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Missions on Point is the ”propempo” perspective on church and missions. The New Testament term ”propempo” captures the local church-centered philosophy of missions. Missions on Point communicates paradigm-changing aim, vision, and practical implementation strategies for sending workers to the challenging, Gospel-neediest people on earth for long-term service for God‘s glory. ”Missions on Point” is a ministry of Propempo International with MissioServe Alliance, a registered 501(c)(3) charitab ...
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show series
One of the early crucial steps you can take toward the mission field is to become deeply connected and involved in a healthy sending church. College and university students rarely see this as a priority. If you want to be a faithful and effective missionary, you must! This episode describes qualities to look for and how to help yourself, your case …
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After the mountain-top euphoria of commitment to becoming a missionary candidate, the candidate needs a road map to help navigate the unfamiliar path ahead. The mentor helps you, the candidate, take stock of your special calling and position. There are a lot of new commitments that go along with becoming a missionary. Then, there is the careful and…
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Whether you want to be a missionary or are a friend, family, or fellow church member of a missionary candidate, this series of podcasts is for you. We will walk through the typical qualifying process to get from HERE (your home place) to THERE (your desired missions field). It's a daunting task to become a well-equipped missionary! It takes patienc…
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There are many streams of influence that affect the big picture of global church planting. We won't be able to address them all and certainly not in great depth. This episode deals with a few key thoughts about church planting around the world. We'll talk about effectiveness, the negative effect of American-influenced pragmatism, and hope for futur…
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Church planting in a foreign culture has to consider all the concerns of every other type of church planting and adding both language and culture to the mix. Missionary church planting is the most exciting and most exacting of all church planting. Thankfully, missionaries may be more aware of their challenges than church planters who don't have the…
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There is a huge need and opportunity for healthy biblical churches to consider planting a church in their "Samaria." We continue to see large communities of ethnic people around us. They, with all their extraordinary needs and often tragic personal history, need the Lord Jesus Christ presented to them understandably and lovingly. They need a local …
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Acting on a commitment to plant a church in a nearby location within a very similar culture can feel daunting. Common concerns for the near-culture church plant need to be considered and addressed. Thinking through a number of diametrically opposite dynamics can help you avoid future problems. We address eleven concerns. By God's grace, working thr…
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New church planting "keys" or "schemes," models or frameworks, come around regularly. Pragmatism overshadows hermeneutics to produce the next rapid results methodology that will surely be effective this time. Careful, solid preparation of the church planter should enable discernment and careful implementation based on genuine biblical consistency. …
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Let's clear the fog and demystify more about church planting. These issues should not seem new because every vibrant church should have some experience or be working toward getting experience in church planting. In this episode, we'll talk about universal issues every church plant faces: meeting place, model, marketing, money, and melding of the ch…
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In this series, we want to lift the veil of mystery and sometimes misunderstanding about church planting. If church planting is a sign of a healthy church, every church member should be aware of some of the issues and challenges church planters face, some of the joys and sorrows, and the needed plans and particulars of the church plant. This episod…
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Church planting is a surprisingly polarizing topic. It comes at the intersection of ecclesiology and missiology, which is the hallmark of Missions on Point. So, though we may say things that spark enthusiastic discussions, we'll start this series on church planting over these eight episodes, fueled by my own experience in church planting at home an…
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Parents of missionaries can feel quite left behind. But don't worry, we haven't forgotten about you. This podcast is for you. Emotions are all over the place: excitement, sadness, joy, fear. How can you follow the Lord in faith as your children or grandchildren follow the Lord overseas? You have an important role to play, and God has a missions pat…
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Continuing the Missions Path from last week, we are considering what it looks like to be a field missionary. There are some important strategies you need to consider. Altogether, there are seven steps you can take to be a faithful missionary. This episode especially focuses on the last few steps of a missionary and how to finish well. We pray you a…
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What does it take to be an effective missionary on your field? It takes a whole lot more than big dreams and wishful thinking. It takes a lot of work. But, what does that work look like, even down to your day to day activities? This is what we explore on the Field Missionary Missions Path. In this first part of 2 episodes dealing with this missions…
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Before you go, there is much preparation. The best way to mitigate the struggles on the field is to be well prepared and well sent by your church. This missions path episode is for the pre-field missionary, and it's crucial for the entire church to grasp the basics of missions here. Your waiting is not in vain. God will send you, when he wants to, …
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Someone needs to take up the delegated pastoral responsibility of missions in the church. While smaller churches will necessarily employ one person with a large combination of responsibilities, as the church grows and the missions budget along with it grows, that responsibility will grow too. And you may even find yourself in need of a full-time em…
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The Senior Pastor is the shepherd of the congregation who leads it in missions. He sets the pace and expectations, but it's not up to him. He, along with the church staff and the missions team all seek to equip the entire church for missions ministry. But how does the Senior Pastor fit into this wonderful body? He can be consumed by so much ministr…
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Your missions committee is a vital dimension of how your church fulfills its strategic missions focus. Some people are delegated responsibility in your church to join this team and propel your church into greater missions effectiveness. But, be careful. Your committee should not be doing missions on behalf of your church. They should be mobilizing …
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Everyone has a missions path, but someone has to help them find it. Mobilizers are used in the body of Christ to equip the entire body for the work of missions. While only a select few go on the field, everyone can play a supporting role. Mobilizers disciple others in missions effectiveness, call the church to is biblical role, equip others with re…
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Churches and individuals should consider the value of Short Term Missions and how they fit into the larger picture of long-term missions ministry in planting churches. Short term teams can provide ministry that long term missionaries could not do on their own. Please tune in to today's episode to consider eight aspects of short term trips. You care…
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Everyone should consider how they can get personally involved in missions. There is always more for you to learn as you grow in your understanding of both missions and the missionaries in your church. Pray earnestly for the Lord to send out workers, and pray for those who have already been sent. Begin sharing your faith now. Support missions, not j…
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Everyone has a missions path to go down. Which one is yours? Begin your journey by inquiring. Ask good questions. Find out more about missions, it's biblical basis, it's history, your church's role in missions and the missionaries you know. Become a life-long learner of missions. Challenge yourself to commit to missions and grow in the depth of you…
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We have much to praise God for when considering how churches are increasingly stepping up to take their rightful place being responsible for global missions. We see God growing churches to become sending churches, and there are many organizations that are teaching this and supporting this now. Please continue to pray that this paradigm shift in thi…
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The church, the missions agency and the missionary all need to work together to accomplish the mission. Who bears what responsibility? How can we manage expectations? And most importantly, how can we maintain the biblical conviction of keeping the church in the driver's seat? Furthermore, how can we resolve conflicts when disagreements about or div…
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Over the years, missions agencies and churches have diverged from each other and often find themselves at odds. But, missions agencies provide a unique role in fostering church partnerships. First, agencies must recognize how they have succumbed to mission creep, no long supporting the church like they originally intended. Second, missions agencies…
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No matter what kind of church you are, there is value in establishing church partnerships in the work of missions. Three kinds of churches are explored in this episode: the sending church, the supporting church, and the receiving church. Each kind of church has a unique interest in church partnerships. Churches need other churches. Just like the Ge…
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The missionary is a bridge between two cultures and the churches in those cultures. Church partnerships provides the framework for the missionary to understand the value of his work. Sometimes work like raising support and writing newsletters can feel like a drudgery, and simply a means to an end. But they're not. They support the grand vision of c…
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What do church partnerships have to do with missions? Isn't it enough that we see healthy churches planted and leaders developed? In this episode we walk through the biblical account of God's plan for his glory through the unity of churches across cultures as we together worship the same risen Lord and Savior. Ever since the Tower of Babel, our coo…
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We are weak, limited and frail. Where can we find the strength to endure until the end, to accomplish the great task that Jesus has given to us to go into all the world, teaching disciples to obey all that Jesus has commanded us? We are desperately dependent on God alone for both our justification and our sanctification. God guarantees the success …
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Most people think of discipleship in terms of teaching, but it is easily neglected or undervalued. It's too easy to think that something else is the objective. Keeping this goal in mind, though, has dramatically important implications for the church and missions. We cannot fulfill the goal without the life-long discipleship that is found in the loc…
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Who should we invest our time and efforts into making disciples? How do we know if someone is truly serious about pursuing discipleship or not? Jesus has given a very simple command, and it should be considered the beginning of discipleship. Baptism is the glue between the church and missions, and we need to get baptism right in order to hold the t…
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What is the scope of discipleship endeavors in the church? Who should we seek to make disciples of? Jesus makes a radically inclusive call for all peoples in every tribe, tongue, and people group to become his disciple. And thankfully, we are given the promised vision in heaven that this reality will one day be true. For now though, we need to set …
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Jesus begins the Great Commission by declaring that all authority in heaven and earth have been given to him. But what does this mean for the church and for missions? Jesus' authority is essential for missionaries because it grounds them in the sure foundation of God's word and the church which is where Jesus' authority is exercised. Be wary of mis…
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Matthew 28:18-20 is the familiar final command of Jesus giving to us "The Great Commission." In this series we do a deep dive into the Great Commission to see its implications for missions and the church. Jesus gives the central command for the church to make disciples. Discipleship is then defined with 5 distinct aspects, which will then constitut…
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Here in the closing books of the New Testament, we see faithful church leaders writing to scattered Christians under persecution and to specific local churches. These books give instruction, encouragement, and correction to church leaders and the believers in their care. We continue to observe that the local church is the greenhouse for growing Chr…
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The life and writings of the Apostle Paul are God's gift to the church. It's fair to say that we wouldn't understand the Gospel, theology, or missions well apart from Paul's example and letters. So, we read the New Testament and are encouraged to prioritize the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His church. Paul's example also teaches us to be team players…
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This is a dramatic and critical narrative of the beginnings of the church, the first sent-out missionaries, and the grace of God through the Gospel to Gentile believers everywhere. Persecution exists as a thread throughout the story of missions. God's deliverance for His servants also exists. The first time believers were called Christians was in a…
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It is a delight to read the dramatic narrative of the earliest church growing as the Gospel is faithfully preached in the book of Acts. Luke, the human author guided by the Holy Spirit, weaves in the key figures and moments in church development as their concept of missions was being formed. We see touches with many ethnicities from the beginning o…
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Christ's last days on earth, His final teachings, instructions, and commands build a consistent crescendo of missions direction. The elements of gospel proclamation to the whole world were repeated themes. We see Christ showing and telling of this missions theme up to his final command, reiterated until his ascension into heaven.…
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Perhaps we don't see Christ's ministry to the nations in the Gospels. Perhaps we minimize what we do see. This episode highlights some key observations that show Christ's consistent ministry to Gentiles and teaching that "all nations" are included in God's plan for the Gospel. Jesus' choices, interactions, teachings and instructions, and miracles a…
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We now begin a series of missions insights from the New Testament. Appropriately, we begin with the birth of Christ. Through the record of Christ's birth and the people involved, we see God's clear intent to bring salvation to all nations. This was prophesied in the Old Testament, demonstrated even through the lineage of Jesus, and confirmed by man…
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It is fitting for us to consider Christ in the Old Testament. His life, ministry, death, and resurrection are the basis of the Gospel message of missions. Christ Himself teaches that the whole Old Testament speaks of Him as well as predicts His life and work in God's plans for His glory. So, it is a wonder to behold Him throughout the Old Testament…
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In this episode we take a look at a couple of unique Old Testament missionaries - reluctant Jonah and captive Daniel. We also see God's purposes in the last words of the Old Testament before 400 years of silence until the coming of the Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ. We clearly see God's heart for the nations, His clear purposes to be glorified and…
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Psalm 67 is an outstanding example of a missions Psalm. The key phrases highlight for us how to read and look for God's missions purposes woven throughout the Old Testament. The purpose of God's blessing on His people is so that those resources would be used to draw people from all the earth to acknowledge and worship the one true God. We see simil…
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In our selective insights, we'll look at the purposive statement recorded about the story of David and Goliath. The phrase "that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel" is a key phrase used in various forms to show God's intent to spread His glory to all nations. Jesus reinforces this interpretation with His own statements in Luke 4 a…
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We start a new series to introduce you to missions insights from the Old Testament. There are an abundance of things we could mention. But this series will focus on whetting your appetite with some personal favorite instances to highlight. The story of God's call and promise to Abraham is a crucial development in God's overarching purpose to bring …
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We've settled on a shorter, clearer book title -- Missions on Point: The Local Church's Role in Missions. This episode is a reprise that corrects the previously announced draft title. There are current thoughts in the missions world that missions agencies should give up on local churches' participation. Agencies are seeking to harden themselves to …
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This is the last episode of the preview series of a book underdevelopment on the centrality of the church in missions. Please let us know if you're interested in being on the list to be notified when it is published. This episode is the capstone and summary of the main ideas presented in the previous episodes, starting with Ep. # 142. The local chu…
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There are people and ministries who identify themselves as "missions mobilizers." We review the need and definition of missions mobilization. Yet, the missing element in most missions mobilization is the neglected role of the sending church. Mobilization would have stronger and better long-term results if more attention was given to developing the …
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What difference does this biblical orientation toward local-church-centric missions make for the missionary training school? There are lots of types of missionary training programs and institutions. Many are quite specific in what things they tackle in missionary training and preparation. Others are traditional Christian colleges and universities w…
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