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A weekly podcast featuring the Sunday Bible teachings of Living Hope International Ministries (LHIM) in Latham, NY. You'll get practical Christian living, doctrinal teachings, as well as plenty of encouragement from a variety of teachers, including Sean Finnegan, Vince Finnegan, and Jerry Wierwille.
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For those who want to grow in making healthy and wise decisions, Words of Wisdom is a podcast dedicated to helping you understand the Book of Proverbs and be able to apply rich wisdom it has to offer and how it still speaks powerfully to our lives today.
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show series
Although not a commonly used word today, “prudence” is an important virtue to cultivate in our lives. The prudent person thinks before acting, considers the consequences, anticipates potential needs, and prepares him or herself for what lies ahead. The result is managing one’s affairs well. Genesis 41:33-46. Pharaoh selected Joseph not only because…
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We all want things in life, but sometimes we just don’t put forth the effort to achieve them. It is not a complicated principle to know that if we don’t do anything, then we don’t get anything. Diligence is about doing what we know is right in a situation to achieve our goal even if we don’t see anything change immediately. But if we just wish for …
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Patience is a Virtue. Wait on the LORD. Psalm 37:7a. “Be still before the LORD, and wait patiently for him…” Psalm 40:1. “I waited patiently for the LORD; he inclined to me and heard my cry.” Lamentations 3:26. “It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD.” Romans 12:12. “Rejoice in hope; be patient in affliction; persever…
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Diligence refers to a consistent, intentional, and careful effort to accomplish something, and therefore, it is multifaceted. Diligence is characterized by: Persistence—being determined to continue towards a goal despite difficulties, opposition, or setbacks Attentiveness—being thorough and meticulous in accomplishing a task Hard work—applying sign…
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God is merciful in His character. He supremely demonstrated His mercy in what His Son did for humanity on the cross. As a result, we should show mercy to others. Still, we need wisdom to know when to show mercy and when not to. Exo 34:6. God is merciful and gracious in His character. These attributes often occur together throughout the Old Testamen…
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As demonstrated by how we cringe when we see someone disrespect another, God designed humans to crave and expect a certain amount of basic respect. As Christians we should live in a respectable way and show respect to others, even when they haven’t earned it. God calls us to be respectful. 1 Peter 2:17; Matthew 7:12 We all need respect. We need oth…
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Matthew 18:7 Skandalon – the trigger of a trap on which the bait is placed, wand which, when touched by the animal, springs and causes it to close causing entrapment. Revelation 2:14 The Moabite women sexually seduced the men of Israel. Matthew 18:8 “Hand” – what you do; “foot” – where you go; and “eye” – what you look at James 1:14 Self-awareness:…
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Depression is on the rise, especially in the youth of the USA. What is going on? And what can we do about it? In The Coddling of the American Mind, the authors identify three “common cognitive distortions” and the solution to all three is found in the Scriptures. Mental Filtering: Focusing exclusively on the negative details and rejecting positive …
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To maintain sanctified thinking, we must control anxious thinking patterns. Catastrophizing, negative projecting about the future and overgeneralization come against the joy and peace that is ours in Christ. Numbers 13:23-14:1 – Catastrophizing (predicting that things will turn out badly) and overgeneralization destroy sanctified thinking. Numbers …
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This teaching is relevant for us today. Although the underlying elemental principles of our day manifest differently, they nonetheless enslave us the same. Cultural currents like hyper-individualism, careerism, aestheticism, consumerism, technological optimism, inclusivism, polarization, and coercion are always pushing and pulling us along. Let us …
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Ever come across someone who thinks they know it all? Maybe we tend to think that we have got the answers at times. But a wise person realizes that the journey in gaining knowledge and understanding is never complete. No matter how experienced we are, how much we have studied, or how skilled we have become, there is always room to become even bette…
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Throughout history, God has chosen individuals that no one would expect. But nonetheless, that is who God wanted. Likewise, God decided in advance that he would choose all those who put their faith in Christ. Being chosen by God means that God wants YOU! But to be chosen by God requires that you respond to his invitation in the good news of Christ.…
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Justification by faith is a key concept in Christian salvation. The idea is simple. We believe in the gospel message; God justifies us, making us right with Him. To further understand this, we’ll consider two examples: Abraham and David, both mentioned in Romans 4. Romans 3:21-26 God’s righteousness is a big topic. To understand it, we need to refl…
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Leviticus 25 and the book of Ruth lay the foundation of understanding our spiritual redemption that we have in Christ. We will be returned to our spiritual family and inherit the land. We are part of the new Israel therefor included in the promises made to Abraham. Leviticus 25:1-7 The 7th year sabbath would provide rest for the land, the people, a…
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The outpouring of God’s spirit on Pentecost marked a massive step forward in God’s plans to redeem the world. At Babel, He had divided up humanity, confused the languages, and assigned the nations deputy rulers from His divine council. Through the work of His Messiah, Jesus, and the outpouring of the spirit, God has begun the process of taking the …
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Mother’s Day may not be a Christian holiday, but the Scriptures clearly set out how God views a mother and the importance of the goodness of this woman as it relates to the goodness of God. There are numerous stories in the Bible about mothers who were good women such as Hagar, Hannah, Esther, Ruth, and Elizabeth, alongside stories of non-mothers, …
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God invites us to join him in the work he is doing in the world. He equips us for good works by bestowing God-given talents, resources, and a heart to serve. Paul encouraged Timothy to “fan into flame the gift of God” (2 Timothy 1:6 ESV). What gifts has God entrusted you with? How can you use them for his glory? Ephesians 2:10 We aren’t saved by wo…
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We want to join God in what He is doing in the world and not expect Him to join us in our plans. To participate in His work we must have an awareness of Him and expectations based upon His Words. God is at work in the world. Awareness of God’s presence Expectation based upon His Words Acts 1:4-5; Luke 24:49 Expectations based upon God’s Word Hebrew…
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Acts 16:1 Paul embarked on his second missionary journey from Antioch in Syria to Derbe and Lystra, travelling over land. Acts 16:6-8 As they travelled, God kept dissuading them from going to Asia Minor or Bithynia—places that were obvious choices for missionary work. Instead, they kept travelling. It took them 350 miles to get from Antioch in Pisi…
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People are “filled” with holy spirit when they believe in Jesus Christ and confess him as their Lord. But, a believer doesn’t receive only a portion or part of the spirit or even just most of the spirit—they are filled with the spirit to the fullest measure. There is no lack or deficiency. They are filled completely with the gift of the spirit. Act…
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Acts 1:1-11 Jesus stated the mission and purpose of the church. Matthew 5-7 Jesus elaborated on how we become his witnesses. Matthew 5:13-16 The beatitudes prepare disciples to be salt and light. These beatitudes are intended to yield at least three significant outcomes: 1) glory to God, 2) blessedness (holiness and happiness) for the disciple, and…
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Looking at various incidents in the life of Christ, we can appreciate how courageously and admirably he lived. Comparing him to heroes of old or those we laud in our own time, we see that Jesus comes out as the most impressive person to ever live. Thankfully, Jesus’ righteous life and heroic death were not the end, for God raised him from the dead!…
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Everyone experiences tough times in life. Some tough times are really hard or filled with deep anguish, sorrow, and pain. But we are not alone through them. We are strengthened and comforted by Yahweh, and if we trust in Him and make Him the one that we depend on, then we know that no matter how many times we get knocked down, we can get back up an…
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Jesus entered Jerusalem triumphantly, eliciting widespread joy and praise from the people. However, within a short span of time, those very praises gave way to vehement cries of “Crucify Him, Crucify Him.” What precipitated such a profound and abrupt shift in sentiment? John 1:29 and 36 The next day he saw Jesus coming to him and said, “Behold, the…
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In Luke 16, Jesus told two parables about generosity. In the first, a dishonest manager ingratiates himself to his boss’ debtors to gain favors after he’s fired. Surprisingly, Jesus says such shrewdness is an example to his disciples. The second parable has a rich man and a poor man whose fortunes switch in the afterlife. The second parable illustr…
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A life of discipleship can be described as “a long obedience in the same direction.” While in our Christian walk, we might take wrong turns and have to course correct and get back on track moving forward toward the Lord, our desire should be to develop a pattern in our lives every day of taking one step closer to being like Christ. John 15:1-8Deute…
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Zerubbabel was an important leader among the initial migration of Jews from Babylon. Arriving in Jerusalem they built an altar and began work on the temple. Though the government forced them to stop, Zerubbabel eventually led the effort to reinitiate the building project. Likewise, Clarence Jordan of Georgia serves as an example of persevering in t…
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Elisha was a prophet who repeatedly made bold moves in his walk with God. His example serves as a corrective to a milquetoast Christianity that hesitates and hopes without ever stepping out boldly in faith. Is it time for you to make a bold move? 1 Kings 19:19-21 Elijah invited Elisha to train with him to become a great prophet of God. Elisha may h…
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Sometimes we may think of people who do evil and benefit from it as the ones who end up winning in the end. But that is not the case. Evil people have justice coming, whether it is in this life or at the final judgment. Calamity and destruction will befall those who think they can take advantage of others and get off scott-free. Illustration: Berni…
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There are many heroes we look up to in the Bible – Abraham, Moses, David, John the Baptist, Peter, Paul, and of course, Jesus – just to name a few. But who are the unsung heroes? This week we kick off a new series which will take a closer look at some important, but obscure figures who made a significant impact on biblical history. We start off wit…
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What does God want? Genesis 1:26-28 God’s original and ultimate purpose for humanity 1 Timothy 2:1-4 What does God want? 2 Peter 3:9 Why hasn’t Jesus returned yet? John 3:16 Why did God give His Son? Why did Jesus give his life? Colossians 1:27 With the holy spirit, we have Christ within enabling us to be in the image of God with His morals, motive…
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Time is something we all have been given the same amount of but don’t all use the same way. God wants us to be mindful of how we use our time so that we make the most of the time that we have been given. Ephesians 5:15-16“Watch carefully” — This means to pay careful attention or be keenly aware of something.“Unwise/wise” — Wisdom and foolishness ar…
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As a result of the problems we face, from political tribalism to economic inflation to the decline of civility in our society, it’s easy to lose hope. Yet, for us who follow Christ, we have strong reasons to have hope. Looking to examples like Hezekiah’s deliverance from the Assyrian Empire, Jesus’ heroic suffering and death on the cross, and Marti…
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Luke 8:41- 56 The details of love Ephesians 5:1-2 Imitators of God – Matthew 5:43-48 Walk in love like Christ – John 13:34 Matthew 16:24-27 Deny self, die to self, and live for Him. Luke 10:25-37 Involves self-sacrifice of your time, your energy, and your resources. Estroban Romans 12:8-9 Honor one another. Love in the little things, the details. E…
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Your spiritual life is an incredibly significant part of your life. It affects your inner peace, sense of purpose, mission, morality, personal growth, experience of gratitude, and even your health. As we begin a new year, consider incorporating some new spiritual practices into your life, including daily Bible study, reading Christian books, daily …
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A Visit from an Angel and a Song to Remember Gabriel and Mary Luke 1:26-38 Mary was a teenager who was of low to modest means. Mary’s confusion was not due to unbelief but a matter of not understanding “how” it was going to happen. Gabriel confirms the promise to Mary with the testimony of her cousin Elizabeth. Nothing is impossible with God! Eliza…
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The Bible’s consistent focus is on planet earth. It does talk about heaven as the domain of God and His angels. Also, Jesus is there temporarily until he returns to establish God’s Kingdom. However, earth is where all the action is. It was God’s original creation, and it’s what He ultimately will restore to paradise. Today, we’ll focus on three pro…
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In the end, the wicked and unrepentant will also rise from the dead for judgement. Those not found written in the book of life will be destroyed in the second death. Romans 2:5-11 The principles of divine justice are revealed throughout the Scriptures. The righteous judgment of God is clear. Psalm 89:13-14; Romans 11:33-36 Righteous and just are Hi…
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“Spiritual gifts” (Gk. charismata) = any enablement that God bestows upon believers by His grace 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 The “manifestation” (or demonstration) of the spirit is a product of God’s power and grace in us, and it is given for the “common good” (i.e., for the benefit of all). 1 Corinthians 12:27-31 There are more than nine spiritual gifts…
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The world is not a safe place because there are many people who are seeking to do evil to others. Individuals who have chosen to follow the wickedness of the Devil are called the “Devil’s children” because they do the works of their “father”—the Devil. Wisdom instructs us to be observant and discerning as we live in the world since there are many w…
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1 Samuel 1:1-5 Hannah was probably Elkanah’s first wife. In those days, it was common to marry a second wife if the first was barren. Because Elkanah was good to Hannah, such favoritism inspired jealousy in Peninnah, his other wife. 1 Samuel 1:6-11 Peninnah provoked and irritated Hannah, which caused her to weep bitterly and cry out to God. She pra…
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People are not able to save themselves by their good deeds (Eph 2:8; 2 Tim 1:9). Rather, salvation is by faith in the gospel message (Rom 1:16). Genuine faith is always accompanied by obedience (Jas 2:17). Though God is willing to forgive the repentant when they sin (1 John 1:9), continuing in disobedience can lead to falling away from the faith an…
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Origins of Life & Death Genesis 2:7 – God gives man the breath of life. Genesis 3:19 – Man disobeys God and as a result will die. Genesis 1:30; 7:21-22; Ecclesiastes 3:19 – Man and beast have the same breath of life. Psalm 49:12,14 – Man and beast alike will perish. Ecclesiastes 12:7; Psalm 146:4 – The breath of life departs when we die. State of t…
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We believe the gospel, the good news, as three major components – the cross, the resurrection and the Kingdom. THE CROSS Romans 5:8-21 By Jesus’ death, we are now justified, saved from God’s wrath, reconciled, and saved for eternity. Jesus, the second Adam, did right what the first Adam did wrong. 2 Corinthians 5:21 By His death, we have become the…
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2 Samuel 7:12-16 God promised David that He would raise up one of his descendants to build God’s house and to rule on the throne forever. David’s son, Solomon, failed to live up to that expectation; as did Rehoboam, his grandson. Jeremiah 23:5 Most of David’s descendants who reigned as kings did not serve God well, though a couple did. By the time …
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