show episodes

The Kojima Frequency

The Kojima Frequency

A show dedicated to deep dives into the world of Hideo Kojima by a group of experts that explores his work from Metal Gear Solid to Death Stranding, the history and future of video games, and everything in-between. Hosted by Nitroid, F1NG3RS, DazeAhead, & ApacheSmash.
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Every weekday join the new voice of local issues on Canterbury Mornings with John MacDonald, 9am-12pm weekdays. It’s all about the conversation with John, as he gets right into the things that get our community talking. If it’s news you’re after, backing John is the combined power of the Newstalk ZB and New Zealand Herald news teams. Meaning when it comes to covering breaking news – you will not beat local radio. With two decades experience in communications based in Christchurch, John also ...
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The Strange Circle Horror Podcast is a series of original fiction pieces presented as audio-drama and audio-readings. This weekly dive into the strange circle involves consorting with killers, duelling with demons and communing with spirits from the other side. #horror #fiction #audio-drama #spokenword
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show series
There are going to be some noses out of joint today, with this announcement from the Government about what it’s going to do to try and sort out the shortage of houses in this country. In Housing Minister Chris Bishop’s own words, the Government is going to “flood” cities with more land so that more houses can be built, so that supply can go up, and…
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There’s a thing in politics called “optics”. Which is exactly what it sounds like. It’s all about being seen to do something. It’s also about how people see whatever it is you’re doing. You know: “Mmmm, how will this look, do you reckon? What will people think when they see us doing this, do you think?" And that is exactly what’s behind the Governm…
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When I heard on Friday morning that the cops had been out in force the night before cracking down on boy racers, I thought two things. My first thought was ‘that’s great, I hope they do it again right through the weekend’. And the reason I thought that - and it was purely selfish - was because, with the kids home from uni, I knew a couple of them w…
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Christchurch Mayor Phil Mauger joined John MacDonald for their regular catchup. The Mayor is currently in the midst of long term plan discussions, and gave his thoughts on the rates residents can expect, funding for the Arts Centre, and Orana Park. And, the Government is looking to make it so Māori wards are up for a vote, what are Mauger’s thought…
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This might be because I’m still recovering from the Bird Flu/Man Flu combo that had me stuck in bed last week. Or maybe, on this occasion, Winston Peters is actually making sense. Either way, I agree with him that it’s Mickey Mouse that we have an epidemiologist who was involved in our COVID response, leading the inquiry into it. The Royal Commissi…
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When I was off sick last week, I was crook enough to need to see a couple of doctors. And I’m very glad Chris Hipkins wasn’t one of them. Because, if he had been and if he was true to the noises he’s been making about the Government’s big cancer drugs announcement yesterday, then he’d probably spend all his time apologising to me for taking too lon…
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Resources Minister Shane Jones was full of it when he was on Newstalk ZB this morning, talking about the Government's plan to lift the ban on oil and gas exploration. He said you and I have two choices. We can either go with the people he calls the "lotus-eaters". These are the people who are outraged that the Government is lifting the ban. People …
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National’s Vanessa Weenink and Labour’s Reuben Davidson joined John MacDonald to dig into the biggest political stories of the week. Nicola Willis believes that it is a politician's job to provide hope for their citizens, do they agree as we head towards next week’s Budget? Is mining on the West Coast a good idea to boost the local economy, or does…
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Who would think that former Finance Minister Grant Robertson and current Finance Minister Nicola Willis could agree on anything? But it seems they do. Both of them think that it’s the job of politicians to give people hope. I think that’s wishful thinking on their part. When Grant Robertson gave his valedictory speech two months ago before leaving …
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Mining is on the way back. That’s the message today from Regional Development and Resources Minister Shane Jones who is on the West coast to announce the Government's proposal to double mining exports (which are already worth $1 billion) by allowing mining in some conservation areas - not just for coal, but other minerals too. The Government says o…
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So, it looks like the Government is going to ditch the First Home Buyers Scheme which gives people up to $10,000 to help get them into their first home. All up, it costs the Government $60 million a year. It seems that money’s going to go into social housing instead. And it’s tick, tick, tick from me. That’s because, even though I think there is a …
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John MacDonald was joined this morning by Chris Hipkins for their regular catchup. Labour's leader is warning the Government it shouldn't can a grant for first home buyers. An inquiry led by former PM Sir Bill English has found Kainga Ora needs to find significant savings to be financially viable. The Housing Minister says every programme the state…
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From Microsoft's business decisions to a week defined by an indie renaissance, the group discusses the rollercoaster of a month it's been for the gaming industry. We also cover what the gang's been playing, including Apache's Yazuka journey, F1NG3RS's dive into Animal Well and Nitroid and Days's new obsession with Crow Country. Recorded May 16, 202…
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What an absolute shambles Kāinga Ora sounds like. But, let’s be honest, even though the Government is making noises about what a shocker this investigation and report by Sir Bill English is - it’s probably quietly quite pleased with it, don't you think? And, for me, the key thing it all comes down to is how involved a government, of any persuasion,…
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Heath Franklin will return to Christchurch in June as ‘Chopper’ in his latest comedy tour on June 7. John MacDonald spoke to Heath about his career as Chopper, what it was like to meet the man himself - which turned out to be rather underwhelming, and why he walked away from a career in law to become a comedian. LISTEN ABOVE. See…
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Shock horror from the OCD today. Shock. Horror. It's saying that New Zealand has one of the highest rates of homelessness in the developed world. All right, that's what it's saying. But if you dig a little deeper, you find that our definition of homelessness is broader than most other countries, and I think we're a bit quick to classify someone as …
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If you talk to anyone who has been a manager and you ask them what’s the best thing about being a manager and what’s the worst, the answer will be the same for both. The people. I know, because I’ve been a manager before, and I know exactly how brilliant it can be when things are going great with your people. But, when they’re not, it can be a nigh…
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John MacDonald was joined by National's Vanessa Weenink and Labour’s Duncan Webb this week for Politics Friday. They discussed the bullying culture in New Zealand, is it rife in workplaces? And does it come from the top, given the environment in Parliament? Will the Government's charter schools really be the answer to our education issues? Is the S…
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Things are really packing a sad at Christchurch City Holdings Limited - the commercial outfit that looks after the city’s assets such as the airport, Orion electricity, and the port company. There are others as well, but the big ones are a 75% stake in Christchurch Airport, 89% of the Orion electricity distribution company, and 100% ownership of th…
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First we had roads of significance. Now we have roads of insignificance. And top of the list is Brougham Street, in Christchurch, with this decision by the Government to pull the plug on a $90 million upgrade of what would have to be one of the most congested and dangerous roads in the city. Because, up until yesterday, it was all-go. It was due to…
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People are getting very excited - not in a good way - this plan in Auckland to start charging people 24-hours-a-day, seven days a week to park their cars in the CBD. Apparently, mayor Wayne Brown isn’t even happy about it. But I don’t know why. I think it’s a great idea and I think we should be doing it in Christchurch. Now, when I say I think it’s…
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I could be wrong. But I reckon most of us wouldn’t have done what Transpower wanted us to do to try and avoid power cuts. I could be wrong. You may have dutifully done what Transpower wanted you to do. Which was to use as little power as possible by not charging your phone and not having heaters and lights on in rooms you’re not using between 7am a…
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John MacDonald was joined by Labour’s Megan Wood and National’s Matt Doocey to break down this week in Politics Friday. This morning’s situation with the power grid sparked a lot of chatter, are we really in a third world state as David Seymour claims? Megan Woods revealed that support for the families impacted by the mosque attack will be cut this…
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David Seymour is a muppet. I bet that’s what the Prime Minister was thinking yesterday when reporters were asking him if he agreed with Seymour’s view that sushi is “woke”. The ACT leader and the Associate Education Minister made the claim about sushi after he’d announced that the Government is revamping the school lunches programme by getting back…
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How about this? I found myself agreeing this morning with someone who has been described as a racist dinosaur. To a point. This lefty wokester, that some people seem to think I am, actually agrees with this Kings Council lawyer who disagrees with tikanga Māori being compulsory for students doing a law degree at university from next year. I agree wi…
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Labour Leader Chris Hipkins joined John MacDonald for their regular catchup on Canterbury Mornings. The compulsory inclusion of tikanga Māori in law studies has ignited debate. Does Hipkins feel it has a place in our legal system? Should its study be compulsory? He was quick to make an assessment of the Government’s plan for a 'mega-prison' out at …
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Don’t go thinking that I’m soft on crime or pro-criminal or anything like that. But I think this idea the Government’s got of having a mega prison as part of its investment in the Corrections Service, I think it’s an idea that sucks. What it’s doing is it’s reviving a plan to build a mega-prison in Waikato with an 810-bed extension of Waikeria Pris…
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It’s time to get nervous. Very nervous. I’m talking here about the Government’s big water announcement. It’s starting with Auckland but, right around the country, changes are on the way. Auckland is first cab off the rank because it already has an outfit separate from Auckland Council’s other operations running drinking water supply. That’s Waterca…
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The Come Together tribute series continues in Christchurch this week, with a group of superstar Kiwi musicians performing The Joshua Tree. Milan Borich, lead singer of the band Pluto, joined John MacDonald on Newstalk ZB Canterbury Mornings to talk about the show, his favourite U2 song of all time, and the intimidation of paying tribute to a band l…
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Today on Politics Friday John MacDonald was joined by National's Vanessa Weenink and Labour’s Duncan Webb. They discussed the recent behaviour from MPs, will complaints be laid? Education is getting a facelift, is it time for a combined plan for a long-term approach to education in New Zealand to prevent our young people becoming guinea pigs? AUKUS…
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One of the cliches people often use when they’re talking about politicians and the way they behave in Parliament is that they behave like “a bunch of kids”. I’ve been hearing people say that forever. And, of course, what they’re talking about is the way politicians sometimes lose their rag when they’re debating things in the House. But Green Party …
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Back again for his regular interview, Christchurch’s Mayor Phil Mauger joined John MacDonald in studio on Canterbury Mornings. They dug into the funding issues plaguing Christchurch including updates on the Arts Centre and Cathedral and got the mayor’s thoughts on the Waimakariri and Selwyn Councils’ refusal to contribute to the new stadium. Plus, …
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Remember it wasn’t that long ago that, if you saw someone doing some dodgy driving, you’d wonder whether they got their licence in a WeetBix box. I haven’t heard anyone use that line for a while. But what it meant, of course, was that someone’s driving was so bad it looked as if they didn’t have to do anything to get behind the wheel, to get their …
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Glassjaw/Head Automatica frontman and Kojima Frequency Superfan Daryl Palumbo joins us to get off his chest what the Metal Gear series means to him. We also discuss getting pulled back into Fallout, potential directors for a Metal Gear adaptation and the now sold out MGSCON2. Recorded on April 18, 2024…
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It feels to me like big brother is being put in his place. And I think it’s brilliant. Well, maybe not completely in his place. But we’re getting there, with this announcement by the Government that it’s going to make it easier for us to get loans and mortgages by giving banks and finance companies more flexibility to decide how they assess whether…
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You know how you hear people talk about “the million dollar question”? Today, it’s a $13 million dollar question that needs answering. It’s all to do with the streets around the new stadium in the centre of Christchurch: Te Kaha. You might remember, a while back, how the council came up with this idea of spending $34 million getting the streets rea…
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Today on Politics Friday National’s Matt Doocey and Labour’s Tracey McLellan joined John MacDonald to dive into this week’s biggest political stories. Christchurch City Council will soon be making decisions surrounding the funding of the new stadium: should the $13 million price tag be paid by ratepayers? Or should the project be put on hold until …
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Savage and rushed. That’s how the Public Service Association is describing the Government’s crackdown on public sector spending, after another 1,000 job cuts were announced yesterday alone. Taking the total so far to more than 3,000. I’m going to add “flying blind” to that description. Because I think these cuts are starting to look like cuts for t…
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Funding issues have struck Christchurch, with the Cathedral, the Arts Centre, the A&P Show, and Orana Park all facing financial strife. Mayor Phil Mauger joined John MacDonald to dig into the issues, touching as well on the issue of begging on the streets of Christchurch and the timeline of the Council’s new CEO. LISTEN ABOVE See…
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Every time something terrible or tragic happens you hear people trot out a line which, I think, is totally meaningless. Maybe I’ve just become too cynical in my old age. But it was trotted out again on TV last night by a reporter talking about the appalling knife attacks at the mall in Sydney at the weekend. He was talking about an investigation th…
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It seems to me that the rough sleepers are back on Colombo Street, outside Ballantynes. I went past this morning on the way in and there were a few of them there in the doorway. They were there last week, too. After what seems like ages. But, it doesn’t seem to be the central city where homeless people are causing the most problems at the moment. O…
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Today on Politics Friday John MacDonald was joined by National’s Matt Doocey and Labour’s Megan Woods to discuss this week’s biggest stories. They discussed Puberty Blockers, and what the Government will do about us prescribing ten times the number they do in the UK? Will National’s tenancy laws make life worse for renters? Is it time to build more…
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It happens all the time in New Zealand, doesn't it? Something goes pear-shaped and people start banging-on about the Government needing to step-in and do something. And the banging-on is loud in relation to the job losses confirmed by Warner Brothers Discovery and TVNZ. Newshub is closing, as proposed. And TVNZ is ditching the Sunday programme, as …
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Instead of banging-on about things like fining parents who don’t send their kids to school, the Government should be finding out what’s already working to sort out school truancy. They won’t do that, though, because some of the things I’ve been reading about would go down like a cup of the proverbial with voters. And you’ve got to keep the voters s…
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Chris Hipkins says it's important to look beyond school attendance headlines to what's behind the numbers. The Government's unveiled plans to improve reporting of attendance data and bring in a traffic light system of interventions for truant students. It will also release new public health guidance about when a student is well enough to go to scho…
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Do you reckon politicians stay in the job too long? Christopher Luxon thinks so. And I agree with him. Some of them, anyway. They’re a bit like the milk that no one chucks out of the office fridge and one morning you turn-up, go to make yourself a cuppa and there are little floaty bits in your cup. That’s kind of what the Prime Minister was getting…
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