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Prayer is an intrinsic part of the religion revealed in the passage of scripture. The Old Testament records many instances of faithful men, and women humbly requesting mercy and aid from the God of heaven and earth, whether it is Daniel, beseeching God to forgive Israel for her many sins or Hannah, requesting a son, whom she would dedicate to God f…
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Jesus gave a model of prayer in Matthew 6, because the disciples wanted to know how to really pray. The Lord's Prayer was not meant to be simply memorized and recited. It was meant to be to a guideline and outline on how to pray. … If our prayers are not filled with petitions for the Lord to be glorified in all the e we probably need to restructure…
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….And the death of Jesus Christ is important because it secures forgiveness for all sins for a trusts in Jesus. He, that is Jesus died as a substitute for His people shedding His precious bearing God's wrath and being punished for their sins. And you know that defining momen secures salvation for humanity and the eventual defeat of satan occurred t…
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Know HimJohn 14:17 says even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. Renewing mind into a theocentric mindset to see everything in a God centred way. I want to encourage you with the attributes of God because it will revolution…
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Silence can be a virtue. But sometimes, God gives us an opportunities to speak truth, and we must be careful not to neglect the opening to make a meaningful difference. … David was aware that once life is in the world is short and we must make the most of every opportunity. The purpose of life is not to rush or gain wealth, but rather to be committ…
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In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. — Romans 8:37.David declared that Yahweh is his Shield and Defender. One can almost feel David’s emotions shift as he ask God to deliver him and to strike down his enemies. David knew he was sinful, but he also knew deliverance would come only from the Lord.Are you facing an …
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Have you ever been in a situation where you felt underqualified? You feel pressured to act, maybe people are watching, but you have no idea what to do. If you are a person of prayer, you may cry out to God.Elijah‘s prayer begins by emphasizing Yahweh’s covenant name LORD. When you feel underqualified or all alone. At that moment, you must pray and …
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Dreams are not something we talk about much in Christian circles. For Danniel and his friends, the deck was stacked against them. King Nebuchadnezzar‘s request to interpret his dream was humanly impossible, and the punishment was absurd. So Danniel and his friends prayed. Together they sought help from the “God of heaven.”God answered their prayer …
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Hezekiah is the underdog. Assyria is set on attacking the city of Judah. They have been ruthless with other cities they conquered, treating them like animals. They sent Hezekiah a letter mocking Yahweh: “do not let the God you depend on deceive you,” Inferring that they have defeated other countries and their gods did not save them.… Hezekiah right…
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Born into poverty, Walt Disney grew up to create what he envisioned as the “happiest place on earth.” We all love to read stories about men and women who overcome hardship and went on to bless others. Even more, we can be encouraged to know that God can even use difficult things in our lives for His purpose and glory.Jabez shows us that the name we…
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There is nothing quite like completing a huge project, whether it is home renovation or an all-day feast. The feeling of accomplishment is satisfying. That’s what Solomon and the Israelites experienced as they laid the last break at the Temple project. The altars were assembled in all the right places. The ark was positioned perfectly in the holy o…
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Aristotle is quoted as saying, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” However, better advice came from King Solomon, who wrote centuries earlier: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Prov.9:10)When Solomon was still at Gibeon, The Lord came to Solomon in a dream, saying, “Ask what I shall give thee:” .… Solomon did not ask…
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King David... knew that the life he leads would ultimately shape his legacy. It is no wonder than that in one of his final prayer he declares before the Lord that everything comes directly from God. Through David’s prayer, he teaches his son, his people, and us that God is beyond generous. The right response on our part is to be generous.David said…
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King David‘s words and prayer thought his people, and us, that a proper perspective produces praise. ... In this powerful prayer, David proclaims that the Lord deserves praise because He is our eternal God. Who reigns with greatness and power. ... God created everything, and therefore, everything in heaven and in earth is His.... God’s creation dis…
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Scripture tells us that God closed Hannah‘s womb. But Hannah‘s desire became so strong that she promised that, if God would grant her a child, she would surrender him to Yahweh. God answered her plea. In response, she indeed dedicated Samuel to the LORD and hand him over to Eli the priest (1 Sam.1:5, 11, 28).We see that it was Yahweh, not Samuel, w…
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When believers from all different races and ethnicities, ages and backgrounds are united, the world will begin to believe that Jesus is indeed the Christ....Jesus imagines that the unity among believers is as strong as the unity that is within the Trinity....Christ prayer for us was that we would be completely committed to being united with Jesus a…
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My prayers is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. John.17:15. Jesus’ prayer reflects His deep desire for His disciples to overcome the principalities of this world by unifying together….As Jesus often does, He gives His life as an example of what a sanctified life looks like by going to the cross in …
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“Father, the hour has come. Glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee.” V.1 Today’s text is the beginning of what is historically known as the High Priestly Prayer. Jesus prayed to His heavenly Father for Himself to be glorified. He is not praying from an egotistical disposition for meaningless praise. Rather, Christ’s prayer is for Him t…
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On the cross, Jesus was mostly silent. The excruciating pain He endured would have made it nearly impossible for Him to speak. Any utterance would have used the strength needed to pull himself up by His impaled hands and feet in order to take a breath. Therefore, the words Jesus spoke from the cross are significant. Among the seven expressions attr…
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After celebrating their Passover meal, Jesus and His disciples went to a garden called Gethsemane, which literally means “olive press.” The garden was located on the lower slopes of the Mount of Olives. Olives from the neighborhood were brought and crushed there producing oil for Jerusalem and the surrounding region. The name seems fitting since Je…
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Jesus takes the opportunity of this miracle to call His disciples into a Teacher - student relationship with Him. He figuratively catches Peter in His net before commanding him to "catch men" for the Kingdom of God. Immediately, Peter, Andrew, James, and John leave their boats and nets behind and follow Him. They now understand that Jesus is more t…
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The hymn book of the Bible is the book of Psalms, and the last psalm summarizes what God wants us to know about praise and worship. The Christian faith is a singing and praising faith. No other religion has praises and singing such as we have. Because we have the song of the Lord in our hearts. The Psalmist answers some important questions about pr…
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“Praise the LORD! Sing to the LORD a new song” (v.1). We have a tendency to want to sing the same songs in church, and there is nothing wrong with that. The psalmist isn’t telling us to buy a new hymnbook. It means we should have a new experience with the Lord so that we will have a new song of praise to give to Him.Every new valley that we go thro…
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When we complain about the weather, we should remember that God is in control. God gave us a great Word of assurance in Psalm 148:8: “Fire and hail, snow and vapour; stormy wind fulfilling His word.”All of Psalm 148 tells us that the Word of God is in control. When He speaks in heaven, things happen on earth. In verses 1-6 the heavens praise the Lo…
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I wonder if the Old Testament people of Israel realized how privileged they were. This is what the Psalmist addresses in today’s passage. He’s telling the Jewish people (verse 13) to praise the Lord because of all He has done for them. He gave peace in their borders. He fed them. He gave them His Word and His Law. He gave them land. God deposited w…
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The God of the galaxy is also the God of the brokenhearted. That’s what David tells us in verses 3 and 4: “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. He counted the number of the stars; He called them all by name.”The contrast we see in these two verse—between the heavens and the broken heart—ought to encourage us. God made the heavens. …
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“Happy is he who has God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God.” This tells us that God is all we need for today—and for tomorrow. When you know God, you have happiness, help and hope: happiness in walking with Him, help for the burdens of the day and hope for the concerns of the future. What more could you want?Who is the God of…
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“The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth” (vs.18). Isn’t that a great promise? It’s one you can put to work today. Let’s look at it more closely. First, God is near to those who are stumbling (v.14). You may have stumbled and fallen. Perhaps you just didn’t do what you should have. Maybe you stumbled in…
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This Psalm has special meaning for me. Several years ago me and my friend were going in a bike, a car came in the wrong way and hit our Bike. We fell down. When I just turned back and saw, my head was just an inch away from the bus wheel, this is the verse that went through my mind: “Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; and His greatness i…
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“Happy are the people whose God is the Lord!” (v.15). That’s the way David concludes Psalm 144. In the first half of the psalm, he cries out to God for help. In the last half, he sings praise to the Lord because of the help He gave him.Firstly, David’s personal joy in the Lord (vv.9,10). We can picture him lying down his sword, picking up his harp …
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Why should Almighty God pay attention to us? Who are we that we should receive His mercy? David asks these questions in verse 3. “LORD, what is man, that thou takest knowledge of him! or the son of man, that thou makest account of him!”What are we that God should pay any attention to us? Are we smart? I don’t think so. Are we strong? Some animals a…
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How should we pray when we are going to trouble? We find several requests in David’s prayer, and if we follow his example, God will lead us through our difficulties into blessing.First, he says, “Hear my prayer” (v.1) and “answer me speedily, O Lord; my spirit fails!” (V.7). We don’t have to shout to God; we don’t how to argue with Him. We simply c…
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David wrote this Psalm while hiding from soul in a cave, But he was full of distress. In his distress, he looked in four directions.First, David looked within (vv.1-3). He looked within and said, “Look, I am in trouble; I am complaining; I am overwhelmed.” Introspection sometimes can be good for you, but don’t spend too much time looking within, or…
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One of the greatest privilege we have as children of God is prayer. Yet so often we take it for granted. As the gospel song goes, “O what piece we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer!” In Psalm 141 David pictures prayer in a beautiful way that will help us appreciate it more (vv.1,2).…
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King David was going through another battle. He needed deliverance from an attacking enemy (vv.1-4). David’s enemies had hidden snares to trap him.What do you do when you face the situation—when evil, violent, lying people are busy setting traps for you? Remember that God hears you (v.6). God also strengthens you (v.7). If you have to do battle aga…
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The most important knowledge in the world is the knowledge of God. The second most important is the knowledge of yourself. To know God, we must know Jesus Christ as our Savior (John.17:3). In his prayer, David makes two basic requests that should also be our prayer.Our prayer should be that we want God to know us. This doesn’t mean we want God to g…
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Many people are bothered by the problem of evil. They say, “If God is loving and good God, why does He allow evil? David did not ignore this problem, nor did he give in to it. Instead, he made a decision and take his stand with God. Only our God can permit evil and be able to overrule it to accomplish his purposes. As David confronted the problem o…
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There is no higher occupation than the contemplation and the worship of God. David says, “My God knows everything; I can’t fool Him. My God is everywhere; I can’t flee from Him. My God can do anything; I can’t fight Him. What should I do? We find His answers in versus 23 and 24. This is one of the most penetrating prayer found in the Bible.If we ca…
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Yesterday, we learned that God’s thoughts are Personal and precious. They are full of His purposes and care. Today let’s consider three additional characteristics of God’s thoughts.# God’s thoughts are practical. Paul was living to do one thing—finish his course (see Acts:20:24). As we run the race of life, following God’s thoughts leads to fulfilm…
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A.W Tozer used to say, “The only real world is the Bible world.” Nothing is more unsure than the world, for it is passing away. But the will and Word of God will abide forever (see Mark 13:31). As we consider the character of God’s thoughts, we will want to do His will.God’s thoughts are personal (v.17). They concern you and me. He makes the indivi…
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Since the 1973 Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade, more than 21 million babies have been killed. These verses are an amazing statement about conception, growth and birth. When a baby is aborted, what really happens?First, a miracle is interrupted. Fearfully means “I am trembling with astonishment. By thinking about birth, David also was contemplati…
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The greatest evidence of God’s power is human birth. When the baby is born, there is promise, potential and excitement. David considered babies to be a miracle from the hand of God. Eugene Peterson has said, “In the presence of birth we don’t calculate, we marvel.” As we ponder this truths, what should be our response?# We worship God. The word fea…
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“I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are Thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well” (v.14). The psalmist is talking about the miracle of conception and birth. It’s an amazing story (vv.13,14).Someone defined a baby as something that gets you up at night and gets you down during the day. That may be true, but…
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Years ago, A. W. Tozer wrote, “The essence of idolatry is the entertainment of thoughts about God that are unworthy of Him” God is much greater than we are, and our thoughts of Him must be great thoughts. David thoughts of God in this psalm center on His omnipresence. As we read his words, we can answer three simple questions.Can we flee from God? …
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Have you ever tried to run away from God? Don’t try; it can’t be done (read.vv.7-10). No matter where we go in the will of God, He is there. Why should we flee from God? Why should we try to find height or depth, east or west, darkness or light? (vv.11,12). Sometimes I’ve found myself in dark places and have wondered, “Does God knows?” He indeed kn…
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Psalm 139 is a short course in theology, the science of God. In the first six verses the Psalmist says, “God knows everything; don’t try to fool Him.”“O LORD, Thou hast searched me and known me” (v.1). In these first six versus we find 13 personal opinions. God knows us personally. Few people can recognise us in a crowd, but God does. With Him ther…
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“Oh LORD, thou hast searched me, and known me”. - Ps.139:1Psalm 139 was written by a man who had right thoughts about God that made a difference. He lived with confidence, security and fulfilment. He submitted to God. This Psalm focuses on four great attributes of God: 1) His knowledge of all things, 2) His presence everywhere, 3) His power in the …
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“The Lord will perfect that which concerns me” (v.8). God has a purpose for each of our lives. We are not numbers in the computer; He knows all names. In fact, He has number all the hairs on our heads (Matt.10:30). God knows our needs today. We are His personal concern, the work of His hands. When does God perfect that which concerns us? When can w…
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One test of your spiritual condition is whether or not you really have a song. Psalm 137 tells us about people who lost their song. They lost it because they lost their sanctity—they repeatedly sinned against the Lord.Here’s the record in vv.1-3, the Babylonians taunting the Jews to sing a song, a song of Zion. The Jews responded, “How shall we sin…
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Israel is only nation for which we have complete history. We know how it started, how it grew, where it is today and where it will be for the rest of history—thanks for the Word of God.In Psalm 136 the psalmist reviewed Israel’s history. As he looked, he saw the mercy of God. He performed three marvellous ministries for the Israelites: He brought t…
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