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Podcast oficial da APMT - Agência Presbiteriana de Missões Transculturais. Um canal que vai inspirar e motivar você e sua igreja a se engajarem com missões transculturais.
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Your Money. Your Mission.

Johnson Financial Group

The show that helps you maximize your wealth by turning complex financial situations into actionable advice. On Your Money. Your Mission., we answer the questions you’ve been asking about -- financial planning, investing, retirement and everything in between. Whether you’re navigating the complexities of the market or looking for the best ways to save or spend your money, tune in to hear from experienced financial advisors with JFG. Walk away from each episode with savvy tips and financial t ...
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Dr. Benjamin Zeier

Meine Frau Lena und ich erzählen dir jede Woche von unserem Leben in Peru. 2020 sind wir mit unseren 5 Kindern nach Peru ausgewandert. Ich arbeite hier in einem der größten Missionshospitäler Südamerikas, Diospi Suyana. Meine Arbeit ist ehrenamtlich. Kannst du mithelfen, dass wir anderen helfen können? Vereinigte deutsche Missionshilfe e.V. Verwendungszweck „AC490000 Zeier“ IBAN DE33 2916 7624 0012 5776 00 BIC GENODEF1SHR Du findest noch mehr Info unter www.missionsarzt.de. Willst du unseren ...
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Missio Dei Fellowship is a multi-campus, Southern-Baptist church in Southeastern Wisconsin. We are devoted to God's Word, and thus - the exegetical and expositional preaching of it. Pastored by Matthew Henry (Kenosha) and Matt Miller (Oak Creek).
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Adventist Review Ministries

Mission150 tells the exciting story of the 150 years of Adventist Mission to the world. Each week, the podcast explores the past and the present of the Adventist missionary enterprise. Join each episode to learn, to be challenged, and to be inspired, to be come part of the mission of the Seventh-Day Adventist church. Watch the video clips on https://adventistreview.tv/programs/mission150
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The story of the world's most secret agents...the backups. For the first time in his career, Special Agent Chet Phillips has discovered that he can choose NOT to accept a mission! That means there's no choice but to send in the "B Team": A nervous pencil pusher promoted to the field, a computer hacker working off her sentence, a fading former sitcom star and a recently reassigned White House intern. A full cast comedy audio adventure with a new episode debuting each month!
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Moments for Missions is a five-minute daily Monday through Friday radio program produced by Baptist International Missions, Inc. (BIMI). It is provided free of charge to any radio station that will broadcast it without charge to BIMI. The programs typically share missions-related messages, missionary prayer needs, or interviews with BIMI missionaries.
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Mission Energiewende

detektor.fm – Das Podcast-Radio

Lange hat Deutschland beim Thema Klimaschutz und Energiewende als Musterschüler gegolten. Doch ist das auch 2024 noch so? Was läuft besonders gut? Wo hakt es? detektor.fm-Redaktionsleiterin Ina Lebedjew sucht zusammen mit Kolleginnen und Kollegen im Podcast „Mission Energiewende“ nach Antworten. "Mission Energiewende" ist der detektor.fm-Podcast zum Klimawandel und neuen Energielösungen in Deutschland. Eine Kooperation mit LichtBlick – eurem Anbieter von klimaneutraler Energie für zuhause un ...
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The SEND938 Missions Podcast encourages, equips, and inspires the next generation of missionary servants and the churches who send them. Listen in as Steve Anderson and his guests uncover fresh insights into missions, ministry, and church life. As a leader in global missions, Baptist Mid-Missions empowers churches and their missionaries for missions in today’s complex world: www.bmm.org. Email:Send938@bmm.org
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Missio Dei Church is a church located in Glassboro, NJ. Our church has 3 core focuses: growing closer to Jesus together as a church, preaching the Bible faithfully as often as we gather, and loving and serving our local community. We invite you to learn more at our website, or contact us at info@missiodeinj.com
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Mission One

General Baptist Ministries

The Mission One podcast highlights conversations and discussions about Mission One. Our program provides opportunities for individuals to participate as members of mission teams, as interns, and as short-term missionaries.
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Mission Community Church

Mission Community Church is a Christian church in Gilbert, AZ that leads people to find thriving life in Jesus. This podcast is the weekend message feed with regular teaching by Lead Teaching Pastor Landon MacDonald and others.
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This is the Mission Matters podcast, where we feature successful, mission-driven leaders committed to creating a positive change in the world. Our mission with this channel is to inspire other leaders by providing industry insights, new ideas, and inspiring stories from the pros!
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The Missiology Podcast features conversations with missiologists about their experiences in the study of mission. We want to know their stories: why the study of mission has mattered in their lives and what it's all about. The host, Martin Rodriguez, and producer, Greg McKinzie, hope our listeners enjoy hearing the unique voices of these authors and teachers.
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show series
Peter is now ready to address the house of Cornelius, filled with friends and family of this Centurion. But what is his message-- It begins and ends with the person and work of Jesus. In this short series we walk through his words to see the many qualities that belong to Jesus and see the utter centrality of Him in all things. In this message we se…
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The Bible is a wonderful, beautiful, and (if we're being honest) confusing book. It contains some of the greatest stories, moral advice, and life giving wisdom while at the very same time it can be complicated, startling, and hard to understand. What do we do with this wonderfully strange book? How do we read it? How do we engage with it in ways th…
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Peter is now ready to address the house of Cornelius, filled with friends and family of this Centurion. But what is his message? It begins and ends with the person and work of Jesus. In this short series we walk through his words to see the many qualities that belong to Jesus and see the utter centrality of Him in all things. In this message we see…
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Verses Used: Luke 5 Mark 10:45 Luke 19:10 Luke 7:33-34 Luke 5:27-32 Luke 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, 19, 22, 24 John 6:35 Matthew 26:26-29 Romans 5:8 Ephesians 2 Takeaways: Throughout the Bible, God has used food as a means to communicate spiritual truths and realities. Jesus Came… “The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life a…
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【列王紀下 12:1-8】 1耶戶第七年、約阿施登基、在耶路撒冷作王四十年‧他母親名叫西比亞、是別是巴人。2約阿施在祭司耶何耶大教訓他的時候、就行耶和華眼中看為正的事‧3只是邱壇還沒有廢去‧百姓仍在那裏獻祭燒香。4約阿施對眾祭司說、凡奉到耶和華殿分別為聖之物所值通用的銀子、或各人當納的身價、或樂意奉到耶和華殿的銀子、5你們當從所認識的人收了來、修理殿的一切破壞之處。6無奈到了約阿施王二十三年、祭司仍未修理殿的破壞之處。7所以約阿施王召了大祭司耶何耶大、和眾祭司來、對他們說、你們怎麼不修理殿的破壞之處呢‧從今以後、你們不要從所認識的人再收銀子、要將所收的交出來、修理殿的破壞之處‧8眾祭司答應不再收百姓的銀子、也不修理殿的破壞之處。…
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Neste episódio recebemos o missionário Cornélio Castro autor do livro Missões um trabalho em Equipe: https://amzn.to/4d4IrrJ Neste novo quadro do Podcast Missionando vamos ouvir sobre a importância da literatura na missão. Vamos conversar com autores de diferentes livros que têm contribuído para o fortalecimento, despertamento e avanço da obra miss…
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Join us as we visit with Bill Persinger, the outgoing CEO of Valeo Behavioral Health Care. We begin by expressing our gratitude for Bill’s work as CEO as he prepares for retirement, and then delve into his extensive career in mental health. Bill shares insights into the evolution of behavioral health care and the history of community mental health …
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Gateway Woods offers a variety of Christ-centered social services in the northeast Indiana area. The ministry has grown over the years and expanded the services they offer and those they are able to help as they spread God's love! We had the opportunity to sit down with Rob Parker as he shared about his time at the organization. He also shared some…
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Do pioneering ministry opportunities still exist? They do in the middle of the Mediterranean on an island first visited with the gospel by the Apostle Paul after a shipwreck. Hear the incredible story of how the Gospel was brought back to an island nation where the law was amended to allow for a Baptist church to be built and how God has moved to s…
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【列王紀下 11:13-21】 13亞他利雅聽見護衛兵和民的聲音、就到民那裏、進耶和華的殿‧14看見王照例站在柱旁、百夫長和吹號的人侍立在王左右、國中的眾民歡樂吹號‧亞他利雅就撕裂衣服、喊叫說、反了、反了。15祭司耶何耶大吩咐管轄軍兵的百夫長說、將他趕出班外‧凡跟隨他的、必用刀殺死‧因為祭司說、不可在耶和華殿裏殺他。16眾兵就閃開讓他去‧他從馬路上王宮去‧便在那裏被殺。17耶何耶大使王和民與耶和華立約、作耶和華的民‧又使王與民立約。18於是國民都到巴力廟、拆毀了廟、打碎壇和像‧又在壇前將巴力的祭司瑪坦殺了。祭司耶何耶大派官看守耶和華的殿。19又率領百夫長和迦利人〔或作親兵〕與護衛兵、以及國中的眾民、請王從耶和華殿下來、由護衛兵的門進入王宮。他就坐了王位。20國民都歡樂、閤城都安靜。眾人已將亞…
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In present-day Solum, Gwyn challenges Asencia to an ancient Vau N'Akat ritual. Meanwhile, Dal and his crew crash-land on Solum in the future, and catch up with Captain Chakotay...only to lose him and the Protostar all over again? Char and Marina discuss it all in their analysis of "Who Saves the Saviors." Follow Mission Log for weekly discussion of…
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Peter is now ready to address the house of Cornelius, filled with friends and family of this Centurion. But what is his message-- It begins and ends with the person and work of Jesus. In this short series we walk through his words to see the many qualities that belong to Jesus and see the utter centrality of Him in all things. In this message we wi…
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【列王紀下 11:1-12】 1亞哈謝的母親亞他利雅見他兒子死了、就起來剿滅王室。2但約蘭王的女兒、亞哈謝的妹子約示巴、將亞哈謝的兒子約阿施從那被殺的王子中偷出來、把他和他的乳母、都藏在臥房裏、躲避亞他利雅、免得被殺‧3約阿施和他的乳母藏在耶和華的殿裏六年‧亞他利雅篡了國位。4第七年、耶何耶大打發人叫迦利人〔或作親兵〕和護衛兵的眾百夫長來、領他們進了耶和華的殿、與他們立約、使他們在耶和華殿裏起誓‧又將王的兒子指給他們看‧5吩咐他們說、你們當這樣行、凡安息日進班的三分之一、要看守王宮‧6三分之一、要在蘇珥門‧三分之一、要在護衛兵院的後門‧這樣把守王宮、攔阻閒人。7你們安息日所有出班的三分之二、要在耶和華的殿裏護衛王‧8各人手拿兵器、四圍護衛王‧凡擅入你們班次的、必當治死、王出入的時候、你們當跟…
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How do you become all that God has called you to be? Listen today as guest speaker Pastor James Hoegger shares the different attitudes we have to battle in order to press on toward our God given calling.To stay connected to what's happening at Mission Church, follow us on any of the following platforms:Instagraminstagram.com/missionchurchcaPodcastm…
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A new MP3 sermon from Mt. Zion Baptist Missions Philippines is now available on SermonAudio with the following details: Title: The Life of Paul - Second Missionary Journey (part 6) Subtitle: Youth Bible Class 2024 Speaker: Jay Pagcaliwangan Broadcaster: Mt. Zion Baptist Missions Philippines Event: Sunday School Date: 7/14/2024 Bible: Acts 18:1-22 L…
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Isolde Müller predigt im Missionswerk Karlsruhe. Es gibt heutzutage so viele Warnschilder, dass wir viele gar nicht mehr beachten. Man sieht sie und sieht sie doch nicht! Auch in der Bibel finden wir „Warnschilder“, die für unser Leben sehr bedeutsam sind. Paulus weißt immer wieder darauf hin, dass wir genau hinschauen und hinhören.…
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