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By the power of God the Holy Spirit, I have an opportunity to spread the gospel. As a disciple of Jesus, I desire to live out Matthew 28:19, "Go therefore and make disciples..." My questions are, "Are you making disciples? Do you know how to make them? Is God's Living Word ALIVE in you? Today many are just floating on the surface, I want to dive DEEPLY into God's Word! Want to know more about God's Word, truths, love, and the plans He has for you? You got your tanks, LET'S DIVE IN!
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show series
This weeks Godcast emphasizes the necessity of being inspired and empowered by the God Holy Spirit to live a life fully devoted to God and actively participate in Their Great Commission to be and make disciples. True discipleship involves not just knowledge but also transformation, empowerment, and action in accordance with God's commands. Take som…
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This Godcast will address a question that's crucial and beneficial to your mindset and spirituality as you journey toward the narrow gate as a disciple of Jesus! The question is "What for?" God saved you... What for? And I will testify... it's more than so you just don’t go to hell! It's for you as a disciple of Jesus to... "do the will of the Fath…
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As a disciple of Jesus, you're called to speak the truth in love to everyone and to embody God's attributes as you grow in your spiritual journey. The renewing of your mind is vital to your spiritual maturity, allowing you to reflect God's love and truth in a world that hates the only true God! Your empowerment comes from the God the Holy Spirit, w…
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With a renewed mind... you should see and experience... NEW thoughts, NEW words, NEW ways, and NEW visions with a clear eyesight! And God's workmanship creates within the innermost being... new INTERCHANGES, new GAIT, new DEMEANOR, new LANGUAGE, and new ATTRACTIONS… empowered by a NEW Spirit with a NEW Source of Light! So, how do you put this NEW w…
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There is no question I needed to renew my mind because it was "more polluted than a receiving receptacle of a water purification station!" And before God saved me and brought me to my senses... I was in "the snare of the devil, having been held captive by him to do his will.” As God says I was before They invaded my spiritual darkness in 2 Timothy …
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True discipleship is all encompassing and Jesus is the perfect example as to how His disciples should walk, talk, act like, and accomplish as you walk on this sin infested snake pit! And discipleship begins with YOU! You must renew your mind, and God's word is the only instrument that will help you accomplish that! Do you have a disciple mission st…
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When you realize that you were DEAD... and God in Their love, mercy, and grace makes you Come ALIVE... you should not only be eternally grateful, but you should be on fire to bring the Good News of Good things! You were not made in the image and likeness of the only true God, just not to go to hell! God made you Come ALIVE to be Their disciple and …
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Once you truly understand you were spiritually dead... BUT GOD makes you ALIVE! Your entire perspective should change regarding the love, mercy, grace, and compassion of the only true God that He would choose you before the foundation of the world to live out this wonderful life of discipleship and being one with God the Father as He is one with Je…
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How you examined your relational outcomes lately? Do they exhibit God’s workmanship and divine eternal infinite love? Have you ever considered... your intimate relationship with others, is a direct reflection of your intimate relationship with God. What does the evidence reveal about your intimate relationship with God and others? Would it align wi…
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Have you ever heard this saying? "Your actions are speaking so loud, I can't hear a word your saying?" Well, this Godcast is about God's attributes that should be intrinsic in our essence as a disciple of Jesus and your walk should speak louder than your talk! Jesus was known for His work that He completed when He walked on this sin infested snake …
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God has commanded that you PROVE you are one of His disciples. Here's the evidence... " If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be My disciples." John 15 So, you should know now... you NEED God's Spirit and energeia t…
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ENERGEIA! Which is POWER! It takes God's ENERGEIA to accomplish God's work, that's the plain ol' truth! Jesus commands His disciples to... "Go therefore and make disciples..." Matthew 28. So, may I ask, are you a disciple maker? I pray God the Holy Spirit has EMPOWERED you to live out this amazing work of God of being and making disciples! Your lif…
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EVIDENCE of your spirituality tells the story of what is happening and has happened in your life… that’s the plain ol’ truth! One could say they have it... but the EVIDENCE could raise questions as to the authenticity of what one is proclaiming to be the truth! How and what is the EVIDENCE of God's workmanship in your life? Is that EVIDENCE from wh…
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In last week's Godcast ENERGEIA we heard of God the Holy Spirit's miraculous power carried out in and through humanity in three specific events. In this week's Godcast ENERGEIA REVISITED you will hear of God's power being carried out in Their disciple's lives specifically! If God's word goes forth from His mouth as Isaiah 55:11 says, and "...will n…
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IF you need encouragement today... THEN you should listen... because today this Godcast is about God the Holy Spirit's POWER! A power that God gives to ALL of Their disciples! IF you feel you are weak and need strength... THEN listen... IF you need truth... THEN listen... IF you need understanding... THEN listen... Because IF God has completed Thei…
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Have you considered that it was God's calling you that caused you to be transferred from spiritual darkness? Today we will be diving into the spiritual truths from Jesus' account of The Death and Resurrection of Lazarus. The plain ol' truth... you are Lazarus in the spiritual... dead... and captive by sin and death... And God, through His love, gra…
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God TESTS Their disciples... Disciples TEST the spirits... TEST themselves... and should TEST God! Why do tests create such physical and mental quandaries for most of humanity? Why would study and self-testing be an important ingredient to successful testing in the physical… yet not have the same focus, effort. and purpose regarding self-testing in…
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Have you ever thought as you journey toward immortality… that at some point along this linear line of time… there’s a pre-planned one-on-one question session with God? And God's questions will all be directed toward YOU! Because the plain ol' truth... 2 Corinthians 5:10 testifies that... "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, s…
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There is really only one sure place you can build your life... most would think it's your name... your reputation... or occupation... BUT no, no, no... It's on Psalm 18:2; 89:26; and 2 Samuel 22:47;... "the rock of my salvation." And 1 Corinthians 10:4! "...a spiritual rock which followed them; and the rock was Christ." BUILD YOUR LIFE ON JESUS! Be…
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Many have never really heard the truth pertaining to what REPENTANCE really is, how it works, and that ALL are called by God to repentance! You need proof... Listen... it's 2 Peter 3:9, "The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance." Repent…
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Has anyone ever asked you what Repentance is? IF they did, THEN how did you answer? I pray after you listen today, God the Holy Spirit will illuminate your heart and mind and you will know what repentance is and why it's important in your walk as a disciple of Jesus. And if you know, then you will begin to live out repentance as God has designed it…
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What if I told you that everyone came from the same zip code. You would think I was crazy. Everyone coming from the same zip code is impossible. And you know you're right... In the physical that is. But what about spiritually? Would that idea be possible? It may be impossible for billions to be in one place in the physical realm, but how much space…
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Many people are really good at DIY. And they also have the tools, knowledge, and skills to complete the tasks. But what if you don't have the tools nor the capacity to complete the repair? What do you do? You call someone right? That's in the physical? Why would someone approach their spiritual existence in a state of fully unequipped, uneducated, …
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This Godcast speaks of God's great blessings to the earth and humanity with His sun and rain! It's not Mother Nature or by chance, it's from God! And every living thing experiences God's grace and mercy. So, everyone experiences God's goodness, and God dispenses them on the evil and the good, and the righteous and unrighteous! I pray you have eyes …
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You have heard, "what you see is what you get." Is that true? Is seeing truly believing? There is a significant difference between physically seeing and hearing and spiritual seeing and hearing. And spiritual seeing and hearing can only happen by one means; GOD! Proverbs 20:12 confirms that God is the grantor of true spirituality and eternal life, …
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Take time and look at people for who they really are UNDER the skin. Does what they have make them good people? Does possessions, prestige, paper, and power accurately reveal the truth about anyone? Aren’t one’s vehicle types, home(s), magnetism, attractiveness, vocation & occupation, capital, fortune, riches, & wealth represent good people with th…
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Hey my fellow disciples! Providing you an UPDATE of how I'm progressing as a professional driver. Oh yes, God's Word is in there! Ephesians 2:10; James 3:16; John 3:12; 12:11-13; Matthew 16:21; Ephesians 4:29; Psalm 91:11 And THANKS to my brother T, for the tractor! Fit in PERFECTLY! Be ready for the next Godcast... Discipleship The Way of Life UND…
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Are you going at life alone or do you have disciples WITH you? Do you know... your intimate relationships with others is a direct reflection of your intimate relationship with God? What do your intimate relationships reveal? Is there fruit? God's Word... Ecclesiastes 3:1; 1 Peter 5:8; Genesis 3:1; Job 12:9-10; Luke 8:12; 2 Corinthians 4:4; Galatian…
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WAIT! Do you have difficulty WAITING on God? Why would God create a delay, or does He? Do you need encouragement in your time of WAIT? Then listen... This episode will encourage you that when you WAIT on God... It should be in an expectant, hopeful WAIT state of mind and heart! And, when it is... FRUIT! God's Word... Proverbs 16:9; Colossians 1; Is…
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You may have heard the saying, “perception is reality…” but is it? How about this one…“what you see is what you get?” Is that really true? Because you may have gotten what you didn’t want, expect, or deserve. You know what’s truly amazing… someone could physically see, yet be blind to the truth of God. God's Word... Hebrews 4:13; James 1:22-24; Eze…
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You need a boost to your faith and hope... then you must REMEMBER what God has said through His living Word! God commands His disciples to REMEMBER the work He has carried out in your life! Do you REMEMBER? God's Word... Matthew 28:19-20; 1 John 5:11; Genesis 8:1; Genesis 9:15-16; Psalm 77:11; Genesis 1:1; Genesis 1:26; Luke 23:33-37; Hebrews 8:12;…
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Regardless of what the world says... there's only ONE place to be as a disciple of Jesus, and that's, IN HIM! Colossians 2:9-10 testifies... "For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form, and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority;" God's Word... Galatians 5:17; Galatians 5:19-21; 2 Corinthi…
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You can walk by yourself... Or walk with someone special... BUT to be walking with God... what an amazing experience! Listen to this promise of God... "if you will walk in My statutes and keep all My commandments by walking in them, then I will carry out My word with you" Who are you walking with today? God's Word... Mark 16:15; Genesis 3:8; Hebrew…
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You hear many rumors, stories, and lies about Jesus Christ. You need some truth today? Listen to these truths about who Jesus is, and what His life signifies as the only Salvation for humanity! The plain ol' truth... you should be yelling crucify Him! God's Word... Proverbs 26:22; 1 Timothy 5:13; Matthew 16:21; Matthew 27:26; John 3:14; Luke 23:50-…
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Questions are a normal part of life, and Jesus proved this point because Jesus asked more than 300 questions to humanity. When Jesus asks questions, His questions always penetrate to the heart of the matter. Jesus asks in Luke 6:46, "Why do you call Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say? How would you answer Him? God's Word... Luke 16:15; Job …
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Today's Godcast is about belief, faith, and salvation. Has God caused you to believe... it was God, is God, and will always be God carrying out His predetermined plan through ALL THINGS within His creation by means of His foreknowledge and will, in and through His Fishers of Men? God's Word... Matthew 17:27; Job 38:16; Job 38:36; Mark 10:23-27; Rom…
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God has spoken… He’s the creator of ALL things, and there is a time for EVERYTHING under heaven! If ALL things and EVERYTHING doesn’t shout sovereignty to you… you tell me what sovereignty is, because ALL of God's word confirms His sovereignty! God's Word... 1 Samuel 16:7; 1 John 4:1; Matthew 24:35; Ecclesiastes 3:1; Ephesians 2:10; 2 Timothy 3:16-…
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ALL means EVERYTHING! And everything according to Merriam-Webster dictionary is... "all that exists; all that relates to the subject; all that is important; all sorts of other things — used to indicate related but unspecified events, facts, or conditions;" "There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven—…
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Genesis proves God is in the beginning. Jesus promises eternal life with God and it has no end. Jesus says in Revelation 22:13, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” Then Jesus must be anamesa also in order for ALL THINGS to make it into eternity! Did you decide the day you were conceived? Can you say fo…
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There's been controversy about what name you should use when you're talking about Jesus. Well, the plain ol' truth... God has placed you where you are by His sovereign will, and how you learned of Him, that way of saying His name, is the name He must want YOU to use, so use it! Besides, there appears to be no discussion about His names of-the Son o…
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Today will challenge you spiritually, because God will address the difference in being ALIVE spiritually or dead spiritually, and that's God's NGA (No Gray Area). In Revelation 3:1, God says, "... that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead.” How can that be? Check out how God's word does apply all along the linear line of time, and i…
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REPETITION is proof whether you want to admit it or not. Living a life of REPETITION in righteous living is something ALL disciples of Jesus should aspire to live in and for EVERY TODAY God gives you breath! You will either live in the flesh or the Spirit in REPETITION, and it takes the work of God by His supernatural heart and spirit transplant to…
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That word is LOVE! LOVE is the component woven all throughout Jesus’ acts of service. And you must have that same fabric in your essence of service, believe that! Jesus establishes, confirms, and verifies spiritual service of worship is love! And His DOING (work) is accomplished through His love. It’s the true meaning of humanity for humanity, soul…
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You can choose not to forget, which is totally different than remembering no more. God says in Hebrews 10:17, “And their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.” NOW, you believe God’s promise is only for those people back there, or for you too? As His WORK to remember no more pertains to your sins and lawless deeds. Which practice of…
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Are you purposeful in making yourself a worthy disciple to be used by God to work in His harvest? You must possess a RENEWED MIND if you are going to make disciples. Listen to what God says in Romans 12:2, "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that whi…
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Jesus says “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.” (Matthew 9:37-38) The pure milk of the word… WORKERS are disciples who DO SOMETHING by working OUT their salvation! Are you are worker? God's Word... Matthew 9:37-38; Ephesians 4:11-12; Colossians 1:13; 3:1…
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A reminder… God will hold you accountable, just like He held Adam accountable for His lack of spiritual leadership in Eve’s life, you can count on that. Therefore, you must be diligent to follow the same acts of Jesus that demonstrates “how” you must live as His disciple, and that's living with your wife in an understanding way. God's Words... Matt…
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TODAY, we’ll dive into Jesus’ perspective on The Way to live that leads to eternal life, and that's living TODAY by the power and work of God the Holy Spirit. So, you will either follow Jesus or the world, NGA! God has called you as His disciples out of the world. So, TODAY is really all you have, how will you live? God's Word... Luke 12:13-21; Mat…
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Have you ever considered the term "dwelling" pertaining to your spirituality? What you dwell on confirms what occupies your mind. And what you say and do proves what’s lodged between your ears. God gives a clear message on what you must DWELL on as His disciple, and it's outlined in Philippians 4:8! So, what do you DWELL on? Passages referenced tod…
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