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Biblical Elucidation

Gerald C. Lewis, Sr.

In a world where cliches and scripture misquotes masquerade as biblical truth, who can Believers count on to help shine light on what the Bible says? Pastor Gerald C. Lewis, Sr., presents: Biblical Elucidation - weekly topical discussions; providing fresh biblical insight, illumination, clarification, and even a humorous touch to studying the Word of God and its application to your everyday life.
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show series
Continuing in the Lord Teach Us How to Pray Series (PART FOUR) we now journey to take a deeper look at one of the most intimate moments in Jesus’ life. In the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus prays, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt. What does His prayer mean, what clues have we overlo…
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Continuing in the Lord Teach Us How to Pray Series we now journey to a very intriguing observation made by the Apostle Paul. The Apostle states, "We know not what we should pray for as we ought." In, Teach Us How We Ought to Pray: we will discover the significance of the word infirmities and how it's intended meaning affects our understanding of pr…
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One of the disciples said to Jesus, "Lord, teach us to pray!" This request led to arguably the most well known prayer in the Bible, believed by many to be the Lord’s Prayer. But, contrary to popular belief this prayer should be seen as the exemplary prayer, a prayer that models prayer to us all. But, what is hiding just beneath the surface of Jesus…
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Lord Teach Us to Pray Series: How Not to Pray What exactly is prayer? And, how are we to pray? The Scriptures reveal that the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray. But, why? When the first mention of prayer is found in the book of Genesis. Discover exactly what Jesus intended to be understood when He said not to pray like the hypocrites …
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What does it mean to be Holy? Yes, to be Holy, is to be like God! But, is to be like God... simply to be separated and set apart for a special purpose? Is to be Holy to be...Super spiritual? Sinless? Or awe-striking? Does to be Holy mean that we must live a life devoted to seclusion, prayer, piousness, or righteousness… does any of those things mak…
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What day of the week did Jesus resurrect from the grave? Could He have risen on a Monday? No! What is the sign of the Prophet Jonah? What does it have to do with Jesus? And, how are we to count the three days and three nights that Jesus prophesied He would be in the "heart of the earth?" Find the answers to these questions and many more... as we se…
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Have you ever heard that Jesus commands, you and I, His Believers to be passive, defenseless, push overs, who allow our persecutors to slap us and then to turn and give them the other? What does it mean to turn the other cheek? And, what is Jesus teaching us through this hard to understand expression? Let us journey through the pages of the Bible a…
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The mark set upon Cain is one of the strangest and earliest events in Bible. For centuries people have wondered, speculated, and propagated untruths that have left many Believers misinformed and with more questions than answers. What was the mark that was set upon Cain? Whose mark was it? And, what does the Bible say is the reason for this mark? Fi…
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What is the Greatest Commandment? Is any one of the commandments greater than any of the others? Are the commandments to “Love God and to Love Neighbor” new commandments? Find out these answers and a whole lot more as we search through the pages of the Bible to discover what deeper message Jesus is conveying for those of us the Father seeks. Discov…
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Have you been taught that forgiving someone, who has wronged you, frees you from the bondage and weight of them and the unwanted offense? Or, that God will not forgive you unless you forgive those who have wronged you? And, is repentance just feeling sorry about something done wrong? Let us explore the scriptures and into ancient Hebrew culture to …
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Have you ever heard that God forsook Jesus on the cross because He could not bear the sight of His Son suffering? Or, that God could not watch Jesus become sin, because He could not look upon Sin? Or, maybe you’ve heard that it wasn't Jesus at all who cried out from the cross; but that it was His flesh that cried out? His human side! Let’s take a j…
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Each year during Christmas Season, Nativity scenes, traditionally depict Joseph, Mary, with baby Jesus laying in a manger, various domesticated animals, 2 shepherds, 3 wise men and a heralding Angel. But, what picture does the Bible paint of this miraculous event? Were Joseph and Mary married or just engaged? Why was there no room in the inn for th…
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Jonah is one of the most famous and well known stories of the Bible. If, you have attended Sunday school you have heard this story and colored pictures of Jonah being swallowed up by a happy huge whale. But... why? Out of the hundreds of stories in the Bible why is the story of Jonah etched so deeply within our minds? Why is his story so important?…
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Answering one of the most controversial questions in Christendom... Should Women Preach? What does the Bible actually teach Believers about it? In order to answer this question, we will examine only the Pauline epistles to see what hides just beneath the surface, just waiting to be discovered. 1Timothy 2:11 & 12 Let the woman learn in silence with …
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Q&A: What are the Heavenly Crowns? And, what must be done in order for Believers to receive them? For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom…
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What does the recent solar eclipse and hurricanes mean to today’s Believer? Are they signs of the Lords return? Is scripture pointing to these natural events as warning signs of the end of times? The Bible contains the answers to all of these questions but we must search the scriptures carefully to ensure that we are not deceived. The answer God ha…
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Continuing Hated… In this episode we go deeper into the hard to accept idea presented by our Lord Jesus saying, “Blessed are ye when men shall hate you…” (Luke 6:22). With this in mind we must discover that not only does the world hate you but that So-Called Like Believers hate you too. How are we to know who these Haters are and why they hate you?…
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As Believers we've been filled for so long with what I call the "Sweets of the Gospel" that it has made us sick. Is it possible to live off only what is sweet? Or whats sounds good? Is it even helping us at all? God speaks His truth to us through the Word but we would rather live off of what the Bible doesn't say... a lie. Here is the truth... Bles…
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There are over 30 parables spoken by the Lord Jesus within the synoptic gospels. Yet, The Lord found the need to explain the parable of the Sower. What is so important about the parable of the Sower that Jesus found need to explain it. Lets go line by line; verse by verse in the Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:3-9) and it’s explanation (Matthew 3:…
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What is the meaning of John 3:16? Must a person simply believe in Jesus to receive everlasting life? Is there a right and a wrong way to believe? What does it mean to believe? “Belief Misdirected’ takes the listener on an journey through the Old and New Testament scriptures of the Bible to find the clues necessary to finding the meaning of the most…
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How often have you heard someone say that they can wait until before death to give their life to Christ? Is this true? Does the Bible teach us in Luke’s account of the Crucifixion that we too can wait to be saved? Upon examining the scriptures closely you will find that there is more than meets the eye… “Don’t Wait!” Visit the Biblical Elucidation …
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To say you are in my prayers or I'm praying for you has become cliche; just something nice to say to someone when they experience tough times. But, what does the Bible say about prayer… what should we be praying for? How should we be praying? Let's rediscover The Lord's Prayer to find out the answer to these questions and more. You are in my prayer…
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What did the Apostle Paul mean when he stated we are not under law but grace? What is the law? Are we to stop keeping the law? What does it mean to be under grace? When we study Law and Grace as used throughout scripture; what we find is that the Law means and covers far more than we assume and that grace requires much on our part than believed! ha…
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Have you ever seen someone so blessed that it sparked your interest; wondering what did they do to be so favored? Only to asked them how? And their response is… “Favor ain’t fair!” Is it possible for the way God disturbs His favour to be “Unfair?” or is there some type of method to receiving it? Let’s look through the pages of the Bible to see what…
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What is your definition of faith? Faith is one of the most misunderstood biblical ideas; it is both misunderstood by the Believer and Unbeliever alike. But, how does the bible define faith? When this question is asked most believers quickly quote Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. It is eas…
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Do you remember the story of Cain and Able? If so, have you ever considered the importance of each word used in this scripture? Lets stop, slow down, and read what the Bible says again concerning Cain and Able's offerings to discover what God is revealing to us in this well known story of the Bible.
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If your entrance to the Kingdom of Heaven depended on you choosing rightly between religion or relationship which one would you choose? Would you be willing to risk eternity on your choice? Is relationship of greater importance than religion? Truth is this idea in scripture is pivotal to the life of a believer. Let’s compare what we know to what is…
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