The CAS lecture series „Cutting Edge“ addresses the various challenges that scholarship is facing today. Current political and economic changes, such as globalization, great discoveries like genome sequencing or the hypotheses of string theory are asking for scientific creativity. What can different disciplines offer to answer those challenges? What is the current state of research, what is cutting edge? | Die Vortragsreihe am Center for Advanced Studies fragt nach den aktuellsten Entwicklun ...
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Feed the World? Historische Perspektiven und technologische Machbarkeit von Welternährung
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1:37:27Die Vortragsreihe am Center for Advanced Studies fragt nach den aktuellsten Entwicklungen in unterschiedlichen Bereichen der Wissenschaft. Gegenwärtige politische Krisen und deren Reflexion in den Medien oder Entwicklungen der Gen-Technik fordern die wissenschaftliche Kreativität und Innovationsfähigkeit ebenso heraus wie Fragen nach der Welternähr…
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Conflict, Security and Media: Does Gender Matter?
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1:30:10Die Vortragsreihe am Center for Advanced Studies fragt nach den aktuellsten Entwicklungen in unterschiedlichen Bereichen der Wissenschaft. Gegenwärtige politische Krisen und deren Reflexion in den Medien oder Entwicklungen der Gen-Technik fordern die wissenschaftliche Kreativität und Innovationsfähigkeit ebenso heraus wie Fragen nach der Welternähr…
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The CAS lecture series „Cutting Edge“ addresses the various challenges that scholarship is facing today. Current political and economic changes, such as globalization, great discoveries like genome sequencing or the hypotheses of string theory are asking for scientific creativity. What can different disciplines offer to answer those challenges? Wha…
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The CAS lecture series „Cutting Edge“ addresses the various challenges that scholarship is facing today. Current political and economic changes, such as globalization, great discoveries like genome sequencing or the hypotheses of string theory are asking for scientific creativity. What can different disciplines offer to answer those challenges? Wha…
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The CAS lecture series „Cutting Edge“ addresses the various challenges that scholarship is facing today. Current political and economic changes, such as globalization, great discoveries like genome sequencing or the hypotheses of string theory are asking for scientific creativity. What can different disciplines offer to answer those challenges? Wha…
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The CAS lecture series „Cutting Edge“ addresses the various challenges that scholarship is facing today. Current political and economic changes, such as globalization, great discoveries like genome sequencing or the hypotheses of string theory are asking for scientific creativity. What can different disciplines offer to answer those challenges? Wha…
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The CAS lecture series „Cutting Edge“ addresses the various challenges that scholarship is facing today. Current political and economic changes, such as globalization, great discoveries like genome sequencing or the hypotheses of string theory are asking for scientific creativity. What can different disciplines offer to answer those challenges? Wha…
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The CAS lecture series „Cutting Edge“ addresses the various challenges that scholarship is facing today. Current political and economic changes, such as globalization, great discoveries like genome sequencing or the hypotheses of string theory are asking for scientific creativity. What can different disciplines offer to answer those challenges? Wha…
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The CAS lecture series „Cutting Edge“ addresses the various challenges that scholarship is facing today. Current political and economic changes, such as globalization, great discoveries like genome sequencing or the hypotheses of string theory are asking for scientific creativity. What can different disciplines offer to answer those challenges? Wha…
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The CAS lecture series „Cutting Edge“ addresses the various challenges that scholarship is facing today. Current political and economic changes, such as globalization, great discoveries like genome sequencing or the hypotheses of string theory are asking for scientific creativity. What can different disciplines offer to answer those challenges? Wha…
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