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Best Storytelling Podcasts We Could Find
Best Storytelling Podcasts We Could Find
Most people grew up listening to stories that have been shared and passed on from generation to next as a means of entertainment, education, cultural preservation and instilling moral values. The podcasts listed in the catalog cover stories from every genre, real and sci-fi, for all ages, which be followed while you commute, walk in the park, climb a mountain, even without Internet connection. Some of the podcasts analyse popular myths and their cultural influence and origin. Other podcasts delve into the paranormal world, attempting to explore the unexplained as well as discussing about UFO encounters. Furthermore, you can find many audio books, bed-time stories for children, ranging from retelling of fairy tales to telling classic stories. Some hosts invite people from all walks of life to share their true, life stories. Others analyse the latest news in literature, from every genre, often accompanied by established and emerging authors.
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rrRADIO — Vroeg begin is half gewin vir jou kinders en geldsake. Anet Schoeman praat met kenners oor alles wat jy jou kinders, tieners en jong volwassenes oor geld moet leer om hul finansieel verantwoordelik en paraat te maak. Nuwe episodes word elke tweede Vrydagoggend vanaf 6 Maart vrygestel.By Gelees deur Elize Cawood. Geskryf deur Martie Swanepoel
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rrRADIO — In die vervolgverhaal geskryf deur Bernette Bergenthuin, stel Elma Postma ons bekend aan Amie Kühn. Amie se lewe is perfek – sy woon in die mooie Kaap, sy is mal oor haar werk as prokureur en sy gaan uit met die aantreklike Gerhard Vosloo. Maar die perfekte prentjie val vinnig uit mekaar toe sy besef dat sy en Gerhard nie heeltemal diesel…
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rrRADIO — Moenie dat jou geldsake jou slapelose nagte gee nie! In hierdie reeks help ons deurwinterde joernalis Anet Schoeman en ʼn span kenners jou om sin te maak van al die finansiële slaggate wat op jou pad mag kom. Elke episode takel ‘n spesifieke tema wat elke besige vrou se lewe raak. Die eerste episode word op 18 Oktober uitgesaai. Daarna sal…
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rrRADIO — In dié NUWE spanningsvolle vervolgverhaal, geskryf deur Martie Swanepoel, stel die bekende aktrise en TV-aanbieder Bettie Kemp jou aan Amelie du Raan voor. Nadat sy uit haar stresvolle werk en aftakelende huwelik gestap het, trek Amelie en haar kinders na ʼn vervalle ou huis op die platteland. Hier maak sy kennis met die spoke van die verl…
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