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Jesus Watches You Use Your Special Gifts to Build Up His Church: Parable of the Talents In the liturgy, we hear words of finality.Today we hear the end of St. Matthew’s Gospel during weekday Masses. During Ordinary Time throughout the year, we engage the public ministry of Our Lord. We do so in three ways. The Church begins by hearing about His pub…
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We Must Examine Our Hearts to See What Is There that God Does Not Like! How Do We Do This? Jesus’ language is very strong within the Gospel.He talks about the inside and outside. Yesterday, we focused on cleaning the outside of the dish and cup. But the inside is important too! In today’s Gospel, Jesus describes those like whitewashed tombs. Beauti…
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Jesus Tells Us About Cleanliness Before God. Implications for Our Spiritual Life Everywhere we go we are presented with rules, regulations and laws.We must follow these rules or risk getting kicked out or banned. This is true in many circumstances, including sports. There are many rules and regulations.In each of the readings (not included within t…
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Rejoice! Jesus Knows You! Implications for Our Spiritual Journey! We humans, living within time, experience things with a beginning, a middle and an end.However, God does not work that way. With regard to salvation, the end always comes first. That may sound a little strange when we first hear it. The end is always before the beginning.When we thin…
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Our Lord Outlines How to Achieve Happiness and Holiness Within Today’s Gospel The one desire which gives all humans unity and meaning, force and decision to all desires is happiness.It is the goal of all human activity, the perfect good which satisfies all human desires. The search for happiness is the common ground on which all human yearnings, al…
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Jesus Tells Us: The First Will Be Last and the Last Will be First. What this Means for Our Own Spirituality!In the Homily, the priest stated he went to Philadelphia, PA for the first time.Being from Africa, and residing on Long Island, it was an opportunity to visit another state. One of the activities of sight-seeing was to take in his first live …
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Jesus Tells Us to Be Detached from Wealth. What Does He Mean by That? Today’s Gospel follows yesterday’s Gospel when a young rich man goes to Jesus and asks what he must do to inherit eternal life.Jesus answers him plainly. Obey the commandments. The young man tells Jesus he has indeed followed the commandments. The young man continues and asks Jes…
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Our Life Must Constantly Move Toward God in Repentance and Seeking His Mercy In the first reading we hear from scripture that exiled Israelites believe they are suffering and in exile because of the sins of their parents.They believed they are suffering because of their parents. The blame game is an old game that continues today. Others are the cau…
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Jesus Makes Known His Commandment For Us: Love One Another As I Have Love You There are two components in this commandment.As I Have Love You . . . .Love One Another. After experiencing My Love for you, go and Love One Another.When we hear this commandment, the question is not whether God loves us or even how much God loves us. We know He loves us!…
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Blessing the New Altar and Understanding the Relics: Shrine of Our Lady of the Island During the Blessing of the new altar at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Island, we hear about three relics.The relics include the founder of the Company of Mary, as well as the first martyr, and the first American born saint. Three relics in total placed in the alta…
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Jesus Gives Us a Command: What Is the Implication for Our Spiritual Life?“Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you.Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day.”During the Last Supper, Jesus issues a command to His disciples. That command impa…
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Jesus Tells Us What We Must Do to Obtain Eternal Life In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells us what we must do to obtain eternal life.“Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”For many, this Gospel is beautiful…
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Saint Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr: A Model of Self-GivingToday the Church celebrates St Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr.St. Lawrence is a model for us all! He is a model of self-giving and approaches life the way we all should!Hear the story of St. Lawrence. Listen to this Meditation Media.Listen to:Saint Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr: A Model of Self-Gi…
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Why Did Jesus Elect to Come to Us Through the Mystery of the Eucharist? Food is important for all humans. Jesus tells us in the Gospel He is the Bread of Life.Why did Jesus elect to come to us through the Eucharist?Listen to this Meditation Media: Listen to:Why Did Jesus Elect to Come to Us Through the Mystery of the Eucharist?---------------------…
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Jesus Tells Us What We Feed Will Flourish Within You In the First Reading we hear from Jeremiah lamenting for the sins of Israel. Jeremiah talks about three themes. In the Homily, we hear about these themes.God did much good for the people of Israel. But, Israel repays God with evil. Why should the good live among the evil?Parable of the Sowing of …
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Finding Your Own Treasure and Field. A Spiritual Lesson For All of Us! In the process of Beatification and the process of Canonization there are factors for one to be called Blessed or called a Saint.One of the factors is Joy. If a Blessed or Saint candidate does not have the virtue of Joy, the candidacy is abandoned. Why? Because, within Holiness,…
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The Human Life Can Reveal the Divine In today’s Gospel, Jesus is reduced . . . isn’t He the son of the carpenter?The people missed the point! Jesus wants to show us that God can be revealed in the human life. Within each one us the divine can be revealed! How?Hear how God reveals His Wisdom through us. The Human Life Can Reveal the Divine.Listen to…
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In the Eucharist, We Become the Body of Christ The Gospel continues with the teaching on the Bread of Life. The Eucharist is central to the Church. The Eucharist enables the Church. The Church enables the Eucharist. Without the Church, there is no Eucharist. Without the Eucharist, there is no Church.This is why the Church dedicates five consecutive…
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He is Here For You and Me! Divine worship is not ordinary and is important.While we gather at Church, our gathering is not the most important thing! The most important thing is Christ is our togetherness. The first reading happens in the later time in the prophet Jeremiah’s ministry. He speaks a word to the people . . . that no one wants to hear. H…
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Jesus Reveals the Father Only to Those He Wishes. What Are the Implications for Our Spiritual Journey? In today’s Gospel, we are reminded that God reveals Himself to the simple and humble of heart.We hear Jesus praying in the Gospel. Jesus prays to the Father and says You have revealed the secret of your mystery to the child-like. We may then ask: …
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Now You Live in Me and I Live in You. I Shall Raise You Up on the Last Day!The Gospel we hear today is the Bread of Life on the Feast of Corpus Christi – The Body and Blood of Christ.In the Homily, a question is asked: Why did God send Jesus into the world? While there may be several answers, the primary reason was Jesus came to bring us salvation.…
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Come to Me, All You Who Labor and are Burdened, and I Will Give you Rest. What Does That Mean? The first reading (not included within this audio) speaks of the redemptive power of God.In doing so, there is a vital and often overlooked invitation. In the Gospel we hear the Lord say . . . Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will giv…
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For the Son of Man is the Lord of the SabbathThe Gospel reading from Matthew ends with this statement. The Gospel begins articulating the situation the disciples were in as they followed Jesus. They were hungry, and pick the grains of wheat as they walked, even on the sabbath. Hunger, in general, can make us do crazy things! The Homily provides an …
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Understand Jesus’ Mission For You and Its Boundaries. Understand What He Desires For You!Today’s Gospel assumes you remember last week’s Gospel (don’t worry, it will be reviewed).Ordinary Times doesn’t mean unimportant times. It means time put into order. Ordered Times! The order during these times is the order of the public ministry of Jesus. This…
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Moving Beyond What We Ask Jesus For (What We Want) to Concentrate on What Jesus Wants For Us!There is a reason for everything we do. When we go to Mass, we come praying to God for (perhaps) the grace of healing, for the grace to get a job, or many other things.In today’s Gospel we hear about many people coming to Jesus for different reasons. We als…
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The Church Will Celebrate a Year of Jubilee in 2025. What Does this Mean for Our Spiritual Life? She spent most of her wealth and still suffered.There is something familiar with that statement. The Homily continues and asks the saints in the pew . . . do you believe the Gospel that was just read about the raising of a little girl from the dead? The…
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False Righteousness . . . and Jesus Will Say . . . I DO NOT Know You! He taught them as one having authority, and not like a scribe.Authority demands a response. If there is no response, there is no authority!Authority makes a claim. Something happens to the people who listen to Jesus! As He speaks, He is NOT giving them information or advice! His …
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The Mother of God With Three Hands Today marks the celebration of the Mother of God With Three Hands.Why three hands? First of all, it is not a mistake by the artist. The origin of the image has much to do with the readings today. Hear more within the Homily.John of Damascus was trustworthy and an excellent speaker. Around the year 700 AD, a voice …
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Faith is Made to Be Shared In today’s reading the Church honors Saints Peter and Paul.When a child is born in Africa, they are often given two names. The first name depicts the situation into which the child was born. It is a message for future generations. The second name is often associated with the saints. Hear more within the Homily.Saint Peter…
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St. Paul’s Lessons to Us! Our Presence Is Important to the Church! The Gospel today is about Saint Thomas.The Homily begins with a proverb: One Head does not lift up the roof. In villages building houses, mud is often used to build the walls of the house. Separately, people build the roof. Of course, the people who build the roof wish to build it c…
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Why Will People Hunger for the Word of God?Today’s first reading is from the Prophet Amos.Israel, during Amos’ time, is a land of wealth. It arrives at this wealth, in part, by demanding from the poor. Amos comes and issues a warning. He says, you need to administer justice. If you are not just, you will be punished. Amos says people are hungry for…
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What is Required to Receive the Grace of God?What is required to grow in the reality of salvation? This is what the readings explore today! It’s an amazingly important set of questions, but rarely are we asked directly.The first reading from the prophet Amos is remarkable and perhaps surprising. The words God gives to us through His prophet are . .…
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Worry About How You Appear Before God Both readings feature a garment.Jesus speaks in the Gospel about an invisible garment. He speaks of a mask we put on and wear. Humans are concerned with putting on a certain outward presentation. The Lord tells His disciples, that outward presentation of piety means nothing if they do not spring from a heart th…
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You Can Not Serve Two Masters. What Actually is Jesus Telling Us?After hearing about the actions we do each time we hear the Gospel read by the Deacon or Priest, the Homily focuses on today’s Gospel.Jesus looks around and sees the human heart in a specific light. Jesus says sooner or later one must commit their heart. One must decide how they are g…
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When God Speaks to Us Through Prayer In today’s Gospel, Jesus teaches us how to pray.In the Homily, we hear of students praying just before exams. Exam time may be characterized as a time to prepare for the test, and a time also to pray. However, sometimes students, as well as others, pray incorrectly. They may pray and say to God, my future depend…
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Let Your “Yes” Mean “Yes” and “No” Mean “No“. What is Jesus Telling Us!Let your Yes mean Yes, and your No mean No.A simple statement by Our Lord Jesus. But, as we may know, this is hard for humans. Typically, in the world, Yes may mean . . . “for now”, “maybe” or “as long as it is convenient”. We are often people of qualifications. Yes! A simple wo…
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The Only Way to Receive the Blessings of God is to Follow His Words Into Them! Today the Church celebrates the Memorial of St. Anthony of Padua.Most of us are familiar with St. Anthony. We often see him depicted holding the Christ Child. But what many do not realize is where that tradition comes from! Why is he holding the Christ Child? The Homily …
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When is the Kingdom of God Coming? In today’s Gospel, Jesus talks about the Kingdom of God.When is the Kingdom Coming? That was the question a little girl recently asked the priest. The girl prefaces the question by saying her father and his father before that prayed for the coming of the Kingdom from the time each were little boys. When exactly is…
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You Are the Salt of the World! Jesus Teaches His Disciples and Us What This Means!Today’s Gospel, from the discourse on the mountain, brings Jesus’ disciples together so He may teach them.Jesus tells His disciples that the way each of them have chosen has a demand. Jesus provides His disciples with two images. The first is salt. The second image is…
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God Hears All Prayers by Those Who Put Their Total Trust in the Lord In today’s Gospel, we hear Jesus talk about the commandments.Jesus says, . . . But whoever obeys and teaches these commandments will be called greatest in the Kingdom of heaven. In the Homily, we hear of a woman with nine children. They are now adults, but only one goes to Church …
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The Mystery of Love is Revealed Paul recognizes the Resurrection changed his life!The Resurrection changed Paul’s entire being. Paul wants all to know about Jesus, His life, His teachings and that He is God. He has been Resurrected.Paul was imprisoned for teaching about Jesus. Delivering His message and teachings lands Paul in jail. Paul wears the …
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Our Lady Rises on the Feast of the Visitation Mary set out to the hill country in haste.The Visitation is important to linger with the fact that it involves a rising above or upward movement. For many of us, we know of her downward movement. She comes down from Heaven at Lourdes . . . down from Heaven to Fatima. Yet, this Feast Day involves the fir…
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Decisions Are Part of Christian Life Before beginning the Homily, two announcements were made.Two New Montfort Priests Arrive at ShrineThe first announcement: The Shrine now has three Montfort Fathers that will say Mass going forward. Fr. Bernard and Fr. Felix have joined the Shrine from Africa. In the near term, you’ll hear more about each priest.…
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Jesus Tells Us We Need to Be Led. Understand What Surrendering We Must Be Willing to Do, For the Love of Jesus When you were younger, you dressed yourself and went where you wanted to go. When you are older . . . someone else will dress you and lead you to where you do not want to go. These words Jesus speaks to Peter is a foretelling of Peter’s ma…
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Reading Through Dignitas Infinita – The Declaration on Human DignityThis audio is Part 5 of 5: Moving Forward with this Teaching. See all the titles within this conference below.Dignitas Infinita (which means Infinite Dignity) is a 2024 declaration on Catholic doctrine that outlines the importance of human dignity, explains its connection to God.“D…
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Trinity Sunday: What is the Church’s Message On This Day? Human language and concepts sometimes break down or falls short in describing something.The Church celebrates the Holy Trinity. One God, but three persons. What is the Church telling us today? What is the Church telling us about ourselves on this day?Listen to this Meditation Media.…
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Reading Through Dignitas Infinita – The Declaration on Human DignityThis audio is Part IV: Threats to Human Dignity: Part 2 of 2: See all the titles within this conference below.Dignitas Infinita (which means Infinite Dignity) is a 2024 declaration on Catholic doctrine that outlines the importance of human dignity, explains its connection to God.“D…
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Reading Through Dignitas Infinita – The Declaration on Human Dignity This audio is Part III: Threats to Human Dignity: Part 1 of 2: See all the titles within this conference below.Dignitas Infinita (which means Infinite Dignity) is a 2024 declaration on Catholic doctrine that outlines the importance of human dignity, explains its connection to God.…
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When Did Mary Receive Her Crown? Its Significance to Us on Mother’s Day and Always! On this day, Mother’s Day and the Seventh Sunday of Easter, we hear that Jesus sends His disciples into the world.We also hear more about Mary within the Homily. When did Mary receive her crown? We hear in the Mysteries of the Rosaries, that we honor the crowning of…
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Reading Through Dignitas Infinita – The Declaration on Human Dignity This audio is Part II: Learning to Live in a Dignified Way. See all the titles within this conference below.Dignitas Infinita (which means Infinite Dignity) is a 2024 declaration on Catholic doctrine that outlines the importance of human dignity, explains its connection to God.“Di…
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