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One full hour of rare groove, deep cuts and forgotten gems from the 60's and early 70's with a heavy leaning towards soul. 100% vinyl, with host Mod Marty!
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show series In this week's treasure trove, Mod Marty unearths the golden relics of the 60s, where every track is a priceless artifact. Brace yourself as we navigate through a soundscape of musical riches, featuring rare soul, commanding R&B, and influential Beat and Garage Rock, all spun on original vinyl. This episode promises a col…
  continue reading Join Mod Mar­ty as he takes you on a thrilling ride through a piv­otal era in music his­to­ry. This astound­ing episode of On Tar­get dances on the precipice between the late 1960s and the ear­ly 1970s, a cru­cial turn­ing point that saw the rise of new sounds and the evo­lu­tion of pro­duc­tion. Dive into elec­tri­fy­ing…
  continue reading On this week's On Target, Mod Marty gets you moving with an hour of Soul, R&B, Beat, and Garage Rock on original 45RPM vinyl. The show starts with a shaker, making you shimmy to the grooves. Then, it spins into energetic beats that get your heart racing and feet tapping. Midway, it slides smoothly into Northern Soul, each…
  continue reading Get ready to move with Mod Marty on this week's On Target! In just one hour, you'll groove to 60s Soul, R&B, Beat, Northern Soul, and Garage Rock, all spun on original 45RPM vinyl. Each track will have you twisting, twirling, and shimmying to authentic, high-energy beats. Lace up those dancing shoes and join the vinyl dan…
  continue reading In this high-veloc­i­ty episode of On Tar­get, Mod Mar­ty takes lis­ten­ers on a break­neck jour­ney through an hour of Soul, R&B, Beat, Garage, and North­ern Soul, all on orig­i­nal 45RPM vinyl. With rapid tran­si­tions and seam­less shifts, each track accel­er­ates the pace, pro­pelling lis­ten­ers through a whirl­wind …
  continue reading In this action-packed episode of On Tar­get, Mod Mar­ty unleash­es an hour of high-ener­gy Soul, R&B, Beat, Garage, and North­ern Soul, each track a pre­ci­sion strike from his 45RPM arse­nal. With flaw­less tran­si­tions and relent­less inten­si­ty, every song deliv­ers a knock­out punch, turn­ing the turnta­bles into a …
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Get ready for an exhil­a­rat­ing episode of On Tar­get this week! Mod Mar­ty is spin­ning a killer mix of Soul, R&B, North­ern Soul, Garage, Freak­beat, Psych, Nu Soul, and more — all on vinyl, all at 45rpm. Tune in and don’t miss out on the vibes! ----------------------------------------------- The playlist is: "Walk Tha…
  continue reading This week's On Target offers an electrifying blend. Start your engines with some classic roots R&B, harking back to the genre's early days, before shifting into overdrive with the high-octane Maximum RnB, Freakbeat, and Psych pioneered by the British forefathers of Rock. Let Northern Soul and mind-blowing Rhythm & Soul cr…
  continue reading Join Mod Mar­ty for anoth­er week’s sound­track. A reli­able and stead­fast com­pan­ion, On Tar­get serves up North­ern Soul, Rockin’ R&B, blis­ter­ing Beat, Rare Cuts, and fan favorites, all with a gen­er­ous help­ing of behind-the-scenes sto­ries and infor­ma­tion. Get ready to become a life­long fan in the know. For­ge…
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This week, Mod Marty is bringing you a lineup of tunes that'll have you dancing from your head to your toes! Get ready for an epic audio experience that could light up the room with excitement. This show will take you on a musical journey through a variety of genres and vibes that all fall under the "Mod" umbrella... and you don't even need to know…
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Get the newest episode of "On Target" and explore its global impact, the radio show that's taking the airwaves by storm. At ground zero, the heart of North American, Winnipeg, Canada we witness the community spirit as local station UMFM collects pledges from listeners during their fund drive week, highlighting the deep connection between the show a…
  continue reading This week, On Target is pulling out all the stops, delivering a stellar lineup that spans the musical spectrum from James Brown's broken soul grooves to the rocking sounds of The Small Faces, and everything in between. Get ready for a musical experience that heralds the very best of On Target! ----------------------------…
  continue reading Get up, get out, and get your groove on. Take to the streets this week with On Tar­get in your ears. As spring blooms and tem­per­a­tures rise, you can bet the music is heat­ing up too. From British Beat to North­ern Soul, from Rhythm & Blues to every­thing in-between, this episode of On Tar­get has it all. Don’t let it p…
  continue reading When this old world is get­ting you down and peo­ple are just too much for you to face, climb up to the roof, or any oth­er qui­et spot. Put on your earbuds or noise-canceling headphones, tune in to this episode of On Target, and let your worries drift into space. This is your time. ---------------------------------------…
  continue reading Are you ready for this? Mod Mar­ty, the Face of radio, is spin­ning black gold and you should be catch­ing these tasty beats. All you have to do is assume the posi­tion and brace your­self. Wave after wave of music will cas­cade right into your ears, and if you’re NOT ready, it’ll knock you off your feet. ----------------…
  continue reading This week’s show promis­es to slice through your week­ly monot­o­ny like a hot knife through but­ter, prov­ing the trans­for­ma­tive pow­er of REAL music on your soul. An unstop­pable force, a jug­ger­naut that refus­es to be halt­ed. Absorb this joint where soul­ful peo­ple knows what it’s about. Get on the good foot! --…
  continue reading On Tar­get is 10 years old! Cel­e­brate this mile­stone with Mod Mar­ty (and some friends) as he spins 1960s mod and soul music on 45rpm vinyl. Join the anniver­sary par­ty and groove to the sounds of a gen­er­a­tion, with rare gems and under­ground clas­sics that con­tin­ue to inspire. A huge thank you to our lis­ten­ers…
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It’s Mod Mar­ty’s birth­day episode, and he’s thrilled to invite you to his par­ty! Get your cans on or turn up the amp and get ready to be blown away. Feel free to indulge in some cake and cham­pagne as you enjoy this episode, deliv­ered to you with all the excite­ment and ener­gy we’ve got! -----------------------------…
  continue reading Answer the call of the Great White North, y' hosers. It's an ALL Canadian episode, eh? More Soul, R&B, Garage, and Beat than you can shake a beaver tail at but this time, it's all Canadian. Put down your poutine, pick up your your tuque and let's get those 45s rotating. ----------------------------------------------- The …
  continue reading Get ready for another episode of On Target with Mod Marty! Marty's delved into the vaults to bring you a stellar hour of 60s bangers. He's all about the most uncompressed, lossless quality possible for that rich sound and those thick beats, give your ears what they deserve! ----------------------------------------------- …
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All aboard the Go-Go Train! Mod Mar­ty’s up front, dri­ving us full steam ahead to Soul­ville. We’ll hit up Smokey Joe’s La La where they do the Bump with a Whole Lot­ta Soul. Then, we’re jump­ing over the pond to the UK with The Man From U.N.C.L.E., catch­ing up with The Faces, The Kinks, and The Who. It’s gonna be a rockin’ ride and the dance car…
  continue reading This week, Mod Mar­ty attempts to unrav­el the mys­tery of the elu­sive Phast Phred­die The Booga­loo Omnibus – the cool cat who start­ed L.A.‘s BACK DOOR MAN mag in ​’75, set­ting the stage for punk and new wave in the late ​’70s. Phred­die’s writ­ten for SLASH, LA WEEK­LY, NEW YORK ROCK­ER, ROCK SCENE, and even BILL­BOA…
  continue reading This week, Mod Mar­ty shakes off the dust and rust, tak­ing cen­ter stage on the dance floor. Mar­ty’s pas­sion for danc­ing fun­da­men­tal­ly influ­ences his musi­cal selec­tions, evi­dent in the way he ele­vates the ener­gy lev­els, send­ing it soar­ing through the roof. Mar­ty spins vinyl into gold and spreads the weal…
  continue reading A never-ending reservoir of 60s (and 60s-inspired) music is at Mod Marty's fingertips as he tirelessly—and some might say, relentlessly—discovers fresh, vibrant tracks for you. He throws them down and invites you to either hit the floor or just sit back and savor the tunes. ----------------------------------------------- …
  continue reading From the grit­ty box­es of dis­card­ed mem­o­ries comes the beat and grooves that defined an era. Fish­ing in the Old Gold Vin­tage Vinyl vaults Mod Mar­ty caught a boat load of of fresh musi­cal dis­cov­er­ies for your ears. This is a reminder that one per­son­’s dis­card­ed juke­box guts is anoth­er per­son­’s excep­tio…
  continue reading We've undergone a facelift! Sporting a new look, On Target has been rebranded to offer a contemporary vibe. However, rest assured, we remain the go-to podcast for delivering a consistent dose of quality music week after week. Despite the fresh makeover, we're still the familiar "hour of power" that you've come to rely on.…
  continue reading Hap­py New Year and wel­come to 2024. What­ev­er the next year throws our way… we can take it. This week on On Tar­get Mod Mar­ty feeds you the fuel you’ll need to get through the next week and hit the road run­ning. Don’t miss this impor­tant addi­tion to your playlist. ----------------------------------------------- The…
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BAM! Episode 450!! BOOM! Last episode of the year! POW! In your face BIG BEAT that will have you dancing a hole in the floor. This episode celebrates 450 hours of On Target and does it right! ----------------------------------------------- The playlist is: "Theme From The Other Side" Hoagy Lands - Laurie "Happy Days" Lee LaMont - Back Beat "The Wah…
  continue reading Meet Mod Mar­ty, he’s got a rep­u­ta­tion. A rep­u­ta­tion for being one of the friend­liest Mods you’ll ever meet, cruis­ing the city on his vin­tage scoot­er, impec­ca­bly dressed, boast­ing one of Canada’s most remark­able record col­lec­tions, and bring­ing the par­ty to every event he DJs. On Tar­get has its own dis­…
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This week, despite being unable to attend Key­stone, which is also tak­ing place this week, Mod Marty is still deliv­er­ing an elec­tri­fy­ing mix of mon­sters, dance-wor­thy beats, and sen­sa­tion­al tracks. Come join him for a fan­tas­tic jour­ney through North­ern Soul, pul­sat­ing Beat, grit­ty R&B, relent­less Garage/​Pop/​Beat, and an array o…
  continue reading This week, Mod Mar­ty laments the clos­ing of one of Win­nipeg’s most his­tor­i­cal record shops by play­ing an hour full of records he picked up there last week­end, for $1 each, dur­ing their liq­ui­da­tion sale. Mon­ster North­ern Soul, pound­ing Beat, grind­ing R&B, unfor­giv­ing Garage/​Pop/​Beat and so much more. --…
  continue reading This week, Mod Mar­ty digs deep into the vault, uncov­er­ing tracks that haven’t graced the air­waves in quite some time. Adher­ing to his unwa­ver­ing prin­ci­ple of a min­i­mum two-year gap between plays, Mar­ty finds a moun­tain of musi­cal trea­sure you’re guar­an­teed to love. ----------------------------------------…
  continue reading This week Mod Mar­ty inter­views Par­ka Pat in an attempt to crack open the leg­end and find out what’s real­ly going on inside. Pat intro­duces Mar­ty to 3 rare, out­stand­ing, tracks that turn him green with envy. Amidst point­ed jabs and prick­ly insults, Mar­ty man­ages to peel away a few lay­ers of the onion that mak…
  continue reading Com­pil­ing an hour of mag­nif­i­cent music, Mod Mar­ty has spend the lion’s share of this week curat­ing a lis­ten­ing expe­ri­ence to trans­port you out of this world. Fea­tur­ing a har­mo­nious blend of R&B, Soul, North­ern Soul, Max­i­mum R&B, Beat, Garage and beyond, brace your­selves for a grat­i­fy­ing jour­ney tha…
  continue reading From the frigid expans­es at the heart of the con­ti­nent, Mod Mar­ty emerges, his 1964 Ves­pa GL safe­ly stowed in a con­cealed under­ground bunker. Unde­terred by the plum­met­ing tem­per­a­tures on the tun­dra, he braves the ele­ments to curate an hour of exquis­ite music just for you. Amidst the icy sur­round­ings, th…
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This week, Mod Marty delves deep into the crypt to unearth the angriest, eeriest, and most rotten platters. The musical journey begins with sunshine and culminates under the eerie glow of the full moon. This show promises a thrilling mix that will move your feet and rattle your bones. Not quite a Halloween episode but not NOT a Halloween episode. h…
  continue reading Mod Mar­ty is back with his sig­na­ture style and ener­gy. He’s be spin­ning thrilling tunes on orig­i­nal 45rpm vinyl records, explor­ing a diverse range of gen­res from ear­ly R&B to Heavy Mod, North­ern Soul to Mod Revival, and every­thing in-between. Tune in and don’t miss out on this hour of care­ful­ly curat­ed trac…
  continue reading This week, Mod Marty sits down for an insightful conversation with the driving force shaping Toronto's vibrant soul scene. Meet Teresinha Costa, widely known as DJ Nico, the mastermind behind the immensely popular With It dance party held monthly. Teresinha's infectious beats have not only captivated Toronto but have also…
  continue reading It is the dawning of a new era. This week marks the first interview on On Target since it's inception. Julio Fernandez is the driving force behind the Keystone Soul Weekender in Lancaster, PA. Mod Marty talks with Julio about his history, The Red Rose Soul Club and the upcoming Keystone Weekender in December. Julio introd…
  continue reading An era has come to a close, marking both an end and a fresh beginning. Mod Marty bids farewell to the predominantly musical format. Starting next week, a new format will emerge, intertwining music with insightful interviews and new segments. Fear not, for Mod Marty still guarantees an enthralling playlist of classic vinyl…
  continue reading Mod Mar­ty sets the stage for epic changes to the pro­gram and excit­ing new projects on the go. Amidst a cap­ti­vat­ing sound­track of vin­tage vinyl records, Mod Mar­ty delves into the world of Comics (his very own cre­ations, to be pre­cise), upcom­ing DJ gigs, and shares intrigu­ing insights into records that’ll spin …
  continue reading Join Mod Marty as he continues to curate another hour of top tunes and captivating stories. With a treasure trove of records from his recent visit to Montreal, Marty ensures that each track he plays is a gem, promising 60 minutes of non-stop entertainment. Tune in, and don't let a single moment slip by. ------------------…
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Mod Marty has returned from Montreal, where the MODtreal Mod Weekender set the city ablaze with its vibrant festivities. Numerous top-tier DJs graced the dancefloors, spinning Mod classics that left an indelible mark, and naturally, records found new homes in eager hands. Now, join this maestro as he weaves his musical tapestry, crafting an hour of…
  continue reading Mod Marty is in Montreal for the MODtreal Mod Weekender, however, fear not, as he has created a fantastic soundtrack for your week. While Marty sets the dance floors of the Quebec city ablaze, you can enjoy a full hour of music, everything from Soul to Psych, to help ease the sting of not being there in person. Rest assur…
  continue reading This week, Mod Marty has a couple of heavy-hitters that he recently crossed of his extensive want list along with many more excellent tunes. Marty remains steadfast in propelling this musical journey ahead, consistently procuring fresh music to tickle your eardrums. Once the bug has bit you it's hard to shake the craving …
  continue reading Mod Marty brings you loads of platters brimming with tunes that will set you twirling, engage the rhythm in your bones, and compel you to move with the groove. Igniting dance floors since the mid-1950s, this is the sound that defined generations and left earworms with everyone since. --------------------------------------…
  continue reading This week presents yet another exceptional blend, featuring a continuous stream of melodies sourced from the authentic depths of their original vinyl 45s. Immerse yourself in a reservoir of Soul, R&B, Northern Soul, Garage, Mod Beat, and an array of other captivating sounds. -----------------------------------------------…
  continue reading Prepare yourself for an electrifying auditory experience as Mod Marty graces your senses this week. Get ready to be moved from the soles of your feet to the tips of your ears by an epic audio signal that has the power to ignite the atmosphere with pure excitement. This show will take you on a spirited journey through a di…
  continue reading Mod Marty brings you an exciting hour of the music of the 60s. As usual Marty puts together all the missing pieces of music history, the songs that have fallen through the cracks and are all but forgotten. Invite your friends and join the journey. ----------------------------------------------- The playlist is: "Hole In T…
  continue reading Come and join Mod Marty for a captivating hour of music that promises to stir your mind, move your body, and touch your soul. Immerse yourself in a handpicked collection of rare and original vinyl, specially curated and extensively researched to ensure an unforgettable listening experience. Don't let a single beat pass yo…
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