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The Creating Wealth Show Blogcast

Jason Hartman with Ben Carson, Noam Chomsky, Robert Kiyosaki, John McAfee, Brian Tracy, John Sculley, Thomas Sowell, Pat Buchanan, Jim Rogers, John Gray, Harry Dent, Bill Ayers, Steve Forbes, Daniel Pink, Todd Akin, Meredith Whitney, Denis Waitley

This is a short professional reading, audio blog or blogcast from the blog. You'll learn how to survive and thrive in today’s economy as business and real estate investment guru, Jason Hartman shows you innovative ways to "game the system" relating to the American economic mess, Wall Street scams, mortgage meltdown, inflation induced debt destruction, deflation and monetary policy. Jason shares his no-hype investment strategies for REO's / foreclosures, auctions, lease optio ...
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While everyone’s attention has been focused on the Millennials and their housing choices, it turns out that it may be those famous Baby Boomers who wield more influence in today’s housing market. According to new article from the Bryan Ellis Investing Letter, research from Merrill Lynch reveals that the “magic age” for housing choices is not those …
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The Millennials have taken a lot of heat lately, criticized for poor work ethics, overdependence on technology and general lack of interest in notching up the traditional milestones of “adult” life. Now, as home sales continue to drop, market watchers are looking once again to the attitudes and behaviors of Millennials for explanations. Millennials…
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The recovery from the much publicized housing crash of a few years ago may be hitting a wall, thanks to declining numbers of a group that’s essential to a robust housing market: first time home buyers. Although the US housing market continues to show encouraging signs of emerging from the rubble of the 2008 collapse, its long term recovery depends …
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By a number of indicators, the US housing market is bouncing back after its massive collapse of 2008. But US homeowner rates are at near historic lows, with few first time buyers. Among the many factors contributing to those low rates are an often overlooked, but essential one: in many areas around the country, there’s a housing shortage: the suppl…
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Fifteen years can seem like a pretty long time – and the year 2030 sounds like a date from a science fiction novel. But the future is now – and, as a recent article from Business Insider reports, today’s emerging trends will shape the investing landscape of tomorrow. According to Business Insider, KPMG, the international tax and financial advisory …
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The specter of inflation strikes chills into the hearths of many consumers – even more than its cousin, deflation. But not all inflation is created equal – and for both the economy at large and for income property investors, some inflation can be a very good thing indeed. Consumers fear inflation because to them it means higher prices for the goods…
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No more real estate agents? In the brave new world of real estate, agents, brokers and just about every other part of the traditional way of buying and selling property could be going the way of the dinosaur, thanks to innovations in virtual reality and artificial intelligence technologies. Online access and social media have already brought big ch…
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Time was, renting an apartment – or maybe a house – was just a temporary arrangement until you saved up enough to buy your very own home. But for a growing number of today’s renters, that scenario just doesn’t appeal – and that trend has big implications for investors in rental real estate. According to recent statistics reported by Business Inside…
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The “Millennials” have been in the headlines a lot lately – and not for good reasons. Alternately criticized for their values and work ethic and pitied for their crushing load of student loan debt, this generation of new and recent college grads seems to be facing a bleak financial future. But a young real estate investor is proving that smart mone…
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In the Gold Rush days, the slogan was “California or Bust!” But now, as the Golden State faces yet another year of its historic drought, “Leave California or Bust!” may become the new rallying cry for the people and enterprises facing a waterless future. And that, say real state experts, could change the US housing landscape forever. The entire sta…
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Is the red-hot rental market getting ready to cool down? The US housing market continues to recover, fueled by promising numbers for employment and other consumer sectors. But major shifts in the housing landscape may be changing all that, as the balance tilts between renting and owning houses in 2015 and beyond. The devastating crash of 2008 that …
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Time was, anybody who wanted a safe and anonymous hideaway for financial assets turned to offshore banking. Swiss bank accounts and offshore havens in places like the Cayman Islands allowed depositors both legal and not so legal a way to safeguard assets from risks of taxation or seizure by the home government. But as new and proposed laws threaten…
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It’s often said that the devil is in the details. But for investors, attention to some things that may not seem so significant can make a big difference in long-term returns. That’s the topic of a recent article and infographic from Visual Capitalist, which points out how very small tweaks to an investor’s mindset and strategies can yield more weal…
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It’s practically a given in American society that owning a home is the key to stability and success. But although the US government has spent more than two decades drafting a variety of policies to create that “homeownership society,” the percentage of homeowners has hardly changed at all. And that’s good news for income property investors ready to…
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Online real estate transactions now account for over half of all housing purchases in the US alone. The Web offers a place for buyers, sellers, agents and investors to do business that bypasses the traditional “brick and mortar” style of doing business – and it’s changing the game for all concerned in ways both good and bad. The online world of rea…
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he Bitcoin has changed the way the world thinks about money, and its influence continues to grow. Since the first Bitcoin transaction took place 2009, the digital currency has been accepted by a steadily growing list of businesses, institutions and marketplaces – including real estate. And it’s a trend investors need to watch. The Bitcoin was creat…
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If you put your money on coffee and cattle in 2014, you might be smiling all the way to the bank. But if you backed crude oil and gas – well, not so much. That’s the verdict from Business Insider’s recent charting of the performance of what it claims are all the major asset classes in the world. It’s a complex, visually striking chart that lays out…
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Coming your way: a new generation of (probably permanent) renters. It’s the millennials, making news once again for the basic contradiction of their lives: better educated than their parents, but simultaneously economically more disadvantaged. And because this generation is both the largest demographic and one of the poorest, their circumstances ma…
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More than half of American children live with a single mom. That’s the finding of a new study on the changing demographics of American culture – and those numbers, and the economic realities behind them, mean new challenges and opportunities for rental property investors. The new findings by researchers from Princeton and Harvard aren’t really new.…
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Jason Hartman maintains that investing in income properties is not a difficult process. Where too many people go wrong is messing up the simple stuff. Today we’d like to point out a few common ways investors accidentally lay waste to their property portfolio and how it could be avoided. 1. Make a Plan: Just because you stumble across a great deal d…
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Interest rates that continue to run low and rising prices make the housing market pretty hot right now. Banks are offering attractive mortgage packages, too. But, say some market watchers, it’s hotter still for buyers who can pay cash. To compete in the cash wars, what’s an investor to do? Recent data crunched by DataQuick reveal that the number of…
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The recent spate of natural disasters – superstorms, tornadoes, earthquakes and floods – has homeowners and property investors throughout the country checking their insurance policies and talking to their lenders about how to recover. But, as recent news reminds us, the biggest threat to the economy – not to mention a little thing like the planet –…
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We recently mentioned that the Platinum Properties Investor Network believes in a real estate strategy that is exactly opposite of flipping. We think that the strategy of buying and holding prudent rental properties over a long period of time offers tremendous advantages, one of which is the ability to refinance your loan mortgage time and time aga…
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If you’ve been a follower of Jason Hartman and Platinum Properties Investor Network's style of investing for any length of time, you know we don’t believe flipping properties is the best approach for creating wealth in real estate. There are several reasons we think this way, but let’s consider a single one - taxes. Part of any investor’s success i…
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When it comes to your real estate investments, it’s good to be a control freak. This is not what talking head hosts will tell you on the cable financial shows. They want you to drink the Wall Street Kool-Aid and do your best zombie imitation as you follow the broker of your choice's advice down the hemlock-laced path. The surest way to become a spe…
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The term Ponzi Scheme, named for Italian-American, Charles Ponzi, back in 1920, describes an investment flim-flam that requires an ever-increasing volume of cash to stay afloat. The influx of new investor money is used to pay original investors and to line the pocket of the person that started the whole thing. The problem is, the model is destined …
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Here’s a question for you. Fill in the blank. “My government is ___” A. criminally stupid B. criminally criminal C. criminally insane D. desperate E. all of the above and then some At Platinum Properties Investor Network, we would like to make a case for answer D. For quite some time now, it appears our politicians and others who contribute to econ…
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We know it sounds counter-intuitive to say you can get rich borrowing money during inflationary times but, if you’ll stick with us for a few minutes, we’ll show you how it makes perfect sense. Let’s start with a simple economic truth – the value of a dollar declines over time. In fact, it declines a whole lot. In real terms of stuff you can buy, a …
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At Platinum Properties Investor Network, we don’t know any other way to do it than to keep beating the same drum – investing in Wall Street’s lies will lead to disappointment. That game is rigged to siphon your money a little at a time (or sometimes a lot at once) until you have nothing. We know it’s hard to turn your back on the stock market. Your…
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These days, investors are poised like vultures in trees along the roadway, ready to dive on the next foreclosure hitting the market like roadkill on pavement. Do your homework and there’s no doubt you can find a heck of a deal investing in foreclosures but think one step ahead and you might get an even better deal by buying the property BEFORE it’s…
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At some point, most of us realize that life is a gradual process of acquiring the knowledge necessary to stay alive and maybe make a little money along the way. Remember when Mom told you not to eat stuff off the sidewalk? There’s a reason for that – you could get very sick. Or when Dad told you not to stand on the very highest rung of the ladder b…
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As you may know, we at Platinum Properties Investor Network believe that real estate, income properties specifically, are the premium investment asset in the world. It vexes us mightily to realize that millions of hard-working Americans are coming home from a day’s work to plop themselves down at the computer and see what their stocks have done tha…
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Like a broken record, we keep telling you that big-time inflation is just around the corner and now is the time to adjust your investment strategy. But why do we think inflation is coming? Okay, fair question. Here is the chain of economic events we see coming. 1. The natural consequence of our politicians “print more money no matter what” philosop…
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What’s to stop an interested income property investor from showing up at one of our heralded educational events, find out which markets we’re recommending, and head out to make your own connection with your own real estate agent? The short answer is nothing. There is absolutely to stop anyone from doing that. It’s not illegal. It’s not immoral, and…
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Ahh, your own private bank. Wouldn’t it be great? Working, well, uh, banker’s hours. Plenty of cash at hand when you’re ready to begin investing. At Platinum Properties Investor Network, we’d like to point out there is a private bank you can use for income property investing you might not have thought about. It’s called your home. Yep, the structur…
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If you’ve been interested in income property investing for any length of time, whether you’ve actually pulled the trigger and bought a property or not, you’ve likely run across the “No money down!” hucksters. They’ll show you pictures of happy couples relaxing on their favorite beach, living a life of frivolity and luxury on the income from their r…
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The answer to the question posed in the headline is “When hell freezes over” or, to put it more politely, “Never.” We feel pretty sure in making such a definitive statement because there is no logical way inflation will ever stop being a serious economic issue as long as our wrongheaded politicians think increasing the money supply is going to solv…
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Most of the time, we at Platinum Properties Investor Network would tell you that taking out a loan against your 401k retirement plan would be a bad idea. The reason is that the majority of people would waste the proceeds on the trappings of wealth – boats, cars, expensive vacations. If that describes what you would likely do with a 401k loan, you h…
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Warren Buffett, the Sage of Omaha, seems like a kindly old gentleman when you see him on television but never forget the man got to where he is in life with an eagle eye constantly cocked for opportunity. Recent events in the stock market are a good lesson for why we say the average investor should run from Wall Street investments with all due spee…
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Spend any time with television or radio these days and you likely will hear the pitch that corporate credit is the answer to it all. World peace, hunger, nuclear proliferation, a veritable free flow of money that gushes into your pocket any time you want it to. At this point, any thinking human with more than two brain cells to rub together should …
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We talked earlier about the four critical areas of rehab when you’re considering a foreclosure purchase for your income property portfolio. It’s good to be at least somewhat aware of these four areas. After all, accurate estimates could be the key to profitability. Most foreclosures recommended by Platinum Properties Investor Network are not going …
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Until recently, Platinum Properties Investor Network didn’t like to recommend foreclosures to our network. With the generally low quality of the selection, it was just too much of a risk to our reputation for finding excellent properties. But, for reasons you’re probably aware of, things have changed a little bit. Much of our track record for succe…
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Just when you thought we were done proving how easy it is to create wealth in real estate through income property investing, we’re back with three more reasons. Reason #4 – “Realtors are a difficult bunch.” This is very NOT true when you work with Platinum Properties Investor Network. Our local area managers are real estate agents who LOVE to work …
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Why aren’t more people investing in income properties when it’s the most lucrative, safest choice in history? Good question. Probably because people would rather watch television than improve their financial condition. Sure, everybody says they want to get rich but what are they actually doing about it besides flapping their gums? Talking wistfully…
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Many contracts say that rent is due on the 1st of each month but the late charge doesn’t kick in until the 10th. So it’s no big deal if the check arrives on the 5th, 6th, or even the 9th. Right? We hate to break the bad news but your leniency on rent is only going to encourage more delinquency. You've heard this before from us - human nature! Maybe…
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If you were starting out in real estate investing today, which direction would you go? At Platinum Properties Investor Network™, we believe that income properties are a great way to start, but another alternative to consider is a mobile home park. When we say mobile home, we mean either a traditional trailer or manufactured home. The voracious dema…
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Not ALL real estate seminars are a rip-off but you can get taken to the tune of several thousand dollars without getting much actionable material in return if you’re not careful. Here are a few things to watch out for: 1. Be wary of price extremes. Very cheap or very expensive seminars should be examined closely, although for different reasons. If …
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Your broker has turned you on to an incredible income property deal that will cash flow big time from the beginning because it’s already leased long term. You’re so excited you might pass out. There’s cash in the bank to cover the purchase. Pull the trigger? Not quite that fast. Despite antiquated conventional wisdom to the contrary, buying a prope…
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If you’re part of the crowd of millions tired of getting slapped around by Wall Street chicanery, it’s only natural to be hesitant about committing more money to alternative investments, especially when you’ve been brainwashed your whole life to believe stocks, bonds, and mutual funds are IT. There is no other investment class. At Platinum Properti…
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On The Creating Wealth Show with Jason Hartman, recent guest Thomas Woods reflected upon the prevailing conventional wisdom which says the free market has failed, thus intervention by the federal government is necessary to right the ship of economy. Nothing could be further from the truth. This economy cannot be blamed for the fiscal meltdown becau…
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