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Why do you laugh?Genesis 17: "God said to Abraham... 'I will bless [Sarah], and moreover, I will give you a son by her... she shall become nations; kings of peoples shall come from her.' Then Abraham fell on his face and laughed and said to himself, 'Shall a child be born to a man who is a hundred years old?' God said... 'You shall call his name ‘I…
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I'm assuming that almost everyone has seen the movie: Jack lets Rose rest on top of a piece of floating debris. He then sinks into the abyss. Rose is saved but takes a new name and begins a new life. And then 85 years later, Rose has a dream, in which she meets Jack at the clock on the grand staircase of the Titanic. It is, or was, in the abyss, an…
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I totally get why we would want to write-in the name "Jesus" on our ballots in the upcoming election. But I need to break it to you: Jesus won't be president. Once, they tried to make Him king (that's a president), and He ran away. Once, He actually was on the ballot, and we all voted for Barabas. Even His base — His people, His hometown, folks lik…
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There is one book that's affected me more than any other, while at the same time I never felt an obligation to read it or told myself that I needed to change because of it. Of course I'm talking about The Lord of the Rings. To be fair, I suppose that the Bible has affected me more; however, I haven't always read it in freedom. In junior high, I rea…
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Soren Kierkegaard told a tale about two robbers who broke into a jewelry store and simply switched all the price tags such that the fake was valued as the real and the real was assumed to be fake. He said it was the story of our age.Years ago on the French Riviera, I walked past an extravagant yacht moored in the harbor. On the back deck sat two el…
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On the communion table sits a glass (a mason jar) of water, half empty . . . or maybe it's half full. Are you the type that sees "half empty" or "half full"?This week's message is the second half of last week's message and the same text, 2 Peter 3:1-13. In verse 8, Peter writes, "But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one da…
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This week's message was a continuation of last week's message in which we noted that Peter seems to clearly believe that Jesus is an entirely successful Savior who somehow implants his Divine Nature in all the children of Adam and is now bringing all of us together in a communion of free and sacrificial delight — Eternal Life in one Body of Perfect…
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In 2 Peter, Peter has informed us that all are forgiven and anyone that lacks righteousness has forgotten that he has been forgiven. We must each lose the lonely tabernacles that we have constructed, but only so that we can be united in the eternal temple that God has constructed. Peter seems to believe that Jesus is an entirely successful Savior.W…
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If at a party, someone approached you and said, "Tell me about yourself," what would you tell them? At our service this week, I asked folks to quickly write that down: their successes on one side of a piece of paper and then what they wouldn't want to share, their failures, on the other side. This piece of paper, this record, we made our offering t…
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Twenty-six years ago, I was standing in line for Alien Encounter with my eight-year-old daughter, Elizabeth, and nine-year-old son, Jon. Elizabeth was lecturing Jon on courage. Jon had been asking me, "Daddy, will I be OK?" He wanted my judgment. Elizabeth didn't think she needed it. Alien Encounter was an animatronic "ride" at Disney World. They w…
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On Easter, as a special guest preacher, Simon Peter preached our message on the topic of Easter and his epistle, 1 Peter. He came with fishing gear to demonstrate his trade and shared with us that for him, Easter was all about fish. "Fish is Life" had been the bumper sticker on his boat. "I saw that fish was good for food, a delight to the eyes, an…
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Twenty-six years ago, I said to my son Jon, "Let's build a pen for Myrtle, your box turtle." Jon was so excited. I thought, "This will be a great father/son project." We got to work, but at the age of nine, Jon wasn't the fastest of workers and seemed to prefer TV to hauling rock. Before long, I got grumpy. And before long, Jon began to shrivel. Hi…
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Seventy-three years ago, the fate of the world hung in the balance; everything depended on the success or failure of an imminent invasion. Dwight D. Eisenhower, supreme commander of the Allied Forces, was to make the call. Early on the morning of June 6, 1944, paratroopers began dropping behind enemy lines. In a few more hours, thousands of young m…
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1 Peter 4:7, "The End (Telos) of all things is at hand."In the past three messages, we've seen that “the End” is a day (the seventh day), that is a kingdom, that is a boat, that is a tabernacle, that is a temple, that is a person, that is the Way, that is like a van that is "at hand," parked in the garden of your soul.Jesus said, "I am the End... t…
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This week's message is the second half of last week's message; so, if you haven't read my summary of last week's message, please read it right now — and then, read this.[Click here for last week's summary]At the start of this message, I shared the home movie that I shared in the last message. You see, I videotaped the whole thing — or I should say,…
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Twenty-six years ago, my children (three, six, eight, and nine at the time) had a dream. They dreamt of a Magic Kingdom; they dreamt of a whole new world: Disneyworld. A friend gave me a free week at one of the Disney resorts and free passes. All we had to do was get there. We couldn't afford to fly, but we could drive.I decided to surprise the kid…
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1 Peter 2:2, "As newborn babies long for the pure spiritual [logikos: logical] milk that by it you may grow up into salvation."Milk can go sour; water can get stagnant; and "the Life" can die . . . The Life was once entombed in the earth and entombed in earthen vessels like us. We think of death as the absence of life, but the Bible pictures death …
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"There's nothing worse than a milkman gone sour."1 Peter 2:2: "As newborn infants, long for the pure logikos (logical, spiritual) milk." We drink it. And we preach it. We are to be "The Gospel Milkmen."Ben was the prototypical milkman: cheerful, encouraging, wholesome, and kind. However, one November morning in 1962, he didn't greet Shirley with hi…
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Every day, old Simeon went to the temple awaiting the Messiah.“But who may abide the day of his coming and who can stand when he appeareth?”Simeon loved God and hated God, for a part of him felt that Gad had made him and forsaken him, and so he banished a part of himself from himself. Simeon was not at home in his own temple.Mary and Joseph offered…
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For only $114 you can buy 3.3 ounces of “Eternity” that will make you smell like BO (death) and flowers. It’s Christmas, perfume advertisements are everywhere, and they seem to work, for we all would like to think that we can purchase eternity in a bottle and apply it externally to the skin. 1 Peter 3:3, “Do not let your adorning (Greek: kosmos) be…
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1 Peter 2:11: “I urge you to abstain from the passions (lusts) of the flesh.” The lust of the flesh is to hold the breath, wrap the self in fig leaves, and die, forever alone... a vessel of wrath (Me-sus). The lust (passion) of the Spirit is communion. “In lust, I have lusted to eat this Passover with you,” said Jesus in Luke 22:14 on the night bef…
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1 Peter 2:12 “...Keeping your conduct among the Gentiles (the unbelievers) beautiful, so that when they speak against you as wrongdoers, they may see your beautiful deeds and glorify (praise) God on the day of visitation.”What deed might you do now that would make your critics burst into heartfelt praise on the Day of Judgment?Maybe you could turn …
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In 1967, the State of Israel captured Jerusalem and the Temple Mount upon which now sits the Dome of the Rock Shrine. In recent years efforts to build a third temple on the very same spot have only intensified.One month ago, on October 7th, several thousand Hamas militants broke out of the Gaza Strip, massacred about 1400 Jews, and took 240 hostage…
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“‘You shall be holy, for I am holy.’ And if you call on him as Father who judges impartially according to each one’s deeds, conduct yourselves with fear throughout the time of your exile, knowing that you were ransomed . . . with blood.” If you’re like me, those words jump out of our text for the day,, and in fear, you assume that you comprehend th…
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1 Peter 1:3-12 is one sentence in Greek, beginning with the line “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” In the middle of the sentence Peter writes, “You have been grieved by various trials.” We know that this suffering could have included anything from being snubbed at a party to being crucified upside down, like Peter.What do yo…
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1 Peter 1:1 “Peter an apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who are elect exiles of the dispersion... according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in the sanctification of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ and for sprinkling with his blood.” He says such amazing things to people that he hasn’t met. They are the chosen, the sojourners, the …
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