show episodes
Our mission is Thriving Companies, Great Leaders. Avoiding Tough Conversations as leaders keeps us stuck and small, and is horrendously expensive. Our teams and companies are less engaged, experiencing conflict, and sometimes even quitting. But having Tough Conversations with courage and skill can become the defining moments of our careers, our relationships, and our lives. And employees become happier, thriving contributors who want to stick around because they love their job. David Wood ta ...
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show series
I was recently interviewed about my new book by Kathryn Thompson, host of Be the Sought After Entrepreneur. We had an exciting conversation about my book, Mouse in the Room, and I went over some key points on being the bad-ass leader people want to follow! We discuss: How to have radical personal transformation. The RIGHT way to say what's on your …
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I'm excited to announce that my latest project - Mouse in the Room Book - has been funded. My co-author, Shaina List, and I thank you for your support! Tune in to this special episode of Tough Conversations, where I'm joined by Zach Kellum and Lauren Rayburn. I cover: What is a mouse? Why naming your mouse (aka feelings) can give you more confidenc…
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If you feel like your anxiety is getting in the way of life, then this podcast episode might be for you. Join me as I chat with Dr Susan Campbell on a therapy-tested approach that can defuse anger and stress reactions when it comes to dealing with anxiety. Topics covered include: How to get clear on your micro triggers. How asking for what you want…
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Jason is the author of Conflict = Energy, and in this episode with Jason, we cover: Why this book? How does this relate to tough conversations? Welcome conflict! It’s a good thing! Learn about our values. Check-in with self-emotional clarity. Curiosity. Connection over content. Naming what’s happening. Jason Digges is the author of the new release …
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Dr. Benjamin Hardy is an organizational psychologist, successful entrepreneur and bestselling author of Willpower Doesn't Work and Personality Isn't Permanent. His blog is read by millions of people monthly and featured on Forbes, Fortune, and CNBC, and helps people break free from the shackles of their personality. In this episode we cover How per…
  continue reading - In this heart-opening dive into man-woman dynamics, learn why John Gray identifies as an emotional nudist, how his deep love for his wife still carries him today, and how to master tough conversations between the sexes. Is there someone you need to have a tough conversation with? *** For show notes and past guests, please …
  continue reading - This episode got real. I was being interviewed on the Hungry for Happiness podcast recently, when host Samantha Skelly bravely brought up a very real Tough Conversation she needed to have with someone. I love how sweet and vulnerable she was about the issue. Listen in for: -Getting clear on the issue -Identifying her great…
  continue reading - Do you know anyone that’s worked with Sir Elton John or Elon Musk, sent people down to see the wreck of the Titanic on the sea bed or closed museums in Florence for a private dinner party? You do now. Steve Sims is a best selling Author with "BLUEFISHING - the art of making things happen”, a sought-after coach and a speake…
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There's a dark or shadow side to everyone, and often that dark side shows up when we're emotional or have charge with someone. The key is to heal that 'shadow' and communicate with compassion and respect - as difficult as that may be. In this episode, I interview Matthew Mitchell, a transformational speaker and coach I think may be even bolder than…
  continue reading - Have you ever considered scoring your own life and career? So you can play it better? In this episode I show you how I created my own rules of a great life, and TRACK the good and bad practices using a cool new app. I hope this inspires you to create your OWN rules, and give yourself points - and even tangible rewards - fo…
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I got into coaching by accident. This excerpt from my Vroom Vroom Veer podcast appearance tells my personal story – from getting paid to live and work in another country, to my huge crash and burnout, to my more recent comeback. I’ll even tell you why I left Bali in a hurry. Listen in for: How I traveled for a whole year – loved it! Questions – How…
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What do you do when someone stands you up? Do you address it? Or... Don’t rock the boat. Don’t make waves. Don’t bring up something that might be awkward for both people and could go horribly wrong. Do these seem like familiar strategies? Unfortunately, staying silent can harm the relationship. In this episode, Adam Lewis Walker and I talk about a …
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Derek Loudermilk, host of The Art of Adventure podcast, interviewed me on a book he's writing, and I recorded it for my own records. But as I listened to the playback I realized that there was so much good content in it about what makes a great leader and leadership as a practice, and more, that I couldn't not share it with you. The audio is lower …
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It can be a pretty scary world right now for men with the "Me Too" movement hanging over our heads. And it can be challenging for women to set boundaries and still express all of who they are. Saida and I talk about how we can navigate arousal and the masculine and feminine energies in the workplace with truth, openness and dignity on both sides. W…
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This time, we’re talking about “getting on your soapbox”, and giving the phrase a bit of a PR makeover! We cover: How do you want to change the world? What is your mission? If you have a job, what’s your secret mission to impact the world, through your job? Are you shy about getting on your soapbox? How many of us have fallen out of love with our b…
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How can you double your productivity with a few simple steps? How can you increase your Truth-telling by 30%, and what would happen? How can you increase your Daring by 30%, and what might happen? I address these questions in my speech to Ezra Firestone’s mastermind for successful e-commerce entrepreneurs. *** For show notes and past guests, please…
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Laurie Lazar , the director of Authentic Relating International, is the reason I’ve been to prison several times to train prison inmates in authentic relating. We cover: What to do if you haven’t found your mission yet How Laurie discovered her mission The scariness, and power, of eye contact Teaching the power of vulnerability to prison inmates (w…
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An HR manager was worried about a potentially nerve-wracking conversation: how to tell her CEO he's abrasive! Listen in to hear: The 4 Step CASE model to having a Tough Conversation The importance of asking permission to have the conversation - and how! A great way to engage someone who could be dismissive How to manage the other person's defensive…
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I deliberately recorded this episode while very sick in bed; barely moving. Many spiritual paths teach us to practice gratitude and appreciation. My teacher always said “What is the maximum potential of this moment?” Byron Katie might say “Love what is”. Well that seems all fine and dandy for minor annoyances in life, but what about when you’re tru…
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Everyone may have a victimization experience in their life. It’s something you can’t control, is usually scary, but it isn’t the same as victimhood. Dr. Saida Desilets tells her powerful story of not only overcoming a traumatic rape and possible death, but also the power of choosing to not be a victim. How can you apply this to your own life? We al…
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This role play may just have saved a marriage. Super tricky conversation where the participant’s husband accuses her of cheating, and she’s worried he’ll ask her to leave. I was surprised by the amount of love and tenderness that emerged in the role play – and the participant seemed to shed quite a few tears. Outcome? She left with a completely new…
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David shares a simple, free game you can play with the people you’re on lock-down with. This will help you combat the stir-crazies and get to really know your bunker-mates! And - use this game with anyone, anywhere where you'd like to take the conversation a little deeper. *** For show notes and past guests, please visit…
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"Happy Hour” with a glass of wine on zoom just doesn’t cut it. It’s good for chit chat, but not for really connecting, and feeling truly seen. More than ever, we now need connection and grounding - whether it’s with your co-workers, your team, friends, or extended family. David Wood shares four simple tips for having a group zoom call with your com…
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What are your tough conversations about money? Rennie even got me to set up an automated savings plan, and at the time of writing there’s already $800 in there. 10 years from now I’m going to be super happy I met Rennie. Rennie is a TEDx speaker and the author of the award winning, best-selling book, Wealth On Any Income. After two divorces and a b…
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We cover how turning people off can turn you on and explode your profit in this episode. Lisa has been mentoring millionaire entrepreneurs for over 20 years. This is especially powerful if you run a business or are in charge of a team – if you’re brave enough! We cover: Don’t Worry About Being Normal, Proper, or Polite How Turning People Off Will T…
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An attendee of my free weekly Tough Conversations Role Play Zoom call, let’s call her ‘Wonder Woman’, needs to see change, or she may need to quit. We cover: - How to ask your boss for money or funding - Why it's crucial to release charge first! - How to ensure you see real action or change - How to avoid the "lazy yes" - How to avoid the "dirty ye…
  continue reading : I interview one of my clients, Shanon Muir, VP Warner Bros, to find out why and how independent, self-starting high performers uses coaches. We cover: - How this podcast episode is for high performers, successful in a number of areas - How colleagues are useful for advice, coaching brings a different perspective an…
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What do you do when you feel hurt by a family member? This is my edgiest episode yet – this one is super personal, because I’M getting coached on a family issue. I’d felt hurt by a family member and rock-star coach Katarina Jones takes me through our Tough Conversations process, and role-plays the tough conversation with me. Then I play for you the…
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I was thrilled when Nancy Moonstarr asked me to talk about man-woman dynamics and gender roles. Talk about some tricky conversations! We cover: What do men truly want? What do women truly want? How can a man invite a woman to surrender? Is there a place for romantic gender roles in today’s society? How can a couple generate true intimacy? This is t…
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Want to truly change and grow as a leader? Listen in to hear: Who should be listening to this podcast? (Hint: It’s not just for executives) Why is leadership so important? How important is leadership development in a company? You don’t just lead people reporting to you – you can lead your co-workers too! How critical it is to manage up. What gets i…
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How many high performers are struggling with serious health issues and symptoms, yet are able to produce amazing results despite their health challenges. Torah Bontrager, raised traditional Amish, grew up in the US with no electricity and cars and speaks English as a second language. She literally escaped in the middle of the night at age 15, with …
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This a case study from free weekly zoom call. You can register for the free calls at In this one, we spend 5 minutes getting clear on the key issues – WHO, HOPE, FEAR, WHAT, REQUEST, STEPPING IN THEIR SHOES. Summary is: John feels mother has hidden agenda when they talk, and he get’s angry. He doesn’t want to com…
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Follow the 5 simple steps in this video to TRIPLE your productivity, avoid distraction, be laser focused, and feel more peace and integrity. Plus – you’ll get those awesome life and business results you’re after! *** For show notes and past guests, please visit Sign up for David’s email newsletter and download the 4-…
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Here we cover true leadership, and you'll get about 10 great quotes from Jason in this interview. Listen in to hear why people aren't talking to each other in families, communities, and corporations - and how to break the cycle! Why Jason focuses on startups David’s unusual connection with Jason Why it’s critical to override our natural instinct – …
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Jay Abraham is the highest paid marketing expert in the US. He interviews me in this episode on tough conversations for executives and entrepreneurs. Listen in to hear: Clues to let you know there’s a tough conversation waiting to happen. Some classic examples of tough conversations being avoided by executives and entrepreneurs. Two reasons people …
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Bill's marriage may need to end, if he doesn't get something BIG from his partner. This is a live role play from our free weekly zoom call, where subscribers get free coaching on their tough conversations. Listen in to hear: -The SUPER tough conversation Bill needs to have -The great outcome he’s really looking forward to, even if nothing gets reso…
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Martine Rutte has changed the game. By following his conviction that heaven can be experienced right here, right now, he’s managed to play for real almost by default. It’s a great perspective, and one that lines up with my secret mission to get everyone to live a life they enjoy. Listen in for: What Martin’s proud of How he responds to “No’s” How h…
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Torah Bontrager tells the amazing story of her escape from Amish-ism in the middle of the night at age 15! We learn: – The classic children’s story that inspired her to escape – The difficult decision she had to make from the very beginning – What happened when she put a gun to her head, aged 11 – How many attempts it took to escape – Her help from…
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Everyone wants the short route to success, right? In this excerpt from his talk at my live CoachMBA event, Jack Canfield talks about why some people see success and achieve their goals and why others never do. Jack explains: How responsibility can change your life How much control you actually have over your outcomes Blaming others vs 100% responsi…
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Could you use more adventure in your life!? In this interview we cover: - Is Daring the same as living with an adventure mindset? - Why we avoid adventures and what might stop you having an adventure - Smaller steps to an adventure and the power of 1% different - The key to finding adventures - The internal adventures we can take advantage of - How…
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David interviews Byron Katie on how to keep offering your gifts to world in the face of human doubts. Visit the website to see if you qualify for a free Discovery Session with David: Interview Notes: What if I’m not good enough to be a coach/expert? Maybe you’re right! Importance of coaching yourself first | clearing the fie…
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Is life and work a game? WHY it's better to view life as a game. Definition: over there is better than over here. Game requires doubt. If you KNEW how it would turn out….it wouldn’t be interesting anymore. Make the best moves you can. The Games I’m Playing: Money Game – Purpose/Impact Game Health Game Shelter Game Relationship Game. It doesn’t feel…
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The Tough Conversations we avoid tend to take up space and create unnecessary tension in our lives. One of the happiest people David knows, Chris, leads us down the path to happiness beginning with one amazing perspective shift – those tough conversations don’t have to be tough! Join David and Chris in this amazing discussion on the principles of a…
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Yanik Silver is Founder and CEO Maverick1000 an invitation-only, global network of industry transforming entrepreneurs connecting in bold new ways to challenge and collectively support each other's biggest business goals, engage in reinvigorating experiences and co-create a worldwide multiplier impact. In this interview we co…
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David Wood interviews Martin Rutte from Project Heaven on Earth on how to truly enjoy life. INTERVIEW NOTES: Martin’s credibility... Blissfully married after 46 years… Definition of a Game: What is not, is more important than…. Enjoying this, AND looking at what’s next “Play” = “Heaven on Earth”? Brutal AND playful? More House approach to perfectio…
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In this excerpt from Jack's speech at David's live coaching event, Jack speaks about a coaching practice, but this is for anyone with a dream, anyone who needs to market or sell, anyone who gets stopped and doesn’t want to. Entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, go-getters. And anyone who wants to lead, better. JUST SOME OF THE TOPICS: How hungry people are …
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David Wood interviews Byron Katie on how handle the negative self talk of “I’m a failure”, “I’m going to fail”, and “What if I fail?”. Specifically, she takes David through a situation he’s freaking about: “Jack Canfield is coming to speak at my life event; what if I can’t sell any tickets and Jack turns up to talk to three people?”. Bring your OWN…
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Our mission is Thriving Companies, Great Leaders. Avoiding Tough Conversations as leaders keeps us stuck and small, and is horrendously expensive. Our teams and companies are less engaged, experiencing conflict, and sometimes even quitting. But having Tough Conversations with courage and skill can become the defining moments of our careers, our rel…
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