This is a podcast about some of the most spectacular terrorist attacks in history. In this podcast, I tell the stories of the terrorists, their victims and the consequences for the survivors and society. About people who will sacrifice their own lives or the lives of others for a political, economic, religious or social goal. Who was behind it, who did they want to hit, and why. My name is Natasja, and I am a journalist with a Master's in Middle Eastern Studies. Unfortunately, I have experie ...
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Stephen usually podcasts over at the Asian Cinema Film Club, but for this series he branches off on his own, and explores other areas of World Cinema.
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Podden for deg som lurer på hva som rører seg på innsiden av Arbeiderpartiets stortingsgruppe. Eva, Martin og Torstein prater om aktuelle saker med gjester som detter innom kontoret deres på Stortinget.
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" They were quick at killing. It did not take them very long, and they said nothing while they were doing it. They killed all 26. I was horrified. I knew all these people. They were my family, my friends, my neighbors. When they finished I slipped away and went to my home, where I sat trembling all over." It was Christmas Day, 25 December 2008. Chr…
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The young man stood at the bus stop and waited. He was wearing a full military uniform and had an M16 rifle over his shoulder. His beard was long, and on either side of his face, two dark, curly locks of hair hung and caressed his cheeks. On his head, he wore a kippah, a hemispherical traditional Jewish skull cap often worn by ultra-Orthodox Jewish…
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Every year, on the 14th of July, thousands of people pour into the streets of France. France's National Day, also called Bastille Day, is celebrated here. It is considered the starting point for the French Revolution, which started on the 14th of July 1789 and has been celebrated every year since. The day is celebrated all over France, and in the w…
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The young Dane sat naked in the military tent while the scornful comments poured down on Ham. The year was 2001 and he was in Kandahar province in southern Afghanistan. The man was bound with chains on his hands and feet. He could do nothing about the soldiers' disgusting comments, or when they began to shave off his hair and long beard. It was hum…
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Jordan and Andre Anchondo had a busy morning. The couple, who had just celebrated their first wedding anniversary, had invited friends and family to their eldest daughter Skylin's 6th birthday that day. It was Saturday, 3 August 2019. When they dropped off their daughter for cheerleading practice, they drove towards the local supermarket Walmart in…
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The elderly Arab man tried to catch his breath as he made himself as small as possible in the cramped, smelly drain he had taken refuge in. Sweat ran down his face and his khaki pants and shirt were soaked with sweat. Perhaps he knew even then that all hope was lost. Maybe he did not even think about it in the few moments he was alone on the phone.…
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The assassination of Italy's John F. Kennedy
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32:12On Via Fani, a downward-sloping hill in northern Rome, Italy, four small, angular Fiat cars were parked. In the cars sat men and women wearing crew uniforms belonging to the staff of the Italian airline Alitalia. It was 08:45 on the morning of March 16, 1978. The sun was shining and the weather forecast predicted a pleasant day with temperatures up…
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The sultan straightened his uniform. Then he put his ribbons across his uniform, attached his medals, and finally donned his red fez. Then he took one last look at himself in the mirror before heading out of the palace to the horse-drawn carriage that would take him to the Yildiz Mosque for the weekly Friday prayer. It was July 21, 1905, in Istanbu…
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US District Court Judge Raymond Dearie sat behind the raised judge’s table in the Eastern District of New York. The 74-year-old former prosecutor looked down at the case file before him and then raised his gaze, which he directed at a dark-haired, South Asian-looking man in his early 30s. So said the judge “Is this the same Mr Zazi I saw many years…
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It was August 1 2009, in Israel's largest city, Tel Aviv. The weather was over 30C, even though it was approaching 11pm. The Aguda building Bar-Noar, which housed the Tel Aviv Gay and Lesbian Association, is a restored Bauhaus building in Meir Park in the city centre. As always, the centre was attended by gay teenagers who participated in social ac…
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It was Saturday, June 22, 1985, at 13:30 in the afternoon in the city of Vancouver in Canada. The phone rang at the Air India ticket office. "Hello. It is "Manjit Singh". I would like to confirm that my bookings on Air India Flight 181/182”. The friendly employee at the office informed him that he was still on the waiting list and offered him a num…
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Friday morning, July 19, 1946, three men stood and talked in a building in Jerusalem’s Bukharian quarter. These four were briefed first because their plan for a terrorist attack on the hotel required them to arrive first. The other members who were to take part in the attack, the exact number of which is unknown, would gather later. One of them jum…
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25-year-old Marc Lépine sat on the floor before the university secretary’s office. He was on the 2nd floor of the École Polytechnique, a three-story engineering school affiliated with the Université de Montréal in Montreal, Canada. He had arrived shortly before this Wednesday, 6 December 1989. Marc Lépine rummaged a little in a plastic bag. He look…
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An eight-year-old boy was walking home through the dark streets of Belfast in the biting evening chill. On his way home, he passed the family-owned pub McGurk's, which was a popular meeting place for many of the locals in the New Lodge area of the Northern Irish capital. The moment he passed the pub, he saw a man wearing a dark overcoat and a mas…
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The terrorist, who lost the battle, but won the war
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45:52It was five o'clock in the morning on November 20, 1979. The ageing Imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca was preparing for the day's prayer meeting. Meanwhile, the mosque's courtyard, where the audience could follow the day's ceremony, was slowly filling up. Many had spent the night on brought blankets in several of the mosque's thousands of rooms. Bu…
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It was 9.10 AM in the American city of Oklahoma City. The city was waking up, and the citizens were going about their everyday routines. Families were handing over their children in daycare and heading to work. But an ordinary morning was soon to develop into the biggest nightmare. A nearly six-foot-tall, lanky man with a narrow face and dark blond…
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Trioen sin siste pod-episode sammen! Martin, Eva og Torstein snakker om det siste halvåret som har gått, siste dagen på Stortinget før sommeren, Aps 100-dagersplan og valgkamp!By Frihet, likhet, podkast
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Vi snakker om arven etter åtte år med Erna Solberg ved makta: Om små og store drastiske endringer som folk har en tendens til å glemme! Wegard Harsvik går skrevet bok med nettopp det samme navnet og er vår gjest.By Frihet, likhet, podkast
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#63: Oppbyggingen av Utøya etter terrorangrepet og APLM-nach
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37:49Vi oppsummerer et vel overstått landsmøte, og vi har fått besøk av daglig leder for Utøya Jørgen Watne Frydnes, som er aktuell med ny bok: "Ingen mann er en øy". Etter angrepet på Utøya 22. juli 2011 var AUF fast bestemt på «å ta øya tilbake». Det skulle vise seg å bli en komplisert prosess.By Frihet, likhet, podkast
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I denne episoden varmer vi opp til Landsmøtet 2021 sammen med partisekretær Kjersti Stenseng, og Martin og Torstein ser inn i spåkula på dissensene! Hør hør.By Frihet, likhet, podkast
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#61 Sushifest på Geilo, nach og dypdykk i ny klimaplan
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24:58Gjengen får besøk av Arbeiderpartiets Åsmund Aukrust for et dypdykk i ny klimaplan! Og svinger selvsagt innom sushifesten til Erna på Geilo, nachet i Bodø og ny nasjonal "nedstengning".By Frihet, likhet, podkast
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#60 We're back! Koronapinne for landet, Jensen-Exit og nok et IT-angrep
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28:05Torstein, Martin og Eva oppsummerer hva som har skjedd i podcast-pausen, og er ellers som de fleste andre korona-lei!By Frihet, likhet, podkast
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Gjengen får besøk av redaktør Harald Klungtveit og tar et dypdykk om høyreekstremisme i Norge og verden i dag. Hvem er nynazistene blant oss? Hvilke ideologier driver dem? Og er vi som samfunn naive når vi skal bekjempe fremveksten av disse kreftene?By Frihet, likhet, podkast
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#58: En broiler snakker ut, og alt er lov i FrP
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21:371/3 av podden skal slutte på Stortinget. FrP går på populistisk høygir etter dårliger målinger. RNB er lagt fram, og norsk politikk går mot normalen.By Frihet, likhet, podkast
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Stortinget vedtar stadig nye krisepakker. Bør vi bruke dem til å bygge landet etter koronakrisa? Eva har dusja, Martin har brakkesjuke og Torstein er fornøyd med delvis studentseier. TV2s Kjetil Løset er gjest, om medias rolle i krisen, korte tidsfrister med tiltakspakker og savnet etter meningsmålinger.…
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Hvordan takler podgjengen hjemmekontor? Har noen blitt syke, lagt på seg eller gått på veggen enda? Det som er sikkert er at Stortinget ikke er er helt det samme. Partileder Jonas Gahr Støre er gjest, om arbeidet med ny koronalov, krisepakker og Norge etter krisen.By Frihet, likhet, podkast
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#55: Corona på Stortinget, husk å vask hendene
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23:48By Frihet, likhet, podkast
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#54: Pels, rødt hår og gjest som har sluppet ut av «fengsel»
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35:58By Frihet, likhet, podkast
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#53: Hundebøller, maktgrep, EU og krasjkurs om Iowa
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29:41By Frihet, likhet, podkast
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#52: Velkommen til 2020 med Corona, ny regjering og trikkesniking
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21:10By Frihet, likhet, podkast
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Episode #12 Y Tu Mamá También/Tigers Are Not Afraid
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16:34Stephen belatedly ends the first season by initially making lots of excuses. He then looks at an early work by Alfonso Cuarón, the erotic comedy drama Y Tu Mamá También, and follows it up with Issa López’s Magical Realism infused crime-horror, Tigers Are Not Afraid Email the show via [email protected], or visit and contribute on the fac…
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#51 2019 oppsummert, siste fra julebordet og et oppgjør med Stortingets dokultur
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20:36Eva og Torstein oppsummerer året som har gått, mens Martin har forsovet seg. Så lekker vi litt fra julebordet til Arbeiderpartiet og tar en skikkelig oppgjør med Stortingets dokultur.By Frihet, likhet, podkast
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Gjengen endelig samla! Finansdebatt, mistillit, litt Trump og joda, jula!By Frihet, likhet, podkast
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#49: Hjemme alene fest om mistillit, NAV og SP, og kanskje kommer flere?
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34:05Torstein har hjemme-alenefest, men Hadia og Eva kommer begge innom for å snakke budsjett og NAV. Martin? Hvem vet?By Frihet, likhet, podkast
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#48: Alt du trenger å vite om trygdeskandalen + litt til
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28:32Eva og Torstein holder fortet når Martin er hjemme syk. Elisabeth Steen, leder i NTL NAV, kommer på besøk for å snakke om trygdeskandalen og hvordan oppleves av de ansatte. Du får alt om skandalen, vurdering av mistillit og litt mer i denne episoden.By Frihet, likhet, podkast
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#47: Livet etter «Skal vi danse» med Sandra Borch
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33:01#47: Livet etter «Skal vi danse» med Sandra Borch by Frihet, likhet, podkastBy Frihet, likhet, podkast
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#46: Statsbudsjettsnork, Venstre-flørt og Trump-galskap
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26:12Eva, Torstein og Martin spør om alle er fornøyd med nye roller, og om statsbudsjettet er mest snork eller usosialt. Det blir en for/mot runde på flørten fra Unge Venstre, og en skremt stemning sprer seg når Trump blir tema.By Frihet, likhet, podkast
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Første pod etter valget. Eva, Torstein og Martin tar en relativt uformell prat om valget og lærdommer for Arbeiderpartiet.By Frihet, likhet, podkast
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Special Bonus Episode #3 Susperia (2018) and some announcements!
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13:35In this special episode, Stephen takes a look at the remake/reimagining of a film he discussed way back in Episode 3, Susperia. He isn’t impressed! Also, there’s some announcements, with both an explanation on how the podcast is going to change a little with the soon to be launch Season 2, and about his input into a fascinating and exciting new onl…
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Livepod fra selveste Ølhallen i Tromsø 22. august. Ekte nordnorsk stemning med prat om valget, jernbane, klima, fritt skolevalg og hvorfor bompengeforliket er som herpes. Og en gullrekke med gjester: Klimasnakk og bompengerant med Silje Lundberg fra Naturvernforbundet, SWOT-analyse fra Skjalg Fjellheim fra Nordlys og Martin Lægland fra iTromsø, og …
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Episode #11 Babycall/Turn Me On, Godammit
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16:40In the second of two episodes focussing on Norwegian cinema, Stephen looks at two films that use common genres - horror and the teen sex comedy. He starts by looking at Pål Sletaune’s horror/thriller Babycall, which despite a so-so execution, rises above this by the performance of Noomi Rapace. And then he wraps up the visit to Norway by looking at…
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In the first of two episodes focusing on Norwegian cinema, Stephen looks at two films that use polarising cinematic techniques. He starts by looking at Erik Poppe’s continuous single take immersive telling of one of the worst domestic terror incidents of all time in Utøya: July 22, and then lightens the tone with André Øvredal’s fun Found Footage M…
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Eva, Torstein og Martin har hatt en drittdag, og irriterer seg over bom, asyl og svin. Men Knut Arild Hareide og sønnen Tord Olav kommer innom og får opp stemninga. (Ikke minst bidrar Tord Olav med ekstra lydeffekter.)Gjengen serverer jordbær og Vestlandslefser til den tidligere partilederen, som får bruke podden som erstatning for sin egen sommer-…
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Episode #9 Little Otík/My Sweet Little Village
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14:01This episode Stephen goes to the Czech Republic, and looks at two films with main characters called Otík. He starts by looking at a modern reworking of a Czech fairytale in Jan Švankmajer ‘Little Otík’ (also known in the West as ‘Greedy Guts’), and then pines for his own small village past when looking at Jiří Menzel’s ‘My Sweet Little Village’. Al…
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#42 - Bondetap, abortkamp og vi er redd et nytt Chernobyl
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24:38Eva og Torstein har "hjemme alene"-fest en sen kveld på Stortinget - da blir deg pels, sang, abortkamp og egenevaluering om bompenger. Og en skremmende god serie om Chernobyl får terningkast 6.By Frihet, likhet, podkast
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#41: Mensendagen, Ulikhet og Europavalg - i den rekkefølgen
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36:43*OPPDATERING: Vi hadde litt rusk i maskineriet, og forrige ukes episode la seg inn her først. Bare oppdater episoden, så får du en rykende fersk episode! Dagfinn Høibråten vil at menn snakker om mens. Forskjellene øker i Norge, og Martin og Torstein avslører sin favorittulikhet. Podden snakker med Stortingets EU-nerd, Svein Roald Hansen, om hva EU-…
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#40: Erna bruker n* ordet, GOT er ferdig og hva er AAP
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26:33Erna sitt sitatarkiv. Og GOT-finale. Lise chr stikker innom og forklarer saken om AAP. 😘By Frihet, likhet, podkast
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#39 - Kina, sjamanen og Bannon - bra det snart er 17. Mai!
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29:27Kinesere har inntatt Stortinget, Steve Bannon besøkt Bergen, og en sjaman fikk prinsessa. I mens ser Evas lange kampanje for å få MGP til Israel endelig ut til å lykkes - eller gjør den det? I tillegg blir det et svipptur ut av andedammen med ny abortlov i Alabama og ny kurs for det danske valget diskuteres. Martin gir også en innføring i Overton-v…
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This episode Stephen goes to Russia, and looks at two films that push cinema in different places. He starts by looking at how Andrei Tarkovsky laughs at silly concepts such as linear time in "Mirror", and then sees how Alexander Sokurov’s “Russian Ark” gives a history lesson in a single take. Email the show via [email protected], or vis…
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Special Bonus Episode #2 The Marvel Cinematic Universe
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46:33In this special bonus episode, Stephen takes a break from World Cinema, takes a deep breath, and talks about all 21 movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It's more off the cuff than normal, and yes, he drops an F-Bomb. Email the show via [email protected], or visit and contribute on the facebook page…
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