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In 2015, Rosie Waterland published her first book, a memoir called "The Anti-Cool Girl". The book is about her childhood, her growing up, and her becoming an adult; all with mentally ill, drug and alcohol addicted parents, child protection, foster care, caravans and couches. There were crazy and very difficult times but also some funny times too. Rosie is 30 now, her mum Lisa is now 53. Since the book came out, the one question Rosie is always asked is more than any other is, "Has your Mum r ...
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show series
The final episode! Host Rosie Waterland's spent a lifetime struggling to understand why she wasn't a cool kid, constantly wondering just what she was missing. From her early days trying to hide her poo pants from her sister's friends, to later days doing drugs and pretending to enjoy sex with boys who were terrible at it, she now confesses that she…
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When you're twenty-seven years old and realise that you have no clue how to post a letter, it's obvious something has gone very wrong somewhere along the line. Now that host Rosie Waterland was out there living on her own as a functioning adult, she realised she didn't know as much as she thought she did about being a functioning adult. She had som…
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If Lisa thought there was ever going to be an episode from Rosie's book 'The Anti-Cool Girl' that was going to make her squirm, this is it. This one is about host Rosie Waterland's more adult escapades: the time she scared a penis back inside itself and the time Rosie went on her first and only Tinder date only for it to turn out very differently t…
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After her time in the mental institution, Rosie had never had a healthier sense of self-worth in her entire life. She was learning how to be her own saviour, how to feel comfortable being single and how to be mentally healthy. And then there was the issue of the weight gain. It began pretty much straight after leaving hospital. The disordered eatin…
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Just like when Rosie was little, something about Mum calling her 'darling' calmed her down. After spending almost a month in a mental home, that's exactly what host Rosie Waterland needed. And Lisa understood that. She was the only person in Rosie's life who understood what she was going through. So with Lisa's help, Rosie jumped on a plane to Dubb…
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When a guy wearing nothing but a bedsheet as a toga pushes in front of you in the dinner line so he can get better dibs on the custard, you know you've hit rock bottom. Host Rosie Waterland's was twenty-four, and was in a mental institution. Pretty much nailing life. It all began when she found the boy - a perfect, funny, good-looking boy whom she …
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Through her time at boarding school and then at drama school, host Rosie Waterland had been looked after by her uncle and aunt. Then one day, they asked her to leave. Rosie wondered if it was because they found out she had peed herself at the local supermarket. Rosie's uncle and aunt were wealthy. They had taken her in when life at home got out of …
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host Rosie Waterland knew that she would chicken out. She knew it all the way through the rehearsal and all day before the first performance. It was 2006 and it was Rosie's second year at a very crappy drama school. But drama school wasn't just about learning to act, it was how Rosie found her soul mates - a like-minded community of people who want…
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The lucky boy was Josh - a day student from the College - who host Rosie Waterland's had started dating during her final few weeks there. After a few false starts, Rosie's path of self-discovery was on. It was also a period of time Rosie realised a boyfriend could help fill a void in her life. A boyfriend could be like a dependency, like a drug: wh…
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The next chapter of host Rosie Waterland's life saw her living with her Uncle Ben, who enrolled her in a very fancy boarding school. At first glance, this was an amazing turn of events: from a life of constantly moving houses, situations and people to a place with steady and protective care and learning for the next three years. Rosie had never exp…
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For a while there Mum, Rosie and family became a kind of gypsy family, living with whoever would take them in. Living arrangements included couches, caravans and being part of a new 'family'. After a period of moving from place to place, Lisa met someone new and their moving situation became more stable. Enter Pam The Lesbian. Pam was definitely a …
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"There was red stuff on Rosie's undies this morning, but you don't want to know about secret women's business." Host Rosie Waterland's was thirteen and life was the most stable it had been for a while for Rosie and family.. but this was not the type of conversation you wanted to have happen on the school bus. Her little sister spilt the beans and n…
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It was hard for host Rosie Waterland and her big sister to keep up appearances when mum Lisa hadn't been home in four days. After a while, others started to cotton on - including the Department of Community Services. For a while Rosie and sister stayed with relatives here and there; and then they hit the foster home jackpot: a very-well-to-do famil…
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"Joooe... Jooooe! Come out, Joey baby," Rosie's mum Lisa chanted. She was trying to stab at her husband, Joe the Removalist's feet with a knife. Now it was up to a frightened young Rosie and her older sister to go and fetch help. After the passing of Rosie's dad, this was now the beginning of the end for Lisa's marriage to Joe. This point in time w…
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Host Rosie Waterland's realised at age 8 that she was never going to be one of those incredible kids on the news who manages to save the day in a time of crisis. While staying with her Dad and Grandpa in Tumut, a fall by Grandpa sparked off a series of events that ended up with the passing of Rosie's Dad. Rosie and Lisa talk about that moment in th…
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Host Rosie Waterland's is now eight, Lisa has re-married and the family have moved out of Smurf Village. For Rosie the learning about life continues, including learning about 'special place sessions'. For most families, conversations about all things sex are uncomfortable, cringe worthy moments. For Lisa, it meant giving Rosie and her sister a book…
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Rosie's life growing up also meant time in rehab. But the rehab wasn't for host Rosie Waterland's, it was for her Mum. Rehab for adults with children also mean that families can stay living together at a rehab facility while the adults get the treatment they need. Time spent at one particular rehab facility turned Rosie's life upside down though wh…
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One day, Rosie's Mum decided that they were becoming Mormons. Being a Mormon meant visits to church, bible readings and even a special day for host Rosie Waterland's sister. Why did they become Mormon? Why did the trips to church all end one day? Why did Lisa end up marrying.. in a different religion all together? Rosie uncovers some unexpected ans…
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"There's a dead guy! A dead guy!" This sighting at Smurf Village got all the children running to see. Rosie and her sister knew who it was straight away.. and it scared them. Host Rosie Waterland's dad would appear at random moments and how he turned up was different every time. What would happen when Dad would take the girls ice skating? Why were …
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Life's next turn sees the family move into a Houso complex nicknamed 'Smurf Village', a place planted right in the middle of affluent suburban Sydney. But host Rosie Waterland's and family's arrival there was not straightforward: there was a short lived marriage to a Navy man, time living in Hawaii and then moving back again to Tumut. How did all t…
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It starts off with a prickly question from an attendee to host Rosie Waterland's 4th birthday party. But how is a child to know to all the answers about Mum's personal life at that age? Rosie did eventually work out that mum Lisa worked as an escort, but how Lisa got there and what she actually did has been a mystery to Rosie until now. At that sam…
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