The Africa Centre for Apologetics Research (ACFAR) provides Christians with resources and training for discernment, the defense of the faith, and cult evangelism. This podcast features selected radio programs and conference presentations on topics related to cultic movements and apologetics in Africa.
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Rodgers Atwebembeire - Practical help for Christians seeking to “rightly divide the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15).By The Africa Centre for Apologetics Research
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Rodgers Atwebembeire - Understanding how the “untaught and unstable distort...the Scriptures to their own destruction” (2 Peter 3:16).By The Africa Centre for Apologetics Research
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Rodgers Atwebembeire - Understanding the Bible’s teaching on the two natures of Christ.By The Africa Centre for Apologetics Research
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Rodgers Atwebembeire - Practical help for Christians seeking to “rightly divide the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15).By The Africa Centre for Apologetics Research
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Rodgers Atwebembeire - The Bible’s teaching on the deity of Christ—and its powerful implications for everyone.By The Africa Centre for Apologetics Research
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Robby Muhumuza - A survey of controversial groups originating in East Africa.By The Africa Centre for Apologetics Research
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Dr. Chris Tuhirirwe – The noted scholar considers the lessons we must learn about the Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God and its aftermath.By The Africa Centre for Apologetics Research
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Dr. Paddy Musana - The noted scholar considers the lessons we must learn about the Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God and its aftermath.By The Africa Centre for Apologetics Research
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Eric Pement – Scriptural insights on the doctrines and practices of Muhammad and his worldwide following.By The Africa Centre for Apologetics Research
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Robert M. Bowman, Jr. – Scriptural insights on the doctrines and practices of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society and its worldwide following.By The Africa Centre for Apologetics Research
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Eric Pement – Scriptural insights on the doctrines and practices of Joseph Smith and his worldwide following.By The Africa Centre for Apologetics Research
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Rodgers Atwebembeire – How to fulfill the Bible’s call to discern between truth and error (Hebrews 5:14, 1 Thessalonians 5:19-22).By The Africa Centre for Apologetics Research
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Rodgers Atwebembeire – What does the Bible tell us about humanity, the consequences of our rebellion against God, and the way of salvation?By The Africa Centre for Apologetics Research
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Rodgers Atwebembeire – What the Bible says about the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.By The Africa Centre for Apologetics Research
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Rodgers Atwebembeire – Knowing the one true God requires knowing how He has revealed Himself to us in Scripture.By The Africa Centre for Apologetics Research
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Rodgers Atwebembeire – What does the Bible tell us about Jesus Christ?By The Africa Centre for Apologetics Research
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Rodgers Atwebembeire – Understanding how the “untaught and unstable distort...the Scriptures to their own destruction” (2 Peter 3:16).By The Africa Centre for Apologetics Research
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Rodgers Atwebembeire – Understanding how the “untaught and unstable distort...the Scriptures to their own destruction” (2 Peter 3:16).By The Africa Centre for Apologetics Research
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Rodgers Atwebembeire – Every Christian is called to defend the faith (Jude 3-4) and be ready with an answer (1 Peter 3:15).By The Africa Centre for Apologetics Research
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Rev. Dr. Edison Muhindo Kalengyo – Shining the light of God’s Word on this singular crime.By The Africa Centre for Apologetics Research
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Rev. Canon Dr. John Senyonyi – Biblical guidelines for responding to the lure of the QuestNet/Amezcua Bio Disc and other “wellness” methods and devices.By The Africa Centre for Apologetics Research
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Rodgers Atwebembeire – Understanding how the “untaught and unstable distort...the Scriptures to their own destruction” (2 Peter 3:16).By The Africa Centre for Apologetics Research
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Robby MuhumuzaBy The Africa Centre for Apologetics Research
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Robert M. Bowman, Jr. – What every believer should know about the central, non-negotiable truths of biblical Christianity.By The Africa Centre for Apologetics Research
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Rodgers Atwebembeire – Using Scripture to recognize and resist false teachers and their teachings.By The Africa Centre for Apologetics Research
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Dr. J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu – The eminent West African theologian assesses what the Bible says about the healing and prosperity “gospel.”By The Africa Centre for Apologetics Research
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Eric Pement – A scriptural critique of the doctrines and practices of self-proclaimed American prophet William Marrion Branham.By The Africa Centre for Apologetics Research
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Speakers respond to questions from conference participants.By The Africa Centre for Apologetics Research
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Paul Carden – Biblical principles for recognizing and resisting doctrinal error.By The Africa Centre for Apologetics Research
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Robby Muhumuza welcomes participants and speakers to the first day of this conference on “The Bible and the Challenge of Discernment.”By The Africa Centre for Apologetics Research
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