show episodes
TASCAM On Air is a twice-monthly podcast that explores podcasting, sound design, indie filmmaking, vlogging, recording, and more with a host of legendary TASCAM artists, producers, and other major players discussing their techniques and philosophies. Each episode digs into the world of audio and the technical approaches to achieving superior sound.Subscribe to never miss an episode and discover previous episodes here to stay up to speed and learn how to take your projects to the next level.
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TASCAM Talkback

Bruce Wawrzyniak, for TASCAM

From a leader in products for every segment of the sound and music industry comes a podcast for podcasters and streamers. Eagerly immersing itself in this booming audio/streaming/voice realm, the company is delivering this show every other week to speak to beginner, intermediate, and advanced level users. Content ranges from How To, to news, tips, tricks, and hardware and software, including talking to content producers - the very people who do it.
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show series
Folge 147: Wie bereits in der vorletzten Folge angekündigt, folgt hier eine zweite Episode zum Thema Handys. Die Uschis reden darüber, ob unser aller Smartphones ständig mithören und vielleicht sogar aufzeichnen, was gesagt wird, wie es mit dem Datenschutz aussieht und welches Interesse Firmen daran haben, möglichst viele Daten zu sammeln. Weiterfü…
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Folge 145: Wer hat heutzutage eigentlich kein Handy mehr? Die PCs im Hosentaschenformat haben längst den Sprung zum unverzichtbaren Alltagsgegenstand geschafft und nicht wenige Menschen können sich ein Leben ohne nicht mehr vorstellen. Auch die Uschis gehören dazu und haben sich Gedanken darum gemacht, welche Apps sie eigentlich auf ihren Geräten h…
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🎙️ In questa nuova puntata di Finanza In Tasca abbiamo il piacere di conversare con Lorenzo Perotta, Co-Founder & CEO di Finanz, un'app EduFin che vuole rivoluzionare l'apprendimento finanziario in Italia 🚀 Oltre ai tanti obiettivi in comune con Gimme5, scopriamo come Lorenzo e il suo Team stanno rendendo la finanza semplice da capire, divertente e…
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Episode 144: Es gibt wenig zu erzählen, aber die Uschis finden ja immer etwas, worüber sie reden können. Zum Beispiel über die große Katzenfutter-Krise 2023, Unterwäsche, Bürogeschichten, Kleiderverkauf bei vinted und wie immer ist alles nur Blabla. weiterführende Links der Schal-Hack:…
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Le modalità e le esigenze comunicative di una società si sono trasformate sostanzialmente negli ultimi anni 🗣️ Una parte fondamentale di questo cambiamento è riconducibile alla forza dirompente del digitale 🤳 Anche nell’industria finanziaria, considerata dai molti un settore molto tradizionale, la comunicazione ha un valore strategico fondamentale …
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Folge 143: Wir alle sollen uns schön fühlen, uns beständig optimieren, zufrieden mit uns selbst sein. Doch ist das unter dem ständigen Druck der Gesellschaft so einfach? Kann uns die Body Positivity-Bewegung dabei helfen? Wofür steht sie eigentlich und warum mündet die gute Absicht auch mal in toxisches Verhalten? Gibt es Tipps und Tricks, die uns …
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Intraprendenza, doti comunicative e interpersonali, flessibilità e programmazione: sono solo alcuni dei requisiti che deve possedere e sviluppare un ottimo Sales Manager 💡 Un professionista che svolge un ruolo centrale nello sviluppo dell'attività aziendale, il cui buon operato è fondamentale per raggiungere gli obiettivi di business 🚀 Quali sono l…
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Se tra i bambini la risposta più comune alla domanda "Cosa vuoi fare da grande?" è senza dubbio "l'astronauta", c'è chi ha trasformato questo sogno in un obiettivo concreto, realizzando un vero e proprio business, è il caso di dirlo, spaziale 🚀 In questa nuova puntata incontriamo Giovanni Dal Lago, Co-Founder, Vice-Presidente e CEO di Officina Stel…
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Folge 142: Eine längere und unangekündigte Pause liegt hinter den Uschis. Das war nicht beabsichtigt, ist aber einfach irgendwie passiert. In dieser Folge sprechen sie darüber, ob und wie es weitergehen soll. Da man zum ersten Mal seit ewigen Zeiten wieder persönlich beim Aufnehmen beieinander gesessen hat, ist die Tonqualität nicht ganz so prickel…
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Se negli episodi precedenti abbiamo conosciuto più da vicino alcune figure emblematiche dell'industria finanziaria, come il Macro Economist e il Gestore di fondi, in questo appuntamento ne scopriamo una nuova: il Private Banker. Un professionista che fa da collettore del lavoro delle figure che popolano il settore, analizzando gli studi del Macro E…
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In this episode of Tascha Labs podcast, I cover:- Contrarian investing v.s. trend following: which is better?- Using market cycle indicators on individual tickers: is it applicable?- Automating market cycle analysis with models: Should you do it?- Outlook for next crypto cycle and factors of influence - How to evaluate Ethereum as a long-term inves…
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In this episode of Tascha Labs podcast, I discuss: - the possible drivers of recent selloffs in ETH and BTC- whether it's time to re-enter the market- how to think about the reward-risk profile of your investment decisions- and what you can do to increase the expected value (EV) of your investing quickly without other major adjustments.Chapters:00:…
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In this episode of Tascha Labs podcast, I discuss one of the most important investment edges you can have-- the art of recognizing and being in sync with market cycles. I'll talk about how you can develop your own robust framework for mastering the market cycles, and continuously optimize it, to achieve better returns and minimize drawdowns.Chapter…
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In this episode of Tascha Labs podcast, I cover- Why crypto didn't follow the recent rally in US equities, despite historical correlation- The urgent need for regulations in web3 and what good regulation entails- The unbalanced state of web3 innovation and how it may impact the sector's long term potentialChapters:00:00:00 - Lack of Exciting Develo…
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Folge 141: Es ist heiß in Deutschland und die Uschis jammern, weil sie schwitzen. Das ist nicht schön und der Herbst kann gar nicht schnell genug kommen. Neben der Jammerei gibt es aber auch noch andere Themen zu besprechen: Wie viele Anglizismen benutzt man eigentlich beim Reden und wie nervig ist das? Wie gestaltet sich Radfahren mit Kleinkind? W…
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Come viene creata la ricchezza di un Paese e in che modo viene redistribuita? Qual è lo stato di salute di Paese e come si sta evolvendo il sistema economico di cui fa parte? Sono queste alcune delle domande a cui, attraverso lo studio di diverse variabili, cerca di trovare una risposta il Macro Economist. Una figura emblematica del settore finanzi…
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L'avvento del digitale e la diffusione di nuovi media caratterizzati da interattività, personalizzazione e multimedialità, hanno provocato un profondo cambiamento dell'intero mercato della comunicazione 🗣️ Si tratta di un fenomeno dirompente che ha inevitabilmente trasformato anche il modo in cui le aziende si presentano e interagiscono con i consu…
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Folge 140: Die Uschis knacken beinahe die 2-Stunden-Marke! Das war nicht beabsichtigt, doch zum Thema der Folge gab es einfach so viel zu erzählen, dass noch gut zwei weitere Stunden hätten gefüllt werden können. Es geht um das Bergsteigen im Himalaya, genauer gesagt am Mount Everest. Der höchste Berg der Welt lockt immer mehr Menschen an und mause…
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Continuiamo a esplorare le figure professionali che popolano e animano il mondo della finanza, concentrandoci sul Gestore di Fondi comuni di investimento. Più che un lavoro, il Gestore somiglia a un vero e proprio stile di vita che richiede curiosità costante, prontezza e massima adattabilità a nuovi scenari 🏹 Quali sono i principi che vengono adot…
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In questa nuova puntata di Finanza in Tasca conosciamo più da vicino una delle figure più emblematiche e chiacchierate del mondo della finanza: il Broker. Quanto c'è di vero nelle rappresentazioni cinematografiche che abbiamo visto negli ultimi anni e di cosa si occupa realmente il Broker? Chi sono i suoi principali interlocutori e quali principi g…
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Dopo una prima stagione all'insegna dell'educazione finanziaria, torna il podcast di Gimme5, Finanza in Tasca 🚀 Nella seconda stagione scopriremo il mondo del risparmio e degli investimenti a 360°, attraverso la voce dei protagonisti del settore. In questa prima puntata inaugurale, abbiamo il piacere di fare due chiacchiere con Chiara Padua, Deputy…
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In this episode of the Tascha Labs podcast, we explore the current status of the Multi-Chain Thesis, with Sergey Gorbunov, Co-Founder and CEO of Axelar. We dive into the world of multi-chain ecosystems, the factors driving consolidation in crypto liquidity, and the benefits for web3 applications to go multi-chain. We also touch on the architectural…
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In this episode of the Tascha Labs podcast, I'll walk you through the steps to implement an internally consistent framework for profitable crypto investing, with a little help from our friend ChatGPT.Subscribe to the Tascha Labs newsletter at Subscribe to Tascha Labs Podcast | Crypto Investment through Macro Lens …
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Folge 138: Esoterik boomt und erfährt immer mehr Zulauf. Ob vermeintlicher Hippie-Lifestyle, alternative Heilmethoden, kosmische Kräfte, Homöopathie oder magische Rituale: Die verschiedenen Strömungen und Spielrichtungen scheinen endlos. Doch wie gefährlich kann Esoterik werden und was haben rechte Gruppierungen damit zu tun? Wo begegnen uns zweife…
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In this episode of Tascha Labs podcast I talk about: *banking crisis in Silicon Valley: SVB, Silvergate, Signature and what it means for monetary policy direction *crypto market outlook *blockchain economies’ long term existential rivalsSubscribe to the Tascha Labs newsletter at 👉 Subscribe to Tascha Labs Podcast …
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In this episode of Tascha Labs podcast, we talk all about angel investing in Web3-- the why, the how, the potentials, and the pitfalls. Joining me is Paul Pesek, cofounder of WAGMI Ventures, a fast growing Web3 angel syndicate. Tune in to learn about how to select deals, evaluate projects, and structure your portfolio as an angel investor, and rece…
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In this episode of Tascha Labs podcast, I talk to Sreeram Kannan, founder of EigenLayer, about a new Ethereum staking modality called “re-staking”. This is a new innovation that can help scale a proof-of-stake ecosystem by improving the system’s capital efficiency.Lots of interesting and potentially complex economic implications for the Ethereum pl…
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Thomas und Anton lesen einen in dieser deutschen Ausgabe auf zwei Bände aufgeteilten Roman von Abraham Merritt aus dem Jahr 1932. Darin erfahren sie von den Uiguren, die zu den Vorfahren der Wikinger gehören, deren letzte in einem fernabgeschiedenen dschungelhaften Tal in Alaska leben. Zusammen mit einem Tentaktelmonster und kleinen Elfen. Ach ja, …
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In this episode of Tascha Labs podcast I talk about:Macro big picture for this yearCrypto market outlookThree investment perspectivesTimestamp00:00 - Introduction Macro big picture for this year00:57 - What is the macro picture right now?Crypto market 202314:30 - Is the bottom in? 16:20 - Does that mean we have a bull market?17:40 - Why is crypto p…
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I made a new year’s gift for you!This simple web3 platform valuation tool helps you quickly estimate how much a blockchain (or other similar types of web3 platform) is worth given its traction level & crypto market condition.This episode of Tascha Labs podcast gives a quick walkthrough of how to use this tool to valuate an Ethereum L2 like Arbitrum…
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In this episode of Tascha Labs podcast I talk about:A valuation framework to assess blockchain platforms 👉 of token supply on price 👉 - Introduction 1. A valuation framework t…
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Folge 137: Weihnachten steht mal wieder vor der Tür und es gibt noch so viel zu erledigen! Die Besinnlichkeit bleibt dabei auch mal auf der Strecke, was die Uschis etwas stresst. Trotzdem mögen sie Weihnachten und sie lassen sich da auch nicht reinreden. Neben dem obligatorischen Vorweihnachtsgeplänkel geht es außerdem noch um Adventsunfälle, Besuc…
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Based out of Bethlehem, PA, Matt is an engineer, studio owner, and multi-instrumentalist. Join us as we discuss his studio - Shards Recording Studio - and his philosophies regarding the recording process, his band VoirVoir, the thriving local scene he surrounds himself with, and what gear from TASCAM has had an impact on his productions. Don't forg…
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One day last year I was debating with a dear friend– who’s a bit of an ethereum maxi– about Ethereum vs other L1s. He said, “Once Eth L2 rollups are up and running, cost and speed advantages of other L1s won’t exist anymore.”I said, “I’m bullish on Eth L2s as well. But nothing’s stopping other L1s to also have rollups. You can have layer 2s on, say…
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Se fino ad ora ci siamo concentrati sui principi base di educazione finanziaria, in questa puntata li mettiamo in pratica grazie al digitale. Per farlo abbiamo invitato due ospiti speciali che lavorano nel FinTech…un nuovo mondo della finanza di cui molti non conoscono ancora l’esistenza. Abbiamo con noi Raffaella Salto, Product manager di HYPE, pr…
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Joining the show virtually this week is none other than Roland Guerin. An absolute monster bass player, Roland has been across the world following his passion for music. Listen along as we discuss sharing the stage with legendary symphonic acts, being mentored by some of the greatest musicians the world has ever known, being behind the board in the…
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In this episode of Tascha Labs podcast I discuss:· where we are in the market cycle for equity and crypto· how this bear market is different from previous lengthy market downturn such as 2008/09 cycle and what it means for market rebound pattern going forward· what to do to prepare yourself for a market recovery in the next 6 monthsSubscribe to Tas…
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Folge 136: Die Augen des Menschen sind die Fenster zur Seele. So sagt man. Aber eigentlich kann man den Leuten eben doch nur vor den Kopf gucken und weiß nie wirklich, was in ihnen vorgeht. Das Thema Selbst- und Fremdwahrnehmung interessiert die Uschis schon länger und so haben sie sich hingesetzt und mit viel Halbwissen, küchenpsychologischen Ansä…
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In questa puntata, un po' diversa dal solito, abbiamo invitato due esperti del settore per parlare di un tema che sta riscuotendo sempre più successo tra le nuove generazioni: la sostenibilità. Abbiamo con noi Marco Tabanella, Senior Sales Executive di Vanguard - una tra le più importanti società di asset management al mondo - e Iacopo Massei, Busi…
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Folge 135: Gute Nachrichten! Mel hat die ersten Monate als frischgebackene Mama ohne nennenswerte Schäden überstanden und Steffi konnte endlich umziehen und wohnt daher nicht mehr im Bergischen Land. Seit der letzten Folge ist einiges passiert, aber hier werdet ihr auf den neuesten Stand gebracht und es hagelt auch direkt einige Ideen für neue Them…
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Our guest this week is full-time nerd and professional hype woman Nicki Sun! Nicki is a prolific content creator who can be found both in front of and behind the camera. From tech talks and tutorials to hosting and moderating, making films to podcasting; there's nothing she can't do. Listen along as Nicki talks about her go-to gear, how she got sta…
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I Piani Individuali di Risparmio sono una tipologia di investimento che non ci sono da sempre…è una cosa alquanto nuova! Vengono infatti introdotti dal legislatore in Italia nel 2017 allo scopo di creare un ponte di collegamento solido tra il risparmio privato e l’economia reale italiana. Cioè? Cosa significa nella pratica? In questa puntata scopri…
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