Olgi Finance Business Administration Teacher Realtor Content Creator Bilingual Podcaster Writer public
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I choose to be happy

Olgi- Finance-Business Administration-Teacher-Realtor-Content Creator-Bilingual Podcaster-Writer

🎙Welcome to “I Choose To Be Happy” podcast. Olgi believes that happiness is a choice and you have to choose it every day on purpose. If you are looking to improve your life, learn new things, be entertained, this is a great podcast to begin with. This is a bilingual podcast with a variety of interesting topics. Episodes will be in English and in Spanish. Will upload a new episode every 2 weeks. Olgi and/or her guest speakers will share simple tools to help you live a happier, more balanced, ...
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show series
Do you know what is emotional burnout? How do you know you are burnout? What is the difference between stress and burnout? In this episode I will also share ways that you can deal with emotional burnout if you are struggling with it. 🧡Follow us on Instagram @ichoose2behappy so you can write us your feedback, comments, suggestions. 🎙I appreciate it …
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¿Necesitas mejorar tu amor propio? Tu valor? Te arrepientes de algo? ¿Sabes qué significa para ti el término autoestima? ¿A veces desearías tener la oportunidad de retroceder en el tiempo y escribir de nuevo tu historia, con una jornada más fácil, tal vez, con finales más felices y mejores resultados para ti? ¿Te gustaría haberte comportado de mane…
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Do you have any regrets? Do you know what the term self-worth means to you? Do you sometimes wish you had a chance to go back in time and rewrite your story, with an easier journey, perhaps, with happier endings and better results for you? Do you wish you handled yourself differently when you were younger? If you had an opportunity to go back in ti…
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En este episodio, te explicaré qué es el gaslighting? Quién lo hace? Y porqué lo hace? Te daré consejos útiles sobre cómo reconocer y responder a la manipulación del gaslighting. También compartiré contigo ejemplos , historias de la vida real de cómo se ve el gaslighting, cómo reconocer la guerra sicológica. 🧡Si tienes alguna pregunta, comentario, …
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In this episode I will explain what is gaslighting, who gaslights and will give you helpful tips how to recognize and respond to the manipulation of gaslighting. I will also share with you examples of how gaslighting looks like. 🧡If you have any questions, comments, concerns, suggestions, make sure you are following me on Instagram @ichoose2behappy…
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En este episodio te doy tips simples, herramientas y ejemplos de cómo puedes lograr la verdadera felicidad , alcanzar la paz interior, evadir el stress, la ansiedad y las enfermedades crónicas. ✅Suscríbete gratis, a mi podcast, I choose to be happy (traduce: elijo ser feliz) 🔔Prende la campanita de notificación para que no te pierdas de futuros epi…
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Are you truly happy? Do you know the meaning of real happiness? Have you ever experienced a natural bliss in your soul? What activities make you feel happier? Do you know who is Abraham Maslow and what is his explanation about the human hierarchy of needs and happiness? In this episode I will also share some tips how you can achieve real happiness.…
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Te gustaría vivir mas de 100 años, saludable y feliz? En este episodio comparto tips simples que posiblemente te ayudarán a vivir muchísimos años, saludable y feliz! 🧡Te invito a que me sigas en Instagram @ichoose2behappy y compartas este enlace con otras personas 🎙Recuerda subscribirte a mi podcast gratis, "I choose to be happy", y prender la camp…
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Would you like to know the secrets to a long healthy and happy life? In this episode I will give you helpful tips and examples of things you can do to achieve this objective, life goal. 🎙I appreciate if you continue to help me grow my podcast platform by subscribing to my free podcast, continue to listen to the episodes, and sharing the link with o…
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Crees en el amor verdadero? Sabes cuando alguien te ama de verdad? Has experimentado el amor verdadero? Has amado de verdad? En este episodio comparto contigo tips para saber si amas de verdad o si alguien te ama de verdad. ❤️Me encanta recibir tus mensajes, comentarios y sugerencias en mi Instagram @ichoose2behappy Yo leo tus mensajes y te contest…
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Hello friend! Have you ever been truly loved? Have you ever loved someone truly? In this episode I will talk about the difference between romantic and true love. Will share some general signs you know if is true love, signs of a healthy relationship and tips how can you show someone you truly love them. 🎙Remember to subscribe to my free podcast, tu…
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Esperas el último minuto para hacer algo? Tienes muchas cosas que hacer pero no sabes por dónde empezar? Pospones la realización de una actividad por miedo al proceso o al resultado? Dejas de completar una tarea o actividad aunque no completarla te da más estrés a largo plazo? Pospones realizar una tarea o actividad porque crees que no es el moment…
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In this episode I will discuss the meaning of procrastination and why we procrastinate. I will also give you key points, tips on how to overcome procrastination. Do you often wait for the last minute or past the deadline to do something? You get easily overwhelm and don't know where and when to start a task? Do you put off doing an activity for fea…
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Has tenido una experiencia con una persona que tiene una actitud “me debes” y cree que se lo merece todo? Alguna vez has ayudado a alguien y esta persona dice que no la ayudaste ? Ayudas a una persona pero te hace sentir que nunca ayudas suficiente? Te ha pasado que una persona que ayudaste mucho se te convierte en enemigo o enemiga porque pusiste …
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Have you ever had a bad experience with an entitled person? Do you want to know why do some people act so entitled? What are the characteristics of an entitled person? Why someone become entitled? How to deal with an entitled person? Can an entitled person fix their entitlement issues? In this episode my guest speaker will share a personal story an…
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Cuantos tipos de generaciones hay? Sabes porque tus hijos nacidos después del 2010 son una generación muy influyente , llamada generación Alfa? Como se diferencian las generaciones? Que entiendes por diferencia generacional? De que generación eres? Cuales son los ejemplos de diferencias generacionales? ✴️Te invito a que me sigas en Instagram @ichoo…
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Different generations often have different views of each other, based on their experiences, values and attitudes. In this episode my guest speaker and myself have a conversation about different generation's pros, cons and beliefs. What generation are you? What do you value? ✍️Would love for you to write me your opinion, comments, suggestions on my …
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¿Te resulta difícil entender por qué alguien a quien has ayudado se vuelve en tu contra? ¿Te han aprovechado? ¿Cómo saber si se están aprovechando de ti? ¿Cómo evitar que se aprovechen de ti? Alguna vez te has sentido triste porque cuando pones limites saludables algunas personas te quieren hacer un bully? 💜Te invito a seguirme a mí y a mis 3 gatos…
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Is it difficult for you to understand why someone you have helped turns against you? Have you been taken advantage of? How to find out if you are being taken advantage of? How to avoid being taken advantage of ? 🧡I invite you to follow me and my 3 rescue cats on Instagram @ichoose2behappy 🎙Would love for you to subscribe to my free podcast "I Choos…
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In this episode we follow Mary's quest to find the perfect man for her. This episode is a parody for entertaining purposes. We don't intend to offend anyone. Here in I Choose to Be Happy, we respect all people and value inner beauty. We believe that we are all beautiful, unique individuals. ❤️We invite you to follow us on Instagram @ichoose2behappy…
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Tu crees en el Karma? Sabes como funciona el Karma? Puedes reversar las consecuencias del Karma? Hay alguna conexión entre el Karma y una intervención divina? 💜Te invito a que me sigas en Instagram @ichoose2behappy 💗Te recuerdo te subscribas a mi podcast, gratis, "I Choose To Be Happy" y prendas la campanita de notificación 🔔 para que no te pierdas…
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Do you believe in Karma? Do you know how Karma works? Do you think Karma can be reversed? Is Karma and a Divine intervention related? 🧡Follow me on Instagram @ichoose2behappy for entertaining, inspiring, uplifting and motivating content 🎙I invite you to subscribe to my podcast, I Choose To Be Happy and turn on the notification bell 🔔 so you don't m…
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Crees que los fantasmas existen? Has tenido alguna experiencia con fantasmas? Te dan miedo los fantasmas? En este episodio, mi guest speaker y yo compartimos unas historias de la vida real sobre fantasmas. 💜Te invito a que me sigas en Instagram @ichoose2behappy 🎙Te recuerdo te subscribas, me sigas en mi podcast gratis, I Choose To Be Happy y compar…
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Do you believe ghost exist? Are you afraid of ghosts? Have you had an encounter with a ghost? In this episode a couple of guest speakers and myself will share some true ghost stories. 🧡I invite you to follow me on Instagram @ichoose2behappy and subscribe to my free podcast, I Choose To Be Happy. ✍️Would love for you to write me on Insta, your opini…
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La vida es hermosa pero a veces puede ser desafiante y abrumadora. En este episodio, Albert, nuestro invitado especial, comparte contigo como se reconecta consigo mismo en estos tiempos dificiles. Te da tips para obtener paz interior, buscar y encontrar las respuestas a tus preguntas. 💜Te invito a que me sigas en Instagram @ichoose2behappy, te subs…
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Life is beautiful but can be challenging and overwhelming at times. Do you look for external sources to reconnect with yourself? What do you do to find inner peace? In this episode, Albert, guest speaker, gives you tips, shares with us, how he reconnects with himself during tough times to find inner peace. 🧡Would love for you to follow us on Instag…
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Cuales son las característica de un buena amistad? Los valores de una amistad han cambiado con las nuevas generaciones? Después de una traición o falta de respeto , se puede recuperar una amistad? Cuales son los beneficios de una buena amistad? Como conocer buenos amigos? 🧡Te invito a que me sigas en Instagram @ichoose2behappy 🎙Si te gusta mi podca…
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What are the main characteristics of a good friend? What do you say to a friend who betrayed you? What are the characteristics of a toxic friend? What are the benefits of having good friends in your life? How and where to meet potential new friends? Generational differences in meeting new friends? 💜Would love for you to follow me and my 3 rescue ki…
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Do you often look for others to give you a sense of security? Do you feel like you must have someone's company to feel complete, happy, calm? Do you have difficulty identifying your feelings? Do you mask your pain in ways with anger or isolation? Are you looking for acceptance from people who are not emotionally accessible? Do you constantly seek r…
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A menudo buscas que otros te brinden sensación de seguridad? Sientes que tienes que tener la compañía de alguien para sentirte completo, tranquilo? Tienes dificultad para identificar tus sentimientos? Enmascaras tu dolor de maneras con rabia o aislamiento? Buscas la aceptación de personas no accesibles emocionalmente? Buscas constantemente el recon…
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Are you looking to find the perfect man for you? In this episode our guest speaker recounts anecdotes, experiences related to her search for her perfect man! We will discuss some of the different types of men’s personalities and their characteristics. Which one is the perfect man for you? Perfect Pete? Fernando, the fish? Or Bob, the bod? You decid…
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Te preocupas excesivamente por el futuro? O al enfrentar una situación difícil como realizar un examen? Reunirte con tu jefe? Buscar un trabajo nuevo? Asistir a un evento social? O al tomar una decisión importante? Sientes a menudo miedo? A menudo te sientes inquieto y empiezas a tener latidos rápidos o a sudar? Te preocupas tanto que tienes dificu…
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Do you worry excessively about the future? Or when faced with a difficult situation such as taking a test, meeting with your boss, attending a social event, or when making an important decision? Do you feel overwhelmed by too much pressure to perform? To be perfect or to achieve? Do you often feel fear or uneasiness? Do you often feel tense, restle…
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¿Sabes cuál es la conexión entre la comida y el amor? ¿La comida y la felicidad? En este episodio compartiré la conexión entre la comida, el amor, la felicidad, las interacciones culturales con especias y hierbas, una breve historia de la comida, el lenguaje del amor y otros datos divertidos e interesantes sobre la comida. 🧡Me encantaría que me sig…
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Do you know what is the connection between food and love? How about food and happiness? In this episode I will share the connection between food, love, happiness, cultural interactions with spices and herbs, brief history of food, love language and other important, interesting fun facts about food. 🧡I would love for you to follow me and my 3 rescue…
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In this episode, Mowgli's mom shares with you his heart warming rescue story, what inspired her to adopt him, why she named him Mowgli and why they call him the adventure cat. Tania, among other things, also discusses the relationship between having a cat and happiness. 🧡Would love for you to follow me and my 3 rescued cats @ichoose2behappy 💛Follow…
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Would you like to learn simple tips that can help you create permanent healthy habits that will change your life in a positive way? In this episode Suzi B, who is a personal habit coach, author, personal trainer, podcaster, motivational speaker, will share some of her secrets about how to be consistent and obtain permanent, positive results. Suppor…
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¿Alguna vez has conocido a un hombre de las cavernas moderno que se convirtió en un poeta publicado? ¡Esta es una historia de la vida real, edificante, conmovedora e inspiradora de supervivencia, fe, esperanza, autoayuda y éxito! 🧡Me encantaría que me siguieras a mí y a mis 3 gatitos rescatados en Instagram @ichoose2behappy 💛Si tienes alguna pregun…
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Isabella Santodomingo es un Author Colombiana, del Best Seller "Los caballeros las prefieren brutas" del que surgió la stand up comedy del mismo nombre. Isa es actriz, escritora, presentadora, columnista, guionista, emprendedora, concursante y jurado de reality shows y lo que falta! Voy a mencionar algunos de los muchos logros de Isabella. Isa ha e…
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Have you ever met a modern day Caveman who became a published Poet? This is an uplifting, heartwarming , inspiring story of survival, faith, hope, self help and success! 🧡Would love for you to follow me and my 3 rescued kitties on Instagram @ichoose2behappy 💛If you have any questions or comments. feel free to write me on my Insta account 💚I appreci…
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In this heart warming story I will share my cat, Iggi, beautiful true rescue story and what some of us believe are his magical powers. What does a pet represents to you? What do you know about cats and their amazing powers? Do you know the history of cats? How do you know if a cat loves you? How to take good care of your cat? In this episode, I wil…
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Qué representa una mascota para ti? Qué poderes tienen los gatos? Como muestra el amor un gato? Qué civilización veneraban a los gatos? En este episodio comparto contigo una historia verdadera de rescate, adorable, asombrosa y reconfortante! ❤️Me encantaria me sigas en mi Instagram bilingue @ichoose2behappy 🎙Suscríbete a mi Podcast, gratis, bilingü…
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Tienes sueños que quieres lograr? Nunca es tarde para perseguir tus sueños. En este episodio, con la artista Kay Vixn, Ex-Reina de Belleza del Carnaval de Colombia en Miami, compositora, cantante, bailarina, mujer emprendedora, profesional, Acroyoga performer. En este episodio Karina, comparte como ha logrado sus sueños y te da tips como puedes log…
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In this amazing episode, Kelly, Snicker's owner/mom, shares with us Snicker's famous rescue story, why she named her Snickers and why Snickers is known as the smiling cat. She also talks about the relationship between cats, happiness and mental health. ❤️I would love for you to follow me and my three rescued kitties on Instagram @ichoose2behappy, s…
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Quieres tener más energía, ser mas productivo y perder peso de una forma natural por medio de la buena nutrición? Quieres estar más saludable? Quieres vivir una vida más balanceada, activa y feliz? En este episodio mi invitada especial, Julisa, un Coach de Nutrición Holistica, te va a dar tips como hacerlo. No te lo pierdas! 🌺Te invito a que me sig…
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Do you have any dreams you want to pursue? In this episode we give you tips how to make your dreams a reality. 💛Follow my Instagram @ichoose2behappy. You may write me your questions and comments on Insta. I will reply to you asap. 🌺If you enjoyed this episode and have not rated my Podcast yet, I appreciate it very much if you rate it. Five stars is…
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How you ever worked in a toxic work environment with a hostile supervisor or co-worker(s)? In this episode I give you tips how to identify the signs of an unhealthy work environment and suggestions how to handle this stressful situation. ~Follow me on Instagram @ichoose2behappy ~Share my Instagram and Podcast link with others ~If you have not rated…
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Estás trabajando o has trabajado en un ambiente laboral tóxico? En este episodio te damos tips de las características, comportamientos de un ambiente laboral saludable y cómo manejar la situación si trabajas en un ambiente tóxico. 💗Te invito a que me sigas en Instagram @ichoose2behappy 👉Subscríbete, gratis, a mi podcast “I Choose to Be Happy” 🔔Pren…
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Do you want to be more successful and happier? Can you be both successful and happy? In this episode I give you the keys to a happier and more successful life. ~Follow me on Instagram: @ichoose2behappy ~Share my Podcast and Instagram link with others ~Write me comments, suggestions, opinions, feedback on my Instagram. I will reply ~This episode is …
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Quieres ser exitoso y feliz en tu vida personal, laboral y familiar ? En este episodio, David, una persona muy ejemplar, de admirar, nos cuenta su jornada de metas, luchas, logros, éxitos, que inicio en Latin America y continua hasta el día de hoy en los Estados Unidos, donde reside. 🧡Te invito a que me sigas en Insta @ichoose2behappy 💚Gracias por …
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