Come take a power walk with me on this rocky road ice cream of a delicious life! We’ll meander off many paths in the forest of Recovery, as in 12step programs, of which i could belong to several, but am a proud card-carrying member of 2; sidewalk our way into the broadway boogie of well-beingness and catch a curious picnic with some mind blow me away buddies. I promise, you’ll leave with a metaphoric Oscars goodie bag or at least a USEFUL wedding favour to marvel for the week.
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Wow - lemme tell you...when you have sever is NOT a superpower or anything 'positive' about...hence over a week later I am finally putting up this wrap up for traditions 7-12. SO, God help me (literally Help me please) get the intro to the concepts up and stay on time and on track. ooft. thanks to everyone stick with me thus far. You are …
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This is it! the last tradition. numero 12. wow, you have made it this far. heck, so have i! which is huge!! Tradition 12 sums it all up: putting these spiritual nuggets into practice and making sure they come before the great ME ME ME. what do i mean by spiritual ninja? listen in and find out!By Lusmila
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What do Bees & honey have to do with Tradition 11? Well, that's because it's all about being that yummy honey. Putting our best foot forward, face forward, look forward; social mediocrity of being the tinny rattle and meme of me me-ing in life; Its not about going viral and infect everyone in my path with my brand of what lusmila knows best is best…
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What the heck? Unorganised? non-conformity? How can that be? It will be anarchy & chaos! well, not exactly. When I am responsible to the loving authority I serve, I have structure and don't need organization or conformity from myself or others. Wait....others too?! listen in and discover obeying the unenforceable in Tradition 9…
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ahhh Tradition 8: the Ego & Pride always wants to run, more like ruin, the show. It wants to be the BIG SHOT, the GREAT I AM. I think I am the Expert and Professional in EVERYONE'S life. One Cup Ego, One Cup Pride equals a Baked Cake-tastrophe of disaster. How to Check the recipe of my motives to make sure i don't burn myself or others.…
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it's the Tradition showdown hoedown here, folks. Recap smacking traditions 1-6 into a nice Packed Beneficial Burrito. Layers of tradition 1-6 all rolled into a nice under 3minute whole meal blanket. Spiritually Delish, Time nutritious, and emotionally edible on-the-go. and, hey, please SHARE this Tasty Poke Bowl of Podcast w/ all your family, frien…
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7th Tradition is like the Spiritual Spanx in your life. It's your own self-supporting special hosiery for you mind, body, pocketbook, and soul that allows you to focus on creating a 401k plan of emotional stability & intelligence, mind-fullness and spiritual chutzpah; by filling our own cup of life up, we can outpour our generosity and support to o…
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Trad 6: Power, Money, Pride, Ego; Being the be all end all to everyone and everything; Big-shot-ism misses the target every time; The practice of being practically imperfect. Don't take a Raincheck your motives, rain on anyone's parade; Learning to Reign in opinions, ego, pride and Check, check, 1,2, 1,2 check, check, those motives.…
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Shoe fits, wear it well. don't outwear it.
Play later
Play later
Shoemakers don't make cakes. Be the shoemaker, not the 5 piece one man band. it's a shoe-in for disharmony; if the shoe doesn't fit, don't try to shoehorn your way in. Stick to your role and not sticky tape yourself to others. Tradition 5 teaches us to wear our own shoes and not be in someone else's.…
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Don't take yo'self so Seriously, seriously.
Play later
Play later
ahh Tradition 4. One of my all time faves. I love it so much, I would get a tattoo. As We continue the momentum of the spiritual prowess of the Traditions, to help us create better relations with everything and everyone in our lives, Tradition 4 reminds us to lighten up. don't forget to share, subscribe, review & comment!…
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who am i? who are you? who is this? what is this? this is tradition 3, folks. Where Harry meets Selfie. To Thine OWNself be true; so, I have to let others do the same. Welcome to tradition 3. don't forget to subscribe! Share, comment, review. My ownself thanks you mucho gusto.By Lusmila
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Now that you are practicing Tradition1 (yes?). Let's build up this Spiritual Lego Set with a new block & continue this Epic-sodic Adventure. Tradition2: where i am still charging in like a proverbial bull in the China Shop of my relationships, personal, professional and everything in between. Benign Dictatorships, bleeding deacons, & more. Welcome …
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Tradition 1: I cannot compel demand or tell someone to be do or say anything. I am not the big cheese, cheesy, yes, cheese no. So, Keep the focus on maself. Stick to your own sandbox, don't try to be architect of someone else's sandbox even if it looks like a sandpit or wormhole. Like subscribe share-da-luv. thx! Music: License: IC23R6…
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If you cant be bothered listening to a 4minute is one for y'all under a minute. Courtesy of my Fiance, Oz, who thought the trailer was to long. this one is dedicated to you, OzzyBBy La Vida Lulu, LTD
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This is my trailer park trailer for the first 2series/season: Series 1 & 2 will focus on an incredible design for living I received in 12step Recovery, specifically how the Traditions and Concepts are like the secret sauce to authentic leadership and relationships. I'm not offending any one in a trailer park, becuz I live in one p/t. ps: i don't th…
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