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Face the music means to confront or deal with the consequences of one’s actions, especially when they are unpleasant or difficult. Examples: 1- Will Smith faced the music after slapping Chris Rock at the Oscars, dealing with public criticism and a temporary ban from the Academy Awards. 2- Emma tried to do a TikTok dance challenge but ended up faili…
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For checking the transcript: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2379282 Underestimate To think that someone or something is weaker, less important, smaller, or less capable than they really are. Examples: 1- Early in her career, Merkel was often underestimated by male politicians, but she became one of the most influential leaders in Europe during her time…
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For checking the transcript:https://www.buzzsprout.com/2379282 To be a character A character is someone with a strong, unusual, or interesting personality that makes them stand out and be memorable. They often do or say things that are unique. Examples: 1- Winston Churchill was a character in British history, known for his witty speeches, love of c…
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For checking the transcript: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2379282 Puppy Love is the kind of love many experiences for the first time during their youth, often during their teenage years. Examples: 1- Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez began dating as teenagers, and their relationship was often called puppy love by the media. 2- He declared his undying lo…
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For checking the transcript: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2379282 In the same boat To be in the same situation as someone else, especially when it is a challenging or difficult one. Examples: 1- My coworker and I were in the same boat when we both showed up late to the meeting—awkwardly trying to sneak in without anyone noticing. 2- During the Oscars…
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For checking the transcript: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2379282 Reluctant means not wanting to do something or feeling hesitant or unsure about doing it. Examples: 1- Walt Disney was initially reluctant to use sound in animation, unsure if audiences would appreciate the change. 2- Joe was so reluctant to clean his room that he tried to convince his…
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For checking the transcript: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2379282 Bite the bullet means to do something difficult or unpleasant that you have been avoiding, but which is necessary or unavoidable. Examples: 1- I hate going to the dentist, but I had to bite the bullet and get that root canal done before it got worse. 2- I bit the bullet and tried to as…
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For checking the transcript: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2379282 Laid-back means being relaxed, easy-going, and not easily stressed or worried. A laid-back person stays calm in most situations and doesn't let things bother them. Examples: 1- Mark is so laid-back that when his cat knocked over a glass of water onto his laptop, he just smiled and said…
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For checking the transcript:https://www.buzzsprout.com/2379282 A creature of habit is someone who likes doing the same things over and over again and follows the same routine every day. They don’t like change and prefer things to stay the same. Examples: 1- Steve Jobs was a creature of habit, wearing his iconic black turtleneck and jeans combinatio…
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For checking the transcript: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2379282 Go-getter is someone who works hard, is determined, and goes after their goals to succeed. Examples: 1- My friend John is a real go-getter; he worked two jobs while studying just to achieve his dream of becoming a doctor. 2- In today’s world, many young entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley …
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For checking the transcript: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2379282 A bag of nerves describes someone who is extremely anxious, nervous, or stressed, especially before an important event or in a tense situation. Examples: 1- When Sam had to dance at his cousin’s wedding, he was a bag of nerves, moving like a robot with no batteries, terrified someone w…
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For checking the transcript: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2379282 Shady describes something or someone that appears to be dishonest, unethical, or operating in a way that raises suspicion, often lacking transparency or integrity. Examples: 1- When Greg showed up to the party with sunglasses on at night and refused to talk about where he’d been all da…
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For checking the transcript: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2379282 Put up with To tolerate or endure something or someone unpleasant or difficult, usually without complaining. Examples: 1- In modern cities, people often deal with dirty air and loud sounds from many cars. Even though they don’t like it, they accept it because they enjoy the benefits of…
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For checking the transcript: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2379282 Bump into sb means to unexpectedly or accidentally meet or encounter someone, often when you weren’t planning to see them. It usually happens by chance in public places. Examples: 1- While visiting New York City in the late 1800s, Nikola Tesla bumped into Thomas Edison at a local paten…
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For checking the transcript: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2379282 Pet hate A "pet hate" is something that particularly annoys or irritates someone, even though it might seem trivial or unimportant to others. Examples: 1- Oprah’s pet hate is chewing gum. She’s mentioned that she finds it incredibly annoying and has banned it from her offices. 2- One o…
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For checking the transcript: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2379282 In two minds In two minds" means being uncertain or undecided about something, often because you can't choose between two options. Examples: 1- Michael was in two minds about posting his opinion on social media. He wanted to express his thoughts but was worried about the backlash from …
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For checking the transcript: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2379282 Unwind means to relax and let go of stress after a period of activity or tension. It often involves engaging in calming or enjoyable activities that help restore a sense of peace and well-being. Examples: 1- He finds it hard to unwind at home, so he often goes to the gym to relieve str…
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For checking the transcript: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2379282 Overhyped describes something that has been promoted or talked about excessively, too much, leading to unrealistic expectations about its quality or value. Examples: 1- The new political leader was overhyped during the election campaign. Although they were presented as a revolutionary …
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For checking the transcript: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2379282 Common Knowledge refers to information, facts, or beliefs that are widely known and accepted by the general public or within a specific community. Examples: 1- It’s common knowledge that social media can impact mental health, especially among teenagers. 2- It’s common knowledge that Ne…
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For checking the transcript: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2379282 Ambiguous means having more than one possible meaning; not clear or definite, making it open to multiple interpretations. Examples: 1- My boss gave me an ambiguous task: ‘Make sure this project is done ASAP, but no rush!’ I’m still confused about when it’s due. 2- The politician’s ambi…
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Black Sheep refers to someone who is different from the rest of their family or group, often in a way that others don't approve of or like. Examples: 1- Jenny was the black sheep of the family because she chose to be an artist while everyone else became doctors 2- Galileo was the black sheep of the scientific community when he supported the idea th…
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News: Telegram founder and tycoon Pavel Durov was arrested at an airport near Paris after landing late Saturday. His arrest sparked demands for his legal rights to be respected, while Elon Musk criticized the move, arguing that free speech in Europe is under threat. Tycoon: A tycoon is a wealthy and powerful person, especially in business or indust…
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Next to nothing means almost nothing; a very small amount of something, whether it be money, effort, or some other resource. Examples: 1- Vincent van Gogh sold next to nothing during his lifetime, yet his work became priceless after his death. 2- Nikola Tesla arrived in the United States with next to nothing but his ideas, yet he became one of the …
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Unearth: means to discover or find something that was hidden or buried. It can refer to digging up something from the ground or uncovering something that was previously unknown or forgotten. News: The second-Largest Diamond Ever Found Is Discovered in Botswana. The diamond was unearthed using new technology, and miners hope it will bring back luste…
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Homebody refers to a person who prefers staying at home rather than going out or engaging in social activities outside. Examples: 1- Whenever there’s a big party, Mark, being a homebody, usually finds an excuse to stay home and read a book. 2- J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series, has mentioned that she’s a homebody at heart, enjoyin…
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Resilient means being able to recover quickly from difficulties, setbacks, or challenges. It describes someone or something that can bounce back and continue moving forward despite facing tough situations. Examples: 1- The resilient soldiers completed their mission despite extreme conditions and limited supplies. 2- Despite facing numerous challeng…
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Tell somebody off means to speak angrily to someone because they have done something wrong or behaved badly. Examples: 1- When Mark missed the deadline, his boss told him off in front of the entire team. 2- He told the commenter off for making inappropriate jokes in the forum, asserting that such behavior is not acceptable in a respectful discussio…
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Wildfire (with news) Wildfires in Turkiye are causing widespread damage, and it has been proved that the wildfires were started by a terrorist group from a neighboring country. The fires have destroyed forests and homes, leading to many evacuations. This can show how the environment could be damaged by extremist ideologies. Wildfires are large, unc…
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Spill the Beans means to accidentally or deliberately reveal a secret or disclose information that was meant to be kept confidential. It means to reveal a secret, whether it’s done by mistake or on purpose. Examples: 1- An employee at the tech company spilled the beans about the features of the new smartphone before its official launch. 2- Sarah wa…
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Benevolent is an adjective that describes someone who is kind, caring, and genuinely interested in helping others. If someone is benevolent, they are kind and want to help others. They do good things for people just to be helpful, without expecting anything back. There’s also a noun form of this word: benevolence. Examples: 1- The benevolent animal…
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Dirt cheap means Extremely inexpensive; costing very little. It implies that the price is so low that it's almost as cheap as dirt, which is considered to have little to no value. Examples: 1- They rented a dirt cheap apartment for the summer because it was off-season and located outside the city. 2- The community center offers classes dirt cheap t…
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White Lie a white lie A "white lie" is a small, harmless lie told to avoid hurting someone's feelings or to make things easier. It's not meant to be harmful or deceitful. Examples: 1- When a colleague asked for feedback on their presentation, she told a white lie, saying it was great, even though she thought it needed improvement. 2- She told her b…
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Let alone Is used to show that if one thing is difficult or impossible, then something else is even more difficult or impossible. It emphasizes that the second thing is much harder than the first. Examples: 1- When his aunt asked if he liked the sweater she knitted, he said it was beautiful, even though it wasn’t his style, to make her happy. 2- He…
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The Elephant in the Room The "elephant in the room" is a big problem or issue that everyone knows about but doesn’t want to talk about. Examples: 1- At lunch, the elephant in the room was that one friend had just lost their job, and everyone knew it, but they didn’t want to make them feel uncomfortable by bringing it up. 2- At community meetings, t…
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On edge Feeling very nervous, tense, or anxious, often because something stressful is happening or you’re waiting for something important to happen. Examples: 1- The quick rise of the new social media app has made the older platforms nervous, afraid they might lose users. 2- The controversial law passed last week has put many civil rights activists…
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Cold Fish A "cold fish" is a person who lacks emotional warmth and often seems unfriendly, detached, or indifferent towards others. Examples: 1- The politician's debate performance was criticized because he appeared as a cold fish, lacking passion or connection with the audience. 2- When I told my uncle about my promotion, he just nodded and contin…
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Naive Describes someone who is too trusting or innocent, often because they lack experience or knowledge about how things really work. A naive person believes things too easily or trusts people too readily. Examples: 1- Maria was naive to believe that everyone she met at the party had good intentions. She didn’t realize that some people might take …
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Over the moon Extremely happy, delighted, or pleased about something. Examples: 1- People in both East and West Germany were over the moon when the Berlin Wall fell, symbolizing the end of decades of division. 2- The parents were very happy when their child took their first steps and they recorded the special moment on camera.…
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Fishy When something seems suspicious, strange, or not quite right, it can be described as "fishy. Examples: 1- There was something fishy about the sudden disappearance of key documents related to the trial of a famous historical figure. 2- There’s something fishy about the fact that everyone in the office is getting sick at the same time, right af…
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Happy-go-lucky: describes someone who is cheerful and carefree, not worrying much about problems or what might happen in the future. Example: 1- Despite the difficulties of leading a country during the war, Winston Churchill often showed a carefree attitude in private, making jokes to cheer up the people around him. 2- When her homemade cake fell a…
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Worthwhile worthwhile means valuable or beneficial enough to justify the time, effort, or money spent. Examples: 1- The abolition of slavery was a monumental struggle, but it was a worthwhile achievement for human rights and dignity. 2- Learning to play a traditional musical instrument was worthwhile, keeping cultural practices alive.…
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Thick-skinned It means not being easily upset or offended by criticism or negative comments. Examples: 1- Nelson Mandela remained thick-skinned through years of imprisonment and relentless attacks on his character, eventually leading South Africa through its transition from apartheid. 2- He stayed strong despite all the negative comments from onlin…
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Hot Potato A controversial or difficult issue that people do not want to deal with and pass on to others. Examples: 1- In a group project, the task of writing the final report was a hot potato. Each group member kept suggesting someone else should handle it, leading to a lot of amusing arguments over who would do it. 2- Deciding who will host the f…
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Fed up To be fed up means to be extremely annoyed, frustrated, or dissatisfied with a situation or person, to the point where one can no longer tolerate it. Examples: 1- Women in the 1960s and 1970s were fed up with gender inequality, sparking the Women's Liberation Movement, which sought equal rights and opportunities. 2- Tina was fed up with her …
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Tongue-tied Unable to speak easily because of nervousness or shyness. Examples: 1- Mahatma Gandhi, who later became an influential leader in India's struggle for independence, was tongue-tied during his first public speech in London, overwhelmed by the audience. 2- Tom always practiced his marriage proposal in front of the mirror, but when the mome…
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Bizarre refers to something that is very strange, unusual, or out of the ordinary. Examples: 1- The Dancing Plague of 1518 was a bizarre event in Strasbourg where people danced uncontrollably for days, with some even dancing to their deaths. 2- Former South African President Jacob Zuma made a bizarre claim in 2017 that the aloe vera plant could cur…
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Tied up being tied up means being very busy or occupied with something, to the point of being unable to attend to other tasks or activities. Examples: 1- The detective was tied up with a high-profile case, leaving him no time for personal matters. 2- I wanted to join the barbecue, but I got tied up trying to catch my cat, who somehow managed to get…
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