommer i public- preview uten annonsert pris, er GA virkelig GA og hvilke tre huskeregler er det du bør ta med inn i et Co- pilot prosjekt? Hosted on Acast. See for more information.…
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How does cybersecurity play a part in ensuring food security? As part of the ISACA series of the mnemonic security podcast, we’re welcoming Karianne Kjønås, Cyber & Privacy Associate at PwC Norway. Karianne recently won the ISACA master’s thesis award with her thesis on how cybersecurity incidents can affect Norwegian food production. During her co…
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Conflictual coexistence Today’s guest, Raymond Andrè Hagen, holds over 20 years of experience in cybersecurity and information security, and is currently researching advanced persistent threats for his PhD in Computer and Information Systems Security. He also has experience as a Security Specialist at the Norwegian Digitalization Agency (Digdir), i…
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To join Robby for this episode on Russian cybercrime and ransomware, we’re welcoming Sam Flockhart, Cyber Threat Intelligence Manager at Santander UK. Sam has a background in military intelligence from the British army, where he has spent a large part of his career looking at Russian influence in Eastern Europe. Including experience from the Britis…
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Metaverses Have you been to the metaverse yet? And are you among the 78% that believe the metaverse will provide a significant value to their organisation in the future? To join Robby for this episode, we’re welcoming Julia Hermann, Senior Technology and Innovation Manager at Giesecke+Devrient, where she works on identifying opportunities in the me…
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