show episodes
How to Create an Online Course, a Membership Site, Create Digital Content, Promote and Sell it online with Digital Marketing, Make Money Online and create a profitable online business. Create One-time products and Recurring Subscription-based products and services that bring in recurring income month after month, where you don't have to go hunting for new customers all the time, which allows you to focus on creating a remarkable product that your customers love and appreciate and are willing ...
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I'm an ex-Hindu Atheist. I started this podcast wanted to talk about a variety of topics related to God, Religion, Faith, Destructive & Nonconstructive Beliefs * Why do you believe there's a God, or many Gods? * What proof have you seen, other than a gut feeling or the need to feel safe knowing that an all-powerful being is watching over us? * What is it about religion that has attracted 7 billion people to one form or the other, when there are so many things wrong with religion - which I wi ...
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Ritual Misery

This is a podcast of conversations with actual podcasters sharing stories of their podcasting life. We make no presumptions that we are doing anything right or that we know the best way forward. We just want to share our experiences with you and each other.
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show series
I explore a very powerful strategy called 4DX, The 4 Disciplines of Execution, that will help you turn your goals from a fancy todo list item, into reality. And this strategy works not just for business goals, but also for personal goals. You may have heard of the phrase "Work ON your business, not IN your business". And I'm sure you understand wha…
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I lived in New York for 10 years, from 2000 to 2010. And I worked in New York City for a good part of those 10 years. And while working in the city, I occasionally had to go to offsite meetings in a different part of the city, I went to office parties after work, got together with friends and colleagues for a couple of drinks on Fridays, I went to …
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In this episode: Proof, Intrigue & Suspense, Cliffhangers, WHAT but not HOW There is a lot we can learn from Hollywood. Especially about what NOT to do. This series is about learning Business secrets, Marketing secrets, and even Content Creation secrets, from Hollywood. So let's see the best things we can take away from Hollywood and apply them to …
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In part 2 of this series, I talk about creating a network, building a team, and to practice or not to practice. There is a lot we can learn from Hollywood. Especially about what NOT to do. This episode is about learning Business secrets, Marketing secrets, and even Content Creation secrets, from Hollywood. So let's see the best things we can take a…
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There is a lot we can learn from Hollywood. Especially about what NOT to do. But this episode is about learning Business secrets, Marketing secrets, and even Content Creation secrets, from Hollywood. So let's see the best things we can take away from Hollywood and apply them to Business, Marketing, and Content Creation. Listen to the show for the r…
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I've talked and written about what I call "Start With The Last Thing First". E.g., when it comes to creating your offer, start with the last thing first - your sales page. And within that, start with the last thing first - the pricing table. Start with the end goal and work your way backward. Listen to the show for the rest at https://SubscribeMe.f…
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I have an acronym for Urgency Scarcity and Exclusivity: USE. You've got to use USE in all of your offers. Every offer should end in a call to action (CTA) – like “Buy this”, “Click here”, “Sign up” or “Call us”. But a CTA alone isn’t always enough to get your audience to take action. There needs to be some additional motivation to get them to take …
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What most people will do after they finish writing a Kindle book, is they'll promote it for a little bit, and then they'll move on to their next book or digital product. Instead, I recommend you go deeper into your book. Listen to the show for the rest at or search for "" in your favorite podcast app. Episode br…
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The reason why I had the biggest book launch of my life, was because it was all about The Offer. The offer is not just the product and not just a short landing page with a few bullet points about the product and a buy button. As legendary Harvard Business School Professor, Theodore Levitt once said, “People don’t want to buy a quarter-inch drill – …
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I recently launched my 8th book, titled Dogpoo & Dosaa: 67 Proven & Implementable Truths, Tactics & Hacks To Create Better Content, Promote Your Products, Grow Your Audience and Make More Sales. And here are some of the lessons learned and takeaways from the launch. Check out the book at Listen to the show for the rest at htt…
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I frequently encounter entrepreneurs and digital creators online who spend a lot of time creating an elaborate online course, spend months, even a year or more creating a course or an entire digital library, working on the content, setting up the membership site, hiring a copywriter to write the copy for the sales page, lining up affiliate partners…
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Imagine a true believer writing a letter to God. How would they reconcile reality vs. their belief system? I wrote a satirical letter - I wanted to imagine what it would be like, if a True Believer wrote a letter to God, what they would say, and how they would sound while trying to reconcile reality and what's in their own head - their belief syste…
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I've had a lot of people ask me, or ask online in various groups and forums, the following questions: How long should your sales page be? How long should your podcast be? How long should your blog post be? How long should your webinar be? I have one simple answer to this: No such thing as too long, only too boring. Listen to the show for the rest a…
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This episode was inspired by 4 separate interactions I had online - 3 with my friends and 1 on Twitter. The Twitter video I discuss on the show is just one of a million other things that have happened just this week alone, to show that god doesn't do crap, and hasn't done crap, or even raised a damn finger, EVER, to help a single person who is suff…
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Attention surplus, attention deficit, Seth Godin, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Pattern Interrupt, Roy H. Williams (Wizard of Ads), and a lot more in today's episode. Listen to the show for the rest at Or search for "" in your favorite podcast app. Episode brought to you by - Audio…
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"Sounding Natural" comes with Practice. "We talkin' 'bout practice" - Allen Iverson How much prep goes into Saturday Night Live Listen to the show for the rest at Or search for "" in your favorite podcast app. Episode brought to you by - Audio & Video Player for Amazon S3 & File Protecto…
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What does it mean to host your podcast on WordPress? Should you host your podcast feed on your own website? How do you create the Podcast RSS feed? What about the audio files? Where should you host it? That's what I talk about on today's episode. Listen to the show for the rest at Or search for "" in your favori…
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Everyone is born atheist. Atheism could be argued as the default position of all humans - especially babies. When a baby is born, it has no concept of God, doesn't believe in a God, doesn't know about a God, doesn't pray to a God, and just doesn't care about the existence of a God. Most of that could easily be said about atheists too! Faith in God …
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Streaming vs. Progressive Download Videos and Audio, why you should NOT host video and audio on your own website, using a CDN, to allow or not to allow downloads, focusing on the 99%, evergreen content, and Moving personalized dynamic watermarks Listen to the show for the rest at Or search for "" in your favorit…
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God vs. Superman, Unfalsifiability, an interview with a guest from the future. You're about to hear history being made! I'm going to do something that NO ONE EVER in the history of humans has ever done before. And that is, I'm interviewing someone from the future. 2000 years into the future. From the year 4021! I'm going to talk about the logical f…
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I did not start this podcast because I'm trying to "convert" you into an atheist. Atheism is not a religion. Or even a belief system. Atheism is not a rejection of God, it is a lack of belief that there is a God. It is just a position, that until there is some demonstrable evidence that there is a god, we choose to not believe that there is one. So…
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Jump Cut Joy: Ditch The Teleprompter, Talking-Head Videos, Addressing your audience 1-on-1, Scripting, Recording in Short Segments and more. In today's episode (part 2), I continue to focus on Video creation and delivery. Listen to the show for the rest at Or search for "" in your favorite podcast app. Episode b…
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You probably have a membership site or online course, or maybe you want to start one. Either way, you're going to probably have a bunch of Video, Audio and PDF's in your online course. In today's episode, I'm going to focus on Video creation and delivery. Listen to the show for the rest at Or search for "" in yo…
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If you've ever been a part of a Facebook group, you've probably seen someone post a Poll, usually asking questions like... Who should I host my podcast with? Polls are great if you really are looking for people to vote on the answers, and you want to be able to quickly know the results and find a winner, or a trend, at the end. Unfortunately, neith…
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Waterfall Method, If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It and Junior Programmer - the last and final part 4 of the series 17 Things Entrepreneurs and Digital Creators Like You Can learn from a Programmer Listen to the show for the rest at Or search for "" in your favorite podcast app. Episode brought to you by https://S…
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In today's episode, I talk about Repeatability, Scalability and WORA - Write Once Run Anywhere (similar to DOPE: Do Once, Publish Everywhere at ) Listen to the show for the rest at Or search for "" in your favorite podcast app. Episode brought to you by - Aud…
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In the last episode, I talked about Just-in-Time, Beta Release, and Minimum Viable Product or MVP. In today's episode, I talk about Design Big, Implement Small, Algorithms and Rapid Prototyping Listen to the show for the rest at Or search for "" in your favorite podcast app. Episode brought to you by https://S3M…
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This is kind of a cross-over episode, where I have taken some of the great programming practices that are used to develop software and systems, and I am going to show you how you can apply them to your own business, as an entrepreneur and digital creator. Listen to the show for the rest at Or search for "" in yo…
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The last and final Part 5 of the series: "The Greatest Free and Freemium Tools I Can't - and Won't - Live Without" Skype, Slack, Discord, ToDo, Trello, Asana, UberSuggest, Xmind, OpenShot See full list at Listen to the show for the rest at Or search for "" in your favorite podcas…
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This is Part 4 of the series: "The Greatest Free and Freemium Tools I Can't - and Won't - Live Without" Headliner, Notepad++, OBS, Pexels & Pixabay,, PushBullet, RescueTime,, StreamYard See full list at Listen to the show for the rest at Or search for "Sub…
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This episode is Part 3 of the series: "The Greatest Free and Freemium Tools I Can't - and Won't - Live Without" - LastPass Edition Part 1 is Episode 93: Part 2 is Episode 94: See full list at Listen to the show for the rest at Or search for "…
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I see a lot of new podcasters doing this: They have a website, and they're hosting it with a regular web host like Godaddy or Dreamhost or Hostgator etc. And their current web host is probably promising them unlimited bandwidth and tons of storage space. So they're like: Why can't I just host my podcast audio files on my own web host, and use a plu…
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This episode is Part 2 of the series: "The Greatest Free and Freemium Tools I Can't - and Won't - Live Without". Part 1 is Episode 93: See the entire list of the greatest Free & Freemium Tools at Listen to the show for the rest at Or search for "" in you…
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I've been selling online since 1998. And in all of those years, I've tried and tested an insane number of tools - desktop software, online services, and mobile apps. And I started making a list of all the free stuff I'm using almost every day, and the list came up with just blows my to think that I depend on so many of these tools on a day-to-day b…
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I recently saw a post on twitter from @Matineegirl, in which she wrote: Read because you want to. Read whatever floats your boat. Read as quickly or as slowly as you do. Read books only with orange covers if you want to. Read 1 book or 500 books a year. There are no rules. Just read. That's so awesome! I loved that tweet. So I re-tweeted that by ad…
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Tip #1: If you write a Kindle book solely for the purpose of making money, then you're going to be terribly disappointed, because a Kindle book will simply not make much money for a vast majority of the authors. And that includes me as well. Listen to the show for the rest at Or search for "" in your favorite po…
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When I say "Don't Write a Best-Selling Book (Do This Instead)", I'm not ACTUALLY telling you to intentionally NOT write a great book or I'm not telling you that you should write a below-average, low quality book. The main point I'm trying to make is, don't set out with the intention of writing a "best-seller", because there are some downsides to ha…
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How can I help you? In general, that's a great thing to say to someone in most situations. Like, if you're a company owner or an employee, and you get a call, you can pick up the phone and say, "Hi, How can I help you?" Except... that's probably the worst thing to say on social media to a stranger who has just accepted your friend request. Listen t…
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Think about these 3 lines from that Wikipedia fund-raiser email: * "This is awkward to admit, but I have to be honest: 98% of our readers don't give" * "they simply look the other way." * "You are part of the 2% of readers who donated to support Wikipedia" Listen to the show for the rest.…
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Kevin Kelly wrote, "To be a successful creator... you don’t need millions of dollars or millions of customers, millions of clients or millions of fans... You need only thousands of true fans." But how do you attract your 1000 true fans? And to listen to the rest of this show, visit…
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I just finished a 3-day launch of my new course at I had over 150 people unsubscribe from my various lists these past couple of days because I sent them an email about the course. So I figured, I would share how I felt about that on today's show, in case you're also going through something similar, and I hope that it helps…
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Question: I would like to start monetizing my podcast by creating a membership club for new episodes. Do I put all the available episodes in the club and make them pay to listen, or leave a certain amount as free to continue attracting new customers. My Answer: I don't think you should put every single episode behind a paywall and make it all premi…
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What if you weren't married to any specific platform to build your audience? What if your product was platform-agnostic? Or platform independent? As it should be, right? You don't create a course only for your Facebook followers. You want your entire audience on ALL platforms to buy your course, right? So if your goal is to get more leads, there ar…
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The saying goes that people judge a book by its cover. That is still true to some extent. But what's even more today in the age of endless stream of content and information and noise, is that your book is no longer being judged by just its cover, it is judged by its table of contents. So if someone were to look past the cover of your life, and look…
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Podcast Monetization, Direction, Strategy. Today's episode is the first of an AMA series I'm doing - AMA stands for Ask Me Anything. So a little while ago, on my birthday, I was feeling extremely grateful and thankful to my customers, my audience, my followers, my friends and my family. So I asked my audience, via email, via Facebook, via Instagram…
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When selecting lighting for your home or office, other than just brightness, there's one other very important thing you need to consider: And that's the "temperature" of the light. Warm white lights are those that have a very warm, orangey or yellowey tinge. Also know as soft white. Cool lights are more bright, more white, and have a cool bluish ti…
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So what does it really mean to stream audio or video? Is downloading a file the same as streaming? Does every video you watch online a streaming video? The 3 types of "streaming" - Progressive Downloads, Adaptive & True Streaming, why one of them is not even actual streaming, what you should know about, why you should care, and the way it impacts h…
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