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Nancy Anderson (M.S. Kinesiology) is an serial fitness entrepreneur and the Founder and president of Nancy Anderson Fit, Birth Recovery Center, Move Your Bump, and Treadthrill. She is fired up and passionately motivated about helping moms and moms-to-be live their best and healthiest lives, and is literally living her dream job helping women all over the world do just that.
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Be Fearless. Be Fertile. Rosanne Austin, former state prosecutor turned Fertility Fairy Godmother, has helped women around the world get pregnant in the face of overwhelming odds using, the most powerful, untapped resource they have: Mindset. Rosanne beat the statistics herself by conceiving naturally and giving birth to her miracle boy at age 43, despite years of fertility treatment failure. Get quick hits of insider information about how to think, believe, and take action like a woman who ...
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show series
If you’ve been on this journey long enough, you’ve heard about the subject of Spirit Babies. This week we are ALL about this glorious, yet scary to our “logical mind” topic, with Intuitive Fertility Educator and Spirit Baby Expert, Nancy Mae. Join Nancy and I as we discuss what Spirit Babies are and how they can inspire and lead us through our fert…
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Var nattens præsidentdebat mellem Donald Trump og Joe Biden dråben, der gør, at Biden på historisk vis ikke bliver Demokraternes præsidentkandidat alligevel? Det er et stort spørgsmål, men det mener tidligere USA-korrespondent og diplomat Torsten Jansen, der ved ottetiden i morges mødtes med Jakob Terp-Hansen for at drøfte præsidentdebatten, som de…
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With numbers and a history like Caroline’s, most people would think it was curtains for their dream of having a baby–particularly with their own egg. But like so many of my ladies, Caroline became her own plot twist. Not only did Caroline get pregnant naturally, she stayed pregnant, and the story couldn’t be more sweet. Learn what Caroline did to t…
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Struggling with PCOS and a recent miscarriage, Kara was starting to doubt whether she would complete her family. When a neighbor suggested she start listening to the Fearlessly Fertile podcast, Kara was hooked and set on an entirely new path to baby-making success. Learn how Kara transformed her fear, doubt, and negativity into calm confidence in h…
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In part 3 of the Fertile AF series, I am asking a question that, depending on your answer, will put you on a path to fertility success beyond your wildest expectations. Real talk, I’m serious. Let’s see if you have the courage to answer it honestly. Are you registered for the Fearlessly Fertile Mid-Year Makeover? Join us here.…
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In part 2 of the Fertile AF series, we are taking a look at the odd relationship we have with TIME, as we live our fertility journeys. We agonize over time, yet we squander it in wildly destructive ways. Listen in as I help you reshape and reframe your relationship with the hands of time. Are you ready for your miracle? Start your fertility success…
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In this first episode in the Fertile AF 3-part series, we are going to slap around the subject of “nice” in the context of this journey. I see far too many women handing over their power to being “nice” and that shit’s gotta stop…particularly if you are serious about beating the odds. When it comes to your fertility journey, “nice” girls definitely…
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Most people look at statistics when trying to determine their chances of getting and staying pregnant. Time and again, my ladies and I have proven that the stats aren’t the real indicator of your chances of success or…ultimate failure. I’m going to share the true, foolproof way of predicting whether you will eventually succeed or fail on this journ…
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With what doctors were telling her, the fertility cards were stacked against Amanda. Diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, uterine polyps, low AMH, and a 3% chance of conceiving, she knew she had to do better than living in fear, doubt, and negativity if she was going to have any hope for success. Learn how this courageous mama over came terrible o…
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Struggling to trust yourself and your body as you live your fertility journey? I will break down the #1 thing you must do NOW, to begin restoring the trust that is so vital to excellent decision making, faith, and surrender. Now who doesn’t need 2 scoops of that right now?…
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When a Harvard researcher says we have the power to think ourselves to health and break free from dis-ease, wise women will pay attention. Join me for a powerful conversation with the legendary, wonderfully disruptive to “the narrative,” Dr. Ellen Langer, as we discuss her mindblowing research and how your thoughts are quite literally impacting you…
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Many think that when you get pregnant, you can toss all of your mindset work out the window. Not true. Learn how my beloved Katy leveraged the power of mindset to not only recover from IVF failure and a devastating second trimester loss, but to create a fertility journey “fairytale,” that was truly beyond her wildest dreams…naturally.…
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Women who beat the odds on the fertility journey don’t wait until their “comfortable” to take the leaps that bring them their babies. Learn why “comfortable” on this journey is sabotage and discomfort is divine. If you’ve been waiting for the so called right moment to make your next move, turn this one up.…
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When you aren’t getting the results you desire on this journey, your first instinct is to work harder, be more perfect, and suffer just a little bit more. What if that’s actually the dumbest thing you can do? This week I’m sharing a smarter, more effective strategy, that is doing to take “hard work” out of your fertilty journey. https://frommaybeto…
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Most people would go into a tailspin if they heard the words “genetic incompatability,” while TTC. Now add IVF failure and recurrent miscarriage on top of that. Miracle Mama Jo decided she wasn’t going to let any of that get in the way of the vision she held for her family. Learn how Aussie Mama Jo gave statistics, naysayers, and being confined to …
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I februar præsenterede vi vores historiske podcastserie. Ambitionen var at fortælle historien om otte væsentlige personer i USA's historie, der dog ikke blev præsidenter - og gennem dem fortælle de store linjer i landets politiske historie. Nu er vi så nået til vejs ende og til afsnit otte i serien, og det skal handle om den måske mest markante spe…
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Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably noticed that things are getting a little weird in the world. In the US it’s an election year, there’s conflict going on around the planet, people seem edgy, theres a lunar eclipse set for April, WEF weirdos claiming there’s another mystery affliction headed our way, rampant censorship, inflati…
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Hun har været førstedame, senator, udenrigsminister og Demokraternes præsidentkandidat i 2016. I denne serie om dem, der ikke blev præsidenter, er hun den, som var tættest på at blive netop det. Men hvem er Hillary Clinton - egentlig? Hvilken fortid og samtid repræsenterede hun? Og hvorfor kan hun forekomme så svær helt at forstå? Heldigvis har vi …
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With the first quarter of 2024 coming to an end, it’s time to get real about what will make you successful this year. Part of you might not want to hear what I have to say, but those mamas-in-the-making committed to success this year will turn this episode up and listen to it at least 3 times…yup, it’s that important. Apply for an interview to be p…
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I afsnit 6 af denne serie skal det handle om 1970'erne og Henry Kissinger, der var national sikkerhedsrådgiver og senere udenrigsminister og tjente i både Nixon-administrationen og Ford-administrationen. Kissinger, der forinden havde en glorværdig akademisk karriere, gjorde tjeneste i en tid præget af Vietnamkrigen, åbningen af forholdet til Kina o…
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It is 100% possible that you currently hold values that contradict your desire for success on this journey. In this episode we will talk about what some of those may be and how you can make sure you aren’t driving with one foot on the gas and one foot on the brake on your way to Mama Town. Want to learn what I taught the Miracle Mamas you’ve heard …
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Forskellige navne er blevet nævnt, når man diskuterer, hvem der er den bedste præsident, USA aldrig fik. Et af dem er Robert F. Kennedy, JFK's lillebror og justitsminister og senere senator og præsidentaspirant. Robert F. Kennedys karriere kulminerede i 1960'erne - en tid, der både var præget af kampen for borgerrettigheder, Vietnamkrigen og Cubakr…
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Having escaped her stagnant life in the corporate world, Tsao-Lin Moy, founder of Integrative Healing Arts in NYC, has spent the last 21 years helping women optimize their health and fertility using Chinese medicine. Join Tsao and I as we have a conversation about breaking free from the confines of numbers and statistics, so you can get out of the …
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I 1946 blev et særdeles omtalt og omdiskuteret dokument afsendt fra Moskva. Det er kendt som "det lange telegram", og diplomaten George Kennan stod bag. Grundlæggende handlede dette dokument om, hvordan USA skulle håndtere Sovjetunionen - og måske havde det indflydelse på Trumandoktrinen, der blev udformet i 1947, og som for nogen at se begyndte de…
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Tanya’s dream was to conceive naturally, but after 5 years TTC, repeated IVF failures, and the clock ticking, that seemed like an impossible dream. Learn how Tanya became more fertile in her 40s than she was in her 30s, doing what she LOVED and within months of completing Fearlessly Fertile Full Throttle.…
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Vi er nået til det 20. århundrede, og i afsnit 3 skal det derfor handle om et af dette århundredes mest markante kvinder - førstedame Eleanor Roosevelt. Roosevelt, der var førstedame i sin mands præsidenttid fra 1933-1945, indtog embedet på sin helt egen måde fortsatte sit politiske og aktivistiske engagement i FN, efter tiden som førstedame var sl…
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Is sexy time getting boring or downright non-existent? As my fake holiday Valentine’s Day gift to you, we are going to have a constructive, non-sex expert convo about how you can lovingly keep things awesome when it comes to intimacy with your partner as you live your fertility journey. The 3 steps I share with you, will have your partner sending M…
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Vi er nået til afsnit 2 i vores ugentlige historiske serie om centrale politikere, der ikke blev præsidenter, og i dag handler om det om Edwin Stanton, der var krigsminister under Abraham Lincoln, mens den amerikanske borgerkrig rasede fra 1861-1865. Derfor beskæftiger udsendelsen sig naturligvis ikke kun med Stanton, men også med tiden op til, und…
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Did you know that your oral health could directly impact your fertility and ability to carry your baby to term? In fact, certain oral infections (that you might NOT know you have) can increase the risk of fertility issues by 3 times! Join me as I have a fairly mind-blowing conversation with Dr. Katie Lee, DDS as we blow the lid off this critically …
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I dag har vi premiere på en ny, historisk podcastserie, hvor vi i otte afsnit ser nærmere på otte væsentlige politiske skikkelser i USA, der havde stor betydning, men har det fællestræk, at de aldrig blev præsidenter. Det er dog ikke kun personportrætter - for et andet af seriens formål er at fortælle de store linjer i USA's politiske historie. Der…
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Let’s end the fear-mongering, ignorance, and flat out nonsense floating around out there around women’s health, fertility, pregnancy, and birth shall we? In this provocative episode with maverick OB-GYN Dr. Stu Fischbein, MD, there’s no question a few feathers might be ruffled. When it comes to empowering women to make excellent choices for themsel…
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Would you have the guts to keep going after 5 years TTC, an ectopic pregnancy, low AMH, and IVF failure? Well this scrumptiously scrappy Scot did…and she got pregnant NATURALLY. Learn what my beloved Louise did to turn things around on her fertility journey FAST, so she could call in her baby girl at 42. She even predicted being on my podcast at 25…
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Question #3 in this 3-part series takes us out of the theoretical in to the practical. If you’ve answered questions 1 and 2, your answer to question 3 will be the difference between success and failure. If you are serious about having this baby, turn this episode up. Transcript: Hey Gorgeous, if you want success on your fertility journey, you’ve go…
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Question #2 in this 3-part series is all about facing “the thing” that will guarantee your FAILURE. We all have something in us that makes failure final. Will you let it rob you of your dream? Transcript: Hey Gorgeous, if you want success on your fertility journey, you’ve got to have the mindset for it. It’s time to kick fear, negativity, doubt, sh…
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Happy New Year! If 2023 didn’t go exactly as you had planned, this 3-part series is going to help you shake sh*t up, so you don’t repeat last year’s disappointments. If you aren’t ALL IN for a baby in 2024, skip this series. We start off with a question that is probably going to scare you. It’s high flame sh*t. Buckle up. Transcript: Hey Gorgeous, …
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These are the final days of 2023, Mama! Want to use them like a woman who is going to create massive success on her journey in the coming year? Do the exercise I share in this episode…you will be so glad you did. 2024 can 100% be your year! Transcript: Hey Gorgeous, if you want success on your fertility journey, you’ve got to have the mindset for i…
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Are you in “wait and see” mode? We are talking about why that absolutely sucks and how it can actually derail the success you truly want on this journey. If you are saying, “let’s just wait and see” anywhere in your life, you’ve got to turn this one up. Transcript: Hey Gorgeous, if you want success on your fertility journey, you’ve got to have the …
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With 250 episodes of the Fearlessly Fertile Podcast, it’s time to celebrate. Join us as we bring back some of the Miracle Mama Legends that have appeared on the podcast and reflect on how much their lives have changed since leaning into their HELL YES. If you need a fantastic dose of “Yes, I can,” turn this one up! Transcript: Hey Gorgeous, if you …
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Are you an “I’ll believe it when I see it” kind of woman? Learn how this seemingly “realistic” and “sensible” mentality with make your fertility journey 10x worse and can create the worst kind of blocks between you and your baby. Can’t say Mama didn’t warn you… Transcript: Hey Gorgeous, if you want success on your fertility journey, you’ve got to h…
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Der er under et år til næste præsidentvalg, og en af de faktorer, der normalt anses som central, er økonomiens tilstand. Derfor tager vi temperaturen på USA's økonomi - for hvordan går det egentlig? Er bekymringen for en recession berettiget? Og hvad med inflationen? Få er bedre til at udlægge de amerikanske nøgletal end Ulrik Bie, der er økonomisk…
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With labels like PCOS, an underactive thyroid, and being “geriatric,” Natalia could have been shamed into giving upon her dream of completing her family. BUT, this gorgeous Mama of 2 daughters, knew her family was not complete. Learn how Natalia overcame all of the obstacles she faced. Transcript: Hey Gorgeous, if you want success on your fertility…
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Got some angst about another family Thanksgiving (or other holidays) with annoying questions and high stress BS? In this episode I’m going to help you dismantle that destructive pattern with some characteristically Fearlessly Fertile awesomeness. Turn this one up on the way to grandma’s house… Transcript: Hey Gorgeous, if you want success on your f…
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Most people don’t have the guts to tell you what I’m sharing this week. We tend to see challenges and “hard sh*t” on this journey as “bad.” What if that isn’t the case at all? I mean NOT AT ALL! Join me as I break down a truth about your fertility journey that–if you are serious about success–you need to hear. Transcript: Hey Gorgeous, if you want …
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With 2023 coming to a close in just about 8 weeks, it would be really easy to get SUPER DOWN about where you are at on this journey–if you aren’t pregnant. I’m going to show you a completely different way of looking at your fertility past–with an eye on your fertile future. If you are at all queasy and uneasy about your prospects for success, turn …
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Are you harboring anger about your results thus far on your fertility journey? In this episode I am going to break down the very real consequences that can result from staying stuck in “pissed mode” as you live this journey. If you want to be sure you are moving toward success, not sabotage, turn this one up! Want the journal page that goes with th…
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Want to give yourself the best possible chances for conception? It starts with seeing your body as a whole, rather than just a pile of parts that “don’t work.” Dr. Olivia Watkins and I have a powerful conversation about Naturopathic medicine and it’s unique approach to preparing and supporting women on their fertility journey. We even take a good l…
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A “geriatric” medical professional with her endometriosis in full swing and low AMH, Pauline was told that she had at best a 1% chance of conceiving. She responded “poorly” to IVF with just 2 eggs retrieved–neither made it to blastocyst. That’s when Pauline and I met. You will hear that Pauline went from being a “poor responder,” to getting and sta…
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