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Michael H. Dewberry

Welcome to Artroverted, a podcast about the art world. In each episode, we speak with leaders and change-makers in the arts, from artists to museum directors and everyone in between. We discuss their experiences, the communities they serve, and why they’ve dedicated their lives to art.
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Construim comunitatea minților frumoase din România. Inspirăm oameni care se dezvoltă profesional, citesc marile cărți și investesc în educația permanentă. Numai cultura ne vindecă de vulgaritate.
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Suntem la finele anului 2023 și Orientul Mijlociu este un butoi de pulbere. În 7 octombrie, Hamas a atacat fără milă statul Israel și a omorât 1400 de civili inocenți, între care și copii, adolescenți sau bătrâni. Teroriștii meritau să primească o replică, însă bombardarea unor obiective din Gaza a produs și victime colaterale. Peste trei mii de pa…
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Though Pride month 'technically' ends today, Pride for LGTBQ+ folk is year-round and this week's guest embodies that to the fullest. Ghislain Pascal is the co-founder of London's Little Black Gallery (@tlbgallery) and creator of BOYS! BOYS! BOYS! (@boysfineart) a publication and platform dedicated to promoting queer and gay photography including ex…
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Happy Pride Month! In honor of LGBTQ+ Pride, we're focusing on queer creators. This week we speak with Louky Keijsers Koning (@loukykk), director of the estate of Barbara Hammer (@barbarahammer1). Barbara is a feminist filmmaker and pioneer of queer cinema who made over 90 moving image works as well as performances, installations, photographs, coll…
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Wishing you a happy PRIDE month! In celebration of LGBTQ Pride, we’re dedicating the next two episodes to two leaders in the field of LGBTQ film and photography. First we speak with Louky Keijsers Koning (@loukykk), the director of the estate of Barbara Hammer (@barbarahammer1) a Feminist filmmaker and pioneer of queer cinema, who made over 90 movi…
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Iustin Popovici: „Oamenii L-au condamnat pe Dumnezeu la moarte, Dumnezeu însă, prin învierea Lui, îi «condamnă» pe oameni la nemurire… În locul ocărilor, El le împărtășește binecuvântări; în locul morţii, El le dă nemurirea. Nicicând oamenii n-au arătat ură faţă de Dumnezeu ca atunci când L-au răstignit, și niciodată Dumnezeu n-a arătat iubire faţă…
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Interdisciplinary artist Alicia Eggert creates captivating work, which wrestles with fundamental existential questions in witty and awe-inspiring ways. From monumental inflatables, flashing neon signs, cut flowers, and more, her dynamic works have been exhibited globally. Often taking the form of text, she transforms words and phrases collected in …
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Evanghelia după Ioan este ultima evanghelie din canonul Noului Testament. În mod tradițional îi este atribuită apostolului Ioan. Evanghelia a atins forma finală în jurul anilor 90-110 d.Hr., deși conține semne de origini care datează din 70 d.Hr. și posibil chiar mai devreme. La fel ca celelalte trei evanghelii este anonimă, deși identifică un „dis…
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Blaise Pascal (n. 19 iunie 1623, Clermont-Ferrand, Franța – d. 19 august 1662, Paris) a fost un matematician, fizician și filosof francez având contribuții în numeroase domenii ale științei, precum construcția unor calculatoare mecanice, considerații asupra teoriei probabilităților, studiul fluidelor prin clarificarea conceptelor de presiune și vid…
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Maestrul și Margareta este un roman al scriitorului rus Mihail Bulgakov despre o vizită a diavolului în Uniunea Sovietică. Mulți critici îl consideră una din cele mai importante opere ale secolului XX. Moscova anilor 1930, care primeșe vizita Satanei, deghizat ca "profesorul" Woland, un misterios gentilom "magician" de origini misterioase. Alaiul a…
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Adolf von Harnack a fost primul dintre marii savanţi care au separat istoria doctrinei de istoria liturghiei, reducând „esenţa creştinismului” (Das Wesen des Christentums, 1900) la un mesaj moral, exemplarism etic sau program social. Chiar şi un dogmatician de talia lui Karl Barth – care a reacţionat prompt împotriva liberalismului protestant ieşit…
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Formăm oameni liberi, care nu pot fi lesne cenzurați. Educăm suflete însetate de răspuns în fața suferințelor, ispitelor și provocărilor vieții moderne. Suntem cei care cred, muncesc și investesc în educația continuă. Dacă te-ai plictisit de sloganuri motivaționale fără miez, dacă vrei autenticitate și cauți viul vieții sau chiar Everestul înțelepc…
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Wishing you a Happy New Year from Artroverted! We’re excited to continue Season 2 that’s dedicated exclusively to women in the arts. We at Artroverted believe the future of the art world is female and we’re delighted to continue to highlight female leaders and changemakers across the arts. This season we’ll feature artists, art advisors, social med…
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In 2020 the Baltimore Museum of Art appointed their first native curator, Darienne Turner, Assistant Curator of Indigenous Art of the Americas. Her hire signaled a commitment by the museum to promote and interpret the art of indigenous peoples of the Americas. A member of the Yurok Tribe of California, Darienne is one of the few native curators of …
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The science of collecting is a fascinating field, and Shirley Mueller, M.D. has devoted her life to studying the science of collecting, museum curating, and scholarship on her own collection of Chinese export porcelain. A passionate collector, Shirley has authored numerous articles and a recent book on the neuropsychological forces at play in the m…
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After her untimely retirement from her career as the director of the Dallas Museum of Art, Bonnie set her sights on bringing arts education to the field of medicine. After countless visits to clinics to diagnose her respiratory illness, she noticed a pattern among doctors examining her. They spent their time focusing on her chart but not her. Havin…
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Leaving New York is a tough choice for many artists, but it was a no-brainer for this week's guests. Returning to Texas allowed Tamara and Trey to realize their dream exhibition space, an outdoor sculpture park. Founded in 2018, Sweet Pass Sculpture Park is located on a one-acre lot in the rapidly gentrifying neighborhood of West Dallas, TX. Their …
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Fifty-five miles south of Dallas lies the sleepy town of Corsicana, Texas. Known for its award-winning cheerleading program and the Collin Street Bakery (the world’s largest manufacturer of fruit cakes), it’s also home to a world-renowned artist residency, 100W. Housed in the now-defunct 1898 Odd Fellows Lodge, 100W hosts rotating groups of artists…
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Katherine Wagner is the CEO of the Business Council for the Arts. Her mission is to connect business with the arts and connect the arts with business. She does this by creating primary connections that train and place business leaders on nonprofit boards and through programs that foster synergy businesses with the arts. Business Council for the Art…
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This week's episode is one of many firsts for Artroverted, recording in a studio with two guests! Our conversation features two leaders in the field of emerging artists. Natasha Arselan and Ty Bishop. Natasha is the founder and CEO of AucArt, the world’s first online, hybrid auction house devoted to emerging artists, connecting collectors with arti…
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This week I speak with Charlie Adamski Caulkins, Vice President, Head of Office, for Sotheby's in Dallas. Established in 1744, Sotheby’s became the first international auction house when it expanded from London to New York (1955), the first to conduct sales in Hong Kong (1973), India (1992), and France (2001), and the first international fine art a…
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This week we speak with Jennifer Klos, founder of Collector House, a boutique art advisory firm. As a trained decorative arts historian and former museum curator, she takes a holistic approach to building her client's collections. In our conversation we talk about the business of collection building and how she combines her academic studies in deco…
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This week's guest is Mark Busacca, curator, art consultant, and owner of Busacca Gallery in San Francisco. After graduating from art school in the 1980s, he was immersed in LA's celebrity culture that brought him in contact with Andy Warhol, Leo Castelli, and others in their milieu. Mark's insight into what makes a successful artist is sage advice …
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The path to becoming a museum director is circuitous, and the responsibility they have to their communities is unique. We spoke with Graham C. Boettcher, R. Hugh Daniel Director of the Birmingham Museum of Art in Birmingham, Alabama, in May during the museum’s closure and discussed his career, the role of museums in society, and how he and his coll…
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Founded in 2016, ATŌ developed a proprietary technology that utilizes the decentralized database model to store market data and information on works of art they've authenticated. Their freely accessible resource aims to increase trust and transparency in the art market by giving artists and collectors the tools to understand the value of their art.…
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Nancy Willis is an artist, activist, and educator. Until the pandemic, she taught "Principles of Design," an art class for pastry students at the Culinary Institute of America (CIA) in Napa Valley. As an artist and chef, Nancy works to bridge the divide between the culinary arts and the fine arts through exhibitions, workshops, and her art practice…
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In this episode, we speak with Amy Williams Monier, the co-founder and curator of Connemara Conservancy in Plano, TX. Connemara was founded in 1981 by Amy and her mother, Frances Williams, as one the first land trusts in Texas. At the suggestion of her mother, Amy invited artists to create work that celebrated the land's beauty that often resulted …
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In this episode, I speak John Abodeely, CEO of the Houston Arts Alliance. In our conversation, we discuss his career path, creating equity in the arts, and how he’s working to help the creative community of Houston cope with the pandemic. We discuss how he’s worked to improve arts education access in his past positions at Americans for the Arts, th…
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Abraham Burickson Episode 3 Show Notes Our conversation was taped on May 29, 2020. In this episode, I speak Abraham Burickson the co-founder and artistic director of Odyssey Works. An organization that designs immersive experiences for an audience of one that’s interdisciplinary, and poised on the boundary between art and life. In our conversation,…
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Mark A Roglan Episode 2 Show Notes Our conversation was taped on June 5, 2020. In this episode, I speak with Mark A Roglan, the Linda P. and William A. Custard Director of the Meadows Museum at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. We discuss his career path, projects, and the role of university museums and the Meadow’s status as a satellite emb…
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Our conversation was taped on April 25, 2020. In our debut episode, we speak with Amy Lewis Hofland, Senior Director Crow Museum of Asian Art at the University of Texas at Dallas. We discuss her career trajectory from an elementary school art teacher to a university museum director. Starting with an internship at the Metropolitan Museum to meeting …
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Welcome to Artroverted, a new podcast about the art world. Each week we speak with leaders and change-makers in the arts. From artists to museum directors and everyone in between. We discuss their experiences, the communities they serve, and why they’ve dedicated their lives to art. The majority of season 1 was recorded April thru June 2020 during …
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In trei naratiuni comentate, Mihai Neamtu talcuieste misterul indragostirii, pasiunea romantica si experienta trecerii dincolo de moarte, prin iubire. Elogiind virtutile epistolarului, autorul crede ca dragostea infloreste in tihna gandului asternut pe hartie. Turul de forta se incheie printr-o critica severa a ideologiilor care, astazi, imputineaz…
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In trei naratiuni comentate, Mihai Neamtu talcuieste misterul indragostirii, pasiunea romantica si experienta trecerii dincolo de moarte, prin iubire. Elogiind virtutile epistolarului, autorul crede ca dragostea infloreste in tihna gandului asternut pe hartie. Turul de forta se incheie printr-o critica severa a ideologiilor care, astazi, imputineaz…
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Vârstele Iubirii - Mihail Neamțu „Trei vârste umane, trei povești de dragoste și un autor capabil să deslușească haloul iubirii sacre în filigranul celei profane. Ficțiunea copilului arhetipal, Mowgli, atins de primul fior al dragostei, se îngână cu abia voalata idilă autobiografică dintre adolescenții Mihnea și Dora, iar amândurora le răspunde, cl…
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Pe fundalul crizei planetare, calendarul evenimentelor rememorate pe durata lunii mai se pretează unei analize actualizate. Conștientizînd privilegiul de a trăi în pace, suntem datori să ne amintim valorile care au fondat prosperitatea postbelică. Pentru a înțelege cît mai corect de unde s-a plecat și unde s-a ajuns. Emisiune: Teme deschise: Luna m…
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Raport oficial al Department of Homeland Security (DHS) al Statelor Unite: „China comunistă a ascuns gravitatea epidemiei de coronavirus pentru a putea strânge materiale de protecție din toată lumea.” Ce au făcut comuniștii chinezi: au ascuns gravitatea crizei și, în acest timp, folosindu-se de companiile lor de comerț exterior, multe controlate de…
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VOCEA LIBERTĂȚII. Invitat-special: Prof. DAN DUNGACIU. Ce caută Budapesta la Chișinău? Ce jocuri face Ungaria în Transilvania? Expansiunea Chinei, reacția Europei și răzbunarea Americii. Investește acum o cafea (2$) în această platformă conservatoare pentru informații necenzurate și dezbateri la înălțime!…
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Elitele globaliste consideră astăzi demodat și primitiv, ba chiar deplorabil și irecuperabil (irredeemable), atașamentul omului de rând față de comunitățile naturale: familia nucleară, breslele, cluburile de dezbateri, asociațiile civice, bisericile și națiunea ca întreg. Deși aceste structuri protejează individul față de agresiunea Statului, progr…
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Într-o epocă marcată de ateism juvenil ori scepticism zgomotos, un răspuns inteligent al oamenilor credincioși presupune cunoașterea operelor filozofice moderne pentru tactici retorice și strategii apologetice de succes. În șase ore electrizante de curs interactiv, Dr Mihai Neamțu va face introducerea în tezele și antitezele modernității târzii. Vo…
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Te-ai întrebat oare, după luni de izolare, de unde venim și încotro mergem? Ai privit cerul în amurg sau te-ai trezit înfiorat de lumina boltei albastre și nemărginite? Ai cercetat cu mintea originea universului, veșnicia Dumnezeirii și scurtimea vieții noastre pământești? Vino acum la cursul incredibil al matematicianului Sorin Mihalache care prez…
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Te-ai întrebat cum a câștigat Simona Halep locul întâi în lumea tenisului mondial? Prin puterea minții. Te-ai lovit de problema adicțiilor, a împrăștierii gândurilor și a slăbirii voinței? Studiul recent al creierului scoate la iveală mecanismele concentrării și fiziologia demotivării, secretele vitalității și capcanele depresiei. Într-un curs inte…
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Miracolele biblice au, prin definiție, martori. Minunea se raportează, așadar, la capacitatea de cuprindere a minții omenești. Ce spune omul credincios? Că Suveranul care dictează legile universului poate să le și suspende. Ar fi absurd, deci, să credem că modernii au făcut un salt cognitiv în raport cu evreii primului secol. După ce-au consumat ab…
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