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Because anyone has something to share that maTTers. Your age, background, profession are only variables - they matter as well, but only to a certain extent; what's really important is who you are, what you believe in and the impact you want to have. This podcast aims to bring you closer, and in a more personal way, a wide variety of people from so many different worlds, whether at the beginning of their careers or widely known, as I believe that anyone who wants to make a real impact has to ...
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show series
Deschidem acest episod prin expunerea efectului pe care o noua amanare a datei de sustinere a examenului de rezidentiat ar putea sa il exercite asupra absolventilor. In plus, am dezbatut si problema legalitatii sustinerii examenului in 2020, a intarzierii intrarii in sistem a peste 5000 de medici rezidenti respectiv a posibilitatii cresterii procen…
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Impreuna cu Alexandru si Teodor am reiterat cele 2 directii majore ale actiunilor studentilor si respectiv proaspetilor absolventi. In plus, am dezvoltat si explicat cele mai acute propuneri pe care le inaintam catre factorii decizionali, si anume data examenului de rezidentiat respectiv problema numarului de locuri disponibile, inclusiv modul in c…
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In acest episod vom discuta despre influenta pe care promisiunile facute au avut-o asupra pozitiei studentilor si absolventilor in raport cu factorii decizionali, dar si despre efectul actiunilor demarate odata cu trecerea motiunii de cenzura, aspecte pe care le-am schitat impreuna cu Teodor. Am abordat si subiectul grevei japoneze, miscare pe care…
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In prima parte a episodului, Teodor contextul in care Federatia a luat contact cu problema rezidentiatului respectiv pasii premergatori amanarii datei pentru 8 decembrie anul curent. Facand parte din delegatia studentilor prezenta la CNR - Consiliul Rectorilor, Alexandru ne relateaza modul in care anuntul dnei Ministru al Sanatatii a fost primit de…
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Gabriela vorbeste despre importanta evenimentelor si motivul pentru care, dupa ce a absolvit Facultatea de Studii Economice din Bucuresti, a devenit voluntar si ulterior membru in organizarea unor evenimente sportive, inclusiv Open-ul de Tenis al Romaniei. Primul sau contact cu acest domeniu a fost in perioada in care isi pregatea lucrarea de licen…
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Daca majoritatea incearca sa te motiveze prin alimentarea unor iluzii sau conturarea unor forme fara fond, el vine sa te demotiveze in a crede ca ele sunt de fapt cheia succesului iar tu nu trebuie sa faci nimic in schimb. George detaliaza ideea din spatele conceptului de Speaker Demotivational, o serie de clipuri video ce au ca laitmotiv promovare…
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Seeding Knowledge Foundation s-a nascut din dorinta Arinei Angelescu de a oferi copiilor o educatie complementara celei practicate in scoli, bazata pe dezvoltare emotionala si personala, punand totodata accent si pe componenta sociala si crearea unei comunitati. Pe parcursul discutiei ne detaliaza povestea din spatele fundatiei si a numelui ales, p…
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Interviul se deschide odata cu povestea din spatele popularelor story-uri pe care Dr. Pautov la face in timpul sau liber. Inspirat de Dr. Mike - poate cel mai celebru medic din domeniul online, dar si de raspunsul pozitiv al urmaritorilor sai la pozele in care aborda diverse subiecte medicale a inceput usor usor sa intre pe aceasta nisa care l-a pr…
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In introducere Ioan creioneaza propria versiune a patriotismului facand o delimitare clara fata de nationalism si xenofobie. Mergand pe firul actiunii intelegem si care au fost motivele pentru care a ramas in tara, dar poate si mai important, ce i-a oferit Romania. "Ne nastem cu patriotismul sau il cultivam?" Am incercat impreuna sa raspundem la ac…
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In introducere Vlad descrie motivele pentru care a ales sa se inscrie pentru mandatul de 1 an din cadrul Organizatiei Natiunilor Unite, ca reprezentant al tinerilor. In cadrul acestei experiente a avut atat un rol de reprezentare, primind si transmitand informatii catre si de la tinerii cu care a intrat in contact, dar si de diseminare a informatii…
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Ioan started developing his artistic side from an early age, bewildering his teacher with both the speed and skills he had when it comes to painting, which was his first passion. Unfortunately, although his family was aware of his talent and propensity for drawing, he was encouraged to pursue a more "practical" career rather than an artistic one. D…
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Vlad Macelaru este exemplul concret ca interesele in domenii precum tehnologie, educatie, voluntariat si business sunt mai mult decat compatibile, iar rezultatul este unul care vorbeste de la sine. Vlad este absolvent al Universitatii de Applied Sciences din Olanda unde a decis sa studieze domeniul afacerilor pentru a putea avea o privire de ansamb…
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In this part of our discussion we talked about misanthropy and the root cause of all the negative feeling people have for each other. Our constant strive for perfection, desire to climb higher levels in every aspect of our lives or simply the will to feel superior to someone else are things that gradually make us less humane. Although we live in in…
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Are we able to objectify the presence of a higher power? We started our conversation by setting the base for agnosticism and what does it stands for. Dr Valentin Dinu explains how his faith was influenced by the books read in adolescence and how it evolved until these days when he discovered the purpose of believing in a higher power. We also argue…
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In this episode we talked about what are the features of a good doctor, from my guest' point of view. The balance between skills and knowledge should be one thing that we all need to invest more energy on - one way of doing that is by starting with "Why?". Taking the notion of skills even further, leadership is not a position but a skill that you d…
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The conversation started with Dr. Emanuel Moisa explaining the big switch of his actual career. Then, we began to dive into the aspects of mentorship and what makes someone a good mentor as well as the impact that such a person might have on you. On the other hand, we discussed how self awareness should be the core to every decision you make so tha…
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We resumed our conversation with Dr. Mihai Popescu arguing that a different approach might not always be welcomed with arms wide open, mainly because of the increased tendency of pattern thinking. Two of the most interesting questions that listeners submitted, focussing on success, hard work and change, are answered in this episode. We also talked …
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Dr Mihai Popescu, having also an active teaching career, offers students advice on how to better choose their future medical specialty, depicts competition as a 2 way road and argues that a permanent balance has to be maintained between gaining knowledge and building up on your skills. In this episode, you will also find the most common mistake stu…
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We resumed our conversation about creativity and intuition and we also argued about how our craving for instant gratification wipes out both of them. However, medicine and art sometimes go hand in hand, this combination leading, in some cases, to some major breakthroughs. From the research point of view, Dr Sclan argues that "When business and medi…
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In this episode, Dr Sclan explained the way he developed his passion for medicine, starting by pulling wheelchairs as an orderly from one clinic to another, while still in his early highschool. Being highly passionate about talking to people, especially people with distorted thought processes, he ended up eventually as a member of the research team…
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The conversation started with Dr Andrei Popa explaining how he turned his social limitations caused by his asthma into a trigger for boosting one of his biggest passions - music. He also developed graphic design skills by trying to make a "signature" for a multiplayer game he used to play at the age of 12 - his asthma also allowed him to improve th…
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In the second part of the interview we tackled the subjects of distractions, multi-tasking and the impact that our own decisions have on ourselves as well as on people around us. Besides, Dr Dragos Sandu also highlights the importance of self-awareness as one of the most important factors that drive our decisions, even from an early age, helping us…
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In this episode we discuss about job, passion, grit and the best version that each and everyone of us should aim to become. Dr Dragos Sandu emphasis the importance of self-awareness and growth mindset as one of the key points to achieving any objective you might set for yourself. In addition, he considers distractions and bad habbits to be the most…
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In this episode, Tedi talks about how engaging in so many different experiences can shape you in ways you could never imagine. We went further into how he developed his passion for both medicine and volunteering as well as how he and the other team mates managed to survive several days traveling throughout Europe having as currency only a bunch of …
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In this episode, Dr. Horatiu Moisa explains the concept and idea that were the foundation for the article on Michelangelo and the hidden anatomy behind his frescoes as well as his passion about medicine and neurosurgery. In a funny and entertaining manner, he depicts his own version of success and what it takes to get there by sharing his ideas and…
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Because anyone has something to share that MaTTers. Your age, background, profession are only variables - they matter as well, but only to a certain extent; what's really important is who you are, what you believe in and the impact you want to have. This podcast aims to bring you closer, and in a more personal way, a wide variety of people from so …
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