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Bergen Kommune

En podkast om kulturhistorie, musikk og humor. Fra Bergens lunge rett ved siden av hjertet på høyden; Nygårdsparken. Vertskap er Kjartan Ericsson og Odd Erik Kleveland Dahl
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What is KOS Kommunity PodClass? * A Place for Brothers & Sistars to Unite!!! * A Place of Divine Principles - Love, Truth Peace, Freedom and Justice * A Place to Meet Ancient Knowledge * A Place for Adeptship and Mastery * From Self-Salvation into Deific Life How is the KOS Kommunity Beneficial? * Gives Ability to Learn the Language of Self * Acquire Tools and Solutions for All Matters * To Make GOD and MAN ONE (UNI) = (Universe)
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Standup comedian Anshu Mor is on a personal mission to dig deep into stuff that really matters in life! What better way to get some ‘real’ knowledge than to speak to experts and learn from their journey & benefit from their insights. In a world where everyone only pretends to know everything, this…. is a sure shot way to be Stupid No Mor!
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Poems To Calm Down To is a podcast for those who are seeking peace and self-compassion. The podcast explores the personal growth journey of a young poet who tries to understand life on her own terms, and discovers the beauty of forgiveness, maturity and acceptance. Each episode unravels a new sensitivity to the magic of adulthood and the wonders of leaving the past behind. Millions of listeners seek out Bingepods (Ideabrew Studios Network content) every day. Get in touch with us to advertise ...
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In this podcast, I guide you on a journey of fresh starts in love, life, & relationships: Literally all the things. We will also speak very candidly about failure, and the strength that comes with finding the courage to try again. Consider this the open Diary of Dragon Slayer, as I share my expertise as a MSW and Master Life Coach, coupled with my own personal lessons from the wild journey I've been on! Grab a pen, and tag a friend, cause this podcast is epic. You can check out my platform a ...
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Samtidsanalytikern och skribenten Per Grankvist reflekterar kring aktuella händelser och tidens stora frågor på ett sätt som försöker ge lyssnaren nya perspektiv.
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*Watch full episodes exclusively on Ride The Wave Media’s YouTube Channel!* Welcome to The KAYA Podcast: a safe space for humans to tune in, shift perspectives, experience vulnerability & transform together. It’s time for you to step out of your head and into your heart, reclaim your soul’s purpose & align with your place in the Universe one episode at a time. Hosted by KAYA Founder & Astrologer Kambria Davis kayakommunity.com
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Välkommen till Reimagine Technology - en podcast som främst fokuserar på CIO:ers- och IT ledarnas respektive roller. I varje avsnitt får du möta en ledare på någon av Sveriges ledande bolag och höra om hur de axlar sin roll. Våra gäster ger oss en unik inblick i både deras deras verksamhets- och branschutmaningar. Lär känna Sveriges främsta CIO:er och IT ledare tillsammans med oss och lyssna på vad de gör för att driva IT och affär framåt. Reimagine Technology skapades av våra skarpa konsult ...
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Boosters and Spacetape - A Kerbal Space Program Podcast

Matoro, AkinesisGaming, DigitalPsychosis and TheReadPanda

Welcome to our Kerbal Space Program [1 & 2] and Astronomy & Science podcast. We discuss the features and development of KSP as well as our own experiences of this great space simulation. We also dedicate a section of the show to talk about real space. You can also find us on iTunes, Stitcher, TuneIn, Spotify and Audible. Your hosts are David (Matoro), Luke (DigitalPsychosis), The Read Panda and Dan (Akinesis_Gaming).
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show series
Send oss en melding Dette er episoden for deg som vil vite mer om hvordan byen formes, og hva som ligger bak beslutningene som påvirker hverdagen vår. Vi snakker med Tord Holgernes fra Bymiljøetaten om hva som får en by til å fungere? Vi har tidligere snakket om hva som skaper den perfekte baren eller det beste utestedet, men hva med byrommene? Hvo…
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Send us a text Hello, Gorgeous! In this episode, we discuss my internal battle between my inner critic and my inner child. What I have learned recently, and how it translates to my approach as a Coach. Loved this episode and want more access to me? Become a member of my Facebook Subscriber Kommunity: Backstage with Coach K for just $2.99 a month—le…
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Send oss en melding I denne episoden hyller vi de små, bortglemte perlene i Bergens urbane landskap – små lapper, gater og hjørner fylt med nostalgi, men som har blitt neglisjert de siste 30 årene. Disse stedene, som oppsto i kjølvannet av sentrumsdøden, står nå igjen som tidskapsler, forlatt av både tiden og byen. Her finner man noen av verdens me…
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Send us a text Hello Gorgeous! Happy Holidays! Today's episode is a replay of Last year's Master Class! It was SOOOOO Good! So many barriers were broken down! So many burdens were lifted, and I am confident this is going to serve and support you! Black Friday OFFERS are officially LIVE!! You can check there out here. Please note 2024's Black Friday…
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Send oss en melding Hva får en kafe til å fungere? Er det rommet, maten eller menneskene? Med utgangspunktet i de første forsøkene på å lage en kafe i Nygårdsparken prøver vi å analysere et utesteds anatomi og fysiologi. Vi havner som vanlig litt på villspor og sveiper innom status quo for konsertscenen i Bergen, men klarer å avslutte da Kjartan pl…
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Send us a text Hello, Gorgeous! This episode is dropping early, because I don't want too much time to pass before you got this message. Let's talk about how Mike Tyson loss, but he really won. ALL because he had the grit and the courage to get in the ring. Loved this episode and want more access to me? Become a member of my Facebook Subscriber Komm…
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Send oss en melding Endelig er den her! Krim Spesial! Følg den intrikate veien til en sofistikert kunsttyv av den gamle sorten, fra Bergens kulturelle pilarer til det illegale high-end kunstmarkedet i Amsterdam. Var rekken av nylige innbrudd som har rammet offentlige institusjoner og kirker i Bergen et bestillingsverk? Er det vår ukjente nemesis bl…
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Send us a text Hello, Gorgeous! In this episode, we get serious about THE SHIFT. Tune in to hear my best secret to shifting your identity and what's been holding you back from embracing your highest potential. In this episode, I mentioned the Drop the Mask Masterclass, which you can grab here, and it will be emailed to you within 24 hours of purcha…
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Send oss en melding «Jeg vil kle meg ut som et kjempestort ekorn og skremme barn i Nygårdsparken» I en nokså traurig og usedvanlig unødvendig nytt kommunalt mottaksprogram for publikumshenvendelser kommer det en jevn strøm av dagligdagse undringer av en slik enkel art at de lett kunne blitt besvart på telefon på under et minutt. I stedet for skal d…
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Send us a text Hello, Gorgeous! In this week's episode, we are diving into my latest rejection story. Yep! Sometimes things don't work out... even for me. Tap in and hear how it all went down, what I've learned, and how much I've grown. Loved this episode and want more access to me? Become a member of my Facebook Subscriber Kommunity: Backstage wit…
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Send oss en melding Inspirert av intervjuet med festivalsjefen for Høyden festivalen rigger Kjartan Ericsson og Odd Erik Kleveland Dahl nok en gang opp podkastutstyret for en inspirerende samtale blant fallende løv og besøkende i Nygårdsparken. Vi går igjennom de mest omtalte konsertene i og utenfor parken, både de bekreftede og ubekreftede. Sporer…
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Send us a text Hello, Gorgeous 💖 This month has been filled with exciting updates in the Kommunity! 🙌🏾 I’ve made some big announcements since we last connected, and this episode is a replay of Wisdom Wednesday. We’ll recap all the ways to get involved 🔌—and there’s something for everyone at every price point! So, there’s really no reason not to tak…
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Send oss en melding To herrer som befinner seg litt over middagshøyden, en med og en uten tatoveringer setter seg ned under overhenget til paviljongen for å ta en prat om hvordan man arrangerer musikkfestivaler i en park. Til å hjelpe oss med det har vi invitert Aurora Gropen som har vært festivalsjef for Høydenfestivalen 2024 som ble arrangert i N…
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Send us a text Hello, Gorgeous! In this episode I'm talking about the importance of letting go of things that are not for you in order to make space to embrace those things that ARE destined for you. Far too often we hold on to things and people out of comfort or familiarity. In this episode, I teach you the importance of letting go, and why. Tap i…
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Send oss en melding Parkpodden er tilbake med nye episoder og vi har den store glede av å annonsere vår nye programleder Kjartan Ericsson. I denne episoden vil du bli godt kjent med Kjartans kjærlighetsliv og foretrukne juletre. Vi går Up, Close and Personal på Nærmiljøprosjektet på Møhlenpris, ungdomskulturen og rekruteringen til det lokale musikk…
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Send us a text Hello, Gorgeous! In today's episode, I am talking all about the shift that I am ushering in for my Kommunity. For far too long, we have waited for "one day." We've spent weeks, months, some of us even years running in the general direction of our goals with absolutely no luck. But NO MORE. I am calling in a shift in our mindsets, our…
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Send us a text Hello, Gorgeous! In this episode, I am talking all about one simple habit that is sure to improve your outcomes and enhance your life. It's the art of elevating your habits. Tap in with me, and let's talk about how... this small practice can launch you into the life you desire. Want to get to know me and my programs better? Click Her…
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Send us a text Hello Gorgeous! In this episode, I sharing how I worked through some complicated emotions last week and a sudden realization I had. I hope that my sharing my journey, you will also see where you can stand in your own power, and give yourself permission to thrive. As promised, I've listed all the ways you can stay plugged in below: Cl…
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Life Lessons from a Credit Card Call: Persistence, Clarity, and the Will to Fight for What You Want In this spontaneous and insightful episode of The KAYA Podcast, Kambria Davis shares a personal story recorded from her car, inspired by a frustrating call to her credit card company. Kambria dives into the metaphorical lessons drawn from her experie…
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Send us a text Hello Gorgeous! Big Changes are on the horizon for The Girlfriend's Guide and the HeyCoachK Kommunity! Tune in and see what's next! Want to get to know me and my programs better? Click Here when You're Ready to join my free Kommunity: The Plot Twist PSST! Did you hear? Red Karpet Coaching starts in October! Grab your seat now and sav…
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Send us a text Hello Gorgeous! As a coach who helps people with personal development, relationships, and stepping into their power to become the main character of their lives, I recognize those close to you may not always see your potential or encourage your growth. A coach provides unbiased support and helps lay the groundwork for your success. In…
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Send us a text Hello Gorgeous! In this week's episode of Riddle Me This? I'm emphasizing the importance of taking radical responsibility for your actions and future. I hope this segment encourages listeners to stop living in a victim mentality and instead acknowledge that while you may be part of the problem, you also have the power to be the solut…
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Send us a text Hello, Gorgeous! Today’s episode is a replay of yesterday's Wisdom Wednesday segment. Over the past few weeks, I've welcomed many new followers, and it's the perfect time for me to reintroduce myself and share my story. Tune in to hear my thoughts on how, sometimes, God ruins your plans to prevent them from ruining you. Want to get t…
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Send us a text In this episode, I'm offering some tough love, and asking a question that seriously questions your seriousness and commitment to success. Are you watching from the sideline? Or Are you in the game? Want to get to know me and my programs better? Click Here when You're Ready to join my free Kommunity: The Plot Twist PSST! Did you hear?…
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Send us a text Happy Labor Day, Gorgeous! In this episode, I'm offering a quick reminder that there is still time to accomplish big things in 2024! You just get to decide what you want to accomplish and who you need to become to make it happen! Missed last week's masterclass? Grab the replay by clicking here. It's only up through Friday, September …
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Send us a text Check out this replay of Wisdom Wednesday and discover the habit that has saved me over and over when it comes to my emotional managment. Ready to Master Your Emotions? WOOSAH the free masterclass I've designed specifically to help you name and tame your emotions is going down TONIGHT! Secure your seat by clicking here. Want to get t…
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Send us a text In this episode of The Girlfriend's Guide, I'm sharing an experience I had this weekend that had me cycling through my emotions and reminded me of our duty to be a model to others... especially our children. Ready to Master Your Emotions? Join WOOSAH a free masterclass I've designed specifically to help you name and tame your emotion…
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Send us a text In this episode of The Girlfriend's Guide, I'm sharing the first and most important step to emotional mastery. TRANSPARENCY. It is absolutely impossible to process or move through emotions if we are not honest with ourselves and others about how we feel. Tap in and Let's Chat about 3 reasons that may be holding you back from being tr…
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Send us a text In this episode of the Girlfriend’s Guide, I'm opening up about my past and how I wasn't always the best with keeping my ish together! As a person, who has long history of being sensational and making loved ones walk around on egg shells. I can say that this quick hack for sharing your feelings is an excellent way to help you start c…
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Send us a text In this episode of the Girlfriend’s Guide, We are gearing up for another episode of Riddle Me This! This week, I want you to consider where you not being absolutely transparent about your feelings. Where are you holding back? Where are you repressing? Where are you not being clear? In order to live in alignment, we must be honest abo…
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Send us a text In this episode of the Girlfriend’s Guide, We are talking about Emotional Management and how the "your feelings are valid" rhetoric can be a recepie for self-destruction if you don't consider the implications of your actions. Tap in and let's chat about it! Did you know that I have a FREE Kommunity? Where you can get closer proximity…
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Send us a text In this episode of the Girlfriend’s Guide, We are gearing up for another episode of Riddle Me This! And how you answer this week 's question directly impacts your happiness and success. We are talking about Emotional Management. Are you the master of your emotions? Or Are your emotions the master of you? Reflect on this throughout th…
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Send us a text In this episode of the Girlfriend’s Guide, we are reflecting over the year and all the growth we've experienced, and I challenge you to consider, who you need to become in order to reach the goals you have for yourself. PSST! Did you hear? Red Karpet Coaching starts in September! Grab your seat now and save! Want to see what it inclu…
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Send us a text In this episode of the Girlfriend’s Guide, We are talking about assessing your yes, and the clear difference between saying yes authentically and saying it resentfully. The Mini Mind: Rock the Boat Starts Next Wednesday!!! Want in? I'm sharing all my secrets! I only have room for 6 more, so HURRY and Grab your seat NOW! PSST! Did you…
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Send us a text In this episode of the Girlfriend’s Guide, I giving you a list of questions to determine if you may be a people pleaser! Last week, I polled my audience was shocked to find that many people aren't sure if they are people pleasers or not... Eek! Never fear... I'm laying it all out on the table today... Tap in and find out if that's yo…
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Send us a text In this episode of the Girlfriend’s Guide, I giving you a list of reasons why you may be a people pleaser! Believe it or not, People Pleasing is a Trauma Response that often starts in childhood! And lots of people don't even know they are doing it! Tap in and find out if that's you! The Mini Mind: Rock the Boat Starts Next Wednesday!…
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Send us a text In this episode of the Girlfriend’s Guide, I am sharing 3 Ways that People Pleasing is Sabotaging Your Happiness. Tap in and find out how you are playing a role in your own hot mess express! The Mini Mind: Rock the Boat Starts Next Wednesday!!! Want in? I'm sharing all my secrets! I only have room for 10, so HURRY and Grab your seat …
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Send us a text Hello Gorgeous! Today's episode is a special drop! I noticed late last night that I was super charged, and I couldn't figure out why, but after a quick brain dump I realized it's the News and this surge in media coverage on politics and the election. Tap in and see how I'm handling it, and what may also work for you. P.S. Rock the Bo…
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Send us a text Hello Gorgeous! Today's episode is a replay of yesterday's Wisdom Wednesday Segment! It was absolute too good not to share! I'm talking all about 3 reasons why your attempts at Overcoming People Pleasing have been absolute fail! Want in on my next program? It's a 3-Day MiniMind and I'm sharing all my secrets! I only have room for 10,…
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Send us a text Hello Gorgeous! In today's segment of Riddle Me This! I'm asking about the last time you lost connection with yourself and your Main Character Energy. Tap In and let's talk about it... Want in on my next program? It's a 3-Day MiniMind and I'm sharing all my secrets! Grab your seat NOW because there is only room for 10! PSST! Did you …
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Send us a text Hello Gorgeous! In today's episode, we are talking all about People Pleasing... And how it even starts. Think you or someone you love is a People Pleaser? Tap In and let's talk about it... PSST! Did you hear? Red Karpet Coaching starts in September! Grab your seat now and save! Want to see what it includes? Click Here. ❤ Not quite re…
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Send us a text Hello Gorgeous! Happy Monday! In today's episode of Riddle Me This, I'm asking about your Inner Child. Are you aware of what your inner child needs? Have you healed her? And in what ways do you have to be careful to remain in the driver's seat, when your Inner Child is stirred and deep wounds are uncovered? P.S. The HeyCoachK Kommuni…
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Send us a text Hello Gorgeous! In this episode of The Girlfriend's Guide, we deep dive into Life Coaching, what it's all about and how it's different from therapy. I also share with you my expertise, and my take on the industry. P.S. The HeyCoachK Kommunity is getting a facelift, starting with The Green Room. Ready to take the leap? Join the Green …
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Navigating Grief and Raising Awareness on Men’s Brain Health In this heartfelt episode of the Kaya podcast, host Kambria Davis welcomes her dear friend Wendy to discuss the deeply personal and painful journey of losing her husband Brian to COVID-induced psychosis and subsequent suicide. They delve into the importance of re-framing mental health as …
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Navigating Grief and Raising Awareness on Men’s Brain Health In this heartfelt episode of the Kaya podcast, host Kambria Davis welcomes her dear friend Wendy to discuss the deeply personal and painful journey of losing her husband Brian to COVID-induced psychosis and subsequent suicide. They delve into the importance of re-framing mental health as …
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Send us a text Hello Gorgeous! Happy Monday! In this episode of Riddle Me This, I talk about my renewed committment to being authentic, raw, and vulnerable as frequently as possible, and how the need to be "perfect" often stiles, slows, or completely prevents our personal progress and growth. P.S. The HeyCoachK Kommunity is getting a facelift, star…
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Send us a text Hello Gorgeous! This week I sat down with my Coach, Crissy Conner, and talked all about what life coaching is? Why it's imporant, and some of my client wins! Tap in and learn all about what I do! P.S. There is a LIVE Q&A happening tonight, 6.28.24 at 6pm, CST in The Green Room! Can't be live? No worries you can drop your questions on…
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Send us a text Hello Gorgeous! Y’all! Recently, my dog put me in FULL BLOWN Panic Mode and taught me a really valuable lesson. One about slowing down, leaning back, and not getting so amped. Tap in and check it out. P.S. The HeyCoachK Kommunity is getting a facelift, starting with The Green Room. Ready to take the leap? Join the Green Room Here and…
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Send us a text Hello Gorgeous! Happy Monday! In this episode of Riddle Me This! We are exploring what could happen if you gave starting over one more shot. I know! I can literally hear your heavy sighs and the resistance. BUT sincerely, if what you were doing was working you wouldn’t have my podcast in your rotation. Tap in and listen with an open …
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