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This week For What We’re Worth receives an update from Nicole Wallace on the 9th of July’s Security and Gardener’s bargaining session. Then Callie V speaks with Jane Kostanich, a lifelong organizer who has negotiated collective agreements In Universities, Wānanga, Polytech and private training establishments about what bargaining looks like from a …
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In the first episode of What We’re Worth, a podcast documenting the University Of Auckland TEU branch’s bargaining process for a new Collective Agreement, we get an update from Andy Hipkiss, from the first set of bargaining meetings that began on July 4th 2024. Then James Love speaks with Sean Sturm, a TEU member who has been on the bargaining team…
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Neste novo episodio de Carretando seguimos na procura de dar a coñecer como funcionan as institucións europeas. Como de costume, no eido supranacional, da man de Roi P. Vila e Marta Casais, abordamos os retos exteriores dunha UE con fortes discrepancias internas ante un mundo en conflito.
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De cara as Eleccións Europeas do vindeiro 9 de xuño, desde Carretando queremos abordar o papel do noso país no contexto europeo. Farémolo a través dunha serie de podcast sobre casos cercanos e presentes na axenda pública galega da man de Roi P. Vila e Marta Casais. Neste primeiro episodio sobre Galicia e a UE falamos sobre política de reindustriali…
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Este episodio número 13 é o derradeiro da cuarta tempada de Carretando. Despedímonos dunha tempada moi frutífera para todas as persoas que formamos parte do proxecto. Moitas analistas, moitos temas a tratas e moitas gañas de falar sobre a nosa política teñen marcado esta cuarta tempada do podcast. Neste episodio 13, falamos sobre o resultado electo…
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Neste último faladoiro de Carretando de cara ás eleccións máis abertas en 15 anos no noso país, pasan pola autocaravana do podcast as nosas presentadoras, Carmen del Río e Román Varela. Como invitadas, temos con nós a Lucas Álvarez, Thais Fernández, Candela Estévez e Alberto Estévez. Ademais, contamos cunha segunda mesa conformada por Javier Carnot…
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Seguimos coas mesas de análise con convidadxs de luxo neste #Carretando18F falando do principal tema da semana: o #DebateCRTVG. Con Belén Teiga, Manuel Ortigueira, Ana Luísa Bouza e David Lombao analizamos como lle foi a cada partido nel e tamén como lle podería afectar acudir ou non aos que están previstos. Asemade, trazamos a perspectiva xeral de…
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En Carretando non perdemos de vista a cita do domingo 18 de febreiro e enchemos a nosa mesa de analistas e xornalistas para valorar como foi a precampaña e cales poden ser os principais temas da campañ. Con Lara Salgado (Radio Galicia SER), Ana G. Liste (Praza.gal), Roi P. Vila (consultor político), Manuel Ortigueira (economista e analista político…
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No noveno episodio desta cuarta temporada, o equipo de Carretando debulla o escenario preelectoral de Galicia. Nomes propios, candidaturas e o estado dos diferentes actores e bloques políticos son motivo de debate entre o noso equipo. Ademais, ao remate da conversa os membros da autocaravana fan a súa #PorraCarretando e salta algunha que outra sorp…
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A piques de comezar a campaña electoral e coa crise dos microplásticos e as numerosas enquisas marcando a axenda, Carretando achégase á figura da líder da oposición e candidata do BNG á presidencia da Xunta de Galicia, Ana Pontón. Facemos un repaso pola traxectoria da política sarriá, dende a súa toma de conciencia política no seu paso polo institu…
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En plena precampaña electoral e coa crise dos microplásticos marcando a axenda, Carretando achégase á figura do presidente da Xunta, Alfonso Rueda Valenzuela. Do "non te metas en política" de seu pai, a ser presidente logo de case tres lustros ocupando postos institucionais de relevancia. Rueda enfróntase agora ao seu primeiro gran reto electoral: …
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Galicia votará o vindeiro 18 de febreiro e nós seguimos coa programación habitual neste contexto de (agora xa de xeito oficial) precampaña. Continuamos abordando os grandes retos aos que nos enfrontamos cun episodio sobre despoboamento. O reto demográfico é unha das cuestións fundamentais nun país a dúas velocidades, cun flanco occidental que conta…
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Mentres os partidos continuan coa precampaña cara as galegas, en Carretando comezamos a debuxar os perfís dos candidatos e candidatas á Xunta con Xosé Ramón Gómez Besteiro (PSdeG) como primeiro protagonista. Tras arquivarse as causas que o obrigaran a dimitir e logo de sete anos apartado da vida pública, Besteiro volve ao lugar de partida, candidat…
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Para a investidura de Pedro Sánchez como presidente do Goberno precisáronse acordos con oito partidos. O BNG foi unha desas forzas coas que o PSOE estableceu un pacto de investidura coa mirada centrada no país e cun claro sabor a precampaña. O xornalista Luís Pardo sube na nosa autocaravana para analizar o contido do acordo, a reacción que obtivo p…
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O xeito no que nos movemos polo territorio é un dos grandes temas do noso tempo e por iso en Carretando quixemos poñer a mirada en como o facemos os galegos e galegas. A mobilidade no noso país tivo sempre condicionantes como a dispersión territorial ou o desequilibrio demográfico, mais que transformacións se deben acometer para contar no futuro cu…
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Welcome to 3GiG Sports! Money and sports, what do the two have in common? Well, obviously professional athletes make a good living no matter the sport. Typically organizations make quite a bit of money off of advertisements and even gambling. But, is money starting to have too big of an impact on competition? Two examples we bring up tonight are fr…
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Welcome to 3GiG Sports! Starting off with a heated topic about Caleb Williams and reports of what he will want from the team he's drafted to. It looks like this kid could change a franchise, but wanting ownership right away is insane! Slow down and earn it kid. That branches into a bigger conversation about the Pac12 as a whole. USC came down to ea…
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A pasada semana celebrouse no Parlamento de Galicia o debate do estado da autonomía no que se trataron os temas, os problemas e as propostas transversais para toda a sociedade galega. O seu interese radica en que foi o primeiro DEA de Alfonso Rueda como presidente da Xunta, pero tamén o último antes de que as galegas vaiamos ás urnas, un escaparate…
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Welcome to 3GiG Sports! Let's dive straight in tonight! In this episode we break down what teams are going to make a run for Caleb Williams. There is lots of potential out there from the Bears to the Cardinals and even Denver selling the house at this point. The problem is, they all have QBs that have previously been looked at as 'the future' for t…
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Welcome to 3GiG Sports!!! After a bit of a hiatus we are back with a lot to talk about! We kick things off talking about how Justin Jefferson's injury will impact the Vikings. The Vikings aren't going to be good, will Cousin's end up being shipped before the season ends? What teams could end up trading for him and why is the NFL making it so damn o…
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O turismo é a primeira cuestión que imos abordar nesta tempada na que percorreremos os grandes temas para o noso país. Existe o turismo sustentable? Temos que reformular o modelo turístico actual da Xunta? Que hai máis alá do Camiño e do Xacobeo? Para dárlle resposta a estas preguntas contaremos coa participación de Iria Caamaño, doutora en Direcci…
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A furgoneta de Carretando volve a percorrer os camiños do país na súa cuarta tempada. Desta volta, temos no horizonte o comezo do curso político en Galicia e as vindeiras eleccións autónomicas. Todos os membros de Carretando participamos no faladoiro deste primeiro episodio para debullar como se atopan de forma os partidos en Galicia, tanto a nivel…
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Welcome to 3GiG Sports! Let's start by breaking down the Chiefs-Lions Game. Was it more about the Chiefs defense or the Kelce Injury? We also saw a surprise appearance by their best defensive player, just not in the game. Aidan Hutchinson is looking like an all pro, Cooper Kupp is likely going to the IR, and Joey B finally got paid. What does that …
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Welcome to 3GiG Sports! This weekend we finally had a full day of college football and it was great. From the Ducks dropping over 80 to a BIG surprise in the Colorado game the day was full of stories. Naturally it means it's time for some overreactions by your favorite 3 podcasters. Is Bama looking like they are in for a slump? Does USC have a shot…
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Welcome to 3GiG Sports! Tonight we hop into next.playoffpredictors.com to go game by game and determine how the season is going to end up for each team. We highly recommend checking it out. You will probably be surprised with some of the results! It seems like the NFC East and AFC North might end up the most competitive in the NFL. Did we predict a…
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Welcome to 3GiG Sports! Today we bring you the ultimate guide for Fantasy Football enthusiasts! In this podcast, we're diving deep into the 2023 season's wide receiver landscape. Discover the diamonds in the rough, the sleepers to grab, and the players you should steer clear of to build your winning fantasy team. Don't miss out on this crucial info…
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Welcome to 3GiG Sports! Tonight we kick the show off discussing RB draft value. Are the top running backs being taken too high? Are there any backup RBs that you are comfortable taking as one of your starters? What about upside vs consistency? When you have a top 3 pick it is SO important that you get it right. As we move on we go over a few compar…
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Welcome to 3GiG Sports! Tonight's podcast gets pretty thought provoking. What should the NCAA and professional sports actually do about gambling? Should there be limits? Fully allowed? Or completely locked down? The three of us give our thoughts on the controversial matter. We also dive into our thoughts on some of the best Netflix sports documenta…
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Welcome to 3 GiG Sports! Tonight's podcast kicks off heavy with contract talk. From Justin Herbert to Jaylen Brown - both just became the highest paid players in the history of their sport. But here's the difference. While Herbert might be a top 7 QB in the league, Brown might not even be the 20th best player in the entire NBA. NBA money doesn't ma…
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Welcome to 3GiG Sports! After the fighter interviews we chat with the voice of the North Iowa Fights (Dylan Petersen) and Mike Estus who help us break everything down. What kind of upsets should we look out for? Which matchup already looks like a 'fight of the night?' Who seems poised for a breakout? Listen in and hear the answers to these question…
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Welcome to 3GiG Sports! This episode feature interviews from nearly all of the fighters set to take the stage on July 15th at the Mason City arena. We get some insight into what their fight camps focused on, how the weight cuts went, and even their prediction for the fight! Listen in and help support the local fighters and promotion. If you don't h…
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Welcome to 3GiG Sports! Tonight we kick things off with some NFL news?! Who would have guessed. Is there any truth to the rumors about who leaked the Gruden emails? And who is actually surprised? Slowly but surely a picture is being painted. We get into a few conspiracies that you may or may not believe and then move on to baseball. Could you hit a…
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Welcome to 3GiG Sports! We kick things off discussing Wemby's debut tonight. Was there truly a moment where anyone thought....he's THAT guy? Things are sure getting off to a rough start. Especially considering one of his bodyguards just tried out for PowerSlap with his debut opponent being Britney F'n Spears! Moving on let's get into our thoughts o…
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Welcome to 3GiG Sports! Tonight we start off breaking down some NBA news. Will James Harden ultimately stay in Philly? If not where will he go? How does this impact Dame and Kyrie Irving? Other than that we break down some of the 'conspiracies' going on in the world today. We talk about everything from GMO mosquitoes to Michael Jordan 'losing' the …
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Welcome to 3GiG Sports! Tonight we dive into the NBA draft results but first we kick it off talking about a few conspiracies. From a professional baseball player passing away due to a heart condition to talking more about OceanGate. What do you think? Next we get into the heart of the show! Who is your pick for Rookie of the year this year in the N…
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Welcome to 3GiG Sports Tonight we kick things off discussing Victor Wembanyama and the hype around him. Should he be the first overall pick? Not only that but is everyone setting him up to automatically fail? After that we move over to Zion Williamson and his recent female friend Moriah Mills. What is about to released? Is it that bad that he might…
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Welcome to 3GiG Sports! Tonight we have the pleasure of sitting down with Mike and some of the headlining fighters for the upcoming event with North Iowa Fights. It's always interesting to hear how the setup of an event like this can be better or worse than others he's put on. ESPECIALLY now that he added an entirely new business to what he does fr…
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Welcome to 3GiG Sports! First up, we dive into the intense drama surrounding Stefon Diggs in Buffalo. Our crew dissects the recent events and explore the underlying reasons for the tension between the star wide receiver and the Buffalo Bills organization. We discuss the impact this drama might have on the team's future and whether reconciliation is…
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Welcome to 3GiG Sports! Tonight we kick things off talking about Dalvin Cook being released by the Vikings. With both him and Zeke Elliott being available, where do the two backs end up? And who is the prize? Then we transition over to discuss Zion and the drama currently unfolding on social media. Do we have a Tiger Woods or Nick Cannon situation …
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Welcome to 3GiG Sports! First up, we unravel the groundbreaking fusion of the LIV tour with the esteemed PGA. This seems pretty grimey all around. BUT we might have some light to shed on the subject! Next on our agenda is the astonishing move by the Suns to release Chris Paul. We dissect the factors that led to this surprising decision and delve in…
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Welcome to 3GiG Sports! Tonight we hit a few unique topics. Whats the story with Shannon Sharpe? Now that he's leaving Undisputed, what's next for Uncle Shay? We also dive into the wild story about one of the worlds most famous Chiefs fans, Chiefsaholic. His story will no doubt be a Netflix documentary. We also dive into the recent updates about Ja…
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Welcome to 3GiG Sports! First up, we dissect the mind-boggling decision made by the Arizona Cardinals to release one of the NFL's top wide receivers... DeAndre Hopkins. How will this move impact the team's offense? Was it a financial decision or a strategic one? Either way this seems wild at first glance. But more importantly, where does he end up?…
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Welcome to 3GiG Sports! In this explosive episode, we kick things off talking about the fact that the Lakers faced a devastating playoff sweep against the Nuggets. What went wrong for Los Angeles? Then we move on to Ben Roethlisberger being a total asshat. How could he say that, let alone directly to Kenny Pickett? If you don't know, just look it u…
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Welcome to 3GiG Sports! Welcome to "Swish & Stories," where we dive deep into the wild NBA playoffs, expose the questionable NBA MVP picks made by none other than Mark Jackson, and share an unforgettable gravel road adventure. Join us as we discuss the high-stakes matchups, analyze the MVP race blunders, and embark on a hilarious journey down memor…
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Welcome to 3GiG Sports! In this episode, we examine the groundbreaking PFL contract of Francis Ngannou, the former UFC fighter who has taken the combat sports world by storm. The contract is great, but will it be good long-term for the PFL? We also dissect two big name NBA coaches that were fired. We try to uncover the underlying factors and contro…
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O equipo de Carretando conclúe a súa terceira tempada no formato podcast! Facémolo con moitos quilómetros nas costas, no contador da autocaravana, mais tamén co orgullo do traballo destes últimos meses. E facémolo na nosa viaxe pola Boa Vila, percorrendo un lugar marcado pola verticalidade de Ence e horizontalidade do Lérez. É o momento de falar do…
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Welcome to 3GiG Sports! First up, we'll be discussing the results from UFC 288, where some of the top fighters in the world went head-to-head in an epic night of action-packed fights. We talk about our surprises and opinions on the card. Also, how awkward was the Diaz-Paul face off? Next, we'll be turning our attention to the NBA playoffs, where th…
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Welcome to 3GiG Sports! In this episode, we cover a range of topics that are sure to pique everyone's interest. We start by discussing Francis Ngannou's recent decision to explore other promotions instead of chasing big money in boxing. It seems like his camp doesn't know what they want right? Then, we delve into the latest developments in the NBA …
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Welcome to 3GiG Sports! Let's talk about the NFL draft. Who were the winners and losers? Which teams made the best picks and which ones made questionable decisions? We'll break down this years draft and analyze how they could impact the upcoming season. Who Nailed it? Who missed? What does it mean for this year? --- Support this podcast: https://po…
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Welcome to 3GiG Sports! Tonight we dive into a mixed bag of topics. In this episode, we discuss some controversial topics that have been making waves in the sports community. BUT first up, we delve into the firmament conspiracy. Is that what the newest SpaceX rocket hit? Next, we turn our attention to the upcoming NFL draft and the possibility of t…
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