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Galatians for you - David Thiel 28/06/2020
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Have you ever had to obey a rule and you wondered why the rule existed in the first place?Some may ask themselves: "What's the story behind the rule? What's the point of the rule anyway?"Paul is teaching the church in Galatia a very important lesson on what the Gospel is about. It's easy to lose track of the core message of the Good News when it's …
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Reconciliation. It's what the world desperately needs. But what will it take? How does it affect our relationship with God? With others? Based on 2 Corinthians we'll explore what reconciliation looks like and how it affects all our relationships.By dianellanazarene
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There is a battle and it's on 24/7. But that battle is not against you. So, don't take it personal even though you are the target. Based on the metaphor of a Roman Soldier, Paul draws his conclusions of his letter to the Ephesian church with an important reminder that we need to live by; our identity in Christ.…
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In a restless and always busy world of running people, where can we find rest for ourselves? Jesus said that He wants to give us His rest as we lean into Him and learn to walk with Him. Are you tired? Worn out? Desiring a change that is real? His rest is real and readily available for those who want it.…
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