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Thy Strong Word reveals the light of our salvation in Christ through study of God’s Word, breaking our darkness with His redeeming light. Each weekday, two pastors fix our eyes on Jesus by considering Holy Scripture, verse by verse, in order to be strengthened in the Word and be equipped to faithfully serve in our daily vocations. Thy Strong Word is hosted by Rev. Dr. Phil Booe, pastor of St. John Lutheran Church of Luverne, MN, and graciously underwritten by the Lutheran Heritage Foundation.
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show series
Israel is compared to a lush vine that has grown fruit for itself, but its abundance has led to greater idolatry and corruption. The people have divided hearts, making empty promises and worshiping false gods. Judgment is coming, and they will face destruction for their wickedness and misplaced trust in human leaders and military power. Hosea calls…
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Hosea brings a sobering message to Israel, warning of the consequences of turning away from God. The prophet foretells exile, destruction, and the loss of joy, as their disobedience leads to divine judgment. Even their offerings and religious rituals are rejected, and the once fertile land will become barren. It's a powerful reminder of the cost of…
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Israel's rebellion leads to harsh consequences as God warns of the coming judgment. Despite their offerings and sacrifices, the people have turned to idols, trusting in their own ways instead of God's. The chapter emphasizes the emptiness of their actions and the inevitable destruction that follows disobedience. Their misplaced alliances and relian…
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God laments Israel's ongoing sin and corruption, as the people turn to deceit, adultery, and alliances with foreign nations instead of seeking Him. Their leaders are compared to an overheated oven, consumed by their passions and pride. Despite their downfall, they refuse to repent, and their cries remain insincere. Israel’s reliance on foreign alli…
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Hosea pleads with the people to return to God, recognizing His power to heal and restore after their suffering. However, God’s frustration is clear as He condemns their shallow devotion, like a mist that fades with the dawn. Despite outward rituals, Israel and Judah are mired in sin, deceit, and violence, prioritizing sacrifices over genuine love a…
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God charges Israel with unfaithfulness, condemning their lack of truth, mercy, and knowledge of Him. The land suffers because of the people's moral corruption, as they turn to false gods and engage in idolatry. The priests are singled out for leading the nation astray, exploiting the people for personal gain. As judgment looms, God's anger burns ag…
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Through Hosea, God speaks tenderly to Israel, promising restoration and renewed relationship after a period of judgment. He vows to lead them into the wilderness and transform their sorrow into hope, offering forgiveness and a fresh covenant, pointing forward to Jesus. Ultimately, the faithfulness of Israel—meaning all of God’s people, will be rest…
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God speaks through the prophet Hosea, addressing Israel’s unfaithfulness in vivid imagery. He likens the nation to an unfaithful wife, chasing after false gods and forgetting the covenant with Him. Despite the people's betrayal, God warns of coming judgment, stripping away their prosperity and exposing their shame. Yet, underlying the harsh words i…
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Get ready for the debut of "Headlines,” a fun and thought-provoking twist for Free-Text First Fridays. In this episode, the guest pastor faces the challenge of guessing which headline is real and which ones are the host's creations. Each round sparks deeper conversations about pressing issues in today's news and how the Bible offers guidance on the…
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Hosea opens with the prophet being commanded by God to marry Gomer, a promiscuous woman, as a living symbol of Israel’s unfaithfulness. Their children are given prophetic names that reflect God’s judgment—signifying the broken relationship between God and His people. Yet even amid these harsh warnings of destruction and rejection, God hints at futu…
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Hosea tells the powerful story of a prophet commanded to marry an unfaithful woman, Gomer, as a living symbol of God’s boundless love for Israel despite its repeated betrayals. Through heartbreak and redemption, Hosea’s marriage becomes a vivid portrayal of how deeply God desires His people to return to Him, even when they chase after idols. Packed…
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A final, powerful vision of judgment and restoration unfolds as Amos reveals the fate of Israel. The message is clear: God's wrath is unavoidable, with no place for the guilty to hide. Yet, amid the destruction, a promise of hope emerges: the fallen house of David will be restored, and a time of abundance and peace will return. Amos’s prophecy ends…
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The prophet Amos delivers a powerful vision of Israel's impending doom, symbolized by a basket of ripe fruit signifying that the nation's end is near. God declares that He will no longer overlook Israel's injustices, predicting a time of dark mourning and spiritual famine, where people will search in vain for His word. The Rev. James Helms, Jr., pa…
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The prophet receives visions of judgment—locusts, fire, and a plumb line—each symbolizing God's impending punishment on Israel. While Amos intercedes and God relents twice, the plumb line vision marks the point of no return. When Amaziah, the priest of Bethel, tries to silence Amos, he boldly declares God's judgment on Israel and Amaziah's househol…
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A powerful warning is issued to those who live in comfort and luxury while neglecting the suffering around them. Amos condemns the complacency of Israel's leaders, who bask in their wealth and security, ignoring the looming judgment. This chapter highlights the coming devastation as a consequence of their arrogance and the nation's moral decay. The…
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Amos challenges the complacency of those who mistakenly believe that the Day of the Lord will bring them victory over their enemies. Instead, he warns of impending darkness and judgment due to their hypocrisy. Despite their religious festivals and offerings, God rejects their empty rituals because they neglect justice and righteousness. Amos urges …
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The prophet Amos delivers a stern warning to Israel in Amos 5, urging the people to seek the Lord and live, rather than continuing in their hollow rituals and unjust ways. Through vivid imagery and powerful indictments, Amos calls out the nation's corruption, idolatry, and complacency, warning that divine judgment is imminent unless true repentance…
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Amos delivers a stark warning to Israel, highlighting their complacency and repeated disobedience. Despite the nation's prosperity, they are blind to God's repeated calls for repentance. Through vivid imagery, Amos recounts the hardships sent by God—famine, drought, pestilence—as opportunities for Israel to turn back, yet they persist in their stub…
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Amos offers a compelling insight into Israel’s unique relationship with God, where privilege comes with great responsibility. Through vivid imagery and pointed questions, the passage uncovers the nation’s persistent sins, making it clear that judgment is on the horizon. The message carries a sense of urgency, as God's warnings emphasize the need fo…
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The prophet Amos delivers a powerful indictment against Israel, exposing their social injustices and moral decay. He highlights how the people have exploited the vulnerable, indulged in greed, and turned away from God’s righteousness. Despite their privileged position, Israel is warned of impending judgment, serving as a stark reminder that God’s j…
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Amos, a shepherd from Tekoa, receives a divine vision that sets the stage for a series of powerful judgments against the nations surrounding Israel. Through vivid imagery and fierce proclamations, God’s justice is declared against the transgressions of Damascus, Gaza, Tyre, Edom, and others. As Amos turns his focus to Judah, the warnings become eve…
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Amos, a simple shepherd and fig tree farmer from Tekoa, was called by God to deliver a powerful message to Israel—a nation steeped in corruption, injustice, and complacency. Unlike the professional prophets of his time, Amos was an outsider, chosen to proclaim a divine warning against the moral decay and social inequalities that plagued the norther…
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In this episode we address common objections to infant baptism, explaining why this practice is deeply rooted in Scripture and Lutheran theology. We’ll explore why Lutherans don’t see baptism as a mere human act, but as a divine work through which God grants faith, forgiveness, and salvation—even to infants. We’ll also debunk myths about infant bap…
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St. Paul offers final instructions and encouragement to the Thessalonian believers. He asks for their prayers that the Lord’s message may spread rapidly and that they be delivered from wicked and evil people. Paul reassures them of the Lord’s faithfulness, urging them to remain steadfast and obedient. He addresses the issue of idleness among some m…
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The Apostle Paul tackles the Thessalonians' anxieties about the Day of the Lord, reassuring them that it hasn't yet arrived. He cautions them against being misled by false teachings or claims that the day is already here. Paul clarifies that certain events must take place first, including the rise of the "man of lawlessness," who will defy God and …
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St. Paul begins his second letter by expressing gratitude for the Thessalonians' growing faith and love amid persecution. He reassures them that their endurance is evidence of God's righteous judgment and that they will be counted worthy of His kingdom. Paul warns that those who oppose God will face eternal judgment when Jesus returns in glory. He …
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St. Paul offers final instructions and encouragements to the Thessalonian believers, urging them to respect their leaders, live in peace, and care for one another. He emphasizes the importance of rejoicing always, praying continually, and giving thanks in all circumstances, as these are God's will in Christ Jesus. Paul also advises them not to quen…
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The Apostle addresses the Thessalonians' concerns about the fate of believers who died before Jesus returns. Will they be included in the resurrection? He then gives practical advice on how to live in anticipation of Christ's return. Paul reassures them that deceased believers will share in the glory of Christ’s return and provides instructions on …
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Paul urges the believers to live lives that please God, emphasizing sanctification and purity. He calls them to avoid sexual immorality, to control their bodies in holiness and honor, and to love one another deeply. Paul also encourages them to lead a quiet life, work with their hands, and conduct themselves in a manner that earns the respect of ou…
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Paul expresses deep gratitude for the Thessalonians' steadfast faith, even amidst persecution, and their reception of the gospel as the true word of God. He shares his longing to see them again and his joy at hearing from Timothy that they remain strong in faith and love. Paul also prays fervently for their continued growth in love and holiness as …
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The Apostle Paul begins by expressing gratitude for the Thessalonians’ strong faith, nurtured by the gospel, and notes how their faithfulness has become a shining example for others. He then shifts focus to the work of a faithful pastor, describing the boldness, dedication, and care required in ministry—likening a pastor’s role to that of both a ge…
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In 1 and 2 Thessalonians, Paul writes to the church in Thessalonica to encourage and instruct them amidst persecution. In 1 Thessalonians, he commends their faith, love, and hope, offers guidance on living a holy life, and reassures them about the fate of believers who have died, emphasizing the hope of the resurrection and Christ’s return. In 2 Th…
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The resurrection of Jesus transforms despair into joy. Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and other women who followed Jesus, go to His tomb early in the morning and find it empty. They hear from angels that He is risen. Jesus then reveals Himself to disciples on the road to Emmaus and later to the apostles, proving His resurrection …
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After Jesus is arrested, Peter follows behind and ultimately denies knowing Jesus three times, fulfilling Jesus' prediction. Jesus is then mocked and beaten as He faces the council. Jesus stands before Pilate and Herod, facing false accusations and mockery. Despite finding no guilt in Him, Pilate succumbs to the crowd's demands and sentences Jesus …
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Pivotal events leading to Jesus' crucifixion unfold. Judas agrees to betray Jesus. Our Lord then institutes the Lord's Supper during the Passover meal. In Gethsemane, Jesus prays in agony before being arrested and betrayed by Judas. The Rev. Dr. Burnell Eckardt, pastor emeritus and editor-in-chief of the Lutheran liturgy journal, Gottesdienst, join…
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Jesus delivers powerful teachings on generosity, end times, and vigilance. He praises a poor widow's humble offering, predicts the temple's destruction, and warns of future wars, disasters, and persecutions, urging steadfast faith. Foretelling Jerusalem's fall and cosmic signs of His return, Jesus emphasizes the need for constant vigilance and pray…
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This episode explores the intriguing and often controversial topic of the Rapture, a belief that many American Evangelicals embrace—but what does the Bible teach? We’ll dive into its origins, different interpretations, and our own biblical, Lutheran position. This episode unravels the history, context, and theological implications of the end times,…
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In the temple, Jesus skillfully counters the religious leaders' attempts to trap Him with questions about His authority, taxes, and the resurrection. Through the Parable of the Wicked Tenants, Jesus critiques the leaders' rejection of God's messengers. He also addresses the Sadducees' question about resurrection, affirming the reality of life after…
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Jesus' journey to Jerusalem unfolds with powerful events and teachings. He encounters Zacchaeus, a wealthy tax collector, leading to Zacchaeus' repentance and salvation. Jesus tells the Parable of the Ten Minas, emphasizing faithful stewardship. His Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem fulfills prophecy, met with royal acclaim. Jesus weeps over the city’…
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Jesus teaches profound lessons on faith, humility, and discipleship. He shares the Parable of the Persistent Widow, urging tenacious prayer, and the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector, highlighting humility. Jesus welcomes little children, stressing the need for childlike faith, and challenges a rich ruler to give up his wealth for etern…
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Jesus teaches profound lessons on faith, forgiveness, and gratitude. He warns about causing others to sin, emphasizes the necessity of forgiveness, and illustrates the immense power of even a small amount of faith. Through the Parable of the Unworthy Servants, He reminds us that fulfilling God's commands is our duty. Jesus heals ten lepers, but onl…
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Jesus imparts profound lessons on wealth, stewardship, and the afterlife, urging believers to use earthly resources wisely for eternal purposes. He warns against the seductive power of money, reminding us that we cannot serve both God and wealth. Through the story of the rich man and Lazarus, Jesus contrasts earthly luxury with heavenly reward, hig…
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Jesus shares three powerful parables revealing God's immense joy over the repentance of sinners. First, the Parable of the Lost Sheep shows a shepherd leaving ninety-nine sheep to find one lost sheep, celebrating its return. Next, the Parable of the Lost Coin depicts a woman who rejoices after finding her lost coin. Finally, the Parable of the Prod…
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Jesus captivates with powerful lessons on humility, generosity, and the cost of discipleship. He heals a man with dropsy on the Sabbath, challenging the Pharisees' strict rules. At a banquet, He advises choosing the lowest place and encourages inviting the poor and marginalized, promising heavenly rewards. Through the Parable of the Great Banquet, …
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Jesus delivers powerful and urgent teachings on repentance, judgment, and the Kingdom of God. Using the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree, He underscores the pressing need for genuine repentance. His miraculous healing of a crippled woman on the Sabbath sparks controversy, yet it highlights the primacy of compassion. Through the images of a mustard se…
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Jesus captivates the crowd with profound teachings, starting with a bold warning against the hypocrisy of the Pharisees. He urges His followers to fear God rather than people, reassuring them of God's attentive care. Through the Parable of the Rich Fool, He exposes the futility of hoarding wealth. Jesus then encourages His disciples to trust in God…
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Jesus begins by teaching His disciples the Lord's Prayer, offering a powerful model for heartfelt communication with God. He underscores the importance of persistent prayer with the Parable of the Friend at Midnight and assures them of God's eagerness to bless those who ask. When Jesus casts out a demon, He's accused of using Beelzebul’s power, but…
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Jesus sends out seventy-two disciples to proclaim the Kingdom of God and heal the sick. They return rejoicing in their newfound authority, but Jesus reminds them that their true joy should be in their heavenly reward. Jesus then shares the Parable of the Good Samaritan, illustrating the profound love and compassion required to be a true neighbor. T…
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Jesus descends from the Transfiguration to a scene of chaos, where He heals a demon-possessed boy that His disciples couldn't cure, leaving the crowd in awe of His authority. As He predicts His impending betrayal, confusion and fear grip His disciples. An argument about greatness arises, and Jesus points to a child to teach the true nature of humil…
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Jesus sends out the Twelve with power and authority to drive out demons, cure diseases, and proclaim the Kingdom of God. Upon their return, He feeds five thousand people with five loaves and two fish, illustrating His miraculous provision. Later, Jesus asks His disciples about His identity, leading Peter to confess that He is the Messiah. The passa…
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