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A weekly round up of the latest Ancient Egypt news that made the headlines, brought to you by Ted Loukes and GnT Tours. Visit these websites for more on books by Ted Loukes or news of our latest tour to Egypt. Contact us at
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2CHRONICLES 19:Yesterday we heard the story of how Jehoshaphat helped Ahab in battle. God had already spoken through a prophet that Ahab would meet his downfall and how the dogs would lick up his blood. This happened, as we already read in 1Kings 22, when they took his chariot back to Samaria. PROVERBS 31b:Speaking of a capable and virtuous wife, t…
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2CHRONICLES 18:Woops. Asa didn’t end nearly as well as he started. And his son Jehoshaphat starts out well, but makes unfortunate alliances. PROVERBS 31a:Today and tomorrow are our last two days in Proverbs. Verses 10-31 of chapter 31 comprise a Hebrew acrostic poem; each verse begins with a successive letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Our highlighted…
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2CHRONICLES 16-17:Judah’s kingdom was truly blessed by Asa’s wise reign. The Lord rewarded the country for returning to Him. PROVERBS 30b:Today’s highlighted verse is Pro. 30:20 NLT An adulterous woman consumes a man,then wipes her mouth and says, “What’s wrong with that?” MATTHEW 13a:Jesus gave a stinging reply to his critics in yesterday’s readin…
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The stories that made the Ancient Egypt headlines over the middle two weeks of September. El-Enany and UNESCO Aboudi's at Giza James Ogden in Wales The Colours of Edfu Revealed Horizon of Khufu in London Nightime Upgrade for Giza New MoTA Museum Database These news stories are taken from various public internet sources including: http://english.ahr…
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2CHRONICLES 14-15:Yesterday we heard the conclusion of Rehoboam’s reign, and the writer classed him as a wicked king. Then his son, King Abijah gave a truly amazing speech before his epic victory over Israel. PROVERBS 30a:Today I chose to highlight two verses: Pro. 30:5-6 NLT Every word of God proves true. He is a shield to all who come to him for …
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2CHRONICLES 12-13:Yesterday we heard of David’s grandson, Rehoboam, and the unfortunate start to his reign. The northern tribes revolted and went with Jeroboam. Rehoboam seems to have made wise choices after that, at least for a short time. PROVERBS 29b:Today’s highlighted verse: Pro. 29:23 NLT Pride ends in humiliation, while humility brings honor…
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2CHRONICLES 10-11:Yesterday we completed the story of Solomon’s achievements. PROVERBS 29a:A highlight for today: Pro. 29:11 NLT Fools vent their anger,but the wise quietly hold it back. MATTHEW 11b:Yesterday we heard Jesus’ teaching about John the Baptist. NLT Translation note: 2Chon. 10:18 NLT96 edition has ‘labor force’, and newer editions have …
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2CHRONICLES 9:Yesterday we heard God’s famous response to Solomon, which is so often applied as a promise to America. It is stretching it past the breaking point to apply that promise to America. First of all, our country does not have a personal relationship with God like that of Israel in Solomon’s time. We also skate over all the conditions of h…
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2CHRONICLES 7-8:Yesterday we heard Solomon’s famous prayer at the dedication of the temple. He understood that the people would need forgiveness from the Lord, and requested the Lord’s mercy. PROVERBS 28a:Another favorite: Pro. 28:8 NLT Income from charging high interest rateswill end up in the pocket of someone who is kind to the poor. MATTHEW 10b…
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2CHRONICLES 6:Yesterday we heard of the various things that Huram-abi made under Solomon’s direction for the temple, and of the dedication of the temple. In today’s (not reverent) language, we might say that the Lord ‘showed up’ for that dedication, just like He did for the dedication of the tabernacle. PROVERBS 27b:Our hightlighted verse for today…
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2CHRONICLES 4-5:Yesterday we heard of the preparations for building the temple, and then the dimensions and the beginning of the construction starting in the 4th year of Solomon’s reign. PROVERBS 27a:Today’s first verse is very like the advice of James in the New Testament: Pro. 27:1 NLT Don’t brag about tomorrow,since you don’t know what the day w…
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2CHRONICLES 2-3:In yesterday’s reading we returned to the books of Chronicles, and picked up the story following King David, with the beginning of Solomon’s reign. Solomon gave 1,000 burnt offerings to the Lord, then the Lord appeared to him. Solomon requested wisdom to rule Israel, and the Lord was pleased with his request. PROVERBS 26b:Today’s hi…
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THEME: Buckle up the belt of truth by FOCUSING YOUR GAZE ON CHRIST. OK, in my last episode I told you about my nightmare. There was a visitor on my porch that night. That visitor was a picture of the demon who had gained a foothold in my life. He had been tempting me for years and knew just how to do it. He got on the exercise bicycle on my front p…
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2CHRONICLES 1:Yesterday we heard Hosea’s final and heart-felt warning. At the end of his book, Hosea penned a rather short apology on behalf of the people, requesting forgiveness. God responded lovingly, pleading for the people of Israel to stay away from idols. And now we return to the story we interrupted in the books of Chronicles. PROVERBS 26a:…
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HOSEA 13-14:Yesterday’s reading had this significant prophecy, prefaced by the words that God would not come to totally destroy: Hos. 11:10 NLT For someday the people will follow me.I, the LORD, will roar like a lion.And when I roar,my people will return trembling from the west.11 Like a flock of birds, they will come from Egypt.Trembling like dove…
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HOSEA 11-12:In yesterday’s reading, as the Lord was pleading with Israel and using agricultural metaphors, He said, Hos. 10:12-13 NLT … ‘Plant the good seeds of righteousness, and you will harvest a crop of love. Plow up the hard ground of your hearts, for now is the time to seek the Lord, that he may come and shower righteousness upon you.’ 13 “Bu…
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HOSEA 9-10:I like how the GNT translates the first paragraph of chapter 6 as being the words of the people of Israel. Hosea 6:1-4 GNT:1 The people say, “Let's return to the LORD! He has hurt us, but he will be sure to heal us; he has wounded us, but he will bandage our wounds, won't he?2 In two or three days he will revive us, and we will live in h…
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HOSEA 6-8:In yesterday’s reading, Hosea bought back his wife from prostitution. And the Lord drew analogies in his speech to Israel. PROVERBS 24a:Favorite verses: Pro. 24:5 NLT The wise are mightier than the strong, and those with knowledge grow stronger and stronger. 6 So don’t go to war without wise guidance; victory depends on having many advise…
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HOSEA 3-5:Beautifully interwoven word plays or metaphors were constructed using the names of Hosea’s three children. And verses of yesterday’s reading, are quoted in Romans 9 and 1Peter 2. The last verse ended: Hos. 2:23 NLT “I will show loveto those I called ‘Not loved.’And to those I called ‘Not my people,’I will say, ‘Now you are my people.’And …
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The stories that made the Ancient Egypt headlines over the first days of September. New Nefertari Chamber in Turin Zahi Hawass in Search of Queen Nefertiti Western Frontier Fortress Discovered These news stories are taken from various public internet sources including:…
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HOSEA 1-2:We have already heard that God considers the sin of idolatry to be parallel and just as offensive as a wife being unfaithful to her husband. Hosea is told by God to actually live out this situation. He is told to marry Gomer, a prostitute. Through Hosea, God shows just how ready He is to restore and be reconciled with His wayward people. …
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1CHRONICLES 29:Yesterday we heard of the military commanders and officials under David, and the leaders of 13 tribes. Then we heard David’s instructions to Solomon. And it is always amazing to me the detail with which David planned for the temple, and also his generosity. PROVERBS 22b:Halfway through this chapter we begin a section where more of th…
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1CHRONICLES 27-28:Yesterday we heard of the assignments of Levites as musicians, judges, and temple gate keepers. PROVERBS 22a:Our highlighted verse for today: 14 The mouth of an immoral woman is a dangerous trap;those who make the LORD angry will fall into it. (NLT) MATTHEW 2:For today’s intro to Matthew 2, I have a correction from what I said in …
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1CHRONICLES 25-26:There was a rather important shift in Israel’s religious life that happened with David and his plans for temple worship rather than the older pattern of worship at the Tabernacle: It was that the priests and Levites were re-organized into groups appropriate to the new state of affairs, introducing divisions on top of the old syste…
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1CHRONICLES 23-24:Yesterday we heard a rather odd story about how “Satan rose up against Israel and caused David to take a census.” But in 2Samuel 24:1 we read that “Again the anger of the LORD burned against Israel, and he incited David against them, saying, ‘Go and take a census of Israel and Judah.’” So who was it— Satan or the Lord? And if the …
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1CHRONICLES 21-22:Yesterday we heard the part where the writer of Chronicles skated over where David had his affair with Bathsheba. But we heard of the military victories and especially the misunderstanding that became the reason for the war with the Ammonites. PROVERBS 20b:Our highlighted verse for today: Pro. 20:24 NLT The Lord directs our steps,…
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1CHRONICLES 19-20:Yesterday we heard about one of David’s greatest hours, and I think David would rank this as better than the killing of Goliath. It was the time when he wanted to build a house for God, and instead God promised to build his house— making for him an everlasting dynasty. Then we heard of his leading in even more amazing military vic…
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The stories that made the Ancient Egypt headlines over the last week of August. MoTA meets UNESCO Saqqara Excavator Reports Artefacts Returned From The Netherlands Khufu Price Increase Khaled el-Anani in Congo Late Period Coffin Returns to Swansea, Wales These news stories are taken from various public internet sources including: http://english.ahr…
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1CHRONICLES 17-18:Yesterday we heard of the careful moving of the Ark, this time successfully. We heard exactly which men played what instruments. Then there was a sample of their praise. The psalm in chapter 18 is made of quotes from Psalms 105 and 96 and some other isolated verses. PROVERBS 19b:Our highlighted verse: Pro. 19:17 NLT If you help th…
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1CHRONICLES 15-16:Yesterday we heard about the first attempt to move the Ark, more about David’s family, and his defeat of the Philistines. PROVERBS 19a:A highlight from today’s chapter in Proverbs: Pro. 19:14 NLT Fathers can give their sons an inheritance of houses and wealth, but only the Lord can give an understanding wife. 1THESSALONIANS 4:Paul…
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1CHRONICLES 13-14:Yesterday we heard of mighty men who joined David in war, and the roll call of people who joined him politically to become king. And today we hear more about important events under David’s leadership. PROVERBS 18b:A highlighted verse for today: Pro. 18:22 NLT The man who finds a wife finds a treasure, and he receives favor from th…
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1CHRONICLES 11-12:In yesterday’s reading, we heard of the people who returned after the exile. Then, starting with the genealogy of King Saul, we jumped to the story of how he died. This prepares us for the stories about King David. PROVERBS 18a: Our highlighted verse today: Pro. 18:10 NLT The LORD is [like] a strong fortress;the godly run to him a…
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1CHRONICLES 9-10:This is the last name chapter at the beginning of this book, bringing us up to the time of the returning exiles. And king Saul’s genealogy is given, because we pick up Israel’s narrative with Saul in the next chapter. PROVERBS 17b:This special verse reminds me of an old song we used to sing every Sunday evening with fellow missiona…
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1CHRONICLES 8:Hang on! We’re almost through with the names chapters! PROVERBS 17a:I must say that it is hard to choose just one verse to highlight in today’s reading: Pro. 17:9 NLT Love prospers when a fault is forgiven,but dwelling on it separates close friends. Re-reading EPHESIANS 6:I like the way our translation of the spiritual armor portion o…
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1CHRONICLES 7:Yesterday we heard about Levite and priestly genealogies and their allotment of towns. The pace quickens as today we hear of six tribes. PROVERBS 16b:Today’s highlighted verse is this: Pro. 16:18 NLT Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall. EPHESIANS 6:This is another chapter break that interrupts the flow. Yester…
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The stories that made the Ancient Egypt headlines over the third week of August. New Digital Interactive Platform Investigation into Tourist in Luxor Temple EgyptAir Luggage Tracking More Sites Get e-Ticketing Astronomical Observatory Discovered in Kafr el-Sheikh Metalworking at Giza These news stories are taken from various public internet sources…
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1CHRONICLES 6:Yesterday we heard details about the leaders of three tribes, Reuben, Gad, and the half tribe of Manasseh. PROVERBS 16a:Today’s collection of proverbs contains a famous one: Pro. 16:3 NLT Commit your actions to the LORD, and your plans will succeed. Re-reading EPHESIANS 5:Although today’s chapter does not contain an instance of the th…
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1CHRONICLES 5:In yesterday’s reading, we heard of important ancestors of the tribes of Judah and Simeon. In Ezra’s time, I can imagine that it was important to figure out who was who and what their relationship was, as this would determine the redistribution of land to the exiles who were returning. PROVERBS 15b:I wish I was more like this proverb:…
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1CHRONICLES 4:In yesterday’s reading we started with David’s sons, then for the descendants of King Solomon, only the kings were listed. So we jumped up to the period of the exile to Babylon. PROVERBS 15a:Here is a favorite verse from today’s group of proverbs: Pro. 15 NLT 17 A bowl of vegetables with someone you loveis better than steak with someo…
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1CHRONICLES 3:So far we have traced Jakob/Israel’s descendants into the time of David, and today’s reading picks up with David himself. PROVERBS 14b:Here is a quote from today’s group of proverbs: Pro. 3:20 NLT The poor are despised even by their neighbors,while the rich have many “friends.” EPHESIANS 4:Paul’s letters are usually divided into two p…
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1CHRONICLES 2:Yesterday we traced from Adam to Noah, and the genealogy to Abraham. Then we heard of Abraham’s two other families, those descending from Keturah and the sons and rulers descended from Esau. So now we take up Jacob’s descendants, but in this book he is frequently called by his other name, Israel. (GNT has used ‘Jacob’ instead in this …
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1 CHRONICLES 1:Jewish and Christian traditions hold that Jeremiah was the author of 1&2 Kings, which were originally one book. And that Ezra, the priest, wrote 1&2 Chronicles, which are also one book in the Hebrew. It may be that Ezra wrote these books after his return to Jerusalem. The Greek Septuagint names this book Paraleipomena, which means ‘t…
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LAMENTATIONS 4-5: In yesterday's reading, the sun pierced the dark clouds with this glorious section: Lam. 3:22 NLT The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. 23 Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning. 24 I say to myself, “The Lord is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in him!” 25 The Lord is go…
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The stories that made the Ancient Egypt headlines over the second week of August. Madbouli Inspects Giza Plateau GEM Ticket Prices Museo Egizio Opens Nefertatri Exhibit New Ticket Machine at VoK Roman Era Discovery at Marsa Matruh On Top Of The Pyramid Exhibition in China New Digital Guide for Special Needs Visitors These news stories are taken fro…
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LAMENTATIONS 3:A warning for the modern times is here in chapter 2: Lam. 2:14 NLT Your prophets have saidso many foolish things, false to the core.They did not save you from exileby pointing out your sins.Instead, they painted false pictures,filling you with false hope. The last so poignant line from yesterday’s reading was, 22 … “The enemy has kil…
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LAMENTATIONS 1-2:In the early chapters of his book, Jeremiah spoke several times of his tears. Lamentations will help us to understand how this ‘weeping prophet’ felt, and how God mourned also. This book has been a comfort to many who mourn. Light breaks through in the middle— in chapter 3, with words that are used in one of our greatest hymns. The…
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JEREMIAH 52:We come to the addendum to Jeremiah— seemingly written by someone else, perhaps Baruch. I commented yesterday how chapter 51 foreshadows Revelation 18. Jeremiah was prophesying the downfall of the real city of Babylon.What he foretold happened around 70 years later. His prophecy includes details about the enemies being from Media, about…
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JEREMIAH 51:Today the Lord continues the long prophecy against Babylon. This chapter foreshadows what will happen to the figurative Babylon in Revelation 18. PROVERBS 11a:An important thing I didn’t mention before is that these proverbs represent principles, not promises. This particularly needs to be remembered for verses that talk about prosperit…
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JEREMIAH 50:Finally after hearing messages prophesying against so many nations, always telling or implying that the Babylonians would be God’s instrument to punish them, now this long chapter tells how Babylon will finally be judged as well, and God will return to take pity on Israel. PROVERBS 10b:Here is an example of Hebrew parallelism from today…
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