Teaching financial literacy, real estate, stocks, and other tools children can utilize throughout life.
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What is a stock and how to buy a stock. What is the NYSE & NASDAQ. What is a stock broker and firm
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The difference between the two loans down payment, fix or variable rate, private mortgage insurance
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Learn the steps to purchasing a home. Who should you hire, what should you do throughout the process
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Steps to purchasing land or property from someone what you should have what you should and should not do
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Learn the 11 steps you should follow to buy a home. #1 make sure you have steady income and check your credit score
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How to obtain a mortgage. Where the loan come from for a mortgage. How long is a mortgage typically for.
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Learn what real estate investing is how to build a portfolio and make money from your investment. Kids Teens financial literacy
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How to conduct yourself in the workplace. Do’s and Don’t in the workplace. What to do at work what you should not do at work
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What are taxes? Who pay them? How does it benefit you and your community
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Learning what is income how it’s earned and what expenses are. What’s active and passive income fixed and variable expenses
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What are financial statements for a business and what each one does or keep track of
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What is a social security number and what it is used for
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Learning how to manage your time effectively
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What are taxes l, who pays taxes and how is the money used
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What is a paycheck, minimum wage and a budget
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6:29Discussing how people get paid, standard minimum wage and what’s a budget what to included in a budget
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Discussing the various type of insurance a person can have
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What is a bank? What is a bank account? How to write out a check to a person or company.
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6:31Today we are reviewing what is a bank and what is a bank account. We are also reviewing how to write out a check to a person on company.
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How many shares of stock can I buy? What is a 529 plan
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6:51In this episode we talk about how to determine how many shares of stock you can buy and what is a 529 plan. Learn how to diversify your portfolio and start saving for your child elementary, secondary, and college tuition.
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I’m this episode we are discussing the steps you need to take to buy a stock. What account you need and how much money if there’s a minimum.
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What is a Bull & Bear Market ….What is investing
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6:49In this episode we are learning what is a Bull and Bear Market and What is investing. When you should invest and what you should invest in and at what age
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What is a stock exchange? What is a stock symbol
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6:26Discussing what a stock exchange is as well as a stock symbol. Different exchanges around the world.
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In this episode we are discussing what is a bond, how they are issued, how you earn money or interest
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What is a mutual fund, how do you invest in a mutual fund, how much does it cost to invest.
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What is a stock, how do you purchase stock, is it a good investment
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What type of mortgage loans are available to you
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4:37We are discussing three types of loans you can qualify for to buy a home.
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How someone can earn an assignment fee finding investors or buyers for properties for sale
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Today we learned the difference between real estate agents and real estate brokers. There are various titles in the field and the video we watched talked about the difference between the various titles.
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Learning how the government collect taxes from American citizens and what the money is used for.
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Learning the process of home appraisal what’s needed and done
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When buying a home what a home inspection does and how title insurance protects the buyer from any future claims
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Understanding how real estate contracts work
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9:49What need to occur during a real estate transaction and what is necessary to protect both parties
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Steps and process of buying a house/home and the things you need to do.
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Teaching the difference between an asset and liability
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Today we are discussing Social Security Cards how they are issued by the government and the role of number
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Discussing the 2020 protest around the worldly during a pandemic surrounding the untimely death of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, & Breonna Taylor along with so many others murdered by police officers in the U. S.
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In this episode we are talking about information obtain from credit report agencies to factor your credit score, what’s a good score and the average American score. Learn today with us
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Learning the difference between having credit cards and a debit card. Understanding how credit cards work how to apply paying your debit back monthly and credit limits.
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We are breaking down how to manage your time after school or in general. Also we are talking about preparing and planning for appointments.
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Explain the different types of businesses and how it can create generational wealth for your family
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Discussing 60 min segment on Global Warming
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Learning how to save and budget your money through money earned. Realizing what you have left after expenses are paid.
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