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Join us on Hebraic Insights in the Gospels for a look at the life, words, and deeds of Yeshua Messiah (Jesus Christ) and His followers from the Torah-centric, Hebraic perspective they were originally lived and written in. If you're interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the Hebrew Roots of our faith, or would like to consider a different point of view in your Scripture Studies without getting bogged down in various religious traditions, this is the podcast for you! Originally create ...
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Re-visit John with Tsiyon Shabbat meeting host Michael in discussion with Abigail, Dawn ben David and our special guest! Note: The teaching commented on in this episode is from Season 4 Episode 18. To get notified when the mentioned upcoming new podcasts are released, sign up for our ⁠⁠weekly newsletter here!⁠⁠…
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Re-visit Luke with Tsiyon Shabbat meeting host Michael in discussion with Abigail and Dawn ben David. Also, enjoy our special guest's living example of the message. Note: The teaching commented on in this episode is from Season 3 Episode 13. To get notified when the mentioned upcoming new podcasts are released, sign up for our ⁠⁠weekly newsletter h…
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Re-visit Matthew with Tsiyon Shabbat Meeting Host Michael as he interviews co-host Abigail ben David and guests! Gain behind the scenes insight into what inspired Abigail to produce the Hebraic Insights in the Gospels podcast! Note: The teaching commented on in this episode is from Season 1 Episode 7. To get notified when the mentioned upcoming new…
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Who were the Nazarenes and what did they have to do with Messiah's identity? Was Judas the first betrayal Messiah ever suffered? How has God dealt with betrayal throughout history? How can we deal with betrayal and avoid becoming the betrayer? Find out in today's episode! Learn more about this podcast at: ⁠https://tsiyon.org Join our Community Site…
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Is it possible to transcend the desires of our sin nature, the deceptions of the devil, and the pressures of this world to become a greater man or woman of God? How about a more unified body of Messiah? If so, how? Find out in this episode. Learn more about this podcast at: ⁠https://tsiyon.org Join our Community Site Tsiyon Tabernacle! ⁠https://tsi…
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I have told you these things, that in me you may have peace. In the world you have oppression; but cheer up! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 Learn more about this podcast at: ⁠https://tsiyon.org Join our Community Site Tsiyon Tabernacle! ⁠https://tsiyon.org/join-us Theme Song Credit: "Stand at the Crossroads" by Feet On A Rock…
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I am the vine. You are the branches. He who remains in me, and I in him, the same bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5 Learn more about this podcast at: ⁠https://tsiyon.org Join our Community Site Tsiyon Tabernacle! ⁠https://tsiyon.org/join-us Theme Song Credit: "Stand at the Crossroads" by Feet On A Rock…
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YESHUA said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through me. John 14:6 Learn more about this podcast at: ⁠[https://tsiyon.org](https://tsiyon.org/)⁠ Join our Community Site Tsiyon Tabernacle! ⁠[https://tsiyon.org/join-us/](https://tsiyon.org/join-us/)⁠ Theme Song Credit: "Stand at the Crossroads" by Fee…
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Now before the feast of the Passover, YESHUA, knowing that his time had come that he would depart from this world to the Father, having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end. John 13:1 Learn more about this podcast at: ⁠https://tsiyon.org Join our Community Site Tsiyon Tabernacle! ⁠https://tsiyon.org/join-us Theme Song Credi…
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‘For I tell you that to everyone who has, will more be given; but from him who doesn’t have, even that which he has will be taken away from him. Luke 19:26 YESHUA answered them, “The time has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Most certainly I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains by itself alone. But if …
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The Judeans therefore came around him and said to him, “How long will you hold us in suspense? If you are the Messiah, tell us plainly.” John 10:24 Learn more about this podcast at: https://tsiyon.org OR sign-up for free to our Membership site Tsiyon Tabernacle! https://tsiyon.org/join-us/ Theme Song Credit: "Stand at the Crossroads" by Feet On A R…
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What made the healings in today's portion controversial? Why can't we rely on miracles and signs alone to build our faith? Learn more about this podcast at: https://tsiyon.org OR sign-up for free to our Membership site Tsiyon Tabernacle! https://tsiyon.org/join-us/ Theme Song Credit: "Stand at the Crossroads" by Feet On A Rock…
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YESHUA, crying with a loud voice, said, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!” Having said this, he breathed his last. When the centurion saw what was done, he glorified ELOHIM, saying, “Certainly this was a righteous man.” Luke 23:46-47 Learn more about this podcast at: https://tsiyon.org OR sign-up for free to our Membership site Tsiyon Ta…
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Over the centuries since Messiah's crucifixion and resurrection many have blamed the Jews without proper distinction, but what do the Scriptures actually say? Learn more about this podcast at: https://tsiyon.org OR sign-up for free to our Membership site Tsiyon Tabernacle! https://tsiyon.org/join-us/ Theme Song Credit: "Stand at the Crossroads" by …
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He came out, and went, as his custom was, to the Mount of Olives. His disciples also followed him. When he was at the place, he said to them, “Pray that you don’t enter into temptation.” Luke 22:39-40 Learn more about this podcast at: https://tsiyon.org OR sign-up for free to our Membership site Tsiyon Tabernacle! https://tsiyon.org/join-us/…
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But that the dead are raised, even Moses showed at the bush, when he called ADONAI ‘The ELOHIM of Abraham, the ELOHIM of Isaac, and the ELOHIM of Jacob.’ Now he is not the ELOHIM of the dead, but of the living, for all are alive to him.” Luke 20:37-38 Learn more about this podcast at: https://tsiyon.org OR sign-up for free to our Membership site Ts…
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As he was now getting near, at the descent of the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise ELOHIM with a loud voice for all the mighty works which they had seen, saying, “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of ADONAI! Peace in heaven, and glory in the highest!” Some of the Pharisees from the multitude …
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YESHUA said to him, “Today, salvation has come to this house, because he also is a son of Abraham. Luke 19:9 Learn more about this podcast at: https://tsiyon.org OR sign-up for free to our Membership site Tsiyon Tabernacle! https://tsiyon.org/join-us/ Theme Song Credit: "Stand at the Crossroads" by Feet On A Rock…
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They, answering, asked him, “Where, Lord?” He said to them, “Where the body is, there will the vultures also be gathered together.” Luke 17:37 Learn more about this podcast at: https://tsiyon.org OR sign-up for free to our Membership site Tsiyon Tabernacle! https://tsiyon.org/join-us/ Theme Song Credit: "Stand at the Crossroads" by Feet On A Rock…
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No servant can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to one, and despise the other. You aren’t able to serve ELOHIM and mammon.” Luke 16:13Learn more about this podcast at: https://tsiyon.org OR sign-up for free to our Membership site Tsiyon Tabernacle! https://tsiyon.org/join-us/ Theme Song Cr…
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YESHUA answered them, “Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans, because they suffered such things? I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all perish in the same way. Luke 13:2-3 Learn more about this podcast at: https://tsiyon.org OR sign-up for free to our Membership site Tsiyon Tabernacle! https:…
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“Let your waist be dressed and your lamps burning. Be like men watching for their master, when he returns from the marriage feast; that, when he comes and knocks, they may immediately open to him." Luke 12:35-36Learn More About This Podcast:https://tsiyon.orgTheme Song Credit:"Stand At The Crossroads" by Feet On A Rock…
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