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Achy and sore joints can make your life horribly inconvenient, if not unbearable. Many are under the assumption that it is an inevitability with old age, yet there are plenty of younger individuals who develop it as well. Is there a reason why arthritis strikes the way that it does? What, if any, are effective at home options for grappling with art…
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Our bones provide so many critical functions for our wellbeing, and yet it feels as if we tacitly accept they will shrink as we age. What does science say about our bone health as we age? Is conventional wisdom correct about how to "build strong bones"? Is there a science-proven secret to keeping our bones strong, or are we doomed to one day walkin…
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It's almost easy to become desensitized to the number of people complaining about low back pain. While the causes are many, the vast majority of cases are caused by things well within our power to prevent. What is it about our backs that make them susceptible to injury? Is doing something as simple as exercise really the solution? We cover mechanis…
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Habits are not just mental routines we perform, but physical ones as well. While making new routines is easy in theory, many of us know it is not simple in execution. What are the tricks to incorporating new, healthy habits into our lifestyle? And how can we leverage certain tools to increase our chances of success? We discuss these and more in tod…
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It's hard to avoid seeing blog articles about apple cider vinegar. It invariably has become the poster child for holistic medicine and has been touted as a remedy for a great many things. But what does science say about it's benefits, if any? And could ACV actually do harm? We scoured the data and bring you the answers. Listen and find out! Show No…
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We are surrounded by a litany of shoe choices in our culture. From fashionable to functional, minimal to maximal, it's hard to keep track of the options. Many shoes tout bringing comfort and helping "support" our feet, but there is strong literature that shows quite the opposite is true. Could we have been better off being barefoot this whole time?…
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Creatine is a popular supplement in the fitness world. Touted for increasing performance and strength gains, rumored to ruin your kidneys and make your a water-retaining sea cow. Are any of these claims true? We look to the science for answers! Show Notes: 3:07 - Creatine: State of the Science at the Millennium - https://www.creightonprep.creighton…
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Cholesterol has been touted as the leading cause of heart disease, the leading killer in America, which would make it public enemy #1. But what if cholesterol is not the main culprit? Compelling data shows that may very well be the case. Listen on and find out! Show Notes: 4:40 - Is atherosclerosis caused by high cholesterol? - https://academic.oup…
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Humans actually have a long history with using sunscreen, though not necessarily in the form it takes today. We continue to try to engineer a solution to sun exposure, but have we created a host of new problems? If it can kill the coral reef, what could it do to us? And are there any good alternatives? Not all sunscreens are created equal, so tune …
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Many of us have spent one moment or another stretching or being told to stretch. From PE teachers in grade school, to your exercise classes, or maybe you've been told that helps stiff muscles. But is stretching actually appropriate for your goal? We discuss! Show Notes 2:07 - Application of Passive Stretch and Its Implications for Muscle Fibers - h…
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After discussion the mechanism of healing and how we tend to interfere with those mechanisms, this episode we get to the sought after techniques we can employ to improve our healing. Show Notes: 1:10 Massage - The scientific basis of an ancient art: part 2. Physiological and therapeutic effects -…
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Getting hurt really takes the wind out of your sails. It interferes with day-to-day functioning, and in some cases can be completely life altering. However, we've been sold some bad advice about how to get better. Today we tackle some age-long conventional wisdom that isn't rooted in great science to better understand how healing works and how we c…
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Our culture has a fascination with having a 6-pack. Whether it's an indicator of a healthy lifestyle, a sign of athleticism, or you just want to run your hands over them, having 6-pack abs is a pretty common fitness goal. But is training specifically to get a 6-pack a good idea? And are people going about it all wrong? Listen and find out!…
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Making change is hard, but it's worse if your intentions are misplaced. Often do we seek answers to questions to only wind up as failures that can leave us wondering why we even bothered in the first place. Don't fall for the common pitfalls and learn how to identify and make S.M.A.R.T. goals and changes to become better and improving your health a…
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Balance is not a frequently sought after facet of fitness. Yet we use it all the time and when lost, we can be embarrassed or far, far worse. So why do we pay it no mind until we find that it has left us as the years pass? Because we don't need "balance exercises" if we're already doing appropriate, commonly used fitness practices. Tune in and lear…
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Knee injuries are no joke, whether you've suffered an accident or they're "falling apart" with age. But have you been doing something, or rather NOT been doing something, this whole time that's set yourself up for failure? Tune in and find out. Show Notes: 6:18 - CDC: Adults with arthritis aged 65 and older -…
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Westerners have a problem many primitive cultures did not: Acne. So what is it about our lifestyle that causes acne? Arguably our hygiene is much better than our ancestors. Could it be something we're putting in our bodies?? Listen in and find out. Show Notes: 1:40 - Structure of skin and how acne can form -…
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Our bodies are fantastic machines, and surprisingly some of that machinery doesn't belong to us! We are rife with microbes that are not "ours" yet work for (and sometimes against) us. Have we evolved to need them for our survival? In this episode, we discuss some of what these microbiota do for us, how we can unknowingly influence which of those cr…
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Plantar Fasciitis is a nagging, extremely uncomfortable and inconvenient condition that affects one in ten people. While relatively common, PF is not hard to understand it's onset and for some is not difficult to address. In spite of this, many struggle with this for an extended period of time or may not be aware of lifestyle that factors that cont…
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We've heard "diet and exercise" ad nauseum when it comes to weight loss, but could we be missing an even larger elephant in the room? Listen on and find out if getting some extra z's is all it takes to kick start your weight loss journey! Show Notes: 1:25 Associations between sleep loss and increased risk of obesity and diabetes - https://www.ncbi.…
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Any weight loss intervention almost always includes the tagline "with diet and EXERCISE", but is exercise really working to help us lose weight the way we think it is? Could we be exercising incorrectly?? Listen and learn about what's really going on with exercise and weight loss! Show Notes 4:11 Hunter-Gatherer Energetics and Human Obesity - https…
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What makes diets special? What makes them hard? What makes them... work??? In today's episode, we start our three-part weight loss series investigating diets and what all of the effective ones have in common, and how you can better select a diet that is appropriate for you; And just as importantly know which ones to stay away from! Show Notes: 16:1…
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50% of Americans have hypertension according to HHS. While many are recommended to reduce salt intake, only 50-60% see results from doing so. Is medical intervention truly the only option? We explore more effective Primal solutions! Show Notes: 6:10 - Stress, Salt and Hypertension -…
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