Featured True Stories Episodes on Player FM
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Över en natt har Josefin drabbats av det osannolika. Skånskan som hon haft i hela sitt liv är helt väck och har ersatt av en annan dialekt. Det är som att få sin identitet kapad, säger hon. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Josefin Swan är en bara runt hundra personer i världen som diagnosticerats med det mystiska Foreign Accent Syndrom…
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In this episode, Chris Malouf shares his incredible journey from running a home-based business to becoming a trucker. He talks about his experiences driving across the country, dealing with truck breakdowns, and navigating the challenges of the trucking industry. From his early days with Melton and Huff and Puff to the realities of life on the road…
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¿Os acordáis de cuando íbamos al videoclub? Pasar horas allí dentro eligiendo la película del fin de semana parece un recuerdo muy lejano para muchos, pero para otros sigue siendo un entretenimiento semanal. Esta noche hablamos con Aurora Depares, actual propietaria de Video Instan, el primer videoclub de España que abrieron sus padres en Barcelona…
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Maurits Martijn - Waarom de meeste complotdenkers niet echt in hun complotten geloven - De Correspondent
Aanhangers van complottheorieën gedragen zich bijna nooit alsof ze er echt in geloven. De enkeling die wel overgaat tot het beschieten van een pizzeria of het in brand steken van een 5G-mast gebruikt het vaak als excuus voor wangedrag, zegt evolutionair psycholoog Hugo Mercier.Opname & Montage: Tom RuijgProbeer De Correspondent nu een gratis maand …
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Découvrez la face cachée d'un mariage qui a uni deux icônes des années 80 : la chanteuse Madonna et l’acteur Sean Penn. Lorsqu’ils se rencontrent en 1985, ces deux grands rebelles pensent qu’ils ont trouvé leur âme sœur. Mais plus leur célébrité grandit, plus leur histoire s’assombrit. Entre alcool, rancœur et jalousie, leur amour devient un cockta…
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Alexander Selkirk, l’histoire vraie derrière Robinson Crusoé : l’appel de l’océan (1/4) - Les Fabuleux Destins
Bienvenue dans Les Fabuleux Destins, le podcast qui vous fait découvrir des histoires vraies et étonnantes. Cette semaine, plongez dans l'incroyable histoire d'Alexander Selkirk, le personnage historique qui a directement inspiré le célèbre roman Robinson Crusoé. Échoué pendant de nombreuses années au milieu du Pacifique sur une île déserte, Selkir…
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This week on All The Best, stories about making sense of your past - from our Audio Club, and host Mads has some special guests in the studio! Audio Club is a community of audio makers. It was created to encourage new storytellers and to inspire those who are more experienced. Audio club meetups both online and in person have been places for people…
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Jeffrey Broadfield has made building his life. It has taken him around the world, and given him a place to belong. Jeffrey Broadfield is a master maker who builds houses to his clients’ wishes and quirks, using carpentry to turn recycled Australian hardwood into dream homes. It’s a craft Jeffrey says is dying. He grew up in Griffith, NSW, where he …
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Hayley’s full name is tattooed on six different people, and each for a different reasons. Find out how on earth this happened! HERS Visit forhers.com/SECRET for your personalized weight loss treatment options. Hers Weight Loss is not available everywhere. Compounded products are not FDA-approved or verified for safety, effectiveness, or quality. Pr…
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La exalcaldesa de Madrid ha pasado por los micrófonos de 'El Faro'.
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In seinem neuen Buch erzählt Volker Kitz die Geschichte seines an Demenz erkrankten und mittlerweile verstorbenen Vaters. Im Gespräch mit Thorsten Otto schildert der Autor, was ihm in dieser Zeit geholfen hat und ob Humor eine Stütze sein kann.
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Here's another Mid-Week Tease and in this episode Adelle shares about this ANGER thing! Grab your tickets to our next welness talk here: legallycluelessafrica.hustlesasa.shop/?produ…=52329 Our guest speaker is fitness coach SHIV SIMANI and the focus will be improving your fitness & nutrition! Watch our East Africa Tour Series here: youtube.com/play…
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Antón Meana, periodista deportivo de la SER, se estrena como colaborador de El Faro con la sección 'Las historias de Meana (cuenta lo que le da la gana)'. En El Faro Cargo, Meana recuerda la venganza de José Mourinho cuando los periodistas pidieron hablar con él en vez de con su segundo o cómo es tener amigos con cargos en el mundo del deporte.…
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Miriam Meckel, Kommunikationswissenschaftlerin: "Alles überall auf einmal" - Eins zu Eins. Der Talk
Miriam Meckel war mit 31 Jahren Deutschlands jüngste Professorin, Regierungssprecherin und Staatssekretärin. In ihrem neuesten Buch "Alles überall auf einmal" hat sie die Chancen und Risiken Künstlicher Intelligenz untersucht.
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As elections loom, we need to get involved, step up to the civic plate, take part in discourse. And that’s what Manny Yekutiel has been driven to do since 2018. He’s created a community-focused meeting place in San Francisco — a gathering space for people to watch presidential debates, meet people working on the front lines of social change, and di…
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How Goebbels created the Political Cult of Hitler - Adolf, Hitler kaisay bana Episode 4 - #TPE - The Pakistan Experience
Episode 4 of our new series, "Adolf, Hitler Kaisay Bana?" looks at how political cults are formed.How Joseph Goebbels used political propaganda to turn Adolf Hitler into a mythical leader.Watch all the episodes of "Adolf, Hitler Kaisay Bana?":https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvSO9nH1jLM&list=PLlQZ9NZnjq5qlWH3MB8t8HY1x_4Z0eT6v The Pakistan Experience…
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1950 ile 1990 yılları arasında çekilmiş 100 filmden oluşan listeyi konuşmaya devam ediyoruz.
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С Татьяной мы поговорили про грядущий фестиваль уличной китайской еды в Петербурге под названием “Ни хао, шину”, а также про ее проекты в телеграмме “Китайская Москва” и “Китайский Петербург”. Всем, кто любит китайскую еду слушать обязательно! Музыка: 3nyone “LOVE” Ссылки: https://t.me/chinesespb https://t.me/chinesemsk Пресс-релиз про фестиваль: h…
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A dietitian with strong opinions on fast food joins Gethard to talk about a little bit of everything. From attending one of Geth’s most notorious stand-up shows, to “perfectly engineered foods,” and a million other topics in between, this episode is perfect if you need a distraction from whatever’s weighing on your mind this week. Sign up for Beaut…
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New York Times Bestselling author and broadcaster Ken Coleman is in the personal growth business. His books and show are designed to help people identify and embrace their true calling. Ken shares his personal story and gets Chuck to take his career assessment quiz to figure out what he’ll do once Mike fires him. Ken’s newest book is The Get Clear …
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Why I stopped supporting PTI and Imran Khan - My journey from 2007 to 2017 - Shehzad Ghias - #TPE - The Pakistan Experience
Today we discuss my personal journey from being a full blown PTI supporter to being a vocal critic of Imran Khan and PTI.The Pakistan Experience is an independently produced podcast looking to tell stories about Pakistan through conversations. Please consider supporting us on Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/thepakistanexperienceTo support the chann…
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The American dream is the most important of our national myths. It’s the idea that, with hard work and determination, anyone in this country can achieve middle-class security, own a home, start a family, and provide the children they raise with a better life than they had. Is that still true? On the one hand, our economy is the envy of the world. W…
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Freie Berufswahl - das gab's bei den Habsburgern nicht. Ihr Lebensweg war vorgezeichnet im Dienste der Monarchie. Die Wiener Kunsthistorikerin Katrin Unterreiner kennt sich mit den Habsburgern bestens aus und stellt im Ratsch mit Hermine Kaiser deren geheime Leidenschaften vor. Info zum Buch Katrin Unterreiner Sisi & Co. Die geheimen Leidenschaften…
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Это Провал возвращается 😎👉 Поздравляем, вас заставили это купить! Человечный маркетинг с Леной Суворовой
Какие ошибки делает каждый малый бизнес, на какой вопрос нужно ответить, чтобы начать зарабатывать и зачем выстраивать человеческие отношения с клиентами: об этом Кристина Вазовски поговорила с Леной Суворовой, копирайтером с обостренным чувством юмора. А еще Лена и Крис обсудили вопросы для построения бренд-платформы, отношения с конкурентами и на…
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We all experience seasons where all we can do is scratch our heads and say, “WHAT EVEN HAPPENED?!” Dr. Francis Collins led the National Institutes of Health during 2020—our season of collective “WHAT EVEN HAPPENED!?” He is still picking up the pieces of heartbreak from how people responded to one another and to science at the time. Yet he hasn’t lo…
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Vidas W
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The Traitor of Arnhem | WW2 - True Spies: Espionage | Investigation | Crime | Murder | Detective | Politics
In the aftermath of D-Day, Hitler's armies were losing the Second World War. But in September of 1944, the Nazis enjoyed one final triumph over the Allied forces - the disastrous failure of Operation Market Garden. Author Robert Verkaik sheds new light on the shadowy figures who betrayed Market Garden to the Germans - including a mysterious codenam…
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Growing up in poverty with an absent father, a boy finds family in a gang, but after his best friend is murdered, he unravels into a spiral of rage, violence, prison, and ultimately, an unexpected forgiveness. Today’s episode featured Chris Diep. If you’d like to reach out to him, you can email him at chrisdiep2023@gmail.com, or you can find him on…
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In the final weeks of World War II, the Navy cruiser U.S.S. Indianapolis was attacked and sunk by a Japanese submarine in the middle of the Philippine Sea. The nine hundred survivors found themselves stranded in the middle of the open ocean, many without rafts or life vests, wondering when – or if – help was coming. This is the story of the greates…
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TQ20: What's the most useless thing you still have memorized? - What Was That Like - a storytelling podcast with amazing stories from real people
Every Tuesday, we grab a past question from the Facebook group, then Meredith and Scott answer it and read some of the answers given by other listeners. The question for this episode: What’s the most useless thing you still have memorized? Links for this episode: Meredith’s episode with Jehovah’s Witness: https://www.meredithforreal.com/podcast-epi…
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Martha Wainwright was born into a world of music and folk fame, with songwriter parents Loudon Wainwright III and Kate McGarrigle and brother Rufus. In this episode, Martha opens up about love and jealousy, the profound impact of losing her mother to cancer, and how she discovered new sexiness following her divorce. Martha Wainwright’s memoir is ca…
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Antón Meana, periodista deportivo de la SER, se estrena como colaborador de El Faro. En relación a la palabra de la noche, Meana nos recuerda la venganza de José Mourinho cuando los periodistas pidieron hablar con él en vez de con su segundo o cómo es tener amigos con cargos en el mundo del deporte. Hay casi dos millones de personas en España que h…
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Gather 'round for an episode of The Moth Radio Hour with stories of coming together - in sadness, in celebration, in faith and in the nude. This episode is hosted by Moth Senior Director Kate Tellers. The Moth Radio Hour is produced by The Moth and Jay Allison of Atlantic Public Media. Storytellers: Bonnie Levison takes a risk and stands tall … and…
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In this episode of 'The Only One in the Room,' host Laura Cathcart Robbins is joined by Myra Flynn, host of the podcast Homegoings. This Emmy-nominated show explores Black stories and experiences through the lens of art. They discuss Myra's journey in journalism, her mixed-race upbringing in predominantly white Vermont, and how her experiences shap…
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257. Kulisy debaty Harris - Trump, czyli czego nie było widać w TV - Ameryka i ja - Lidia Krawczuk w RMF Classic
W odcinku zaglądamy za kulisy debaty, która odbyła się 10 września 2024 roku w Filadelfii. Rozmowa z Pawłem Żuchowski, który był na miejscu wydarzenia i dzieli się swoimi spostrzeżeniami oraz opowiada o tym, co działo się poza zasięgiem kamer. To unikalna okazja, by poznać nieznane szczegóły jednego z najważniejszych starć politycznych tego roku.…
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Alisha Brophy and Emerson Dameron go on strange, searching journeys. • Come to Portugal for RISK!'s 15th Anniversary in May 2025: risk-show.com/portugal • Pitch us your story! risk-show.com/submissions • Support RISK! through Patreon at patreon.com/risk or make a one-time donation: paypal.me/riskshow • Get tickets to RISK! live shows: risk-show.com…
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Deze week in De Jesse Frederik Show: luchtfietserij, jojobeleid en de wonderlijke successen van de energietransitie. Jesse spreekt met Remco de Boer, die er een boek over schreef.Opname en montage: Romanee RodriguezProbeer De Correspondent nu een gratis maand uit: decorrespondent.nl/gratismaand
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Het ministerie van Landbouw, nu met twee BBB'ers aan het roer, zit nog altijd op de doodlopende weg van minder boeren, meer regels. Zonde, want de BoerBurgerBeweging heeft het vertrouwen van de sector om grote veranderingen door te kunnen voeren.Opname: Thomas OudmanMontage: Tom RuijgProbeer De Correspondent nu een gratis maand uit: decorrespondent…
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Découvrez la face cachée d'un mariage qui a uni deux icônes des années 80 : la chanteuse Madonna et l’acteur Sean Penn. Lorsqu’ils se rencontrent en 1985, ces deux grands rebelles pensent qu’ils ont trouvé leur âme sœur. Mais plus leur célébrité grandit, plus leur histoire s’assombrit. Entre alcool, rancœur et jalousie, leur amour devient un cockta…
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Cette semaine dans Les Fabuleux Destins... Découvrez l'incroyable histoire de survie d'Alexander Selkirk - Les Fabuleux Destins
Bienvenue dans Les Fabuleux Destins, le podcast qui vous fait découvrir des histoires vraies et étonnantes. Cette semaine, plongez dans l'incroyable histoire d'Alexander Selkirk, le personnage historique qui a directement inspiré le célèbre roman Robinson Crusoé. Échoué pendant de nombreuses années au milieu du Pacifique sur une île déserte, Selkir…
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¿Qué cualidades ha de tener un buen jefe/a? ¿Cuánto debe cobrar un trabajador para aguantar las excentricidades de su jefe? Lo de las cualidades lo responde Mara Torres y en cuanto al salario, dos premios Nobel de economía, Daniel Kahneman y Angus Deaton, aseguran que 100.000 euros al año son suficientes para ser felices.…
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