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Listen to our weekly podcast to build up your Cantonese vocabulary on the go! We offer Zoom classes for you to join from wherever you are: Our book is also available at
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Learn Cantonese with Free Podcasts Whether you are student or a seasoned speaker, our lessons offer something for everyone. We incorporate culture and current issues into each episode to give the most informative, both linguistically and culturally, podcasts possible. For those of you with just the plane ride to prepare, check our survival phrase series at One of these phrases just might turn your trip into the best one ever!
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MaoMi Chinese is a podcast and website for Mandarin Chinese learners made by a professional Chinese teacher as well as a Chinese learner - to get the best of both perspectives. We share tips and provide listening practice for intermediate+ learners. We make your learning more enjoyable by engaging you with intercultural resources across various topics.
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Listen to our weekly podcast to build up your Cantonese vocabulary on the go! We offer Zoom classes for you to join from wherever you are: Our book is also available at
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2CR Radio is Australia’s first 24/7 Chinese radio station, serving our community for over 20 years. Programs locally and independently produced. 2CR 澳洲中文廣播電台是澳洲第一間每周7 天不停歇,全天候 24 小時廣播的中文電台。節目獨立製作,本地製造,為澳洲本地華人服務超過二十載。
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Learn a little Taishanese every day! Visit for more Taishanese lessons or join our group discussion InspirLang on Facebook. You can make a donation at to help us to continue making the Taishanese language alive and relevant.
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Hello, Admaese Language is my new Apple Podcasts platform. I am Susanna. Through this Podcasts I hope I can share what I learnt in the aspects of: languages, methods of learning in different languages such as: English, Traditional Chinese as well as bilingual languages translation.
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Lifehouse Hong Kong is a dynamic, fun, and passionate English & Cantonese-speaking church based in Jordan, Hong Kong. We currently have weekly church services every Sunday at 11:30 am onsite at Jordan and online. Find out more about Lifehouse Hong Kong at 香港生命堂是一間位於佐敦,充滿活力、愉快和熱誠的雙語(英丶粵)教會。 我們目前每週日上午 11:30 在佐敦現場舉行崇拜以及在線上進行直播。 歡迎你加入我們!瀏覽更多有關香港生命堂的資訊:
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Popup Cantonese

Popup Cantonese

The most convenient way to learn Cantonese the way it is actually spoken and used. Start with our basic lessons, and in no time you'll be listening to music, watching films and television and engaging in the actual language. With free daily podcasts, a vibrant community, online study tools and much more, PopupCantonese is the most powerful and personal way to learn mandarin.
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Popup Chinese

Popup Chinese

The most convenient way to learn Chinese the way it is actually spoken and used. Start with our basic lessons, and in no time you'll be listening to music, watching films and television and engaging in the actual language. With free daily podcasts, a vibrant community, online study tools and much more, PopupChinese is the most powerful and personal way to learn mandarin.
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Anyone who wants to learn Cantonese or just simply to have something to listen to are welcome! *I am not a professional teacher. **I am doing podcast for fun. Contact : Contact me: Podcast site: Email: #廣東話 #cantonese #chinese #learning #education Support this podcast:
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Jokey Pages

amica & vanee

Jokey Pages | A Hong Kong Cantonese Podcasts Two girls share about their jokey days and nights. From food to travels, fill with laughters. Instagram: jokeypages Email: 📨
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East Screen West Screen - Join hosts Paul Fox and Kevin Ma as the talk film from the Fragrant Harbour. Each show will focus on news and reviews from Hong Kong, Asia, and abroad. With occasional guests, interviews, and more, it's audio food for the Asian-film lover.
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A comedy podcast hosted by a couple Asian American millennial best friends. We have fun chatting about what it means to be Asian including what's trending in relevant Asian news, society, culture, lifestyle, comedy, movies, entertainment, and everything else in between. New episodes every Thursday. ► Visit ► Follow us @WorstAsianPod on every social media app ► Consider supporting our premium subscription content on Apple Podcasts and Spotify
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What You’ll Learn Builds upon skills taught in Pimsleur’s Mandarin Chinese Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4. The thirty 30-minute lessons, plus pinyin and select hànzì characters reading practice, will enable you to speak and understand Mandarin with near fluency and with a broad range of conversational skills. In Level 5, the pace and conversation move quite rapidly, accelerating exposure to new vocabulary and structures, approaching native speed and comprehension. You’ll learn to speak more in-depth ...
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Cosy up with Rox and Jules as they chat about a range of topics such as careers, relationships, mental health, and more! What started from a zoom call to chat about their careers, quickly turned into realising they had similar dreams of starting a podcast. Sharing and discovering real stories from their Korean and Chinese Australian experience, this podcast is about two new friends learning about each other as much as it's about learning about themselves. You can also find them on Insta & YT ...
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Malaysian Cantonese 马来西亚广东话

马来西亚广东话 Malaysian cantonese - celebrating the beauty of all things cantonese and reminiscence of the good ‘ol days by 阿德 (me), hence 德-Talk... :)
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0:00:00 – HKPUG 會訊 + Tech Talk 0:43:43 – 依輪乜事 0:56:25 – Main Topic 本集全長:2:17:31 Tag: Telegram 將提供部份疑犯個人資料給執法部門成釋放 CEO 交換條件, 三星印度工廠員工罷工竟要求職位世襲, iPhone 4S 入錯密碼被鎖機 10 年後獲解封, Qualcomm 被傳計劃向 Intel 提出收購, 依輪乜事, Elon Musk 無故缺席 SEC 就 Twitter 收購舉行之聽證會或面臨制裁, SpaceX 將六月沉沒海底之 Starship Heavy 火箭推進器打撈出水面, Starlink Standard Kit 減價至 299 美元, Intel x86 霸權之路, XScale AR…
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今期主題: 主持| Henry & Jacinda 美酒|Penfolds RWT ,FWT, CWT 佳餚|御宴,Haymarket 回顧「品酒人生」九月份會員活動,齊聚慶中秋 。這可能是悉尼,甚至是澳洲的第一次以奔富「澳中法」紅酒為主題的比拼、較量和品嚐。由奔富友情贊助。 🍷Penfold RWT Bin 798,澳洲 🍷Penfold CWT Bin 521,中國 🍷Penfold FWT Bin 585,法國 找尋每種酒的獨有的香氣,味道,口感和風格。 你知道奔富Bin 798、521、585 、707、95等等數字的解密嗎? 歡迎參加品酒人生的會員和活動。 【節目簡介】 如果您想認識多點酒的知識,增加朋友間同商務應酬的話題,廣闊社交的圈子,或者想了解食物與紅酒的基本配搭,打造獨特生…
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今期主題: 1) 地方政府做乜東東 2) HR Corner: HR 係做乜? 【節目簡介】 《移民手冊》節目主持人Bill Bill 與 Tury, 分別來自馬來西亞與香港,他們移居澳洲多年,個人經歷移民定居的挑戰,亦在從事社區工作時接觸到不少華人移民,聽過很多不同的故事。By 2CR
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Subscriber-only episode Chinese football is both loved and hated in China. On September 5th, the national team suffered a 7-0 loss to Japan, which many Chinese people consider a disgrace. What’s happening with Chinese football? Find out more in today's episode! Don’t miss out! Interested in joining the membership? ⬇️ Support MaoMi & Get exclusive t…
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商福與你飛越職場 9 月12日星期四晚上8:00 職場關係篇 題目:什麼是情緒支持(emotional support)? 在快節奏的生活中,無論是我們自己,還是家人、朋友或同事,都會經歷情緒上的波動。如果這些情緒得不到有效緩解,可能會引發更深層次的問題。因此,學會如何給予彼此情緒支持就顯得尤為關鍵。本期節目,我們將深入探討情緒支持的真正含義,分享簡單實用的支持技巧,並揭示在提供情緒支持時不可忽視的關鍵點。 主持:飛牧,Andrew (心理學家) 點擊直播: 直播時間: 星期四晚8:00-9:00 重播時間: 星期一晚7:00-8:00By 2CR
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What does it mean to be planted in the church? And why is it important? This week we look into why God wants us to be planted in a local church and how putting down roots can help us and the church grow! 扎根於教會是什麼意思?這又為什麼很重要?這個星期我們將會探索神為何希望我們扎根於本地的教會以及找到我們的根基如何幫助我們自己和教會成長!By Lifehouse Hong Kong
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假如一天只有兩小時能清醒並活動,你會選擇做什麼呢?.videoWrapper {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */padding-top: 25px;height: 0;}.videoWrapper iframe {position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;} .videoWrapper {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */padding-top: 25px;height: 0;}.videoWrapper iframe {position: absolute;top: 0;…
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山旮旯朝聖之旅 - 韓國篇 (ep3):今集帶大家到首爾沙南基殉道聖地聖金大建神父 (St. Andrew Kim Taegon) 殉道的地方。參觀博物館,3D體驗當年殉道者受難的景況。位於首爾龍山附近的「沙南基殉道聖地」是天主教徒曾遭受迫害並犧牲的歷史遺址,過去曾用作刑場。聖堂的建築風格具有亞洲傳統特色。這裡曾處決多位神父,包括聖金大建和巴黎外方傳教會的神父。.videoWrapper {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */padding-top: 25px;height: 0;}.videoWrapper iframe {position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;width: 100%;hei…
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21)羅12:1-21 獻上你們的身體,當作生活的祭品。 1弟兄姊妹們:我以天主的仁慈,請求你們,獻上你們的身體,當作生活、聖潔和悅樂天主的祭品:這才是你們合理的敬禮。2你們不可與此世同化,反而應以更新的心思,變化自己,為使你們能辨別:什麼是天主的旨意,什麼是善事,什麼是悅樂天主的事,什麼是成全的事。3我因所賜給我的聖寵,告訴你們每一位:不可把自己估計得太高,而過了份;但應按照天主所分與各人的信德尺度,估計得適中。4就如我們在一個身體上有許多肢體,但每個肢體,都有不同的作用;5 同樣,我們眾人在基督內,也都是一個身體,彼此之間,每個都是肢體。6 按我們各人所受的聖寵,各有不同的恩賜:如果是說預言,就應與信德相符合;7 如果是服務,就應用在服務上;如果是教導,就應用在教導上;8 如果是勸勉,就…
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【神修話語】二零二四年九月二十一日 【駱曦 愛生命 隨想】二零二四年九月二十一日 【保祿家書】羅馬書 Ep 21 - 羅12:1-21 “Spiritual Talk” - September 21, 2024 "Edwin's Blog" - September 21, 2024By Fountain of Love and Life 生命恩泉
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【節目簡介】 由會計理財師胡嘉龍先生和胡善文先生擔任嘉賓主持,為聽眾分析時下世界大事如何影響到現今經濟格局和大家的日常財務狀況。更針對澳洲華人的不同群體和需要,介紹合適的金融投資產品,以及關於稅務、房地產、退休儲蓄等的資訊。每週針對經濟領域的不同時間,深度分析經濟事件的影響,提供新的認知方式和角度,幫助聽眾對經濟格局有更全面的了解,對經濟事件有更立體的認識。擁有超過25年理財經驗的胡嘉龍先生用深入淺出的方式,為您講述財經動態,讓即使沒有受過系統財經知識培訓的聽眾亦能理解學者的專業意見,是適合普羅大眾收聽的財經節目。節目更針對澳洲華人的各個群體及需要,介紹合適的金融投資產品,以及關於稅務、房地產、退休儲蓄等的資訊。從澳洲走向世界,為您提供更獨到、更前瞻的高度與觀點。 節目嘉賓: 胡嘉龍先生 S…
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「黃金屋」今天主題: * 真正的「市中心」在哪處? * 今天進城地鐵已帶動了經濟,甚至沿線區域地價。 * 錯過了機會?如果機會再來,你又會再錯過嗎? * 從一間超市旗艦店如何選址,看到該區的人口趨勢。 * 有個住宅項目,門口就是輕鐵,一站到達火車站及地鐵站,之後兩站至Burwood。 2CR 澳洲中文廣播電台,由澳洲鼎豐集團贊助,陳焯楗主持 澳洲房地產節目「黃金屋」,星期三下午5:00 正播。 隨時隨地,隨心隨意的收聽,方法如下: “ Spotify “ App YouTube - 澳洲房产节目 - 黃金屋 #澳洲地產 #地產代理 #悉尼地產 #投資达人 #樓市升跌 #市場預測…
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0:00:00 – HKPUG 會訊 + Tech Talk 0:38:50 – 依輪乜事 0:54:19 – Main Topic 本集全長:2:11:25 Tag: 阿里雲盤私隱泄漏事件, 美國音樂家以 AI 生成大量樂曲並以大量自動程式下載以騙取串流平台分成被控告, Mozilla 宣佈即將關閉 Mastodon 伺服器並退出 Fediverse, 黎巴嫩真主黨傳呼機集體大爆炸, 依輪乜事, SpaceX 北極星黎明行動完成首次商業太空漫遊後凱旋歸來, SpaceX 將控告美國聯邦航空總署「過度監管」, Neuralink Blindsight 獲 FDA 突破性醫療器材資格, Apple iOS 18, iPadOS 18, Control Center 新設計, Passwords…
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Subscriber-only episode Have you ever been really passionate about something, only to have that enthusiasm fade quickly? How do we express those moments in Chinese? On Tuesday, September 17th, we will release a premium episode for our members, giving you a quick boost on these useful expressions. Don’t miss out! Interested in joining the membership…
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今期主題: 主持| Henry & Jacinda Henry是新南威爾士大學商學碩士,榮獲多個品酒師證書認證,其中包括澳洲品酒師證書認證、澳大利亞品酒師協會會員、葡萄酒與烈酒教育基金——葡萄酒烈酒高級認證、葡萄酒與烈酒教育基金——日本清酒高級認證以及古越龍山第—届海外黃酒品鑒師。 除外,他亦是唐宴King Dynasty Restaurant的集團品酒師,和金唐酒家Golden Century Grp顧問品酒師,及古越龍山 Gu Yu Long Shan的品牌代言人,奔富酒莊Penfolds Wines (TWE)的商業夥伴,天鵝酒莊Swan Wine Group的葡萄酒顧問教師,皇馬酒莊King Horse Wine的苜席葡萄酒總監。 Jacinda畢業於新南威爾士大學商學碩士,獲葡萄酒…
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今期主題:1) 訪問轉系大學生 Jasmine 2) HR Corner: 見工時問乜嘢, 乜嘢唔好問 【節目簡介】 《移民手冊》節目主持人Bill Bill 與 Tury, 分別來自馬來西亞與香港,他們移居澳洲多年,個人經歷移民定居的挑戰,亦在從事社區工作時接觸到不少華人移民,聽過很多不同的故事。By 2CR
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商福與你飛越職場 9 月12日星期四晚上8:00 職場關係篇 題目: 磨擦變磨合,系咪真系得㗎?飛牧有妙計 正所謂「一樣米養百樣人」這句說話的意思代表 別人和自己之間的思想和行為各有不同。如果大家都各有不同時,認識自己、認識他人,就可以轉化磨擦為磨合了。今集為大家分享如何簡單分類不同人的性格特色,簡單而有效減低人與人之間的誤解、甚至系衝突,所以大家可能要準備紙筆抄 notes 呀!內容非常豐富! 主持: 飛牧, Jasmine 嘉賓: Samuel Lam 點擊直播: 直播時間: 星期四晚8:00-9:00 重播時間: 星期一晚7:00-8:00By 2CR
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BB啱出生,得只牙仔唔洗睇牙醫?乳齒就唔會有牙科疾病?小朋友扭計唔肯睇牙醫?NONONO,快啲收聽由尹元晧醫生主講嘅《齒中有理》啦,每週與您剖析從出生到長大會遇到嘅牙科疾病,與您探討如何從小防止牙科疾病,分享讓小朋友無懼牙醫嘅小訣竅。仔仔牙齒健康,胃口都好啲!敬請收聽每週五下午六點半齒中有理,重播時間週三晚上11:30,齊齊約定你! 嘉賓主持: 尹元晧醫生畢業於香港大學牙醫學院,畢業後曾於私人牙科診所及香港菲臘牙科醫院執業,於2006年再次回到香港大學接受臨床研究培訓,並在2008年獲頒發牙醫全科深造文憑。其後,尹醫生加入香港衛生署為牙科醫生,同時繼續於香港牙科醫學院接受家庭牙醫專科培訓,綜合各牙科專科的知識 ,直至2012年移居澳洲。 定居澳洲後,尹醫生除了私人執業,亦曾任悉尼大學牙醫學院…
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Today’s Episode We’re diving into the most popular café in China—Luckin Coffee. With over 20,000 Luckin shops across the country, it has far surpassed Starbucks. What's the secret behind their success? Find out more in today's episode! Membership Preview Have you ever been really passionate about something, only to have that enthusiasm fade quickly…
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訪問嘉賓: 國際佛光會雪梨協會錢儀健會長 【節目簡介】 每一個華人移民到澳洲,都有他的初衷,不為人知的辛酸,難以忘懷的喜悅。2CR澳洲中文廣播電台訪談節目【另一個地方、另一個故事 】,由主持人尊王邀請不同的嘉賓,和大家一起分享他們的人生故事!By 2CR
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What kind of community is the church? Can you come closer to God at church? Can you make friends at church? Find out how you can experience personal growth and encouragement through amazing relationships in the church. 教會是什麼樣的團體?在教會你可以與神變得更親近嗎?你可以在教會結交到朋友嗎?來看看你如何可以通過教會裡奇妙的關係來獲得個人成長和鼓勵。By Lifehouse Hong Kong
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唯有天主願意謙虛自己並住在祂的子民內,好使我們能夠回歸天主的懷抱。.videoWrapper {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */padding-top: 25px;height: 0;}.videoWrapper iframe {position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;} .videoWrapper {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */padding-top: 25px;height: 0;}.videoWrapper iframe {position: absolute…
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【節目簡介】 為聽衆帶來每周澳洲最新的醫學焦點,為您提供專業的醫學觀點和健康小貼士。希望能藉此節目,令聽眾了解更多現代醫學當中,關於疾病的分析和爭論。每期節目的話題非常廣泛,從生活方式、營養、疾病預防、公共衛生到醫療政策和法律。希望通過此節目,幫助身在澳洲的華人聽眾,為自己和家人朋友帶來健康。 嘉賓主持: 梁浩然醫生,他於1993年在香港中文大學獲得內科及外科學位,並於2002年在香港中文大學獲得流行病學及生物統計學碩士學位。 隨後,他在威爾士親王醫院接受了婦產科專業培訓,並在悉尼和基督城完成了生殖內分泌和不孕不育(CREI)的亞專業培訓,並在西悉尼大學獲得生殖醫學碩士學位。 梁醫生能說流利的廣東話和普通話,是香港婦產科醫師學院院士、英國皇家婦產科醫師學院會員和澳大利亞及新西蘭皇家婦產科醫師…
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View lesson transcript at Check out our available Zoom classes Get our digital/paperback book at ☘️ Connect with me ☘️ Youtube: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: ht…
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Check out our available Zoom classes: Get my Mandarin learning book for beginners at Get my journaling book at ☘️ Connect with me ☘️ Youtube: Facebook: Instagram:…
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• Get your Taishanese book: • Get your journaling book: • Check out our available Zoom classes: • Get our digital/paperback book at • View podcast transcript at ☘️ Connect with me ☘️ • Y…
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今集心聲傳情我們將分享一首由 #姜濤 主唱的歌曲 Every Single Time。當我們感到孤獨、無助的時候,我們可以依附著誰呢?唯獨天主是我們可以完全信賴、完全依靠的。.videoWrapper {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */padding-top: 25px;height: 0;}.videoWrapper iframe {position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;} .videoWrapper {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */padding-top: 25…
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題目:《回顧與展望》 分享嘉賓:節目台前幕後工作人員 【節目簡介】 康恩伴您行,是康恩關懷中心今年為您打造的一系列關心您身心靈健康的節目。 我們當中有專業人士,醫生,牧師,心理輔導員等,為您提供全方位的專業意見,分享一些動人的故事。節目逢星期三晚上7點半至8點半直播,重播時間為星期六晚上7點半至八點半。康恩與您,同行添力量!By 2CR
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As two people who love food, especially Asian food, we do have a few hot takes on the topic. This week we discuss some of our least popular opinions on Asian food. Is noodle soup overrated? Which dumplings are too bland? Ben annoys a lot of Taiwanese people. Lingjie wonders why kids forget his name. Come listen to The Worst Asian Podcast. ---------…
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【節目簡介】 由會計理財師胡嘉龍先生和胡善文先生擔任嘉賓主持,為聽眾分析時下世界大事如何影響到現今經濟格局和大家的日常財務狀況。更針對澳洲華人的不同群體和需要,介紹合適的金融投資產品,以及關於稅務、房地產、退休儲蓄等的資訊。每週針對經濟領域的不同時間,深度分析經濟事件的影響,提供新的認知方式和角度,幫助聽眾對經濟格局有更全面的了解,對經濟事件有更立體的認識。擁有超過25年理財經驗的胡嘉龍先生用深入淺出的方式,為您講述財經動態,讓即使沒有受過系統財經知識培訓的聽眾亦能理解學者的專業意見,是適合普羅大眾收聽的財經節目。節目更針對澳洲華人的各個群體及需要,介紹合適的金融投資產品,以及關於稅務、房地產、退休儲蓄等的資訊。從澳洲走向世界,為您提供更獨到、更前瞻的高度與觀點。 節目嘉賓: 胡嘉龍先生 S…
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「黃金屋」今天主題: 本集特邀嘉賓:陳家輝 先生 - 香港理工大學澳洲員生會會員 - 前2CR中文電台 ‘’精英新一代”節目主持 - 香港暢銷書藉作者 - 澳洲鼎豐集團 項目經理 * 很有「愛」的分享會 * 這份「愛」,涉及多個範疇 * 披露今個星期六活動內容 * 再度推出一個短期樓花,除了飛機,已包攬所有交通工具的明星區域 * 首次置業者的嚴重誤解 2CR 澳洲中文廣播電台,由澳洲鼎豐集團贊助,陳焯楗主持 澳洲房地產節目「黃金屋」,星期三下午5:00 正播。 隨時隨地,隨心隨意的收聽,方法如下: “ Spotify “ App YouTube - 澳洲房产节目 - 黃金屋 #澳洲地產 #地產代理 #悉尼地產 #投資达人 #樓市升跌 #市場預測…
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