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In a society of dullness of mind, let us refocus on the TRUTH of the resurrection and how powerful that sign is to us. But, before we get to the TRUTH, Biden thinks he has covid cancer that multiple vaccinations and boosters did not prevent. Also, some good quotes from H.L. Mencken on politics and non-critical thinking people. http://www.fifthookme…
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After my near death experience with COVID19, I noticed some mental, attitude, and perhaps spiritual changes within me. I share what I consider some positive outcomes from my experience, which I hope stay with me, and also wish that perhaps my story may help someone else struggling in a difficult area of life. Fifthookmedia.com MesquiteCafeBluesBand…
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Today we explore the curses which the ancients placed on themselves in Deuteronomy 27, and then travel forward to Galatians 4 to see that Messiah took the curses for our behalf. We see that the behaviors that brought curses are behaviors and activities that are repulsive to us if we have a new Spirit and character in us. However, before Messiah, th…
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Have you ever heard the term "The Curse of the Law?" Do you know exactly what that term means, it origins, and how it directly applies to you? Do you realize you can put yourself back under that very specific curse by certain behaviors? How was the gospel of Christ preached through Abraham 430 years before Moses? How is it possible that we are tied…
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There are too many Money Preachers and Money Churches defrauding ignorant people of their wealth by telling them, they are defrauding God by not financially supporting their religious ministries. The favorite guilt and shame laden Scripture these religious hacks love to use against the ignorant is Malachi 3:8-10 (KJV), "Will a man rob God? Yet ye h…
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have you ever wondered, "How do I give to a God who has everything?" After being swamped by end of the year (2021) ministries asking for donations, I started thinking about what God may want from us in our attitude of heart towards His service. Well, I found the best example in the Book of Exodus, Chapter 35. No less than SIX times is the phrase us…
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Why has the world gone to hell so quickly with so much evil and depravity surrounding you? Because the dust, the dirt, the clay, and the created has decided that they are the creator. Yes, the human has rejected all truth regarding the All Mighty Creator God, and has instead chosen to worship themselves, their science, their religion, and their cre…
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Our Podcast host for this episode is Mike Westwood from France. His message for today is to exhort and encourage brothers and sisters in Christ who are literally all over the world. These family members encourage him also, and we all must keep each other going, helping each other to pick ourselves back up in this insane world. Living in France, Mik…
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Ever look around and all the fools running this insane asylum getting richer and more powerful? Ever wonder why their life seems so good and your life is in poverty and toil? Well, it is because those that govern you are wicked people who have sold out to their own selves as god. They speak the narrative of the Dragon and are in fact of the Lucifer…
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Why did Peter use the metaphor "Roaring Lion" to describe our enemy who seeks to devour us? Why not use "hungry lion," famished lion," or "starving lion?" In this episode, I explore the real hunting and eating characteristics of the lion, and also delve into the Old Testament Scriptures to find out that this term "Roaring Lion" has been used often …
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The opposite of fear is not peace, rather it is trust. If we "faith" into God, then we trust Him as our ultimate Sovereign and All Mighty Deity. This "fear" of the Lord is summed up as trust and respect and awe struckness by not only the sheer power of God, but also by His incredible mercy towards us, His beloved creation. In this episode, we take …
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John 14:1 (KJV) Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. John 14:16 (KJV) And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; John 14:17 (KJV) Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; fo…
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Fear, fear, and more fear is all we experience today with our governments, media, corporations, and other self-serving organizations creating anxiety and worry to keep us in a state of servitude. As people began to worry and be fearful of their futures, they become less empathatic toward others. Well, Jesus gave us a numerous commands to "Not Fear.…
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Ever get a little confused by a person, ministry, church, book, etc., that declared the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but still had a some erroneous teachings, doctrines, rituals, etc., in them? Today, we are going to teach you how to discern an "Altered Gospel." We will give you the mathematical formula to understanding truth rather than error in any pe…
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There are times and circumstances that the All Mighty God uses others to correct us from a straying path. When ancient Israel decided to submit to a false sovereign (Little g gods), YHWY punished and corrected them for not recognizing their King of Kings. Then God sent the Babylonians to be His hammer. Why is this awesome? Because we can see that o…
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Biblical prophesy is cyclic rather than linear, and the Prophet Habakkuk prophesied destruction on an evil, oppressive, and lawless Jewish nation a few years before the Babylonians destroyed them. This same prophecy was used by the Apostle Paul in Acts 13:40-41, just prior to the Romans destroying an evil, wicked, Messiah rejecting Jewish nation. I…
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I see too many Christian Churches declare "God's way to Tithe" (They want your money badly), "Social programs" (They preach a social gospel), or "Look at at our awesome worship team" (They want to entertain you). But Jesus commanded us to make only one declaration, and that is the good news that we can avoid the wrath of our creator God by trusting…
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We are stewards of God's goods and gifts that belong to Him, which he has entrusted us with for the furtherance of His plan. This verse explains the future events of being a faithful steward of God's goods. Matthew 25:23 (KJV) 23 His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make the…
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Welcome to “Why This Verse is Awesome.” I’m your host, Paul KAPOW. In each episode, I will present specific Bible verses, which I will examine to unleash the reasons why those verses are so awesome. Please join me in surveying Biblical verses, and examining the characteristics that make them so meaningful to us. I invite you to Email me with your f…
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Welcome to “Why This Verse is Awesome.” I’m your host, Paul KAPOW. In each episode, I will present specific Bible verses, which I will examine to unleash the reasons why those verses are so awesome. Please join me in surveying Biblical verses, and examining the characteristics that make them so meaningful to us. I invite you to Email me with your f…
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Welcome to “Why This Verse is Awesome.” I’m your host, Paul KAPOW. In each episode, I will present specific Bible verses, which I will examine to unleash the reasons why those verses are so awesome. Please join me in surveying Biblical verses, and examining the characteristics that make them so meaningful to us. I invite you to Email me with your f…
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Welcome to “Why This Verse is Awesome.” I’m your host, Paul KAPOW. In each episode, I will present specific Bible verses, which I will examine to unleash the reasons why those verses are so awesome. Please join me in surveying Biblical verses, and examining the characteristics that make them so meaningful to us. I invite you to Email me with your f…
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Welcome to “Why This Verse is Awesome.” I’m your host, Paul KAPOW. In each episode, I will present specific Bible verses, which I will examine to unleash the reasons why those verses are so awesome. Please join me in surveying Biblical verses, and examining the characteristics that make them so meaningful to us. I invite you to Email me with your f…
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Micah 6:6-8 is examined and I tell you why this verse is so awesome in your life. “Why This Verse is Awesome" with your host, Paul Kapow. Each episode presents specific Bible verses, which are examined to unleash the reasons why those verses are so great. Join me in surveying and exploring the characteristics that make them so meaningful in our liv…
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"Nourish your soul with the fear of God, and God will nourish [your] body. Do these things, so that what you yourself are unable [to procure] may be given you by God. Take note of this, if God does not give the rain and the wind, it avails you naught, even if you are anxious. Obey God, therefore, and creation will obey your needs. If God nourished …
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Hard times, unanswered prayers, tests of faith, discouragement, and feeling abandoned by God are all part of our spiritual walk at times. We all have certain "expectations" as to how God "should" or "would" handle our struggles and trials. Many books have been written giving us the formula to prayer, or the sure-fire way to get God to move in our b…
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Living life in this fallen world can be difficult, and often we experience afflictions and troubles and huge growing pains. Honestly, we do not have the necessary tools to overcome life and be successful. We need help and assistance. The mark of a mature Christian is recognizing that need for help in living this life. Today, as I walk, join me in 2…
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Too many are in a trance, as if hypnotized into a dull sense of awareness, going along with every destruction to their minds, bodies, and souls. Has God placed this dullness upon a rebellious and unrepentant people? Take a walk with me and let's talk about this. Isaiah 29:9-10 reads, "Stop and be astonished; blind yourselves and be blind! They are …
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Psalms 1:1-6 describes this reverse situation where one who "walks," then "stands," then "sits," with wicked people exercises this kind of spiritual evil that increases in nature with what appears to be a de-creasing physical activity. It is an attention getter for sure. Join us as we break down Psalm 1 with 2 Peter and some Jude also to see what e…
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Christian doctrine states that God's reconciliation of the human to Himself occurs when that human believes the fact that God has punished one's sin by the sacrificial offering of His Son. So, there is nothing the human can do toward their own salvation, as it is only the free grace of God that supplies it. No human work is required for salvation. …
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Ten song EP will be released on January 30, 2021, but can be pre-ordered now. It will be available at all online digital retailers like Amazon, iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, Google Play, etc. Physical CDs will be available also, and can be purchased through Fifthookmedia.com. In this episode, we talk a little about each song and how we came to writ…
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Free Amazon Kindle eBook give away from December 3, 2020 thru December 6. 2020. Both Demons in my marriage bed and Eyes to see unseen enemies are absolutely free for these six days. https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B005G5SJG6 In this episode, we look at the mysterious discovery and disappearance of the Utah Monolith. You can watch the video of this podca…
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Looking at a Military Training document from the University California Davis website, we explore Communist Coercive Interrogation Techniques that appear very similar to our current societal creation to the Covid-19 virus. Isolation, mask wearing, hand washing, and mundane orders given are similar in technique and purpose as extreme interrogation en…
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With all the opinions, commentators, and content generators out there, we wanted to find out what Jesus would have thought about America's 2020 election with all of its problems and challenges. So, we take a trip back in time for about 2000 years, and find a simple but straight forward answer to our question. http://www.fifthookmedia.com http://www…
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In this episode of Freedom Friday, we want you to get "free" from the "fear" generated by the scared weak cry babies of earth. There are so many agendas, but they all have control over you as their common goal. These cry babies of earth wish to enslave you even further, making you dependent on the prison planet warden for all your happiness and sur…
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