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Text Us! There is no doubt that there is a natural desire within every Christian, and more specifically every minister, to help others in their times of need. However, how far is too far? Is it ever appropriate for someone to come between a Pastor and his parishioner? Further, what does the Bible say about those that interfere beyond their God-give…
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Text Us! The study of Church History has been an invaluable tool for the modern church. However, arguments abound as it relates to church history somewhat being the standard that we measure our doctrine by. Further, arguments are made that if a particular issue cannot be proven sufficiently from the records of church history, then the modern church…
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Text Us! As we discussed in our last episode, the Bible seems clear in its command that believers are to go and make disciples. The next step is exploring how one is to effectively carry out this command. That is precisely what we discuss on this episode. If you would like to donate to the Podcast, you can do that here:…
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Text Us! In Matthew 28:19-20 we are given what has come to be known as "The Great Commission". Is this commission still binding on the church? Are we obligated to fulfill the command that Christ is giving here, or was it merely for the disciples? Further, when Matthew 28:19 says to "go" is it a direct command, or merely a passive statement that we …
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Text Us! Some have the opinion that because we are of the Kingdom of God, then our allegiance should be to that Kingdom alone. We should have no part in the affairs of earthly government. However, is that what the Bible truly teaches? Does our citizenship of the Kingdom of God negate our responsibility to be good citizens of our nation? Are these c…
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Text Us! We continue our series on the Kingdom of God. We have already established that there is a sense in which the Kingdom of God is present in this world today. We see that evidenced through the power of God demonstrated in various forms. However, is there a sense in which the Kingdom will come in a "fuller" expression and realization? If so, d…
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Text Us! Though the Kingdom of God has not been realized in its fullest sense yet, there is an element of it that is accessible and evident even now. The power of the Kingdom was demonstrated through the ministry of Christ and the Apostles in the Gospels, then through the church in the book of Acts, and is still evident in modernity. There really i…
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Text Us! All throughout the Gospel accounts we find this concept of the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Heaven. What is so important about understanding what this reference is? Jesus found it important enough to make it a central topic of his preaching in the Gospel accounts. Further, how does understanding this important concept transform the lif…
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Text Us! We were given a suggestion regarding a topic by a listener. This listener wanted us to discuss "Understanding God's Call to Ministry". In this episode, we define what ministry actually is, and who is called to ministry. Further, we give some advice on how to determine if God is calling you to a specific ministry within the church. We hope …
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Text Us! Paul instructs the believers at Corinth concerning the covering of the head by women in the public worship setting in 1Corinthians 11. What was the covering that Paul was referring to? Further, does this passage truly deal with hair, or is it referring to a material item that was popular in the Jewish community of that day, used for a head…
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Text Us! Does the Bible have anything to say about the application of cosmetics? How are Christians supposed to navigate this topic of debate? Further, what principles from Scripture can we apply that will help us think Biblically about this concept? These are all things that we discuss on today's episode, as we continue our multipart response to a…
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Text Us! Some within Christendom argue that the Bible has little say concerning that which Christians are to wear, or refrain from wearing. Is this accurate? Does the Bible say anything concerning the outward adornment of the person? Are there areas of prohibition concerning this topic, or merely suggestions that one is to take into consideration? …
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Text Us! No doubt you have heard sermons in your church concerning the "Cost of Discipleship". It is a pretty popular message that seeks to challenge the believer to a place of self-evaluation as it relates to their dedication in following Christ. However, have you ever considered that preaching such a message could potentially be an effective tool…
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Text Us! On today's episode, we wrap up our discussion on marriage. We try to offer hope from Scripture for those that might have found themselves going through a rough patch in their marriage. We believe that God is able to rekindle and restore! If you would like to donate to the Podcast, you can do that here:…
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Text Us! On this episode, we delve further into the topic of divorce and discuss ways in which someone can heal from such an experience. Though divorce leaves a trail of trauma in its wake, there are deliberate steps that one can take, through Christ, to heal. If you would like to donate to the Podcast, you can do that here:…
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Text Us! In this episode, we further expand on the topic of divorce that we started a few weeks ago. A listener wrote in and requested that we further discuss the traumatic effects of divorce, and how one can heal from them. We hope you find this helpful! If you would like to donate to the Podcast, you can do that here:…
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Text Us! On this episode, we were honored to be joined by Rev. Kevin Lloyd to discuss the Gifts of the Spirit. Rev. Lloyd is an adjunct professor of Pneumatology at Free Gospel Bible Institute. He has 37 years of ministerial experience and is currently serving as the Pastor of Bond Holiness Church in Bond, KY. If you would like to sign up to take t…
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Text Us! On this episode, we spend some time exploring the importance of emotional engagement in the Christian life. Should one become less emotional as they mature in their walk with Christ? Further, does a lack of feeling prove Christian maturity? These are some of the questions that we address. If you would like to donate to the Podcast, you can…
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Text Us! On this episode, we respond to an email that was sent in to us by a listener. Is divorce a sin? Are there any circumstances in which it would be acceptable for a believer to pursue divorce. These are some of the questions that we spend time trying to answer carefully and Biblically. If you would like to donate to the Podcast, you can do th…
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Text Us! On this episode, we continue our discussion concerning the role of the whole person in the Christian life. We zero in on the role of the mind in our Christian service to God. What does that look like from a Scriptural perspective? Is it important to engage our minds or should we just allow ourselves to be led by the Spirit alone? Is there …
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Text Us! On this episode, we are going to begin a discussion about what it looks like for the Christian to serve God with their whole being. As the person is made up of body, soul, and spirit, so it is that God desires us to serve him with the whole being, leaving nothing out. If you would like to donate to the Podcast, you can do that here: https:…
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Text Us! In this episode, we spend some time engaging with some of the writings of Bruce Demarest in his work "The Cross and Salvation". Mr. Demarest is going to take a reformed approach to salvation and propagate the idea of eternal security. We attempt to examine his arguments objectively and determine whether they could hold up to what Scripture…
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Text Us! On this episode, we examine Acts chapter 17 and discuss whether Paul's approach to reaching the Athenians in this chapter is a model that we should adopt or reject. There are arguments on both sides of this issue and we want to fairly present each one and share our view on this method. If you would like to donate to the Podcast, you can do…
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Text Us! On this episode, we are continuing our discussion that we have had over the past few weeks. We have already analyzed the book of 2Peter and found that it is inconsistent with the doctrine of once saved always saved. On this episode, we analyze 2Peter to understand the keys that Peter gives us in this epistle for retaining our salvation. If…
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Text Us! In this episode, we travel back through the book of Hebrews. Only this time we focus on some passages that give us ways in which one can retain their salvation and remain faithful to God and their faith. We hope you enjoy! If you would like to donate to the Podcast, you can do that here: Type the a…
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Text Us! On this episode, we explore yet another New Testament book and try to determine if the doctrine of Eternal Security is consistent with it. We will be looking at several passages in Galatians and trying to determine if this doctrine can fit within the writer's context. If you are interested, here are the passages from the book of Galatians …
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Text Us! On this episode, we continue our discussion concerning the doctrine of Eternal Security. We explore some passages in the book of Hebrews and we try to determine if this doctrine is compatible with this book. We hope you enjoy! If you would like to donate to the Podcast, you can do that here: Type t…
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Text Us! On this episode, we take some time and explore the 2 short chapters of Peter's second epistle. By looking at Peter's writing, we seek to determine whether the Calvinist doctrine of Perseverance of the Saints, also known as Eternal Security, or Once Saved Always Saved, is consistent with what Peter records in this epistle. We hope you enjoy…
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Text Us! On this episode, we share some practical tips for witnessing to Muslims. Sharing the Gospel is our primary focus as Christians, and we want to help you become more comfortable with doing that. We hope you enjoy! If you would like to donate to the Podcast, you can do that here: Type the amount you w…
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Text Us! On this episode, we discuss some of the claims that are made in Islamic theology, and how they are inconsistent. We also show how Islam and Christianity are incompatible, and how stark the differences are between the two. If you would like to donate to the Podcast, you can do that here: Type the am…
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Text Us! On today's episode, we spend some time exploring the basic foundational differences between Christianity and other worldviews. We explain why we believe that the teachings of Christianity are superior to those of other religions. We hope you enjoy! If you would like to donate to the Podcast, you can do that here:…
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Text Us! On this episode, we spend some time answering a question that was sent into us by a listener. The listener wanted us to address the issue of distinguishing God's voice from one's self, the enemy, and other things in life that can potentially cause confusion. We hope you find this helpful! If you would like to donate to the Podcast, you can…
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Text Us! On this episode, we conclude our series on the Trinity by discussing some practical implications that belief in the Trinity has for our Christian lives. The Trinity itself models for us certain aspects of the Christian life that we should learn to implement. Two of those being submission, and prayer. These are the two topics that we discus…
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Text Us! On this episode, we discuss a heresy known as Arianism. We do our best to properly represent the Arian view of Jesus, and we spend some time discussing whether this view can be reconciled with Scripture. We hope you enjoy! If you would like to donate to the Podcast, you can do that here: Type the a…
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Text Us! In this episode, we continue our discussion on the Trinity. We dive into the historical origins of a belief called Sebellianism, better known today as modalism. We explore whether one person of the Godhead acting in three modes can be reconciled Scripturally. If you would like to do a further study on the Trinity, or the origin of modalism…
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Text Us! In this episode, we continue our discussion on the Trinity. We point to some New Testament passages that seem to prove plurality within the Godhead. Also, we discuss the difference of hermeneutical approach between Unitarians and Trinitarians. If you would like to donate to the Podcast, you can do that here:…
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Text Us! In this episode, we continue our discussion on the Trinity. We explore some Old Testament passages that seem to indicate that there is a plurality in the Godhead. Further, we talk about the implications that this has on the New Testament revelation of the Godhead. If you would like to donate to the Podcast, you can do that here: https://ww…
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Text Us! On this episode, we begin a discussion on the doctrine of the Trinity. We explore the fundamental concept of the Trinity and differentiate between Trinitarianism and Tritheism. We hope you enjoy! If you would like to donate to the Podcast, you can do that here: Type the amount you would like to giv…
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Text Us! On this episode, we are joined by Rev. Titus Shuecraft of Champion Holiness Mission in Donna, TX. Rev. Titus will share with us some of the miraculous ways that God has provided for their work as they try to help spread the Gospel in Mexico. He will also share some stories of God's miraculous protection in the face of danger while minister…
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Text Us! On this episode, we finish up our discussion on Bible study methods that promote a deeper time of study. We discuss the importance of properly interpreting Scripture, applying what we have gathered from Scripture, and seeing how these truths that we have discovered fit in with the rest of Scripture. If you would like a copy of the file tha…
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Text Us! On today's episode, we continue our discussion on how to study the Bible. We spend some time exploring the observation process, where the Christian is encouraged to become a "detective" when exploring God's Word. For fruitful Bible study, it is imperative that we slow down, take our time, and closely examine each word, phrase, passage, and…
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Text Us! In this episode, we spend some time laying out some basic steps to studying the Bible. Many people have a desire to study the Bible, but they are not always sure how to approach it. Sometimes it can feel overwhelming. However, with these few basic steps that we offer, we believe that you can have a more fulfilling and effective time of Bib…
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Text Us! On today's episode, we spend some time exploring the view of Doctrinal Hierarchy. Basically, it is the idea that different doctrines can be categorized into different levels of importance. Some are vital for salvation, others not so much. Is this view consistent and should it be adopted by believers? These are some of the things we discuss…
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Text Us! On this episode, we continue our evaluation of Geisler's Graded Absolutism. We discuss a few more scenarios that he provides and we analyze the reasons that his assertions concerning those scenarios would be inconsistent with what Scripture actually teaches. We hope you enjoy! If you would like to donate to the Podcast, you can do that her…
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Text Us! On this episode, we spend some time exploring a theory made popular by Norman Geisler. The theory is known as Graded Absolutism. Basically, it is the idea that there is a hierarchy of moral laws and our only obligation is to obey the higher one. However, is this view consistent with Scripture. Join us as we examine Geisler's arguments and …
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Text Us! In previous episodes, we spent some time establishing the faultiness of moral relativism. In this episode, we dive into moral absolutism. The belief that morals are absolute. Does the Bible support this? Is it consistent with a Christian worldview? These are some of the questions that we discuss on today's episode. If you would like to don…
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Text Us! We continue our discussion on moral relativism. Is it even possible to live as a moral relativist? It seems that even those that claim moral relativism is true, cannot live that way in its purist form. Further, in what ways are they inconsistent with this belief system. These are some of the topics we discuss on today's episode. If you wou…
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Text Us! On this episode, we spend some time commenting on the Asbury revival that has been going on for well over a week. Is it legitimate? Is it fake? How can we know when revival is real or not? These are some of the questions that we spend some time discussing in this episode. If you would like to donate to the Podcast, you can do that here: ht…
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Text Us! On this episode, we spend some time exploring moral relativism. In our society, many people have done away with a concept of objective moral laws that should govern our actions, and they have replaced them with societal or individual codes of conduct. What is right for me, may not be right for you, and what is right for you, may not be rig…
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Text Us! On this episode, we respond to an email that was sent in by a listener. They asked three questions: 1.) Can someone lose the baptism of the Holy Ghost?; If so, can it be sought after again? 2.)Are we required/commanded to seek for the baptism of the Holy Ghost after we get saved?; If it is required, does that mean that a person who is save…
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