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When Jesus was walking on this earth, all the power of Hell was launched against Him. There was no other time in human history when the demonic activity was more actively at work and furiously engaged against the Kingdom of God. (Incidentally, the world will experience a similar unleashing of the powers of Hell during the Tribulation Period describ…
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John Wesley, the leader of the Methodist Revival in 18th Century England was once asked how he knew if his preaching was successful. He responded, “I know my preaching is successful if some are angered and some are saved.” Wesley’s ministry revealed something of the same kind of rejection, anger, and denunciation that descended upon our Lord when H…
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In the account of when Jesus was tempted by Satan in the wilderness we discover the essence of every temptation we experience as well. In every temptation we face, whenever we have a crises or need, or whatever trial we go through, the question we face is: “Am I going to trust God and obey Him or am I going to do something else?” The temptation is …
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Since Alex Haley's best-seller— “Roots: The Saga of an American Family” – and blockbuster television miniseries aired in 1977, a new genealogy craze has swept the nation. Genealogy is the second most popular hobby in the U.S. after gardening. It's a billion dollar industry that has spawned television shows, scores of books, and a cottage industry i…
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In Luke chapter 3:21-22, the Gospel writer gives us a sketchy description of the baptism of Jesus. And it raises the question, “Why would Jesus be baptized by John the Baptist?” John preached a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. Jesus was sinless and did not need to repent. So why did he come to be baptized by John?…
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Jesus said, “Truly I say to you, among those born of women there has not arisen anyone greater than John the Baptist (Matthew 11:11)!” From this great man, there is much we can learn about preaching the gospel in such a way that people repent and are forgiven of their sins.By Bill Slabaugh
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The Apostle Paul wrote to the church at Corinth, “For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, . . . and we were all made to drink of one Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:12).” Paul uses a great word picture here. He says that when we are baptized in the Spirit, when we are immersed in Him, we were made to drink of the one Spirit. The Spirit of Go…
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Preparing the way for the coming of the Lord Jesus, John the Baptist came preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins (Luke 3:3). John makes it very clear that repentance is necessary to be forgiven and to be saved. But how can we know that we have truly repented of our sins and how do we do that? How can we tell the real thing fr…
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It was against the backdrop of political and religious darkness that “the word of God came to John, the son of Zacharias, in the wilderness” (Luke 3:2b). John the Baptist came on the scene preparing the way of the Lord when politically there was wickedness, intrigue, and conspiracies. And religiously there was a degenerate priesthood that had align…
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YouTube and social media is filled with the performances and the amazing accomplishments of child prodigies. We are amazed at a six year old who plays the piano at Carnegie Hall or a seven year old who performs surgery in India. Then there is the two year old toddler who is a pool wizard and is already a member of the American Pool Association. But…
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The days following Christmas can be a bit of a letdown. The gifts have been unwrapped and enjoyed. The left overs have been eaten. The daily routine begins to set in. And on top of all of that, the difficult year of 2020 is coming to end without the difficulties and struggles coming to an end. So what do we look forward to now? The answer is found …
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In the TV program, “A Charlie Brown Christmas,” Charlie Brown asks in frustration, “Isn’t there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?” Linus responded, “Sure Charlie Brown, I can tell you what Christmas is all about.” And Linus took the stage and recited Luke 2:8-14. This is what Christmas is all about.…
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In the early days of WWII, Winston Churchill told the people of Britain that they were in their “darkest hour.” Now we the people of America are in a “dark winter.” When we come to Zacharias’ song of praise in the first chapter of Luke, we see the end of a long extended darkness. We see the promise in which “the Sunrise from on high will visit us" …
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Concerning the birth of John the Baptist, who would prepare the way for the coming of Jesus into the world, the Gospel of Luke records, “Now the time had come for Elizabeth to give birth, and she gave birth to a son. Her neighbors and her relatives heard that the Lord had displayed His great mercy toward her; and they were rejoicing with her.” (Luk…
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We most often think of giving God thanks and glorifying Him for His mercy and what He has done for us. But how often do we think of giving Him thanks and glorifying Him because He is a God of judgment? According to the Virgin Mary’s Song of Praise in Luke chapter 1, the coming of Jesus Christ into the world at Christmas is not only about extending …
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At that first Thanksgiving celebration in the Plymouth Colony, half of the chairs were empty. More than half of the pilgrims had died the previous winter and half of those where children. The Thanksgiving Holiday is borne out of extremely difficult times in history. History tells us about a time of severe religious persecution, of insurmountable ad…
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Detrick Bonhoeffer said of Mary’s song of praise in the first chapter of Luke, “God is not ashamed of human lowliness but goes right into the middle of it, chooses someone as instrument, and performs the miracles right there where they are least expected. God draws near to the lowly, loving the lost, the unnoticed, the unremarkable, the excluded, t…
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Mary, the young mother of Jesus, is a good example of how God confirms His Word to us. It was going to be hard for Mary but God, with whom nothing is impossible, is going to confirm it. Along the way, He is going to give confirmation and assurance in Mary’s humble obedience. Along with the greatest task that takes the most determined obedience come…
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Martin Luther remarked, “[The angel] might have gone to Jerusalem and picked out Caiaphas’ daughter who was fair, rich, clad in gold embroidered raiment and attended by a retinue of maids in waiting. But God preferred a lowly maid from a mean town.” When we come to the announcement of the angel to Mary that she would conceive and bear the Son of Go…
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All of us who believe in Jesus Christ as Savior have experienced doubt. We believe, but we get our eyes off the Lord and onto the trial that looms before us. It’s like putting a penny close to your eye. It blocks out the brilliance of the sun. If you let problems and trials consume your vision, they block the glorious power of the Almighty God and …
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Someone has said that God is predictable in His unpredictability. This is a pattern that we see in the pages of the Gospel of Luke as he writes the account of the events leading up to the birth of Jesus. God shows up as it were in unexpected places. In Luke 1:8-17, the aged priest Zacharias was fulfilling his priestly duty of burning incense in the…
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In Luke chapter 1, verse 5-17, we see how God is at work in the unexpected. We see how God works extraordinarily in the ordinary circumstances of life. And how He works in the all-to-often difficult and troubled, yet, commonplace situations. We see how God is at work in our own lives and how God was at work in the lives of an ordinary couple by the…
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The Gospel of Luke shows us that our faith in Jesus Christ is rooted in history. In the same way that history can verify something of the life of Caesar Augustus, Cleopatra, Winston Churchill, or Abraham Lincoln, Luke wrote an accurate, orderly, historically true account of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Therefore, it can be believed with c…
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Micah 6:8 He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God? With all this talk these days about social justice, what does it really mean biblically “to do justice and love kindness?”By Bill Slabaugh
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In the introduction to this message, Pastor Bill presents God’s plan of redemption and His plan for the ages in the form of a picture book. You will discover a vivid way to both understand and describe God’s plan of redemption from the fall of humankind to the second coming of Jesus Christ. (The picture book illustration has been adapted from Pasto…
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A Symphony of Praise to God A.W. Tozer wrote, “Has it ever occurred to you that one hundred pianos all tuned to the same fork are automatically tuned to each other? They are of one accord by being tuned, not to each other, but to another standard to which one must individually bow.” “So one hundred worshipers meeting together, each one looking away…
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How can we keep on holding on and hoping when everything seems to be crashing in around us and sometimes right on top of us? When you compare your circumstances and lifestyle to what it was just eight weeks ago, what were you counting on then that you can’t count on now? And how much hope have you lost? It is important to understand what Romans 15:…
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How to Build Up One Another Just like when you remodel an old home, every believer in Jesus Christ is a remodeling project. There’s a lot of the old that has to go, that has to be torn out and ripped out, before we are conformed to the image of Christ. There’s a lot of demolition that has to take place. But the Christian life is also a building pro…
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When God Is Left Out of a Nation Pandemics, protests, violent demonstrations and riots, looting, murders, abortion, racism, political polarization at every level of the culture: Is there any hope amid this cultural chaos and devolution of America? Is this the judgment of God or is it something else? God’s word in 2 Chronicles 15:1-7 diagnoses the p…
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Kingdom Living in a Fallen World We are citizens of the United States of America to which we pledge our allegiance. But according to Philippians 3:11, “our citizenship is in heaven” as well. Plus we live in a world that is fallen, corrupt, and in chaos. So how should we as believers in Jesus Christ live in this world that is not our true home and h…
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Romans 14:10-13 (NASB) But you, why do you judge your brother? Or you again, why do you regard your brother with contempt? For we will all stand before the judgment seat of God. For it is written, "AS I LIVE, SAYS THE LORD, EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW TO ME, AND EVERY TONGUE SHALL GIVE PRAISE TO GOD." So then each one of us will give an account of himself…
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Romans 14:5-9 "Living for the Lord with Conviction in Spite of Our Differences" In our polarized nation, where many Christians are on opposite sides of so many issues and have their own strong opinions, how we go about living for Christ in spite of our differences? How do we live for the Lord with conviction? How do you live in such a way that, “Wh…
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Getting Along in Spite of Our Differences: In this day of polarizing opinions—whether they are related to politics, pandemics, or protests—how do we get along in the church in spite of our differences? How do we handle our difference of opinion so that the Gospel is fully preached? So that God is glorified with one voice? How do we handle our diffe…
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The Bible teaches that as Christians we belong to the light, not the dark. We should be awake and alert, behaving as those who have seen the light of the Gospel. We also need to get up, lay aside the deeds of darkness, and get dressed for the day by putting on the armor of light. In Romans 13:11-14 the apostle Paul tells us how we are to dress as t…
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The Lord Jesus said to His followers, “You are the light of the world. Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 5:14, 16). So we are not in darkness. We are not night people. We are not people of the night. We don’t live in mental darkness; we know the truth.…
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John MacArthur said, “God’s own love is the inexhaustible well from which, as it were, we can draw the supernatural love He commands to live by.” As a Christian, the love of God has been poured out within your heart (see Romans 5:5). The moment you received Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, the Holy Spirit came to live in you and He poured o…
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A mother’s love is one of the most strongest and most mysterious forces in the world and that is why it is one of the clearest pictures of God’s love for us. And it’s one of the clearest pictures of how we are to love one another in the church of Jesus Christ. We are to love one another as Christ has loved us and gave up his life for us. We love ou…
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God’s Purpose for Government: Romans 13:3-7 In these days of a global pandemic, where we all live under governmental restrictions related to physical distancing, sanitation protocol, and the Center for Disease Control’s guidelines, it is essential that we know what God’s Word has to say about the government’s God-given authority and His purpose for…
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From Romans chapter 13, we learn that there are only two legitimate biblical reasons for Christians to disobey the governing authorities: 1) They command you to do something that is in disobedience to God’s Word, 2) They try to prevent you from obeying God’s Word. So how do we apply these principles in a Covid-19 world devastated by a pandemic and …
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"How to Have Intimacy with God" Have you ever wondered why God created mankind to begin with? Why would God create a creature who would turn on Him, reject Him, and try to live life without Him? Why bother? God created us for one reason: to know Him, to love Him, and have fellowship with Him so that He might be glorified. Put another way, we are cr…
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"He Has Risen" In order to fully grasp the amazement of that first Easter morning there is one precondition: we must realize that no one expected Jesus to rise from the dead—no one. The women who were eye witnesses to the death of Jesus went the tomb to anoint a dead body. They had zero expectations that He would rise from the dead. Then when the w…
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The Anchor is the symbol of Christian hope. The anchor became a key Christian symbol during the period of Roman Persecution in the first century. The Christian singer Michael Card wrote in his album, Soul Anchor, “The first century symbol wasn’t the cross; it was the anchor. If I’m a first century Christian and I’m hiding in the catacombs and three…
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“God Is Our Refuge and Strength” In this message from Psalm 46, Pastor Bill Slabaugh shows us how to lay hold of the sufficiency we have in God who is our refuge and our strength—even if we panic. This is the audio podcast of the live-stream of the worship service of Grace Baptist Church in Emmett, Idaho. The live-stream audio quality was poor but …
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Psalm 56: “I Shall not Be Afraid – Grateful Trust in God” This message is part of our first live-stream worship service from Grace Baptist Church in Emmett, Idaho. Like thousands of other churches around the world, we live-streamed our worship service to the homes of the members of our congregation and to others around the world. God has provided w…
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Overcomers: As I am writing this, the White House just announced that they are recommending that no groups meet that are larger than 10 people and that all restaurants and bars are to be closed. It’s a nationwide ban. As believers in Jesus Christ, we are not exempt from the Corona Virus epidemic and it’s far reaching effects. But the Bible teaches …
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“Don’t Despair” Several years ago, a missionary was sitting at her second-story window when she was handed a letter from home. As she opened the letter, a crisp, new, ten-dollar bill fell out. She was pleasantly surprised, but as she read the letter her eyes were distracted by the movement of a shabbily dressed stranger down below. He was leaning a…
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Psalm 116:12 What shall I render to the LORD For all His benefits toward me? The word translated “render” means to repay or give back. “What can I can give back to God for everything He has done for me?” And what the Psalmist is saying is, “I can’t think of thing one that would be equal to what He has done for me.” Fortunately God doesn’t expect us…
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While in the Upper Room with His disciples the Lord Jesus told them, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another” (John 13:34). The old commandment was to “love our neighbor as ourselves.” Whatever we do for ourselves in meeting our own needs, we are to do for others. But in …
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How to Know Your Spiritual Gift: In Romans chapter 12, verses 6-8, the Apostle Paul lists seven spiritual gifts that are given to Christians. These gifts have been called the motivational gifts because it is apparent that every believer has one of these gifts as their primary gift of the Spirit. These are certain passions and certain drives that Go…
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A Great Example of the Spiritual Gift of Faith: Dr. Howard Hendricks gave an excellent example of the gift of faith working in the life of Dr. Harry Ironside. Shortly after the seminary (Dallas Theological Seminary) was founded in 1924, it almost capitulated. It came to the point of bankruptcy. All the creditors were going to foreclose at 12 noon o…
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