Yancey Valdez (YanceyValdez.com public
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Deepen Your Faith, Renew Your Life

Yancey Valdez | YanceyValdez.com

Life-giving encouragement to deepen your faith and renew your life! You know how every morning there are people waking up discouraged and often overburdened with fear, worry, stress, self-doubt and frustration about where their life is at and where it’s headed? The good news is God can change all that! God knows how to turn things around when life has gone sideways. For with God, all things are possible!! This is WHY we’re passionate about helping people deepen their faith in God so that the ...
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show series
The KEY is found in His relationship with His Father! Jesus said He could do nothing except what He saw the Father doing. It’s what gave life, meaning and purpose to everything He did while here on earth (John 5:19). We’re going to talk MORE about this, in TODAY’S EPISODE! What gave Jesus fullness of LIFE and FOCUS for everything He did? Take a lis…
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What problem in the world does your KINDNESS to others solve? We live in an unkind world where people are often belittled, made to feel unworthy, less than, beneath consideration, and even deserving of scorn. Your KINDNESS to others gives people their dignity back. It’s a special gift a lot of people don’t see often, yet it communicates very powerf…
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Subscriber-only episode How can God help change the way you see ADVERSITY in your life? You know how a lot of people wake up every morning, already thinking it’s going to be a BAD DAY? It’s like they’re planning to have a bad day, and they are going to make sure their prediction is right. Any sign of adversity or something that is going to be hard,…
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The prophet Samuel had a very good feeling about this. He was the one appointed by God to anoint the next King of Israel. † When they arrived, Samuel saw Eliab and thought, “Surely the Lord’s anointed stands here before the Lord.” —1 Samuel 16:6 NIV And why not? Samuel was a smart and discerning man. He could see with his own eyes that Eliab, Jesse…
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What would you give for a 2ND CHANCE? When you put your faith and trust in Christ, you’re going to get a 2ND CHANCE! The world will not have any authority to label you as something “less than” in the eyes of God because you won’t belong to the world any longer. You’ll belong to God! For in Christ, . . . † He has rescued us from the kingdom of darkn…
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Do you ever wonder if God HEARS your prayers? Sometimes we PRAY in order to check our “prayer time” off, our TO DO list. The paradox, however, is that we don’t want God to hear our prayers in order to just check us off, His TO DO list. How can we live with greater confidence that God HEARS our prayers? Take a listen and find out! You can also READ …
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How Are You Doing at RESTING in God’s Sovereignty and the Sufficiency of His Grace? Caring for the SOUL is more about WHO we are > than WHAT we do. If your identity is wrapped up only in your job (what you do for a living), you’ll never be able to rest because you’ll always be suffering with an “identity crisis.” How can you do better at RESTING in…
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What kind of person is your faith LEADING you to become? In his second letter to the Christ-followers who were suffering from persecution on the outside and from false teaching on the inside, Peter encourages them by saying, . . . † For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith, virtue. —2 Peter 1:5a Just like your measure of faith i…
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The “BEST BOSS in the World” doesn’t really describe WHO the Lord really is, or what He really means, to those who follow Him. He is so much more than what the world might term as a “boss.” WHO is He? And how does knowing WHO you work for impact the QUALITY of one’s work? We’re going to talk MORE about this, in this week’s S2E9: PODCAST EPISODE! Ta…
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It was the Day of Pentecost… Fifty days earlier, God raised Jesus from the dead. But on the Day of Pentecost, it was announced that Jesus had now been exalted to the place of highest honor in heaven, at God’s right hand. And God the Father, just as He promised, gave Jesus the Son, the Holy Spirit to pour out upon all that the people in attendance s…
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It was immediately after Jesus’ LAST WORDS to His disciples. After saying to His disciples that they would receive power when the Holy Spirit came upon them, and that they would be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8), Jesus was taken up in a cloud. They watched the whole thing. In fact, they strained …
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It had been some 40 days since Jesus rose from the dead. Over those 40 days Jesus had been presenting Himself to His followers with many convincing proofs that He was alive! He was also speaking about the Kingdom. He told them not to depart from Jerusalem because something would be coming. In fact, He commanded them to wait for the promise of the F…
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5-9-24: UPDATED & RE-RECORDED for better sound quality and a better podcast experience! Every day is a gift. No one is guaranteed tomorrow. How can we make the most out of the precious days we are given to live here on earth? We will be heading into the summer months relatively soon. Life and work rhythms will be different for you, your family, fri…
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When we can learn to embrace the righteousness of God that comes to us through Jesus Christ alone, there is always a way forward. And not only that, the glory of the LORD will protect you from behind! There is no amount of good works, philanthropy, charity or service to others that can serve as a substitute for the precious gift of forgiveness and …
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Attending to the needs of the Lord, what He deems important for our lives, and what He wants to accomplish through our service to others, still matters in the world we live in. There was so much I wanted to do and get done, but learning to live life with only one kidney was going to be an adjustment. After donating a kidney to my brother, I struggl…
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It could very well be the most important, high priority, HIGH PAY-OFF meeting of your day. It may cost you some precious time, energy and planning, but learning to be with Jesus is one of, if not, the first and foremost priority of a servant-leader’s preparation for a successful day of serving others well. Jesus hasn’t stopped calling ordinary peop…
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You don’t need another distraction, worry or frustration. What you need, is a target! There used to be a television show on the History Channel called Top Shot. It was an American reality show in which 16 contestants, split into two teams of eight, would compete against each other in various types of shooting challenges. The winner would receive a …
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Happy Good Friday to you! This is our FINAL episode for Season One of the “Deepen Your Faith, Renew Your Life” podcast. I wanted to share with you a quick word of encouragement: We can only imagine what happened THE MOMENT Jesus died on the cross and what will happen when He returns. This week’s podcast episode picture, is a picture I took on the M…
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It’s been two years since my brother and I had our kidney transplant surgery. I remember that hard and difficult conversation I had with my brother, Kenny, when he told me his kidneys were failing. I knew he had some kidney problems, I just didn’t realize how bad, it had gotten. Kenny was telling me how he was at peace with God, and that he was rea…
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Everyone’s personality has an emotional component. It’s part of who we are. Our emotional health is one of the five windows of the soul, in which many of us need to exercise “soul care” daily, in order to manage well. Our emotions often exert a lot more influence over our lives than most of us would care to admit, especially when under pressure or …
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It was a game-changer in every one of their stories. The heroes of faith in the Bible all wanted to make the most out of the life they had been given. But the journey was not without some kind of struggle that needed to be overcome. Whether it was a battle that needed to be won, a problem that needed to be solved, or a vision from God regarding the…
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Did you wake up this morning with a goal in mind? Maybe a vision of how you wanted your day or week to play out? You then made a plan, a roadmap with the steps you needed to realize your vision. But then something suddenly came up. Now you have to readjust your plans, perhaps even trash them completely, because your agenda doesn’t have the priority…
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Everything she tried, ended in failure and disappointment. There was no money left. She spent it all trying to find a cure. We don’t know her name, but this woman had been suffering from hemorrhages for twelve years. She had no close friends, no one to share her burden with, nor could she foster any meaningful relationships in her condition. Under …
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I’m not just talking about asking God to show up in His presence and power, but are you seeking Him to specifically accomplish His PURPOSE in your life? God doesn’t have a plan B. Jesus has always been God’s first and only option for dealing with everything that is wrong in this world and making it right. † There is salvation in no one else! God ha…
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I took this picture on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee in Capernaum, the region where Jesus lived and did the majority of His ministry. It was such a personal and meaningful experience, I thought I would share it with you today along with this week’s devotional question: What does God NEED from you to ACCOMPLISH His work in and through you…
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Subscriber-only episode According to a review of numerous global studies on atheism in 2013, sociologists Ariela Keysar and Juhem Navarro-Rivera reported there were approximately 450-500 million people in the world who do not believe in God.[1] What’s interesting, however, is that in the context of the entire global population, 450-500 million peop…
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Subscriber-only episode Most people are NOT very good at envisioning a better future. This is WHY people who can envision a better future often set themselves apart as leaders in a common crowd. Visionary leaders see things that others don’t. Seeing what’s next is what sets a person apart as a leader and a guide for others who may feel lost or have…
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Tension is the state of being stretched tightly. In order to realize all you were meant to become and experience in life, you can’t avoid the necessary stretching and tension you may experience between two extremes—your human limitations and your God-given potential. Italian violin maker, Antonio Stradivari (1644-1737), was a master violin craftsma…
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Subscriber-only episode Is your vision attractive and magnetic enough to keep you reaching for it even in the most difficult of circumstances? What’s your ultimate reward when you get on the other side of that which is hard in your life right now? This is DAY 3 of a 5-DAY devotional series on “Experiencing the Gift of Miraculous Clarity.” Subscribe…
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Does anyone ever celebrate that they have spent their entire day worrying about something? Can worrying do anything to ADD value to your life or to the life of anyone else? It’s one of the greatest questions Jesus ever asked His followers! What can we learn from the greatest leader the world has ever known about what to do when WORRYING seems to be…
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Who are the people whose lives you are intending to SERVE and IMPACT in the year ahead? Moses was a fugitive on the run when he left Egypt at age 40. Born to be a prince, he ended up murdering someone instead. His life should have been over. But God had a different outcome in mind! After he fled from Egypt, the next 40 years of Moses’ life would be…
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There was a lot Mary had to take in and process when the Angel Gabriel showed up with a Word from God. This encounter with a heavenly messenger was far from a normal experience for her. In the Bible, we don’t find Mary ever praying for or pursuing an angelic experience. On the contrary, the Bible tells us that quite unexpectedly . . . † [The angel]…
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What is the level of joy in your life today? We still see bright lights in the sky, over our cities and even better in the outskirts of town. We saw them even in the skies of Cuba, overlooking the historic Hotel Nacional de Cuba, an iconic landmark that has welcomed many of the rich and famous since it first opened back in 1930. Christmas is not wi…
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One of my friends on Facebook (you know who you are), will post almost every Sunday morning, “It’s going to be a great day!” It’s a very powerful and hope-filled statement! It puts a smile on my face every time I read it. A great day is something most people want. But sadly enough, a lot of people don’t even know what a good day LOOKS like, much le…
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How are you preparing for the arrival of your King? Ultimately, this is the moment that will reveal whether or not you have been living your life on purpose. It’s the day your life’s work will speak for itself whether it has prepared you for this moment, or not. It’s the finish line for the end of a race you either ran well, or not; the capstone of…
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Who is covering your life in PRAYER today? Who has your back? When you find yourself in the middle of a fierce battle, who can you call and truly count on to be there for you? When you or someone you love is under attack it can feel like the devil is working overtime. Sometimes the enemy loves to make false accusations and condemn us for all the wo…
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Why is the expressing of Thanksgiving good for the soul? Like most people, in this past year you’ve probably had a number of both good days and bad days. There were probably days filled with people, events and things you’re thankful for, and other days, not so much. Over time, all these memorable and not so memorable moments can weigh you down like…
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Is there something MORE to be found in your place of REFUGE? A refuge is a place where one feels safe, secure and sheltered from pursuit, danger or trouble. It can also be found outside while enjoying the peace and serenity of God’s creation or an inward place of solitude and silence. Wherever it may be, a healthy place of refuge should provide a s…
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What is the difference between TRUSTING God and DEVOTING your life to Him? This is a picture I took from the top of an ancient stone fortress, standing tall on a rocky mesa called Masada in the southern Judean Desert. It’s an impressive sight carved out and built upon cliffs made up of chalk, dolomite and marl strata about 1,300 feet (400 meters) a…
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6-28-24: UPDATED & RE-RECORDED for better sound quality and a better podcast experience! We often get discouraged when we are trying to make our way through life in our own strength and power. Our needs and dreams frequently present challenges and obstacles that need to be overcome in order to move forward. The problem is our strength and energy le…
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6-11-24: UPDATED & RE-RECORDED for better sound quality and a better podcast experience! God doesn’t call us to worry. However, when we do find ourselves in a place of worry, or even despair, it’s here where God often reveals Himself to call us out, and lead us to a place of peace that surpasses all understanding. It’s a peace the world cannot give…
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6-9-24: UPDATED & RE-RECORDED for better sound quality and a better podcast experience! Do you ever get tired and weary because the load you’re carrying is just so heavy? How do you overcome an overburdened life? There are some things in life you were never meant to carry alone! I was in Cuba when I took this picture of a man and his team of oxen. …
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5-29-24: UPDATED & RE-RECORDED for better sound quality and a better podcast experience! What would it be like for you to receive MORE than a vision for your life, but the gift of MIRACULOUS CLARITY? Jesus’ disciples assumed someone must have sinned, for this man to be born blind, either him or his parents. However, Jesus corrected their wrong assu…
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5-25-24: UPDATED & RE-RECORDED for better sound quality and a better podcast experience! WHAT has God said to you about WHERE He is going to be today? Just showing up and being in the place where God says He is going to be is huge! Moses had a BIG problem on his hands when the Israelites found themselves in the wilderness without water. Moses was t…
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