This podcast is promoted by the University of Copenhagen together with other cultural institutions from Denmark, Germany and Greece, that intends to document different personal stories from different cultures about the piece of fabric that they are most connected to in their lives.
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Denne podcast omhandler Nonnas' frakke, fra Venezia som er syet af skræddere der oplærte hende.
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Nehle fortæller om sin kjole, som hun forbinder med Irak, familie & veninder.
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En lille ode til min oldemors minde
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Barndomsminder fra Kyoto
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Min mormors jakke fuld af nye og gamle minder
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Sommer (opkaldt efter Sumer) fortæller om nogle forskellige tasker hun har strikket. Jeg fik det desværre ikke på optagelse men Sommer fortalte mig også om hendes rejse til Danmark fra Irak. Det kan heller ikke ses på billedet, men hun har fået lavet mærk
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Jeg snakker med Zeynep fra Tyrkiet, som fortæller om sin favorit nederdel, som hun føler jeg glad og præsentabel i.
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Jeg fortæller om en gammel genstand, som er ny for mig, men som har været i mit liv længere.
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Episode om Magnus' trøje, hvilket han har arvet af hans afdøde far.
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Interview med Adam om hans denim bukser
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Yildiz fortæller om nogle genstande som betyder noget for hende. Genstandene er lavet af hendes familie, og er lavet af perler og tråd.
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Der findes desværre ingen billeder af sættet, men det var dette, der betød mest for hende og derfor fortælles om det.
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Denne episode omhandler Cilja's bolero som hun lavede mens hun gik på højskole. Boleroen var hendes første rigtige projekt og der er derfor en del følelser forbundet med denne.
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Denne episode omhandler min farmors sidste hjemmehæklede sjal. Hele mit liv har hun lavet sjaler til mig men dette blev hendes sidste - og så i min yndlingsfarve
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Aisha fortæller om sin bluse, der vækker minder om hendes søster og Tyrkiet.
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Podcast med Isabel fra KU. Hun fortæller om et håndlavet mosaik hæklet tæppe og dens betydning for hende.
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I denne podcast tales der med Fahad fra Tingbjerg. Hun fortæller om en traditionel pakistansk klæde kaldt Shalwar Kameez og generelt om tøjets betydning. Billedet er af Vicki Francis/Department for International Development, United Kingdom,
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En mand fortæller om en dansk landsholdstrøje fra sommeren 2021, hvor europamesterskabet blev til en folkefest.
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Kort fortællig on en skjort og en halskæde som tilhørte min far
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Jeg, Ellen, fortæller om min "kattetrøje", en hjemmestrikket gave fra min gudmor
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Iman fra Irak fortæller om de babytæpper, hun hækler til sine børnebørn
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after the passing of my father, a grey fleece jacket became so important
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fardos, an iraqi refugee woman, explains how she learned to crochet despite having multiple surgeries on her hands
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En irakisk kvinde fortæller om at brodere på et billede fra sin barndom.
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My name is Anna. I have a husband and 2 children. I'm from Ukraine. I lived in the city of Dnipro for 20 years. I have been living in Copenhagen, Denmark for a year now. Almost all my clothes are made of cotton. This is my favorite fabric, because it is e
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The meaning of Vyshyvanka in my life In Ukraine and in my life now
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The story of a Ukrainian woman living in Kharkov about her embroidered towel, about her relatives and its meaning.
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In ancient times, there was not a single house in Ukraine that was not decorated with towels. A towel is a symbol of faithfulness, love, fate, a talisman of the house.
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Podcast om min mors 'magiske' kjole
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This episode is about my mother and one of her most treasured garments she received from her Indian friend, whilst they were living in Abu Dhabi.
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I talk about a sweater my mom made in the 80s when she attended Højskole in Norway.
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This episode is about the story behind the "patiks" woven by my grandmother that I deeply care for and love to wear all seasons.
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Wollen underwear as as gift from my dad
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In this episode I will talk about what's so special about acquiring family cloths and why I perceive it to be sustainable.
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Podcastepisoden tager udgangspunkt i de opgivne spørgsmål fra projektet ”The Fabric of my Life”, hvor jeg beskriver og reflekterer over en jakke, som jeg har overtaget fra min mor. Nedenfor ses den jakke, som podcastepisoden handler om.
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This podcast is about a special item of clothing made by myself of my mother´s old wool blanket from her childhood. I Gave the wool blanket a new life in my own design in a vest, and the blanket can now last for a new generation and maybe more. This cloth
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This podcast tells about my scout uniform and the feelings related to that
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This episode is about my own story of a green sweater that my grandma made for me when I was young. And it is also more like the story about me and my grandparents, the change in my family and my life.
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This episode is about my own story of a green sweater that my grandma made for me when I was young. And it is also more like the story about me and my grandparents, the change in my family and my life.
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A podcast about my (family) relation to sewing, and how I perceive fashion, based on a dolls dress made by my mom in the 60'ies.
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France, Father, Identity, Nation - Франція, Батько, Ідентичність, Нація
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Tøjet jeg har valgt, er en brun skjorte fra Tekla jeg fik af min kæreste på vores halvårsdag om morgenen på selve dagen. Vi var i sommerhus og i med at det var vores første mærkedag var der ingen linje for hvordan at vi ville fejre det- eller ikke fejre d
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The sweater I always borrow when I visit my mother
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Victor talks about his blue shirt, that has been his companion for around 7 years, how it's wear is showing and how this wear is exactly why he's keeping it around.
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A petite story of knitted love, good intension and guilt
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Unisex dress in Egypt
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This episode is about a shirt I got from my dear friend which they have made themselves. I think of it as a piece of art, and it means a lot to me because it reminds me of the possibilities with creativity and not being afraid to make mistakes.
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Nataliia currently lives in Denmark due to the war in Ukraine. In this episode she shares a story about the traditional Ukrainian scarves.
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Yuliia currently lives in Denmark due to the war in Ukraine. In this episode Yuliia tells a story about her Vyshyvanka, which is national Ukrainian clothes.
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Sue presents a carpet made for her as a gift. It represents a photo of her in 1974 and 1975-76 when she was in southern Iran on field work as student of anthropology. She lived with nomad families and followed their migrations between winter and summer qu
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