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Hidden Harbor Mysteries

Jay Smith on

Hidden Harbor, USA. It is a time of war and hardship for millions of Americans, many of whom live in a city of lies and corruption. But there are those who will fight for truth and justice in this hard, broken city – heroes like The Femme Phantom, who uses the music of the human soul to combat evil and villainy. Based on the radio serials of the 1930s, Hidden Harbor Mysteries is a full-cast audio drama packed with fast-paced, bare-knuckle adventure topped with relentless thrills and chills. ...
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Where History Comes Alive! A fast-paced, well-researched weekly podcast covering a wide range of historical events, persons, places, legends, and mysteries, Hosted by Jon Hagadorn, the selection of stories and interviews includes lost treasure, unsolved mysteries, unexplained phenomenon, WWII stories, biographies, disasters, legends of the Old West, American Revolutionary history, urban legends, movie backstories, and much more. Available wherever podcasts are found, including Apple Podcasts ...
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Le Hamas a libéré trois otages tandis qu'Israël a relâché 183 prisonniers palestiniens, dans le cadre d'un accord de cessez-le-feu. Traduction: Hamas released three hostages while Israel freed 183 Palestinian prisoners as part of a ceasefire agreement. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.…
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La basilique Notre-Dame-de-la-Garde à Marseille a achevé sa restauration, redonnant éclat à ce monument emblématique. Traduction: The Notre-Dame-de-la-Garde basilica in Marseille has completed its restoration, restoring shine to this iconic monument. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.…
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Le Festival du film fantastique de Gérardmer a décerné son Grand Prix au film "In a Violent Nature" du Canadien Chris Nash. Traduction: The Gérardmer Fantastic Film Festival awarded its Grand Prize to "In a Violent Nature" by Canadian Chris Nash. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.…
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Un éboulement en Savoie a bloqué plus de 10 000 automobilistes pendant plusieurs heures, nécessitant des opérations de déblaiement importantes. Traduction: A landslide in Savoie stranded over 10,000 motorists for several hours, requiring significant clearing operations. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.…
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Two woman in Nazi-occupied Paris, bith close friends over 50 years old create a daring escape line that rescued dozens of allied servicemen . With one still in prison, one was returned to the states on a prisoner swap and wrote a tell-all book which the publishers added to to boost sales, and the one in prison was "re"-discovered and treated mercil…
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De fortes précipitations ont provoqué des inondations importantes dans l'Ouest de la France, touchant des milliers de foyers et perturbant les transports. Traduction: Heavy rainfall caused major flooding in Western France, affecting thousands of households and disrupting transportation. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'infor…
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Le tourisme en France rebondit en 2024, avec un afflux massif de visiteurs étrangers, redynamisant l’économie locale dans les régions touristiques. Translation in English: Tourism in France rebounds in 2024, with a massive influx of foreign visitors, revitalizing the local economy in tourist regions. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pou…
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Les tribunaux français sont submergés par un nombre record d'affaires en attente, mettant en lumière la nécessité de réformes structurelles pour accélérer les procédures et désengorger les dossiers. Traduction: French courts are overwhelmed by a record number of pending cases, highlighting the need for structural reforms to speed up proceedings and…
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La tempête Herminia a provoqué des crues majeures à Rennes, entraînant l'évacuation de 400 habitants et la fermeture de routes. Une décrue est espérée en fin de semaine. Traduction: The Herminia storm caused major floods in Rennes, leading to the evacuation of 400 residents and road closures. A decrease in water levels is expected by the end of the…
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The Battle of Guadalcanal-an air, land, and sea battle fought in the Pacific between August 7th and February 9th of 1942, was the first major offensive of WWII that tested American land forces vs. the Japanaese Imperial Army. It was a hard, brutal conflict for the 15,000 US Marines and 20,000 Japanese that were sent there, fought in an unforgiving …
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Le Congrès américain certifie la victoire de Donald Trump, officialisant son retour à la présidence des États-Unis. Traduction: The U.S. Congress certifies Donald Trump's victory, confirming his return to the presidency. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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Un sourire sincère a le pouvoir de transformer une journée. Il transmet chaleur, espoir et connexion, créant des liens invisibles entre les cœurs. Sourire est un acte universel. Traduction: A genuine smile has the power to transform a day. It conveys warmth, hope, and connection, creating invisible bonds between hearts. Smiling is a universal act. …
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Le ciel nocturne, parsemé d'étoiles, nous rappelle notre place dans l'univers. Il inspire des rêves, des questions et une profonde admiration pour l'immensité cosmique. Traduction: The night sky, scattered with stars, reminds us of our place in the universe. It inspires dreams, questions, and profound awe for the cosmic vastness. Hébergé par Acast.…
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L'eau est la source de toute vie. Préserver cette ressource précieuse est essentiel pour garantir un avenir durable pour les générations actuelles et futures. Chaque goutte compte. Traduction: Water is the source of all life. Preserving this precious resource is essential to ensure a sustainable future for current and future generations. Every drop…
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La lecture ouvre des mondes infinis, permettant à l'esprit de voyager à travers le temps, les cultures et les idées. Un livre peut changer une vie en un instant. Traduction: Reading opens infinite worlds, allowing the mind to travel through time, cultures, and ideas. A book can change a life in an instant. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez…
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A Dangerous Loner... The Perfect TARGETS... THYE VERY FIRST PLOT TO KILL JFK Jon talks with NYT Best-selling authors Brad Meltzer and Josh Mentz about THE JFK CONSPIRACY- The secret plot to kill Kennedy- and why it failed. Check out our website at Give us a like at our new Twitter account @1001Stories AND help support our …
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Les forêts abritent une biodiversité inestimable. Chaque arbre, chaque insecte, joue un rôle vital dans l'équilibre fragile de notre planète. Respectons et protégeons ces écosystèmes essentiels. Traduction: Forests host invaluable biodiversity. Every tree, every insect, plays a vital role in the fragile balance of our planet. Let us respect and pro…
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A four year-old boy in Oklahoma begins telling his mom all about his other life- that he had had four wives, three brothers and two sisters, and had lived in a big home with a pool, and literally hundreds of other details. He did not know his prior name- but he knew that he was in a movie and had danced on Broadway- so he and his mom began visiting…
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Une mutation unique, Q226L, a été identifiée, augmentant la capacité du virus H5N1 à infecter les cellules humaines, soulevant des préoccupations sanitaires mondiales. Traduction : A single mutation, Q226L, has been identified, increasing the H5N1 virus's ability to infect human cells, raising global health concerns. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acas…
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John Mahama a été élu président du Ghana pour un second mandat non consécutif, promettant des réformes économiques et une lutte accrue contre la corruption. Traduction : John Mahama was elected President of Ghana for a second non-consecutive term, promising economic reforms and a stronger fight against corruption. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.c…
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Un séisme de magnitude 7,0 a frappé la côte nord de la Californie, causant des dommages matériels significatifs mais sans faire de victimes. Traduction : A 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck Northern California's coast, causing significant property damage but no casualties. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.…
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Le Premier ministre français, Michel Barnier, a démissionné après l'adoption d'une motion de censure, plongeant le pays dans une crise politique majeure. Traduction : French Prime Minister Michel Barnier resigned after a no-confidence motion was adopted, plunging the country into a major political crisis. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez…
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On Jan 2, 1932, in a rural area in southwest Missouri, 6 lawmen were shot and killed and two wounded in a shootout as a groupof 11 sheriffs and deputies surrounded a farmhouse in which two or three well-armed fugitives were holedup. They were brothers named Harry and Jennings, and possibly Paul, and they were wanted- Harry for murder of a lawman, t…
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Après cinq ans de restauration, la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris a rouvert ses portes, accueillant des milliers de visiteurs venus célébrer ce symbole du patrimoine français. Traduction : After five years of restoration, Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris reopened its doors, welcoming thousands of visitors celebrating this symbol of French heritage. Hé…
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Des entreprises de défense françaises et allemandes ouvrent des ateliers locaux en Ukraine pour l'entretien des armes, une première étape vers la fabrication d'armes dans le pays. Traduction : French and German defense companies are setting up local shops in Ukraine for arms maintenance — a first step toward manufacturing weapons in the country. Hé…
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Un type de bactérie jamais observé auparavant chez les éléphants sauvages a été découvert dans les corps de six animaux décédés dans des circonstances mystérieuses au Zimbabwe. Traduction : A type of bacterium never seen before in wild elephants has been found in the bodies of six animals that died in mysterious circumstances in Zimbabwe. Hébergé p…
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L'année dernière, des incendies de forêt féroces ont détruit des milliers d'hectares de l'une des forêts les plus pittoresques de France. Traduction : Last year, ferocious wildfires destroyed thousands of hectares of one of France's most picturesque forests. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.…
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