Join us as we discuss relevance of Islamic teachings in this day and age.
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Taqwa is a term often repeated in sermons, speeches and other Islamic lectures. It is important we understand the true essence of Taqwa and how we can attain it. In this episode we discuss the meaning of Taqwa and how we can practice it in our daily lives. Presented by: Imam Tariq AzeemBy Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat
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As Muslims, how we should be celebrate the New Year? We look at the Holy Quran (Chapter 3, 191-192) and see how these verses guide us concerning new year's celebration. We also look at how others celebrate the new year in Jamaica and other parts of the world. Presented by: Imam Ahmad Ibrahim ForsonBy Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat
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We as Muslims often get asked if we celebrate Christmas. In this short episode we discuss this commonly asked question.By Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat
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Scriptures narrate many stories of the righteous where God Almighty answered their prayers. People today often wonder if God still hears as he did in the past. Join us as we discuss this topic from Islamic point of view. Presented by: Imam Ahmad Ibrahim Forson)By Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat
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In this episode, we delve into the timeless principles of peace as taught by Islam. Join us as we explore how following these teachings can pave the way for true and lasting peace. Presented by: Imam Tariq AzeemBy Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat
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Why have we been created? Humans have sought an answer to this question for ages. Science, philosophy and other fields of studies have failed in answering this essential question. In this episode we discuss 'the purpose of man on Earth' from Islamic point of view.By Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat
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What makes a great leader? In this episode, we will highlight these important qualities and reflect on how they are exemplified by His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad (may Allah be his helper), the worldwide head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. (Presented by: Imam Qasim)By Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat
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In this episode we discuss the Islamic concept of Afterlife - which contains some similarities to other faiths, but differs in understanding and many other ways. (Presented by: Imam Qasim Ahmad Ghumman)By Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat
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In this session we answer various questions sent by our listeners. Following topics were discussed this week: Name of God Who is God's chosen One? Can I call a day "my special day of worship"? Slaughtering Animals Can a divorcee remarry? (Presented by: Imam Tariq Azeem)By Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat
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Today we discuss the philosophy of Hajj (Pilgrimage) in Islam. And also discuss if Non-Muslims or tourists are forbidden to visit Mecca according to Islamic teachings. (Presented by: Imam Tariq Azeem)By Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat
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Today we answered some of the questions submitted by our guests. These questions included: Do Muslims worship a new God named Allah? Who enters the paradise or heaven? What is Eid? (Presented by: Imam Tariq Azeem)By Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat
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More and more people are facing anxiety and depression. The industry of "mindfulness" is growing every day. As Muslims we have the solution to these challenges. Today we discuss how practicing our faith can lead us to peace and comfort of heart.By Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat
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We look at four verses from the Holy Quran where Allah the Almighty makes four different promises to mankind. Each of these serves as a sign of God's mercy and kindness towards mankind.By Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat
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Islam guides that a religion which has no worship, is no religion at all. Hence, great emphasis is laid upon Salat (5 daily prayers) and other forms of worship. In this episode we look at the ardent desire of the Sahaba (Companions of the Prophet) how they looked for opportunities to please Allah the Almighty. Presented by: Imam Tariq Azeem…
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Should Muslims celebrate Mother's Day? What is the status of mothers in Islam? How should one treat his or her parents. We look at these questions in light of the Holy Quran & Sayings of Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa).By Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat
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Calling Mankind Towards Allah The Almighty
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49:31The Holy Quran refers to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as Daiyan-illAllah, meaning a summoner or caller towards Allah the Almighty. In this episode, we explore various incidents from the Prophet's life where he exerted every effort to preach the message of Islam, risking everything to fulfill the command of Allah.…
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Simple Practices of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
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39:39When we study the life of Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, we find him to be a perfect role model in every regard. If we wish to emulate his traits in ourselves, we find it requires a great deal of discipline. Today we look at simple practices that are much easier to imitate - and help us become more like the beloved of Allah, Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace …
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Holy Quran states that to win the love of Allah, one must follow Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. In this episode we discuss some simple practices of the Holy Prophet ﷺ which we can immediately apply to our lives. (Presented by: Imam Tariq Azeem)By Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat
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Allah the Almighty states in the Holy Quran: "And if you try to count the favours of Allah, you will not be able to number them". In this episode explore some of the blessings and favours of Allah upon us, which we normally overlook. It is impossible to quantify the blessings - but the conversation helps us comprehend the limitless nature of Allah'…
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Regarding Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) it was mentioned in the Bible that he would bring forth justice. Hence, the Holy Quran, the scripture revealed upon Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), fulfilled the prophecies, as the prophet laid down the rules for absolute justice. In this episode we discuss some of the laws related to justice in the Holy Quran. (Pres…
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In this episode we discuss the blessings of Ramadan, in particular the last ten days. We also look over some of the lessons we learned during this holy month. (Presenter: Imam Ahmad Ibrahim Forson)By Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat
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The episode delves into the significance of Dhikr (Remembrance) of Allah the Almighty and how it helps us develop a spiritual connection with Allah the Almighty. (Presenter: Imam Tariq Azeem)By Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat
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We look at how the Holy Quran guides us to show respect and honour to the prophets of Allah - whereas the Bible has made mistakes in depicting these pious men of God as great sinners. (Presenter: Imam Ahmad Ibrahim Forson)By Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat
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Every major religion teaches its followers to observe fasting. Here we discuss why Islam lays great emphasis on fasting - and what are the blessings of fasting in the holy month of Ramadan. (Presenter: Imam Tariq Azeem)By Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat
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Islam being a perfect religion, guides mankind in regards to food as well - what we should eat and what we should avoid. Today we discuss the wisdom behind allowing certain foods (Halal) and forbidding some (Haram). (Presenter: Imam Ahmad Ibrahim Forson)By Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat
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In this episode we explore a well-known Hadith (narration) where an angel of Allah comes to the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) in the midst of a gathering and asks various questions. The prophet answers these basic questions. These answers are such that one can utilize to assess his or her own level of faith. (Presenter: Imam Tariq Azeem)…
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Jalsa Ghana's Concluding Address (Becoming True Ahmadi Muslim)
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51:44The concluding address from Jalsa Salana Ghana 2024, delivered by His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba). In his address, he highlights the conditions of Baiat (initiation) and how to become a true Muslim. He also emphasizes the role Ahmadi Muslims of Ghana need to play in establishing peace and justice in the world.…
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Allah the Almighty is full of mercy and compassion. Hence, He rewards mankind abundantly for their good deeds. In this episode we discuss the concept of rewards and blessings, as explained by the Holy Quran and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). (Presenter: Imam Ahmad Ibrahim Forson)By Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat
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Our friends often ask about Allah and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). They have heard us repeating these names but do not know whom do we worship, and if our God is different from theirs. Hence, this episode answers these two basic questions: who is Allah, and who is Muhammad (peace be upon him). (Presenter: Imam Tariq Azeem)…
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Does Islam allow Punishment or should one always practice Forgiveness? In this episode we look at the essence of punishment and forgiveness in Islam and compare it with other major religions to see how Islam differs from other faiths in this regard. (Presenter: Imam Ahmad Ibrahim Forson)By Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat
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Atonement - why Muslims don’t believe in this?
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36:53Our Christian friends often ask why Muslims don’t believe in the concept of atonement. In this episode, we look at how this concept contradicts the Scriptures - The Holy Quran and the Holy Bible. Was it really the mission of Jesus To die for our sins? in this episode, we also look at this claim in light of the Holy Bible. (Presenter: Imam Tariq Aze…
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In this enlightening episode, we delve into the profound significance of Allah's attributes as depicted in the Holy Quran and the wisdom behind these attributes being assigned as names in the Islamic tradition. Exploring each attribute's unique qualities, we examine their relevancy to everyday living and how they guide Muslims in their endeavors, p…
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If Islam is a religion of peace, then why do people associate it with violence and hatred? In this episode we discuss the teachings of the Holy Quran and try to understand whether Islam promotes peace or violence. (Presenter: Imam Tariq Azeem)By Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat
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Allah the Almighty states: "if you are grateful, I will surely bestow more favours on you". With countless blessings in our life, to whom do we owe our gratitude? In this episode we look at the topic of gratefulness and why it is necessary. (Presenter: Imam Ahmad Ibrahim Forson)By Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat
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New Year Celebrations & Resolutions in Islam
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39:34In this "Learn Islam" session we learn about Islamic teachings regarding New Year Celebrations. Do Muslims celebrate a new year; if so, how? How should we make our new year resolutions? Should Muslims celebrate birthdays? These are some of the questions discussed in this episode. (Presenter: Imam Tariq Azeem)…
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Many accuse the religion of Islam of violence and extremism. In our episode this week, we discuss the sanctity of human life, as explained in Islamic scriptures. Issues related to punishment for a murder and capital punishment are also discussed. Presenters: Imam Ahmad Ibrahim Forson & Imam Tariq Azeem…
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Service to Humanity - An Integral Part of Faith
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58:43In Islam it is obligatory for every Muslim to serve humanity. Hence, Ahmadi Muslims follow this instruction of God Almighty as best as possible and try to alleviate suffering. In this episode we discuss from the Holy Quran, Hadith and other sources to explain the importance of serving humanity. Presenters: Imam Ahmad Ibrahim Forson & Imam Tariq Aze…
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Day of Sabbath is quite significant Judaism and some Christian denominations. In this episode we discuss the Islamic perspective of Sabbath - and why Muslims observe Friday as their main day of worship. Presenters: Imam Ahmad Ibrahim Forson & Imam Tariq AzeemBy Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat
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What happens after we die? Where does the soul travel to? What is "Barzakh"? In this episode we deal with many questions related to Life after death. Presenters: Imam Ahmad Ibrahim Forson & Imam Tariq AzeemBy Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat
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Ishmael or Isaac - who was to be sacrificed?
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58:59In the Holy Quran, as well as the Bible, we learn that Prophet Abraham was ready to slaughter his son. There are different interpretations which regarding which son was to be sacrificed - Ishmael or Isaac. This week we present Islamic perspective of this sacrifice, using references from both Holy Quran and the Bible. Presenters: Imam Ahmad Ibrahim …
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The Story of Creation - Part 2: Adam & Eve
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58:02As we continue to discuss the story of creation, this week we look at Prophet Adam and his wife Eve. Many religious groups consider them to be first humans, and others who believe people existed before them. In this episode we learn the Islamic perspective. Presenters: Imam Ahmad Ibrahim Forson & Imam Tariq Azeem…
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In this episode we discuss the story of creation as mentioned in the Holy Quran and the Bible. Both scriptures have some similarities but some major differences as well, when it come to the story of creation. This week we discuss the significance of "six" days or periods. Presenters: Imam Ahmad Ibrahim Forson & Imam Tariq Azeem…
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Islamic concept of forgiveness differs significantly from most other religions. Allah the Almighty has opened the doors to forgiveness to all humans, regardless of their religion or creed. Join us this week as we discuss this important topic. Presenters: Imam Ahmad Ibrahim Forson & Imam Tariq AzeemBy Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat
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People often ask if Muslims celebrate the new year. In this episode we answer this basic question, and explain how Muslims celebrate the start of a new year. Presenters: Imam Ahmad Ibrahim Forson & Imam Tariq AzeemBy Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat
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The Holy Quran gives complete guidance in every matter of life, including matter of inheritance. Through this episode you can learn who are the inheritors or heirs according to Islam, and what portion do they receive. Presenters: Imam Ahmad Ibrahim Forson & Imam Tariq AzeemBy Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat
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In this episode we discuss why various types of clothes/dresses are worn by Muslim men and women across the globe; and what is the definition of an Islamic dress. For this discussion we are joined by Imam Abdul Basit Khawaja from Ecuador. Presenters: Imam Ahmad Ibrahim Forson & Imam Abdul Basit Khawaja…
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What are Islamic teachings in regards to Blasphemy? What does the Bible say about it? What is the Islamic view on freedom of speech? Join us as we discuss these important questions. Presenters: Imam Ahmad Ibrahim Forson & Imam Tariq AzeemBy Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat
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How The Holy Quran Exonerates Prophets of God?
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58:17In the Bible we find many allegations levelled against noble prophets of God. In this episode we look at some of these unfounded allegations and discuss how the Holy Quran exonerates these prophets. Presenters: Imam Ahmad Ibrahim Forson & Imam Tariq AzeemBy Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat
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In this episode we discuss the following questions: 1. Should Prophet Muhammad's (S.A.W.) birthday be celebrated? 2. What do non-Muslim scholars say about the Prophet? 3. How did the prophet treat his companions? Presenters: Imam Ahmad Ibrahim Forson & Imam Tariq AzeemBy Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat
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Forbidden Foods in the Bible & Holy Quran
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57:58In this episode we take a look at the foods which have been forbidden in the Holy Quran and the Holy Bible. We also discuss various reasons why God forbade these specific foods. Presenters: Imam Ahmad Ibrahim Forson & Imam Tariq AzeemBy Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat
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