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Mid-South View Point radio talk show is hosted by Byron Tyler. The program airs over 640 AM and 100.7 FM on the Bott Radio Network affiliate in Memphis, TN. Byron welcomes guests in the community addressing various concerns, issues, and events. Many of the programs feature Christian ministries that serve humanitarian and spiritual needs in the area.
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Engage in Truth

Pastor John Bornschein

It is time to set aside the superficial. It is time to go deeper. It is time to Engage in Truth. Join Pastor John Bornschein every week on Saturday (1:30 p.m.) and Sunday (9:00 a.m.) for the Engage in Truth radio program on 100.7 KGFT. It’s a critical hour. The church is in need of an awakening, and our nation is desperate for spiritual revival. God has provided us with a powerful tool—one that enables us to draw closer to Him, gain wisdom and understanding, and even change the world. Drawin ...
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Preston Scott Show

100.7 WFLA (WFLA-FM)

The Morning Show with Preston Scott is on Monday through Friday, 6:00-9:00 a.m. ET based in Tallahassee, Florida since March 2002. The show is broadcast on 100.7 WFLA in Tallahassee and 96.3/102.5 WFLA in Panama City, Florida. Listeners can also find us on the iHeart Radio app by searching "Preston Scott podcast." Preston has been working in radio since the late 1970s and has been dubbed "The Sensei of Sensibility," and describes his show as an audio magazine and "Common Sense Amplififed." E ...
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// LE CATALYSTE // Originellement émission de radio basée au Canada, puis podcast en ligne, Le Catalyste aka Vince Kuzanagi sévit maintenant sur les ondes de SOL FM 100.7 a LYON aux côtés de Slush, dans un merge mensuel avec l'émission "The Greed" qu'il gère depuis plus de 10 ans maintenant. Cela permet de retrouver chaque moi Le Greedalyste: 2 parties: une session de news commentées, disséquées, puis un Mix de Vince Kuzanagi..toujours composé des news du moment. Enjoy !" #electro #IDM #tech ...
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Home of Heavy Hitter DJ Mr. Mejustik Mr. Mejustik Booking inquiries? Email. [email protected] Those who grow up surrounded by music tend to find themselves in the arms of music all their lives. Mr. Mejustik is no different. From his mother participating in Trinidad Carnival while he was still in the womb, to his uncle honing his DJ skills in the basement, to his aunt dating another DJ - music was always around. Since his uncle asked him to DJ a birthday party with him at age 12, Mr. Mej ...
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It’s comedy, it’s a podcast, it’s a vibe. Aaron Kleiber — comedian, actor, proud husband and father of three — talm’bout comedy, parenting, food, culture, movies/tv, sharing stories and experiences; sometimes with cool friends! Dad, actor, comedian - Aaron has commanded audiences with his energized, crowd-pleasing live performances with tales of life, marriage and fatherhood. His break-out as one of the most in-demand feature acts - touring alongside the likes of Bob Saget, Jim Breuer, John ...
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Utah Golf Radio

presented by Fairways Magazine

From the first tee to the last green, Utah Golf Radio gets you inside the ropes on all things golf in Utah. Live show on Saturday mornings on ESPN 700 radio. Podcast updates during the week. Hosted by Paul Pugmire.
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Mark Nepo, Marianne Williamson, Elizabeth Gilbert, Gary John Bishop and many others have shared their wisdom here over the years! Kacey hosts morning radio in New York's Hudson Valley. A life coach, reiki healer, restorative yoga teacher and women's retreat leader, Kacey's foundation, Let It Shine Inc. runs a thrift store and farmers market to support its food pantry and a farmers market. "Shine On" airs Sundays 6:30 AM on 100.7 WHUD
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Bags and Boards

Bags and Boards

Covering board games on traditional media isn't typical, but as a radio professional, I love mixing my two favorite things. Bags and Boards is a weekly, 1-hour show dedicated to board games on KXTR 100.7 The Planet from Tarleton State University in Stephenville, Texas. You don't have to live in Stephenville though. We stream the live show online and we also post everything we do right here to Soundcloud. See all of the ways to listen and get in touch with us below. The show includes talk abo ...
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✅ SUBSCRIBE! And thank you for being a friend! Follow for Fun News Stories, Music Countdowns, Adult Beverages, Sports Talk, Old School Videos, and More! JOSH'S TIMELINE 1986: Purchases Men at Work's "Cargo" 1987: Attends first concert - The Monkees! 1989: Records station promos at 89.9 KGRG 1991: Performs radio skits in garage w/ Velasco 1994: Takes History of Rock & Roll at GRCC 1997: Becomes Kevin's co-host on 92.5 KCAT 1998: Solo radio show begins; Mobile DJ 1998: Station commercials at 1 ...
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Famous Lost Words” unearths the greatest interviews of all time. Hosted by songwriter and legendary MuchMusic Veejay Christopher Ward and longtime CHUM radio producer (and archivist) Tom Jokic, “Famous Lost Words” is a weekly podcast on the iHeartRadio Canada app. It’s a deep dive into the extensive iHeartRadio archives – featuring classic interviews that haven’t been heard since they first aired.
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Mixin' it up with Mintz and Moody on 100.7 FM/1340 AM The Ticket! Listen live from 3-6 pm M-F at | Louisiana's premiere Sports Talk Radio Show and the home of the South's biggest fantasy sports and gambling show! Support this podcast:
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With all the watered-down preaching in America today, it is no wonder why our society has fallen into moral decay. It's time to Level-up our faith with truth, power, and love. Together we can make a difference.
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NPR's Mountain Stage

West Virginia Public Broadcasting

The Mountain Stage Podcast is the complete recording of the entire live show. It features songs that were cut from the radio broadcast, and it is the only place you can hear the full finale song. New episodes become available about 10 days after the premiere broadcast date. We have Spring and Fall seasons of new broadcasts, so if you heard a recent show but don’t see it at the top of the feed, just scroll back a few weeks or use the search function to find a specific artist.
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show series
Nya frågor avhandlas tillsammans med några övriga ämnen och reflektioner. Som vanligt lyssnar du på egen risk när firma A & A sammanstrålar alldeles ensamma. Mer från Tyngre Radio Avslutningsvis – du som lyssnar på vår podcast får gärna betygsätta den på Apple Podcasts – lämna gärna en recension. Då blir podden mer synlig för andra plus att värdarn…
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1. Nei Detailer vum Parquet iwwer déi grouss Decouverte vu Kokain d‘lescht Woch am Norde vum Land: Dat gesamt Gewiicht géif bei bal 900 Kilo leien2. Optakt vun der zweeter a leschter Phas vun der Consultatioun zum Pensiounssystem 3. Um Lux Film Festival sinn dëst Joer zwou Lëtzebuerger Ko-Produktiounen an der Haaptkompetitioun vertrueden, esou d‘Or…
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This is the full episode of The Morning Show with Preston Scott for Wednesday, Feburary 12th. Our guests today include: - Dr. Bob Mcclure with The James Madison Institute Follow the show on Twitter @TMSPrestonScott. Check out Preston’s latest blog by going to Listen live to Preston from 6 – 9 a.m. ET and 5 – 8 a.m. CT! WFLA Tall…
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1. Wéinst sengem Like vun engem Facebook-Poust géint d’LGBTQIA+-Communautéit kritt den adr-Deputéierten Tom Weidig eng Disziplinarprozedur vu senger Partei gemaach. D’Presidentin Alexandra Schoos nennt dee Poust inacceptabel2. Virum Hannergrond vu russesche Rakéiten- an Dronenattacken op Kiew seet de Wolodymyr Selenskij, datt de Wladimir Putin net …
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1. D‘Chamber huet eng Resolutioun ugeholl, déi ënner anerem Haassriede verurteelt. Dat nodeems den ADR-Deputéierten Tom Weidig op Facebook een LGBTQ-feindleche Kommentar geliked hat2. Optakt vum Prozess um Stater Geriicht géint ee Mann, dee säi Papp soll erwiergt hunn3. Fir d’Initiativ Bee Secure an den Zentrum fir politesch Bildung gëtt de Kampf g…
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This is the full episode of The Morning Show with Preston Scott for Tuesday, Feburary 11th. Our guests today include: - U.S. Sen. Rick Scott - Justin Haskins - Howard Eisenman Follow the show on Twitter @TMSPrestonScott. Check out Preston’s latest blog by going to Listen live to Preston from 6 – 9 a.m. ET and 5 – 8 a.m. CT! WFLA…
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1. Déidlecht Verkéiersaccident de Moien tëschent Hitten an Näerden: en 21 Joer ale Mann aus dem Weste vum Land ass nach op der Plaz gestuerwen2. Huet de Fernand Kartheiser d‘rout Linne vun der EK mat senge pro-russeschen Aussoen iwwerschratt, doriwwer gëtt haut zu Stroossbuerg diskutéiert 3. D’Chambre des salariés fuerdert ee preventiven nationalen…
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1. Zwou Persoune sëtzen an Untersuchungshaft no der Decouverte Enn d‘lescht Woch vun e puer Honnerte Kilo Kokain an enger grousser Baumaschinn. Dat confirméiert de Parquet2. D‘Mobilitéitsministesch Yuriko Backes reagéiert op Kritik vun der Gewerkschaft vum Gemengepersonal FGFC iwwer d‘Zukunft vum TICE3. D‘Terrororganisatioun Hamas wëllt déi eigentl…
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This is the full episode of The Morning Show with Preston Scott for Monday, Feburary 10th. Our guests today include: - Sal Zuzzo - Follow the show on Twitter @TMSPrestonScott. Check out Preston’s latest blog by going to Listen live to Preston from 6 – 9 a.m. ET and 5 – 8 a.m. CT! WFLA Tallahassee Live stream:…
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Desert Hills HS senior Brock Porter won the Copper Rock Am by four in tough conditions over Braydon Griffith. The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley commit was the only player under par. Brett Hess continued his strong early-year play, taking the senior division by six over Hendra Wijaya. Porter joins the pod. Sponsored by Goldenwest Credit Unio…
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1. D’FGFC wëllt fir d’Personal vum TICE kämpfen, nodeems elo e Syndicat mixte aus Staat a Gemenge soll entstoen2. Déi zweet Phas vun der Renaturéierung vun der Péitruss huet ugefaangen3. Zanter 2023 si Protokoller vun 145 Euro virgesi fir Littering, mee nach keen ee Protokoll gouf ausgestallt4. Eng 60 grouss Entreprisen hunn zu Paräis um KI-Sommet …
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1. Sam Tanson: Energie-Subventiounen hätte sollen ëm 1 Joer verlängert ginn2. Liberty Steel: Curateur huet Hoffnung, datt de Site zu Diddeleng kann iwwerholl ginn3. TV-Debat tëschent Olaf Scholz a Friedrich Merz: Migratioun, Ekonomie a Relatioune mat der AFD4. Paräis: Aktiounssommet iwwer KI mat ronn 1.500 Participanten5. Philadelphia Eagles gewann…
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Superinspirerande att få snacka med fysfenomenet Jenny Adolfsson igen. Den fd bänk- och AF-mästaren, tyngdlyftaren och gladiatorn siktar nu mot nya mål. Både civilt och som tävlande. Lägeskoll med Jenny Adolfsson: 00:08:22 – Jenny in 00:41:29 – Jenny ut Mer från Tyngre Radio Avslutningsvis – du som lyssnar på vår podcast får gärna betygsätta den på…
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1. An 3 Woche wëllen déi arabesch Staaten op engem Sommet an Ägypten iwwer d‘Lag vun de Palästinenser beroden2. Russland huet eegenen Aussoen no eng weider Uertschaft am ukrainesche Gebitt Donetzk besat3. Zwou Woche virun de Bundestagswalen an Däitschland sinn och dëse Weekend uechter d‘ganz Land Demonstratioune géint Rietsextremismus a fir Demokra…
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1. E Generalstreik wier net ausgeschloss, wann d‘Gewerkschafte keng Satisfaktioun kréichen, dat war d‘Conclusioun gëschter vum LCGB-President um Nationalkongress vum Syndikat. Déi gemeinsam Gewerkschaftsfront mam OGBL gëtt weider ausgebaut2. No der Liberatioun vu weideren dräi Geiselen an der Gazasträif schéngt de fragille Waffestëllstand tëschent …
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BYU Director of Golf Todd Miller joins the live show on ESPN 700 to break down the Cougs big win in AZ. Riverside's Chris Moody on being named Utah PGA Professional of the Year. TA Barker on becoming president of the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America. Copper Rock GM Tory Gatrell reports the Copper Rock Am, and Shane Jewett checks i…
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1. De Patrick Dury gouf haut als LCGB-President confirméiert: de Kongress huet och fir eng verstäerkten Zesummenaarbecht mam OGBL gestëmmt2. An Däitschland hunn zwou Woche virun de Wale vill Leit géint e Rietsruck demonstréiert: eleng zu München waren et der 200.0003. Israel weist sech schockéiert iwwer de schlechten Zoustand vun den dräi Geiselen,…
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This is the full episode of The Morning Show with Preston Scott for Feburary, Friday 7th. Follow the show on Twitter @TMSPrestonScott. Check out Preston’s latest blog by going to Listen live to Preston from 6 – 9 a.m. ET and 5 – 8 a.m. CT! WFLA Tallahassee Live stream: WFLA Panama City Live stream: https:/…
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1. Den Doud vun enger Koppel am Alter vun 72 respektiv 73 Joer virun annerhallwem Joer zu Groussbus bleift ouni juristesch Konsequenzen, dat wéinst mentale Problemer vum Täter2. D’Chamber huet dem Parquet d’Fäll vu Problemer bei der Parteiefinanzéierung am Joer 2023 gemellt: dat huet de Generalsekretär vun der Chamber dem radio 100,7 haut op Nofro …
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