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ICRT「新聞說分明」 透過輕鬆的聊天對話探討時事,讓你學到最實用的英語表達方式! ICRT BreakDown is a conversational chat about topics in the news, and useful English terms and expressions. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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Talk Taiwanese Mandarin with Abby

Real Life Mandarin 台灣 |文化 |旅行|生活

Join Abby to explore Taiwan while improving your Mandarin listening skills and learning to talk like a native Mandarin speaker! Each podcast is 100% in Mandarin, best for intermediate to advanced learners. Full transcripts are available on my Patreon. 透過各種話題的分享,希望讓外國朋友們在學習中文的同時能更認識台灣。 ► Patreon(Full transcripts): ► Chinese graded readers & Chinese Lessons: ► Support my work: Tip ...
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聽 ICRT「新住民心人生」娓娓道來新住民朋友、在台灣生活的喜怒哀樂,以及剛到台灣的緊張與期待,在教育資源、醫療福利等支持下,如何鋪成在台灣生活的美好未來。 週一到週五、早上九點到十點,請鎖定 ICRT 的「新住民心人生」特別節目。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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Taiwan Talk is here to tell the stories of people living in Taiwan, as well as Taiwanese people living abroad! Every Monday, an ICRT host chats with newsmakers and personalities about Taiwan's culture, lifestyle, business, and arts. Taiwan Talk airs on ICRT FM100 at 8am, and in the evening in the 6pm news hour. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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Sponsored by Hakka Affairs Council, ICRT's "We Love Hakka" program is a window into the fascinating language, food, art and culture of the Hakka. Hakka make up more than 10% of Taiwan's population and boast a proud heritage dating back hundreds of years. The Hakka language and culture has significantly influenced Taiwanese society, so tune in ICRT to explore and learn with "We Love Hakka!" Monday through Friday program is aired 5 times a day during the 7AM, 12PM, 3PM, 5PM and 10PM hours. -- ...
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客家族群人才輩出,精彩「客事」就在Hakka Dialogue!節目將邀請在各領域頗富盛名的客家人物進行互動訪談,主題多元又有趣。DJ Caitlin將與來賓聊聊關於他們的 「客家情」,有客家工藝、音樂、美食、表演藝術和節慶活動等主題。透過DJ與來賓一來一往、輕鬆豐富的對談內容,帶你了解更多你不知道的客家文化喔! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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Season 2 Outer Space We Go! This is Mars. 悶騷系文青核綜藝咖理工男。 願音如光, 在人與人的宇宙間穿梭。 生活哲學/書影心得/各界對話 記錄下人生中火花交會的軌跡。 歡迎來聽聽 屬於我的外星荒誕奇談 Instagram: mars1diary -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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SilverAI is a company specializing in AI applications for images. With its main products SnapEdit – AI Photo Editor and Enhancer – AI Sharpening, SilverAI has made it easier for millions of users around the world to edit their images. Website: -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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百萬夫妻 Paiwan couple

我們是一對百萬夫妻媒體人, 沒有年薪百萬,更沒有月薪百萬, 只有濃濃的原住民排灣族(paiwan音同 百萬)的血統與靈魂。 百萬紐思集 Paiwan Talk News, 是台灣第一個以原住民族為觀點的『媒體識讀』播客。 我們將從排灣族的視角,用新聞扭轉你的思考, 也用新聞重建你對原住民族的印象。 We couple from paiwan tribe are media persons.We don't have million("million" sounds like "paiwan" in chinese) annual salary, and don't have million salary either. We only have pure blood and soul originated from our ancestor and paiwan people. Paiwan Talk News,is a media reading podcast program that focus on what Taiwan indigenous people thoug ...
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從「話題式」的角度出發,以日常對話的方式,與主持人Elise聊一些生活中的趣事,輕鬆練習英文聽力! Listen to our podcast on: Apple Podcasts - Spotify - Google Podcasts - KKBOX - SoundOn - Anchor - YouTube - English Island 英語島雜誌臉書粉專 - 更多資訊 -
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Improve your English with the ICRT News Team! Here you will find useful expressions and vocabulary from the news to help you better understand what's happening around the world, and speak like a pro. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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The Smocktail Club | 薰樂會

The Smocktail Club ‎| 薰樂會

我們是兩個愛丁堡大學的畢業生,不約而同12歲出國留學,在異國文化中成長並認識世界。歡迎收聽薰樂會,了解第三文化孩子的視角 & 聆聽我們分享人生中的所見所聞。 The Smocktail Club 的靈感來自於Smell(聞)和 Mocktail(仿雞尾酒) 的組合,以味道揭開故事帷幕,暢聊如同無酒精雞尾酒般醺而不醉的有趣軼事,不限年齡,大家都能淺酌體驗。 The Smocktail Club was inspired by the words ‘smell’ and ‘mocktail’, as we wanted a name that represents what we want to bring and who we are. We believe stories can be told through the smells that remind us of it, and our experience growing up in different cultures are like mocktails which everyone can enjoy, regar ...
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show series
German director Stefan Kaegi likens the production of his play "This is not an Embassy (Made in Taiwan)" to a diplomatic process -- one involving constant negotiation between different protagonists. He speaks to I-C-R-T's Hope Ngo about what inspired him to write the play, and how he chose to go about telling the story of a country he has not reall…
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Sharing my recent trip to Hanoi, Vietnam. 聊聊四月初到越南河內旅行的經驗。 ✨Get daily stories in Chinese for your level at Maayot: 📍Get PDF transcripts & Ad-Free episodes and support this podcast -- Join my Patreon 贊助這個節目+下載逐字稿: 👉Book an online Mandarin lesson with an experienced teacher: https:/…
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Ep. 4: Net Zero by 2050 Hot topic alert! Join our hosts Tim and Paz and their guest, James Wang(王漢英), Vice President and General Director of Green Energy and Environment Research Laboratories at ITRI (Industrial Technology Research Institute). Learn what Net Zero means, what Taiwan’s strategies and efforts to achieve Net Zero by 2050 are, and how y…
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History has no better teachers than the eyewitnesses that watch it unfold and are "in the room when it happens." This unaired episode of Taiwan Talk is an eyewitness account presenting former Control Yuan and Foreign Minister Fredrick Chien's memories and insights of what transpired after the U-S announced it was derecognizing the ROC (Taiwan). Chi…
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Former Control Yuan President and Foreign Minister Fredrick Chien shares his memories and insights into the hours and days in the aftermath of the US decision to derecognize the Republic of China (Taiwan), in favor of the People's Republic of China. His discourse reintroduces listeners to several key personalities, including the last U.S. Ambassado…
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👉Book an online Mandarin lesson with an experienced teacher now: 📍Get PDF transcripts & Ad-Free episodes and support this podcast --Join my Patreon贊助這個節目+下載逐字稿: Abby and 日新 discuss whether they consider themselves procrastinators, the reasons behind procrastinat…
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Jonathan Lin (林沛祥) comes from a family of politicians. But it took the urging of students involved in the Sunflower Movement to entice him to run for a seat in the Legislative Yuan. He tells I-C-R-T's Hope Ngo how that unfolded, and what it means for him to be a freshman lawmaker representing Keelung as part of the opposition KMT.…
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黃鎮炘去年推出的《轉轉轉》專輯是探討異國戀情、新住民文化融合等議題。同名歌曲《轉轉轉》則在述說人的命運像在擲骰子,儘管掌握在自己 手上,但拋出去後不知道會得到多少點數,因此無法預知命運之路會往哪走,人生路上難免碰壁。但山不轉路轉!只要勇敢面對困境,無論結果好壞都值得為自己喝采。 Huang Chen-hsin released his album “Turn Your Life Around” last year, exploring themes such as love across borders and how new residents blend their cultures in their new homes. The standout song "Turn Your Lif…
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來自臺中石岡的黃鎮炘說著一口大埔腔,唱出他在生活中的所見所聞。重視環境保護的他,創作了《還亻厓》歌曲,描述鄉村的自然美景被迫都市化,工廠的空汙遮蔽青山和藍海,樓房擋住月亮跟彩虹,連河川都變成垃圾場。歌曲內,黃鎮炘更唱出「還我以前那美麗的好地方、還我快樂天堂」,強烈地道出他的迫切渴望。 Huang Chen-hsin is a native of Shigang in Taichung, and he brings the local Dapu dialect to life in his music. Through his songs, he shares his personal observations and experiences. A staunch environmental …
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泰國潑水節,又稱宋干節(Songkran源自梵語,有「跨越」之意),一般會在每年的4月13日到15日舉辦,是泰語民族和東南亞最盛大的傳統節日。而對泰國人而言,潑水節相當於他們的傳統新年,他們會在這段時間相互潑水慶祝。此舉由來是因「水」在佛教傳統儀式中代表淨化、祝福,因此在潑水節這天藉由潑水,象徵清除厄運和罪惡,展開純淨的一年。 其實客家文化也有一個和水有關的節日──「水龍節」。水龍節活動為客家傳統文化,於每年農曆的六月初六舉辦。其源於早期客家村長年飽受乾旱之苦,居民為祈求海龍王能下雨解決乾旱問題,以「舞水龍」及「潑水」等方式向海龍王祈禱風調雨順,為一「求雨祭祀」活動。在台灣比較少見,但是對於中國四川的「中國西部客家第一鎮」(鎮內90%以上的居民為客家人,至今仍說客家話,沿襲客家習俗)洛帶古鎮…
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每年四月到五月白色的桐花盛開在山坡上,又是桐花祭)的到來!桐花祭不僅是客家人感謝祖先、向大地以及山川致敬的時節,也是民眾到開滿桐花的山林裡野餐、寫生、參加「桐花婚禮」的時節,另外還有以桐花為主題的攝影比賽、文學比賽、歌曲徵選等各種活動。這個春天,就出門賞桐花吧! Between April and May each year, the Tung trees' white blossoms cover the hills, signaling the start of the Tung Blossom Festival. This festival is a time for the Hakka community to express gratitude to their ancestors…
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傳唱百年的客家傳統歌謠分成多種曲調,《山歌子》便是其中之一,它的特色是每一句都只有7個華文字。山狗大後生樂團將《山歌子》重新配上現代音樂,並將新曲命名為《十月-山歌子》,唱出十月份時,紅葉佈滿山丘、鳥群飛向南方、農人收成作物,營造出一股溫暖恬靜的田園景緻。 Shangezi is a Hakka traditional folk song known for its unique feature where each line consists of just seven Chinese characters. It's one of the many traditional tunes that have been sung for over a century. The New San …
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客家委員會為了推廣客家的語言及文化,創建了「哈客網路學院(Hakka e-learning center)」。這個數位學習網路平台提供民眾多元的學習課程,例如:各種模擬情境的教學短劇、聽流行音樂學客語、看影片學客語。課程更依照難度分級,從基礎級別到高級級別都有。如此便利的數位學習資源,讓學習客語更方便、輕鬆囉! To support and spread the Hakka language and culture, the Hakka Affairs Council created the "Hakka e-learning center." This online learning platform presents a wide range of courses. These incl…
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✨Get daily stories in Chinese for your level at Maayot: Why are most Taiwanese people, especially women, so obsessed with being "thin"? In this episode, I share my experience and thoughts on this topic. 聊聊「瘦」這件事情,為什麼大部分台灣人這麼愛「瘦」?我分享一下自己的經驗以及對這種現象的看法。 📍Get PDF transcripts & Ad-Free episodes and support this podcast --…
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Ep. 3: 2024 Bamboo Expo and World Bamboo Congress Bamboo… so old-school, isn’t it? Well, no! Join Tim, Paz, and Dr. Ying-pin Huang, a Manager at the Industrial Technology Research Institute's Central Region Campus who works on bamboo technologies. Bamboo… technologies? Yes! There’s no bamboozling going on here! Find out about some bamboo applicatio…
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Philippe Grelon is an avid sailor who did much to encourage recreational sailing as a sport in Taiwan. Philippe and his son Cosmas speak to I-C-R-T's Hope Ngo about the early days of sailing in Taiwan, and their quest to capture the top spot in this year's Rolex China Sea Race, sailing in "A Plastic Ocean" or TPE 003.…
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