
Content provided by Libya tamazight - ⵍⵉⴱⵢⴰ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ. All podcast content including episodes, graphics, and podcast descriptions are uploaded and provided directly by Libya tamazight - ⵍⵉⴱⵢⴰ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ or their podcast platform partner. If you believe someone is using your copyrighted work without your permission, you can follow the process outlined here
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ⴰⵎⵙⴰⵡⴰⵍ - Amsawal - أمساوال


Manage series 3553853
Content provided by Libya tamazight - ⵍⵉⴱⵢⴰ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ. All podcast content including episodes, graphics, and podcast descriptions are uploaded and provided directly by Libya tamazight - ⵍⵉⴱⵢⴰ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ or their podcast platform partner. If you believe someone is using your copyrighted work without your permission, you can follow the process outlined here
ⴰⵎⵙⴰⵡⴰⵍ - Amsawal - أمساوال "ⴰⵡⴰⵍ ⵉⵜⵜⴰⵡⵉⴷ ⴰⵡⴰⵍ" ⴰⵀⵉⵍ ⴷⵉⵙ ⴳⵓⴷⴰ ⵏ ⵜⵖⴰⵡⵙⵉⵡⵉⵏ, ⵜⴰⴷⴻⵍⴰ, ⵜⵉⵎⴻⵜⵜⵉ ⴷ ⵉⵜⵜⵓⵜⵍⴰⵢ ⴰⴼ ⵜⵍⵓⴼⴰ ⴷ ⴰⴷⵉⵡⴻⵏⵏⵉ ⴷⵉⴷ ⵉⵡⴷⴰⵏ ⵙ ⴳⵓⴷⴰ ⵏ ⵢⵉⴷⵉⵙⴰⵏ ⴷ ⴳⵓⴷⴰ ⵏ ⵜⵎⵓⵔⴰ ⴰⵡⴻⵜⵜⵉ ⵏ :ⵄⴻⴱⴷⵍⴻⵃⵍⵉⴷ ⴰⴳⵔⵉⴳⵉⵟ ⵉⵛⴰ ⵏ :ⴼⵓⵣⵉ ⴱⵓⴳⵚⵉⵄⴰ برنامج ثقافي توعوي يطرح العديد مِن المَواضيع المتنوعة المتعلقة بالأسرة والحياة اليومية لمُعالجتها ودِراسة خطوات النهوض والوعي بها وإدراكها. ⵜⵉⵔⴰ- ⵎ ⵄⴱⴻⴷ ⵍⵃⴰⵎⵉⴷ ⴰⴳⴻⵔⴳⵉⵟ ⵉⵛⴰ- ⴼⵓⵣⵉ ⵏ ⴱⵓⴳⵚⵉⵄⴰ إعداد : عبدالحميد قرقيط تقديم: فوزي ن بوقصيعة ⵍⵉⴱⵢⴰ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ - Libya Tamazight - ليبيا تمازيغت 95.1 FM ⵍⵉⴱⵢⴰ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ ⵉⵥⵓⵔⴰⵏ ⴷ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⴳⵉⵜ ليبيا تمازيغت جذور و هوية #أمساوال #ⴰⵎⵙⴰⵡⴰⵍ #Amsawal #libya_tamazight #ⵍⵉⴱⵢⴰ_ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ #ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵜ
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2 episodes

Manage series 3553853
Content provided by Libya tamazight - ⵍⵉⴱⵢⴰ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ. All podcast content including episodes, graphics, and podcast descriptions are uploaded and provided directly by Libya tamazight - ⵍⵉⴱⵢⴰ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ or their podcast platform partner. If you believe someone is using your copyrighted work without your permission, you can follow the process outlined here
ⴰⵎⵙⴰⵡⴰⵍ - Amsawal - أمساوال "ⴰⵡⴰⵍ ⵉⵜⵜⴰⵡⵉⴷ ⴰⵡⴰⵍ" ⴰⵀⵉⵍ ⴷⵉⵙ ⴳⵓⴷⴰ ⵏ ⵜⵖⴰⵡⵙⵉⵡⵉⵏ, ⵜⴰⴷⴻⵍⴰ, ⵜⵉⵎⴻⵜⵜⵉ ⴷ ⵉⵜⵜⵓⵜⵍⴰⵢ ⴰⴼ ⵜⵍⵓⴼⴰ ⴷ ⴰⴷⵉⵡⴻⵏⵏⵉ ⴷⵉⴷ ⵉⵡⴷⴰⵏ ⵙ ⴳⵓⴷⴰ ⵏ ⵢⵉⴷⵉⵙⴰⵏ ⴷ ⴳⵓⴷⴰ ⵏ ⵜⵎⵓⵔⴰ ⴰⵡⴻⵜⵜⵉ ⵏ :ⵄⴻⴱⴷⵍⴻⵃⵍⵉⴷ ⴰⴳⵔⵉⴳⵉⵟ ⵉⵛⴰ ⵏ :ⴼⵓⵣⵉ ⴱⵓⴳⵚⵉⵄⴰ برنامج ثقافي توعوي يطرح العديد مِن المَواضيع المتنوعة المتعلقة بالأسرة والحياة اليومية لمُعالجتها ودِراسة خطوات النهوض والوعي بها وإدراكها. ⵜⵉⵔⴰ- ⵎ ⵄⴱⴻⴷ ⵍⵃⴰⵎⵉⴷ ⴰⴳⴻⵔⴳⵉⵟ ⵉⵛⴰ- ⴼⵓⵣⵉ ⵏ ⴱⵓⴳⵚⵉⵄⴰ إعداد : عبدالحميد قرقيط تقديم: فوزي ن بوقصيعة ⵍⵉⴱⵢⴰ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ - Libya Tamazight - ليبيا تمازيغت 95.1 FM ⵍⵉⴱⵢⴰ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ ⵉⵥⵓⵔⴰⵏ ⴷ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⴳⵉⵜ ليبيا تمازيغت جذور و هوية #أمساوال #ⴰⵎⵙⴰⵡⴰⵍ #Amsawal #libya_tamazight #ⵍⵉⴱⵢⴰ_ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ #ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵜ
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