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When Jesus tells you, “Ask, and you will receive” this is nothing other than an admonition to pray. God wants you to pray. He commands that you pray. And He promises to hear and answer your prayers. But many Christians are confused by prayer. How does it work? How do we do it? What should we pray for?……
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Last Sunday is often called “Good Shepherd Sunday.” Perhaps we might call this Sunday, “A Little While” Sunday. “A little while, and you will not see Me; and again a little while, and you will see Me, because I go to the Father” ( Jn 16:16 ). Seven times in the text, we find the words “a little while.”……
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The temple is the place where God ordained that sacrifices would be made. For without the shedding of blood, there can be no forgiveness of sins. At this time of the year, the Jewish nation was preparing for Passover. One lamb per household would be slaughtered and its blood placed upon the doorposts……
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The Lord Jesus is the Sower who goes out to sow the seed of His Word. And as He does, our enemy the devil uses every scheme in his playbook to keep that seed from taking root and springing up to eternal life. The four types of soil represent four types of hearts upon which the seed falls. There are four……
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Each of the Scripture readings today concerns the office of the Holy Ministry by which God sends out His messengers with a specific task. From the Gospel of Matthew: “Behold, I send My messenger before Your face, who will prepare Your way before You” ( Mt 11:20 ). From the Prophecy of Isaiah: “The voice……
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St. Paul tells us that “the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned” ( 1 Cor. 2:14 ). The natural man, that is, the sinful nature, cannot understand anything that belongs to God, and what……
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In the Apostles’ Creed we confess, “I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Christian Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.” Each statement of faith is one link in the chain of salvation that begins with the Holy Spirit and ends……
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There is no question that the celebration of Easter is a joyous occasion for the church. Ascension, however, might present a bit of a puzzle. Why would we celebrate the day that our Lord leaves us? Is this a joyful thing? Is this a good thing? Might it not have been better if Jesus had stayed on earth,……
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Near the end of Jesus’ earthly ministry, as the time of His great sacrifice drew near, the unbelieving Jews and chief priests gathered together against Him. The conversation recorded in John chapter 8, though not the last time that Jesus would engage the Jewish leaders, is something of a last chance……
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The Jews were not wrong when they supposed that the Messiah would be a great king and rule the world. But their ideas about Christ’s kingdom were all wrong. If only their ideas had disappeared with their times. Sadly, they have not. Most Christians today have the same Jewish ideas of the kingdom of God.……
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The saints of old were accustomed to the idea of wresting with God, but this concept is foreign to our modern ears. Why should I wrestle with God? Doesn’t He already want to give me every good thing? It’s easy enough to think of Lent as a time of wrestling against the desires of the flesh. But why, on……
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From ancient times the people of God have observed the season of Lent as a time for repentance accompanied by bodily fasting. It is fitting that repentance and fasting would go hand in hand, since the fall into sin involved a failure to fast from the forbidden fruit. Denying the wants of the physical……
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